President Donald Trump Reportedly Considering Pardons For the Oregon Ranchers Who Inspired Malheur Takeover
Dwight and Steven Hammond were convicted of arson on federal lands, which angered Ammon and Ryan Bundy.
President Donald Trump Reportedly Considering Pardons For the Oregon Ranchers Who Inspired Malheur Takeover
Dwight and Steven Hammond were convicted of arson on federal lands, which angered Ammon and Ryan Bundy.
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Kike free first post
Also shills will ignore this
Yea I made it in response to the, "Why hasnt Trump pardoned white men?", thread. I just came across this story as I was browsing that thread. That's likely why it was made, to get out in front of this news.
WEW look how fast this was slid
Like the shills who ignored Rabushkin and Bush's real puppetmaster Scooter Leibowitz?
Notice how the Washington Post has no sources or confirmation for this. They’re just trying to rile up the left.
Looks like they suckered you, too, OP.
Oh, and FYI: I made the Clint Lorance thread. I’ve been advocating for a pardon for Clint for over a year now. Why would I feel the need to “get out in front” of an obviously fake WaPo story?
Because you're a fucking jew.
k, faggot, that totally makes sense
There is a petition up for their pardon that's about to reach its goal, like 200 signatures needed. It was also the 9th circuit court that overturned their case to get them a stricter sentence. The same 9th court that's been a thorn in Trumps side. Trump would pardon them just to spite the 9th circus.
These past few pardons have just been a practice run, if you can't understand this is how Trump operates by now I honestly cant help you.
Every one celebrated when kamphy went, but I said with just Global Rules this place will turn into a mirror of cuckpol. It needs a BO and no jews sign at the front with some standards for creating an OP.
yo nigga this is good news my man if trump really does pardon them then ill go from neutral to leaning at good, but so far hes been balanced so maybe this is because he let that jew banker guy out
still if he pardons them then that gives them standing to press their land claim and they have an
this could be rly rly good because private land is the one thing we need to start dissolving the cancer.
email the ssc and ask for a copy of the contract, ssc act, they will send you back a lettter saying that ssc is voluntary. then you can keep your baby a state citizen instead of a US citizen, no blood for the leech. Dont claim them on your taxes, you are still a US citizen because its gay to get rid of it so your child and grandchild can be free state citizens
There should be a filter for thread only and one for board wide.
Fucking cut shill impact by such a huge margin.
Anyone else notice this pattern?
This. Call me when it's actually done, not on "planning" stage.
See to believe.
Do it.
Unless…your the shill
But yes your not wrong in your pervaying
Oof this got slid hard.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the complete and utter hypocrisy of you kike-owned chucklefucks
Oh but trump doesn't have to think twice about pardoning his fucking kike buddies or some drug dealing nigger?
I'd like to see this.
Remember when Trump reportedly considered putting Hillary in jail?
Yea, sadly I do.
Trump is making me lose hope tbh. I used to consider that Democrat and Republicans were two ends of the same snake. I'm almost certain of it now.
Yea, the ZOG emperor is clever.
Bump :^)
Bump for enraged kike shills :^)
Did Blumpf have to 'consider' pardoning the meatpacking Lubavitcher kike?
The entire concept of debt makes no sense on such a scale, because the wealth doesn't even exist to pay it back. It might at well not even exist.
Yeah, there have been dozens of these "according to anonymous sources, Trump is considering…." Nothing ever has come from them.
Judge Trump by his thoroughly Jewish actions. Not by rumors of what he is considering doing or the bullshit he spouts off for the morons at his rallies.
They're really trying to subvert this thread.
what is there to subvert? Trump is a traitor
My god you niggers are dumn. Filtered the cuckold, black dick loving Zig Forums rat. Christ, that board is so fucking dead all they do is shit-post here nowadays. That's how you know you've won, Zig Forums.
Is this what Zig Forums has devolved to? Blumpkin is a kike puppet if not a jew himself, and you don't have a pet roach or team of jew volunteers to keep you from that fact anymore.
When they spam their "Trump is a kike" pictures, it's always done in such unison, with every picture looking like it was created by the same one or two people. Yet we're not supposed to notice. Fucking retards…
That's because it literally doesn't exist. It's borrowed from the future and everyone just assumes it'll show up on schedule.
t. BA economics
except this thread doesn't have 'trump is a kike' images
so here's one, it probably looks like others because it was 9 seconds in mspaint
I wonder what the net worth of all people on the planet is vs. the value of all money in circulation. I wonder how much wealth exists that isn't actually accounted for. I have no knowledge of this stuff and just thinking about it turns my mind in circles. It makes no sense. Wealth exists, but it doesn't.
there isn't, was posting in anticipation of it inevitably happening.
Obama pardoned memebers is the weather underground and no one cared
Why just pardon, why not expose the corruption as well ? I thought magapedes were supposed to want wins, to go for the bigly. Wouldn't Trump himself say that losers settle for not being in prison ?
Bumping to piss off the kikes in this thread.
Way to go kikes, you are the biggest argument for sticking to Trump. You have absolutely nothing and instead of weakening his position you are only further cementing it by baiting anons into replying and defending/explaining Trump's moves. I, for one, am going to keep defending and supporting Trump just to spite you kikeshills.
I believe that is is absolutely vital that you kill yourselves infront of your family, kikeslaves
Hello, plebbit glad you could join us.
Based zionist necon jews
You retards can't even pull off an insult properly.
Maybe you are too braindamaged.
and that's a good thing
At least you aren't trying to hide it Moshe.
The only value of shitkids is as propaganda tools against Pissrael.
This they just want to ruffle feathers
Ryan Bundy to launch bid for governor's office without Jew support, how will it turn out???
Do they not even check the images they put together?