Could someone from Russia explain this? For me it seems using the Internet in useful way in Russia is just a crime.
Could someone from Russia explain this? For me it seems using the Internet in useful way in Russia is just a crime
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I ain't clicking that Dmitrij.
Russia continue to ban (((VPNs))), Jewish invention for degeneracy spreading. There is nothing wrong with that.
Go back to your fuckshack, Anglin.
Disgusting. I hope you get the Orwellian future you marxist jews deserve, just not in the west.
>Russia continue to ban (((VPNs))), Jewish invention for degeneracy spreading. There is nothing wrong with that.
Yeah it's not like VPNs are being banned for making easier to spot bad goyim and silence them or anything like that :^)
Actually most VPNs are just data mining for Israel and friend.
Anyone else remember the Hola! VPN fiasco?
You can't ban Tor anyways so there's no problem
Tor is Fed owned at this point. They hold what, 90% of nodes?
Fuck I forgot about that… Actually you are exaggerating, the software itself can't be controlled and the nodes are all over the world
The actual issue was that the FBI was able to see any exploits in the code before anyone else and still don't need to reveal to the public these exploits.
That's actually worse.
There must be an alternative to Tor…
Maybe shit like this is why VPNs are banned
I2P is still out there, but it's half-dead.
Russia is implementing some very vague thoughtcrime laws at the moment, which can be used to imprison anyone at any time for any reason. FSB deems you undesirable, finds your VK profile and posts a swastika or an ISIS flag on your wall. Bam, you are now a dangerous extremist. You liked a certain post 5 years ago? Well, tough shit, that post's contents are now illegal and you are behind bars. These are real examples, by the way, the system's first test drives.
100% of Russian social media is now under govt control, and now they are banning VPNs to ensure no one slips the net. The only exception is Telegram, which FSB is now flooding with honeypot groups.
But of course, Sperglin and other pro-Putin retards are interpreting this shit as "protecting Russians from degeneracy", while the country is turning into a 1984 nightmare to rival Bongistan.
Kill yourself kike.
Soft power and deception vs unmasked imeperialism. This will always be the America-Russia dialectic so don't hold any illusions.
I do not hold any illusions. It's just the idiots and the shills who wouldn't know despotism if it bit them in the ass. There's authoritarianism and benevolent dictatorship, and then there's callous, inhuman tyranny against anyone who steps out of line.
You write a negative comment online about mudslimes, FSB tips off Kadyrov's goons about it. You get beaten up by a gang of Chechens, your family humiliated, your house trashed and all this will end up online. The church designates your house a historical monument, sues you for improper management of cultural heritage, seizes your house and gives it to one of its own. Why? Because they can. Bunch of kids burn alive in a fire in a huge shopping mall, the mall's owner gets a new government contract to build another mall. Why? Because he's Putin's friend. Your boss tells you to go vote for Putin, you refuse, you lose your job and on the next day the police pull you over and find drugs on you.
Not saying it's better in the West, but Russia has long ago surpassed South American shitholes in naked oppression of innocent citizens.
This is why you carefully select a vpn and not the first one that shows up when you search "FREE VPN"
There are good guides online on what to pay attention to to not step into shit when it comes to vpns.
LatAm was akshually always more or less free. Crime and mestizos, yes, but free on a street ad live-and-let-live livel. I knew quite a few Russians in Peru, for example, doing well for themselves.
The problem here is that in addition to having your regular crime, you now have government-mandated and organized crime. It's like being back in the 90's, when people would try and reason with bandits and kingpins rather than talk to the police. And back then, crime was not organized along ethnic lines. Under Putin, you have kike oligarchs completely owning the upper levels of the economy (oil and gas, etc.), mudslime oligarchs owning the lower levels (retail chains, malls, tobacco and alcohol trade) and Chechen apes under Kadyrov acting as attack dogs and enforcers against anyone who disagrees. No matter what you do and however you behave, one day you will become a target.
That's true, but the problem is the US is funding so many activists and so many internet shills they actually need to put people in jail for flimsy reason or else they're gonna get color revolution'd by retards instigated by people being payed salaries on US tax dollars.
(can't archive it; not surprised).
Remember that a good salary in Moscow is $12k a year, and much lower everywhere else. Do you realize the ARMY of pro-US professional militants this kind of money buys the US?
And that's the above board money directly given by Congress to finance political activities in a foreign country (which is wrong on so many levels). Not the countless NGO networks and CIA laundering houses pumping maybe 100th times that…
And you're not gonna put kids that listened and believe to Navalny or whoever bullshit in jail for actual treason and espionage charges (which is textbook what the action of taking money from a foreign state to foster dissent in yours is. But there is simply too many people involved) but just some vague shit to either get them to wise up (funny how the young militant is suddenly far less convinced of his ideals in the face of the threat of getting jail-raped by a pack of Chechens for days) or send them 3 months in Siberia logging trees make sure they never get hired anywhere for being convicts, 90% of them will fall of the grid and kill themselves via alcoholism/krokodil… 9% will become criminals (and the you can get them to do hard time), 1% will become radicals (and will fuck up the well oiled US PR machines by doing dumb stuff. And then you can arrest them for actual treason).
It's a very efficient way of suppression (it's the cold war FBI tactic BTW…)
Note that far-right movements in ex-East blocs are largely payed shills by the CIA… It's the same shit the KGB was doing with leftists in the West with guys would have immediately get executed two days after an actual commie gov' would have taken root.
The important thing is the unrest, not who's doing it.
Just look at Ukraine supposedly nat-soc revolution that has a gov' that only does what the IMF is telling them (and how all the guys that were actual natsoc got quickly involved in police shootouts)…
That's the true paradigm shift right there. Russia is using cold war FBI tactics, the US is using cold war KGB tactics…
Anyone want to hazard (((what))) changed?
You are telling the truth, but from the point of Putin being a legitimate ruler and not a mafia boss. It is very hard for anyone living outside Russia to imagine just how fucked up he is. American interference did not cause him to gradually tighten nuts on the population. And it was not American influence that forced him to put actual Russian nationalists (this includes anyone from NatSocs to monarchists) and independent journalists into prison or get them accidented. No one forced him to establish a propaganda network that openly pisses down people's ears and tells them it's raining.
The problem here is that Putin and his friends consider themselves something akin to gods, while everyone else is cattle fit only to be sheared and slaughtered. Remind you of (((anyone)))? They wanted absolute power over every single living being, and now that they have achieved this goal, they are now fucking with people just for the hell of it. This bunch has no morals, no conscience and no decency to hold them back, and there is not a low to which they won't sink. Think Mexican cartels - same MO, same behavior.
At this point, choosing between West and Russia is not even an issue of choosing a lesser evil. They are both fucking monstrous.
Didn't that get banned as well recently?
They're working on it. Most internet providers are blocking it already. Part of the reason they are banning VPNs, to make circumventing the block illegal.
current wave of russian internet censorship is an attempt to prevent color revolutions which are usually formed through massive use of social media, messengers and bots, as well as NGOs mingeling in domestic affairs.
Telegram is good for Russians but it's bad for them, too, since Soros' minions can breed there.
Are you saying censorship is good?
Are lolbergs wrong after all? A free society is always susceptible to so called 'color revolutions' so that means China was right all along?
How would you deal with the situation, user?
If jewish way is effective, just use jewish way and spread own propaganda instead introducing retarded law.
I know many people are very naive and they believe in these jewish promises, however why they are such naive?
Oh wait this explains everything
Fucking Telegram refuses to hand over information to authorities
Fucking ISIS LOVES to use Telegram
Well boys mystery solved Putin is based
I'm surprised there's no decentralized open source alternative to Telegram. Well I guess you would need an address of some sorts to send to like IP without a central server…
I still don't know how libertarian values come into this
Back to dvach, liberachi.
Russia has 14 million muslims. No other way to combat terrorism.
/nupol/ told me that Russian Muslim are not like your western Muslim, their are indigenous, very responsible, are integral, necessary and peaceful part of the Russian community. You argument fails.
Russia has a larger library information than the west.
Nice joke.
Stop watching RT.
Russia is a fucking jungle. Enjoy shit food, garbage education, nonexistent healthcare, kavkazniggers everywhere and angry helpless ruskies.
B-but Putin is the saviour of the white race! I saw him riding naked on a horse and stuff! You're a kike!
How is that happening “accidently”?
Starts with there is no formalin in the drug cupboard.
Ends with formalin bottles don’t look like saline solution, have their content written on it.
Ω, η ειρωνεία!
0. Wash face twice a day.
1. Pop all white and black heads
2. Use hot water to open and clean pores.
3. Use cold water to close and soothe pores.
4. Pat face dry with soft cotton towel.
5. Get bitches.
Washing is good but soaking is best.
Hot water releases heat-shock proteins.
Cold water releases cold-shock proteins.
Both make you feel good and help repair the body.
Do not touch or pick at face throughout the day.
See results in a month or less.
Clear face in six months to a year.
Never really comes back.
Daily reminder that Putin is best friends with Erdogan and is absolutely kicking Iran out of Syria right now because Netanyahu asked him to.
You won't read about it at Sperglin's, of course.
are you new here?
That Putin's FSB literally saved Erdogan's life, as well as his regime, from the CIA/Gulenist orchestrated failed "coup" against him?
Or that Iran is getting the fuck away from the Israeli-Syrian border because Putin doesn't want the Revolutionary Guards messing around in "his" territory?
Both are known facts. Correction: known to those who venture outside Sperglin's fuck shack.
Best thing. Operation team that made mistake immediately knew that they made fuck up, made quick fix with lavement but didn't report about that until patient went extreamly bad. Re-animators team who got patient after operation didn't knew the reason why patient is suffering from such pain for 24 hours.
Muslim tatars everywhere in Russian governing positions. Here is you answer
Worse than 1984
reminder that single motherhood and divorces with child confiscation in based trad russia are so prevalent you americunts should consider yourself lucky
Yeah it was exactly that Dmitri, not a everyday occurrence
russia merely offered support well into the coup. after it erdogan had practically had to turn to russia away from the US
iran is not participating in the liberation of the golan area because israel would excuse their presence to atack syrian forces and prevent the destruction of terrorists there. yet iran can still covertly deploy their forces safely to the area after the SAA establishes control and airdefense perimiters. at this point such an option is faster and safer for iran than getting directly involved
still not a source. not even an archive link to some /sg/ where this was discussed
Concentrating on another country's "freedom" always seems like a great idea doesn't it, fellow user? There are so many of them.