First Lieutenant Clint Lorance is wasting away in Fort Leavenworth, convicted of murder for protecting his soldiers in a war zone. At the Pentagon, there are more than 55 boxes containing handwritten petitions urging clemency for Lorance from several hundred thousand Americans.
Two weeks ago, Trump pardoned a black guy who died in 1946.
This week, Trump granted clemency to a black woman drug dealer because Kim Kardashian asked him to.
I can't take much more of this horrible, cucked Administration.
Trump never even said anything about the leftist violence against his supporters at his own fucking rallies. You think he will go out of his way to pardon people who aren't paying him for it?
Can't wait to rev up the ol meme magic in 2020 to help this kike lose.
All the effective pro-Trump people from 2016 are anti-Trump now. We will see if his remaining boomers and evangelical zionist supporters have the memes to beat us.
They don't
Joseph Johnson
Is he jewish?
Joshua Rivera
Mason Williams
Jason Brooks
keep telling yourself that nigger shill he pardoned a nigger, a kike, a poo, a corpse and a white man. the god emperor will crush any piece of shit commie you lick the boots of.
Kim Kardashian was more sincere & legitimate about her thankfulness than the legitness of protesting done by those National Felons who make much money at their American Hangegg games. That old nigger won't commit a crime, and Trump looks good & the hostility toward the Democrats over the Russian fraud would grow.
The way I see it is that by having Trump do more little things such as willing to work with the Leader of North Korea,and as long as he doesn't screw up, the public will tighten the noose around the Democrats. Not a whole lot every time trump does little things, but enough that the Democrats would be strangled to death over time that they wouldn't even have to drop off a platform to be executed. Basically my video.
What I would like to see is the gutting out of our Prisons.
The illegals get the boot to the very tip of South America, Hait, or the Tip of Africa. The illegal invaders who did a super serious crime such as rape or murder get a one way trip out of the back of a plane without a chute, and the people who deserve a pardon would get one.
Niggers who don't deserve one will end up back in Prison if Trump were to give them a Pardon, but afterward, the public would have zero sympathies for them after they did such a crime after trump gave them a pardon before. This old female black is the face of Pardons if the nigs nig after getting a Pardon the public will hate them.
Henry Anderson
Levi Brooks
David Brown
Alexander Rogers
….i understand pardoning that black guy, but this kike?
What in the fuck? Why? Why pardon him?
Jackson Nelson
Lincoln Brown
i never mentioned hillary, and she's not running in 2020, so PLEASE TELL ME WHO I SHOULD VOTE FOR
Ryder Morgan
How about you do what you want and other Zig Forumsacks do what they want. The hivemind coalesced around Trump. If memes will it, it will again in 2020, or it wont. Depends on how much morehe fucks up and how much morehe genuinely does good work.
Elijah Hill
The board was completely full of you leddit maga faggots for the last 2 years. You said it over and over and over. How? He has done nothing. Lots of people here expected he would at least build the wall. You really should kill yourself.
Isaac Ortiz
If you insist on voting, then vote for whichever zogpuppet you think is the least shit. Now, if you think that being the least shitty zogpuppet is an indication that someone is an amazing person, or "god emperor", then and only then can you truly call yourself a redditor.
Aiden Wood
Look at all these newfaggot shills mouths shut as soon as i pull out some 2016 election defenses. the reason you faggots were banned was because you cant defend these simple arguments and just start to argue the same old kike tactics like 0c58c6 and just repeat arguments they set up. this method of arguing is mentioned specifically in mein kampf.
im just pulling out old catch phrases that expose shills. its not a legitimate question. this specific question was designed to shut shills down. it asks them what they cant answer. they will always either answer to not vote, or just flip it around like notice he pulled out the 2016 response instead of one for the upcoming election, because he doesnt know who to replace "hillary" with since the "other" candidate isnt known.
many of these people are shills user. its not a conspiracy.
sorry your cuck feelings got hurt user, maybe you shouldnt let reddit get your hopes up about presidential candidates?
so predictable… you kikes really need to update that playbook.
sorry (((guys))), unlike most of you, i'm not being paid to be here. i gotta go.
bye bye basement dwelling shills.
Parker Reyes
I think the jew here is you my friend
Brandon Jones
Christopher Campbell
Except it isnt a legitimate defense thenand it isn't one now. You dont vote for the least shitty candidate. That's pure asinine. Trump got elected because he made genuinely good points and had a good platform, and knew how to present it. But he's fallen short and in some ways turned out no different from the usual ZOG cuckservative. You can't defend sone of the shit he's said and done without heavy double think. Like bombing Syria or the constant kike apeasement. That shit dont fly here.
John Hughes
kek did you honestly think he was going to be Hitler? And even Hitler had to play the game a bit before going full Reich. Jesus Christ, bunch of fucking babies.
Except Hitler never compromised both in actions and words, he always eventually got what he wanted. Trump has compromised a hell of a lot.
Connor Hughes
Its a different era, this one being completely controlled by kikes from the top down. The world Hitler took power in is vastly different from the world we live in now.
Grayson Peterson
And Trump is not even close to Hitler. His promises didn't need to be compromised on, they were in line with the social and political climate
Cooper Bell
Justin Mitchell
Never said he was retard. It's you who is projecting this visage of Hitlarian expectations on the fucking guy,. But now I see why this thread was made. Because trump is considering a pardon of the Hammond brothers.
Scooter libby + Bolton is all that needs to be said. While some would argue this is 100000089999 dimension chess to placate ((them)) others would say it's more a case of the status quo with some angry tweets and inaction to placate the td cucks. They are just as insufferable as the women who share "i was gangbanged by 75 refugees here is why you should try it" articles.
Parker Taylor
Don't make it seem like you're putting in so much effort when you make a D&C shill thread
Austin Foster
He isn't Hitler but neither did his campaign imply it. We expected Trump, who promised uncompromising stances on things like immigration, but got a compromising figure
Oliver Thomas
Adrian Morales
Thats literally a lie, and you're still doing it.
Trump cucked America. And yes, zamericans were betrayed. To Jews. By Trump.
Another lie.
Vote for the person who isn't in service to jews. I know.
Logan Moore
It's truly a mystery as to why you r/the_donald cucks choose to subvert in such a jewish manner. Really makes you think.
Go do something useful with your life instead of shilling up the boards, Moshe.
Landon Adams
Do something good for the world and kill yourself, Zionist.
Dylan Russell
(((Blumpf))) was the worst thing to ever happen to Zig Forums and it would be better if Hillary won for the single reason that this place wouldn't be derailed by endless shitflinging over that baby-raping Rothschild puppet
Joshua Foster
To who, and at what cost? Even giving this dumb whore the time of day would be foolish enough, but to actually use your powers as president to do something tangible for her? It's fucking absurd, especially when you branded yourself a "law & order" candidate, and that's without even getting into the fact that her "celebrity status" is owed entirely to the very same fake news media that is dedicated to your complete destruction. Not many positive explanations for how something so utterly irrelevant could even be anywhere near the top of the priority list, and a schizophrenic rapper and his harlot wife maybe, possibly putting out a semi-reasonable tweet is hardly a good deal. Refusing to pander to slivers of the electorate who will never vote for him was one of the main reasons he won in the first place, and he certainly doesn't need to be doing it now.
Nathan Richardson
This is why he is going so hard on the nigger pandering. He barely squeaked by in the last election because the evangelical, pro-israel bloc CANNOT win elections on their own. He already completely wiped out his chances of ever securing the anti-interventionist, anti-israel, and genuine White Nationalist portions of the vote [which are larger than people think, they basically put Trump over the top] ever again. He was never going to do anything but stab those people in the back, so he isn't concerned with keeping their vote.
He wants to make it up with blacks and browns. He is a puppet of jewish capital and his views have not changed since the 90s. He is still the same chucklefuck who was pulled out of Schlomo's back pocket to act as a stalking horse against Pat Buchanan every single time. The real difference now is that the US is genuinely disintegrating and international jewry does NOT have sufficient hooks in all of their fallback plans.
Aiden Roberts
The (((establishment))) left hates him because he isn't pro-establishment or leftist enough, the anti-establishment right hates him because he isn't anti-establishment or right-wing enough, who the fuck likes him? the military? He went full retard by selling out his base (by completely failing to help the demographics by failing to build a wall, failing to ban moslems, failing to deport illegals, failing to reduce/shut down legal immigration, failing to shut down H1B poo in loo job undercutters; utterly failing to protect the 2nd amendment, he has done literally nothing pro-gun besides say he is and he actually successfully pushed harsh gun control in many states like Florida, Washington, Minnesota and more IIRC; failing to curtail the American zionist foreign policy by warmongering with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Syria who he literally bombed twice and aided the propaganda campaign against Assad by calling him an animal who gasses his own babies, he keeps promoting increasing the military budget when we already have the highest military budget in the world by far and one of the highest per capita and we have no threats at all; he has the power to write executive orders that can do a lot of crazy things like obongo did and he doesn't do jack shit, he's never done a fucking thing, all he has done that is positive is improving the economy and any republican would have done that), now he's gonna lose reelection to Warren/Booker or something. You know what would be worse than Hillary? Fucking Elizabeth Warren. At least Clinton has this sort of hyperbolic evil vibe to her, she's almost endearing in a morbid way. Like, "muhahahah, I am the evil witch! >:DDD" Warren is just a disgusting cunt and I would hate to hear her voice all the time.
Noah Robinson
I don't think Trump would pardon him, but he should.
(((Rubashkin))) did more than just commit bank fraud, he also had illegal aliens working at the kosher plant, and underage sex and rape was occurring there as well. This Jew represents everything that the so-called MAGA movement is against, yet Trump pardoned him.
Thomas Reyes
Brandon Rodriguez
Everyone is a shill. Some shill for the left, some for the right; some shill for Zig Forums, some shill for Zig Forums. No matter what you do, no matter who you are, if your message isn't your own original thought, you are a shill.
Ryder Green
Free him. Bring the troops home.
Leo Bell
Nope, observed shilling for years.
Angel Gutierrez
wew, totally new and news worthy next you are going to tell me that mr goldstein and mr shekelberg pulled the strings this has never happened before pol i wonder what this means i also never read mein kampf, never heard about hitler either, and i am somehow banned from here yet
man where did pol go now? i wanna be there, not here and not on halfchan, what's the new old pol?
Ethan Rodriguez
P… pure coincidence!
Xavier Stewart
That's because his case was talked about endlessly on Zionist cuckservative media. I heard about him nonstop on Sean Hannity's radio show, for example, and also on(((Michael Savage))) and (((Michael Medved)))'s shows as well.
Landon Fisher
At least not electorally, anyway. The only way things are going to be turned around is if there is a coup d'état by elements in the armed forces that are sick of this shit (seems unlikely as of now) or armed revolution, but speaking about the latter gets you called FBI or a glow-in-the-dark CIA Nigger, despite the fact that this country has a long history of armed revolts, see Shays' Rebellion.
Julian Carter
Arpaio is a big israel firster.
Josiah Foster
yer literally taking on america buddy
Noah Long
Shit like this is how I know Trump is Jew cucked. Pardoning Rubashkin but not Clint. Perfect analogy for the Trump admin.
Lincoln Rodriguez
we're ahead of the curve, again. ZOGnald 2020 is kaput.
Aaron King
They can't win elections anymore. That's why Trump was so careful with his allusions toward isolationism during his campaign. The portion of the population who is 100% aware of what the Federal Reserve is, who owns it, what our foreign policy is actually about, etc., is much bigger than anyone wants to admit. It is not big enough to win any election, but the Republican party [which wants nothing to do with it] can't win without it.
Caleb Nguyen
I voted for trump and shilled for him. Feels sad that I'll have to post anti-Trump memes now. Can't say he didn't earn it though. 2020 is going to feel like a sand dildo for the Trump digital team compared to 2016.
Matthew Torres
This is beyond Trump now. NO MORE ZOG
Josiah Foster
I'm all for not worshipping an open zionist, but I can't honestly understand why you seem to think electing whatever openly marxist candidate the dems are going to throw at us is any kind of improvement.
Benjamin Murphy
I was a Trump supporter. I am not someone who can be bought with words. I have zero miles of wall to show for my support while Israel is getting their Jerusalem embassy. That, plus the myriad other things within his executive power like OP's issue, show that Trump doesn't have American interests in mind. A drug dealing nigger who has ties to Kardashians gets a pardon while this poor good goyim doesnt.
There is no good argument to vote for Trump anymore. It was always 'let's give him a shot'. Well he was given a shot. Aside from a few slight boons like a better economy which is worse from an accelerationists perspective, there's hardly any reason to justify the Trump admin. It's just as gay, nigger, jew cucked as Jeb's would have been if not moreso. At least Jeb would have been more of a coward instead of going full hog for Israel.
Nah, the meme ley lines have been disconnected from Trump which is why there's no new Trump memes aside from low effort cuckchan shitskin edits.
Thomas Wood
Fuck off, anons are disgusted at his pandering to ZOG and no wall.
Mason Morales
>(((1))) and done shareblue template thread reminder to report op, the leftycuck shills larping as Trump supporters, and redditor scum