VOP Alpha Co - Team Pulaski found skulls at a NEW site.
They are on LIVE video on Facebook trying to wait for police to come out. It's unknown who owns this land.
VOP Alpha Co - Team Pulaski found skulls at a NEW site.
They are on LIVE video on Facebook trying to wait for police to come out. It's unknown who owns this land.
Other urls found in this thread:
A skull or multiple skulls?
Big difference.
Bumpity bump
The big one
They are saying one skull, but I saw two at least on their live feed. One was up right and another was on it's side.
They claim to have adult bones scattered around as well so they know the difference in size between child and adult.
Vets would know that. For sure
This one is different.
adult are bigger than child FYI
I'm not expert or anything, I just saw the new find and wanted to get the word out here.
The detective work done on the construction site was impressive the other day.
They were claiming it was a child's skull they found and people in the comment sections were trolling them and saying how did they know it was a child's. That's why I put the extra comments.
Remember, even short adults have relative large heads
The cops finally came at the end 4 min of their last live video and were really going in on them. Not sure what's next, but this is interesting.
4chan's Zig Forums is getting shilled into the dirt because of this.
Shills gonna shill. The media is going to sweep under the rug and snopes posted they didn't find anything. LE isn't working with them well.
Everyone seems against these guys, but they keep going and believe they are on a Mission from God. I'm not saying I agree with that, but they are going hard and not stopping.
This is the new PIZZAGATE
Facebook is taking down their videos without notice.
thats it? a skull? thats all those retards have to go on?
sage for shilling
I don't trust this one bit. Why is the skull just laying there in the open like this? What are the details of them having found it?
I work with bones for a living. Someone get them to take a picture of the UNDERSIDE of the skull, where it joins to the spine, and also the upper BACK o the skull where the seams show from where the plates joined. This will allow me to confirm if this is a real skull or a cast (they always fuck up the bottom because they assume nobody will look.) and if it is real, how mature the person actually was at time of death.
Be objective here. We have no reason to trust these people, and we must always be suspicious even when we do. If this was a rothschilds kill-field, the whole fucking story makes no sense. Dig into ALL angles and ALL parties. Do not allow your bias to cloud your vision.
Did they state why the deletion? What flavor is the hole that youtube is digging now?
The audacity of this jew
Learn to make a proper OP you useless tit.
Michael Meyer and his team of old vets, desert people, and hillbillies are fighting the jewish industrial complex he is dog whistling like a beast…bankers this banker that. Pedophile government, Fuck Trump, Clinton, Soetoro. Making excellent points about the border situation that has been going on getting worse every year for decades.
They appear stupid and retarded to normies as a result put hatred on themselves. Spread this like wildfire
It's worse than that. She's trying to be sarcastic
Go eat your gerber allotment
The bitch is opening up a window of opportunity
Fire away
its fucking nothing
People find skulls in their backyard all the time
The only skulls I find in my backyard belong to raccoons and birds.
He's just constantly moving the fucking camera around so it never is in god damned focus. He never shows the back of the skull and never shows the bottom, or ANY surfaces that allow for identification.
I fucking carve skulls and make reproductions from resins, I can verify this as human or fake, but not from this garbage video.
She's worried bout something
Reminder that short adult hispanics do not tend to have correspondingly small heads.
Damn, that is small. It'd make sense if this is was a child, it's too big to be an animals, at least what the picture shows. It'd make sense why these guys are getting shit on, God knows they're doing great work if this all is on a kike's kill fields.
It never ended.
Any skull found outside an grave site or other body disposal area is immediately considered an criminal matter when found. Every time. Sometimes its pretty obvious when its some old ass settler shit that was dug up on accident, in which case the cops call in local archeological experts to confirm, but until vetted, its locked down like an crime scene. There are billion dollar construction projects constantly shut down due to finding old bodies because of that.
Considering where these guys are, its highly unlikely to be old settlement issues. Making it very likely to be recent. If its near any major trafficking areas, its very likely an actual crime scene. If its a bit off the normal path the fuckers take, it could just be some wetback bitch and her kid that got lost and the sun roasted em.
Guess we get to wait and see. Bretty cool, since this just upped the vets investigation from 'crackpot' to 'legit' in anyones eyes whom are not bought off.
It's good they actually have something that needs to be investigated and compared to missing persons database. Time will tell.
Thats if its reported, most people sell the bones on the darknet or pave over the evidence.
MSNBC already debunked this yesterday. Nothing to see here. Just a toy skull.
Updated info. (((They))) are reacting. Screencap for normies. Can't give much more for now without compromising position.
Real name: Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer
DOB: 11-26-1978
Self proclaimed former addict.Has cult like following of those discarded by society and those that need a cause.Homeless, addicts, weaponized autism, boomer patriots, the sperg right, Qlarps and holy rollers. Meyer is very intelligent. He started the gravy train under veteran camps for personal army and well over 100k in gibs.Starts new causes when gibs run low.Baits muhguns for alphabet honeypot.Loves 511s,tac gear,patches,haji scarves,and milspeak.VetLARP.Meyer cannot carry weapons because he's a felon (+4×) has his personal army carry weapons for him.Mark McConnell was his last handler.Sawyer may be his new one. Never forget: Arthur always has immunity.
Updated info part II. Screencap for normies. Can't give much more for now without compromising position.
Meyer: Long rap sheet in multiple states (AZ, OH, ND, FL, NC, SC, VA). He has scrubbed records. Just to get you started:
1. Case # 08-03-K-03582 Felony Class C -Aggravated Assault-N.Dakota-Dec 2003
2. Multiple Criminal Mischief charges to include case #0803K03246
3. Felony Contact with bodily fluids Case #0803K02780
4. Assault-MA, multiple
5. Multiple disorderly conduct
6. Domestic Violence charges Case#99CRB03510 Ohio
7.Felony Illegal Processing Drug Documents Case# 1998CRA01046
8. Felony Deception to Obtain Drugs
9. Petit Theft
10. 5299 Weapon Offense DISMISSED by DA
Agent Provocateur. CI. Oregon Standoff.Pigeon drops.Smuggle from Minnesota.Bundy Ranch
Blaine Cooper Jeff Kagan Batman John Hildinger
Ray Olsen John Wayne DV Grim Ken Schneider
Gary Hunt Deb Jordan Alyssa Bailey Mark West Greg Whalen Duane Ehmer Melina Grace Santilli Maureen Peltier
Called Jon Ritz during Oregon standoff at 3am stating a Walmart warehouse in Tucson was a FEMA deathcamp to bait him. Ask why Meyer was chased out of PHX. Ask why Meyer left Phx for Tucson right after the death of VOP co founder Tristan "Batman" Knight.
Multiple affairs on wife Flora "Flow" Troy Meyer. To include with Nikole Cooley.
Unsolved murder of VOP cofounder Tristan Knight at old camp at Salt River. Drowned in 1" of water.Arthur last to see him alive.
Updated info Part III. Screencap for normies.
Screwy Louie's "ministry" are online holy rollers and his homeless followers. He has built a militia to do his bidding.No brick and mortar church.Research names given. Glow in the dark honeypot for radical right wing extremists baited to show up with guns for muh freedom. Refuge replay. AETV America on Fire.AKA Louie Prepper.Verified unemployed since 2002.Testified against Ritzheimer who is now in fed prison, Arthur testified in defense of Mark McConnell.PAID.Ask Ritz and Maureen Peltier about Arthur's physical attack on mentally handicapped homeless woman.He needs more gas and gift cards.The world is his stage.Arthur gathers intel on extremists, organizers,radicals and militias.His fb is a honeypot to amass intel.Feds want to know who is willing to bring firepower and donate gibs in the name of 'Merica.
Ask yourself how Arthur makes money.Know who is signing over military benefits, SSI,SSDI monies for Arthur to "manage".Ask about POAs.Read article on Meyer getting arrested at Tucson hospital, where he brought an elderly female USMC veteran with dementia from Phx to Tucson. Meyer deleted his real personal page due to tagging.Vulnerable women that stayed on camps say Louie gave them drugs, used drugs with them, sexual assault, and rape.
The happening will be an incident with cartels or an incident with TPD, DEA, BP or ATF.The ones in full kit and armed will be the ones that go down. The more patriots that come, the better. Meyer will conveniently be behind the fence, just as he was when his bros were arrested for trespassing at the initial "rape camp". Fast and Furious part 2? Never forget: Arthur has immunity.
I don't follow m8
One can even see fleshy material on the fuckin skull. It's fairly fresh
the dubs have blessed us with a close up.
Something fishy's going on, this entire thread reeks.
>Michael Meyer and his team of old vets, desert people, and hillbillies
>are fighting the jewish industrial complex
Are you legally retarded, or just lost?
No user. It can be both. Do not make judgements until you have the info. It's more likely that these guys are both insane and partially right, than neither.
user, you can buy human bones from China, on the clearnet. I've looked into it.
The odds of it being real are higher than it being plastic. Still, untill the motherfuckers post a DECENT FUCKING IMAGE, instead of the bullshit they're doing now, it can not be confirmed either way. Honestly I want to beat the shit out of them for how bad they are with their fucking phone camera.
The newfags won't listen to anything. They have no logic or deduction skills and cannot do an objective investigation.
That's stretching a bit. That looks like generic hippie-glass.
That is not fleshy material, and the image is too shit to see if it's staining or dirt. The color of the exposed bone though implies that the forehead has been exposed to the sun for several seasons though. Bones don't age evenly user. This is not fresh, it's been there for at least a year, probably a lot longer, but I have no way to actually tell because these idiots can't use a fucking camera and are too busy rambling off crazy-shit instead of TAKING SOME DECENT PHOTOS FROM MULTIPLE ANGLES!
Yes I'll agree with the year or so timeframe. That's fresh-ish in my book. The boiling of the skull would remove most of the soft shit then the desert sun and the critters could take care of the rest over a season or two
If they had boiled the skull, it would've likely fractured by now. A boiled bone is a brittle bone, and it wouldn't look like this. I can't say for certain how it would look though, as that would vary dramatically depending on the conditions it were left in afterwards. Essentially the minerals and oils get leeched out to a large degree from boiling, which leads to #1 a more porous and spongie bone (which means it absorbs the materials it's buried in, stains easier, and is far far more brittle. ) and we'd see more splitting of the bone plates where they're fused as well. Also with the skull looking as it is, it has staining from the oils going rancid on parts of it (though I suspect the face it's self has been partially buried most of this time.) which makes me suspect that this has been sitting out there for a while. The strange thing is how not dirty it is, and that they've moved it around for these pictures yet tall the pictures are fucking shit. I'm mostly pissed there is no back or bottom. That and I can't fucking stand listening to these people. Beardy sounds like a fucking drunk and part-time tweaker and the newcomers stink of hipster. I'm also in a bad mood, but fucking can't stand these people.
Can't and won't refute your logic
Ok , does that bump our timeframe to 5-20 years? I've seen plenty of cattle skulls and bones and shit out hiking and hunting and yes they're brittle as fuck
Did these bets physically exhume this skull? Buried in dirt for several years would keep the moisture in and direct sun off. Was it just a single set of skulls or were there ribs and shit too? I too need to see more detail on these pics.
Checked and great posts in this thread, bone user
looks sundried
top of the skull is bleached from exposure
the sundried bits are probably from the ligaments in the cheekbones bugs dont really like that stuff
process could have been helped along
Ok. Something is up.
I've dug a lot of holes, been on a lot of construction sites and NEVER has anyone dug up a fucking skull.
People are sperging out,saying bullshit statements likes tha.
waaait a minute
look at how rough that side of the skull is?
think they're normally smooth
This jaw looks like it was physically torn off. Frayed ends of a rope like.
It's a fucking straw.,
That might be remnants of connective tissue and not the bone itself doing that. Just a guess.
That is not a fucking straw
Dried out, frayed stem of the plants which can be seen around the skull.
I was wondering where I left my skull! My face kinda needs that.
might be Cartilage chewed by the coyote/animal that tore the child's head off after digging up the ground
she's mocking you. she knows they control the authorities.
This is the continuation of pizzagate.
We're bringing all of these child fuckers down.
You know found a trafficking map right and showed it to the cops they ignored it all these sites he is going to are on the map
They found the site by looking at two lights out on three consecutive billboards. These sick fucks use secrets out in plain day
Ya'll are fucked shills, eternally BTFO
Yea but the areas the approx locations are based on the map they found, you find the markers once in the area, But the general are waypoints were on the "blueprint" map he held back a MEGA shit ton of footage and evidence, he is playing his cards close.
found the fbi/cia/police officer trying to keep his bosses safe
Uh, guys? A guy on halfchan predicted Tucson blowing up back in March of 2017.
Thanks, they're claiming that there's bones scattered about everywhere, though I don't trust them to be able to tell which are human vs animal. Most bones are not easily identifiable by the average person, the legbones and some ribs of deer are similar enough in proportion to human that I would not trust these people in their current mental state. Also this is coyote and buzzard territory. They will scatter bones fucking everywhere. This is why you almost never find a whole skeleton in the wild.
I really can't say without seeing more of the skull. All I can say is that this was likely partially exposed to the sun for some time, though not completely.
I'd expect more dirt on it, but they're the type to have shaken it off without a thought. So far we can confirm that they HAVE MOVED THE SKULL and handled it, as the pictures show it sitting in two different positions, yet still fucking failed to take good pictures.
I try. Though last thread, people just kept spamming "Shill! Filtered!" for telling them to actually fucking question the situation. Arizona is full of fucking lunatics, do not trust anyone seeking this level of personal attention. When desperate, people go as far as to poison their own children for attention and I only have reason to doubt the character of all parties involved. I am not saying that this is set up, or that if it is, that all parties are involved. It only takes one kike to fuck everything up, or worse, a true believer that has lost their sense of honor and is willing to use lies to reach their objectives, even if the objective is good. IE False flagging israel to get them glassed. If it works, yay, if it doesn't, we lose all credibility. There's just too much shit in this game for me to ever take anything at face value. I hope that something comes of this and that some kikes go down for something, but the narrative of muh "rape tree" and the immediate conclusions reached by the group are damning to the entire credibility of pizzagate, should they come out to be false. also the fuck just should not talk or hold a camera. Give it to someone with a steady hand and the absolute slightest charisma.
It could have, but it doesn't look that way. If you're going to go through the effort of cleaning bones, you'd go through the effort of disposing them better. There is a LOT of desert to hide a body in. Did they say just how far out of that camp the skull was found?
Guess you're from the suburbs then. This shit happens, ESPECIALLY in the desert. Decomposition really only goes so far when you're in a desert, and then slows down dramatically. Also, people (especially hobos) get high and wander off a bit, pass out from dehydration, and die. People also get killed and left, and if they didn't have a lot of friends, nobody comes looking. These are the two most likely scenarios considering the proximity to a hobo camp that's this damned old and built up. There's been hundreds of people, maybe even a thousand, through this camp over the years if it's as old as it seems to be. People smoke meth, shoot heroin, and drink themselves to death in areas like this. These are all very dangerous habits to have in the desert, which is why there are partially buried shelters like the barrel-shelter, to avoid the heat. Then again, I think I failed to account for the retardation of methed up hobos in the desert, which could account for some of the things not being done right for the narrative that these guys are giving us… Really, we won't have a clue until someone competent goes out and does real forensics.
Post got double dubs as well. Looks like it took longer than expected but here we are. The amount of shills swirling around this has panic written all over it.
user, that is exactly the fucking reason to be suspicious.
Learn humor, please.
Or by just wandering around in the general area until they found something… There's no way that incoherent rambling was accurate. It just sounds too much like tweaker-babble damn it.
Nah man , it's legit
I read it on the internet
Two lights out on three consecutive billboards , next turn on the left type of shit
Don't look into it any further, you've been warned
i don't think you understand how these things work, and if you do, you're probably knowingly doing this, but regardless of if any of this is real or not, it still spurs the public interest away from their videogames and television, towards morbid thoughts that their kids are in danger.
It doesn't matter if this investigation leads to a dead end, all that matters is that it encourages people into inquiring about this and investigating on their own, so your skeptic attitude still plays into the hands of the people running the kids.
And how are you not a kike for saying that?
Probably just a wetback that became a dryback in the sun. Then an actual coyote scattered its bones.
What an embarrassing mess of meth larpers. This shit is now as dead as pizzagate.
Being so close to the border it's most likely this. Traffickers that ferry people over the border are notorious for just leaving people in the desert if they can't keep up, even women and children. It doesn't mean a Rothschild personally raped this kid and left it in the desert. There's probably a thousand skeletons within 10 miles of this site, none of which will ever be identified.
I'm keeping an eye on this but Oathkeeper types tend to sperg and try really hard to make it fit their own narrative. I'm more interested in this
tbh (pic related).
Wait. What.
I wonder who knew about the mayor and his pedo predilection
Yeah that's my problem with this whole thing. They're immediately sperging at every fucking thing they see and fitting it to their own narratives, rather than objectively carrying out an investigation. They're more interested in getting attention than the facts, and when their narrative inevitably does not match even if this is a crime scene it will kill the credibility of all future attempts to bust our enemies.
If they shine a bright enough spotlight and uncover enough heinous shit then it doesn't matter if they are objective. They aren't government investigators but civilians and veterans that are looking into disturbing things in their backyard.
Don't know but SOMEBODY knew and tried to drop a clue. That's the angle that should be investigated. I'm going to take a wild guess that somehow ole tumorbrain Songbird is involved somehow as well.
The fact that they disturbed the skull really fucking bothers me. Not that I trust law enforcement as far as I can throw them, but if you think you found the site of a murder or something, why would you touch ANYTHING?
Cuck-chan reporting fires in the washes
And if they fucking don't? If this doesn't pan out, it's a big fucking shit on the face of anyone legitimately investigating these issues. It would be perfect for the kike's 'witch hunt' narrative.
Fucking precisely. The only thing they find that can be legitimate, and they've absolutely fucked it up now. The average fucking idiot knows better than to disturb a crime scene, just from TV.
Interesting. I definitely feel like there's more going on here than we are seeing. I half wonder if this whole thing is to get people to look into the mayor and this charity as well as put pressure on local law enforcement. Supposedly a lot of this land is "claimed" by gangs like MS-13 as well.
Maybe I'm blackpilled now, but I feel like we get so goddamn close, uncover so much incriminating info and then…. nothing. What can we do when cops are complicit or too scared to act? I feel like they are setting up the perfect scenario for vigilante justice to take root, but that it's also what they want as another excuse to take away guns. Feels bad.
so, just like Zig Forums?
I'm not insane and I'm right faggot
That was yesterday.
This is today and they found skulls now.
Somebody doesn't want this to blow up into a shit storm
This is about to blow up into a shit storm..
Can someone post all the evidence and archives of the livestreams that have been scrubbed in one big post? I think we need to start collating this thing to be able to meme it easier
can you imagine how much it will cut through the noise just to post a pic of a CHILD'S SKULL in this context