Caracciolo, Lucio (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, Limes
Italian journalist
Carney, Mark J. (GBR), Governor, Bank of England
Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Institut Montaigne; Chairman, Steering Committee Bilderberg Meetings
AXA CEO, huge insurance group. Longtime Bildergberg
Cattaneo, Elena (ITA), Director, Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology, University of Milan
Italia senator, stem cell research, university of Milan
Cazeneuve, Bernard (FRA), Partner, August Debouzy; Former Prime Minister
French politician
Cebrián, Juan Luis (ESP), Executive Chairman, El País
Biggest spanish journal
Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of International Trade
Canada politician
Cohen, Jared (USA), Founder and CEO, Jigsaw at Alphabet Inc.
* Google jewish representant
Colao, Vittorio (ITA), CEO, Vodafone Group
European businessman, industry and media
Cook, Charles (USA), Political Analyst, The Cook Political Report
USA media specialist, polling etc…
Dagdeviren, Canan (TUR), Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab
MIT media research, propaganda ?
Donohoe, Paschal (IRL), Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform
Irish politician , ministry finance
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE
"I am a non-Jewish Zionist" German media, Merkel.
Ecker, Andrea (AUT), Secretary General, Office Federal President of Austria
? Austria politician
Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
* Italian industrialist, Exor holding company (owns Ferrari, Fiat, etc…)
Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General, Ministry of the Armed Forces
French Intelligence agency
Enders, Thomas (DEU), CEO, Airbus SE
European industrial
Fallows, James (USA), Writer and Journalist
? USA, Democrat, media
Ferguson, Jr., Roger W. (USA), President and CEO, TIAA
USA Federal reserve, retirement fund TIAA, spouse likely jewish, Alphabet / Google
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
British political journalist, writer, "a fully paid-up member of the neo-imperialist gang", British empire fan, Wife is journalist, need digging, worked with jews all his life.
Fischer, Stanley (USA), Former Vice-Chairman, Federal Reserve; Former Governor, Bank of Israel
* Federal reserve, Bank of Israel
Gilvary, Brian (GBR), Group CFO, BP plc
British Petroleum
Goldstein, Rebecca (USA), Visiting Professor, New York University
* Writer, public intellectual
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV
? Italian journalist, former politician, European Parliament, left-wing, La7 TV, Israel-Palestine conflict specialist
Hajdarowicz, Greg (POL), Founder and President, Gremi International Sarl
? Polish Journalist, journal is Rzeczpospolita, read by educated polish, Gremi company, distribution pharmaceutical products
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Chairman Foundation Bilderberg Meetings
? Dutch Economist, Ministry of Finance in the 1980s, Goldman Sachs, Fights child exploitation
Hassabis, Demis (GBR), Co-Founder and CEO, DeepMind
? Deepmind / Alphabet, tech / gaming specialist
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation; Former European Commissioner
? Danish Politician, then journalist, Climate change
Helgesen, Vidar (NOR), Ambassador for the Ocean
Norwegian diplomat and politician for the Conservative party, Climate change
Herlin, Antti (FIN), Chairman, KONE Corporation
Richest person in Finland, industrialist KONE company
Hickenlooper, John (USA), Governor of Colorado
? USA Politician, Democrat, First wife was journalist (The New Yorker etc…)
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC
? Dreamworks Animation Chairman, Ariel Investments, Starbucks Corporation, Georges Lucas wife
Hodgson, Christine (GBR), Chairman, Capgemini UK plc
? Capgemini is an international media company and education, has acquired a large amounts of European Companies mostly media.
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn; Partner, Greylock Partners
* LinkedIN chairman, Influencer, Greylock Partners is venture capital firm, Dave Goldberg “Hoffman is the person you want to talk to when you are starting a company.”, pro immigration
Horowitz, Michael C. (USA), Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
* Largest library of drug literature, Author
Hwang, Tim (USA), Director, Harvard-MIT Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative
CEO FiscalNote, global software and media company