It has never ceased to be.
This is it. I'm done forever. I advise other anons to leave if you don't like being cattle for the kikes.
It has never ceased to be.
This is it. I'm done forever. I advise other anons to leave if you don't like being cattle for the kikes.
repost that shit
Context or fuck off. For all I know you're that guy spamming that Hitler was a Rothschild.
Reminder for newfags
Bans only show the last post on your IP
sorry but a non-nigger wouldn't have shit up the board with a thread like this. leave forever.
The context is that the jew mods don't want you talking about their central banking system or alternatives
Kill yourself kike.
Sup kike
Who fucking cares? Would you rather it have been an 88 year ban?
1. Go to >>>/zundel/ or >>>/pdfs/
2. Save every fucking book there that is relevant to your interests or goals
3. Replace visiting this shithole with reading from them
4. Become the man you've always wanted to be
5. ???
6. Profit
wow what a faggot
over on his shitty anime/natsoc board (lolwat) he is openly declaring for communist govt, collectivist armed training and blatant voter fraud.
lol gtfo queer
You should be banned, faggot!
"Pol is compromised! Stop bumplocking shill threads!"
Enjoy your ban, newfag.
rofl do people still believe kikey is gone?
Have people forgotten that kikey was a /lefypol/ plant?
Is it fucking permanently summer?
nice timestamp but ur still a stupid faggot.
So whats the point of this thread? Wait a minuteā¦
Well done, but your still a faggot.
You're the guy who spams hentai images that have referral links to your kiketocurrency account so that you get commissions if anyone uses them. How is that NOT spam?
The fact that you're creating a thread whining about your ban only makes me side with the mods by default.
New mods are a saint compared to Imkapfy mods, so you must have really fucking deserved it.
In fact if I was a mod I would ban you again, this time for 88 years.
is this correct?
Surely it depends on which post they click ban on?
Underrated post
off by 10. Checked.
What was behind the spoiler, user?
And where shall we go?
^ kike
when the fuck did that happen?
except that's flat out wrong and was never the case you kike
During the first vol recruitment thread.
Read news here.
Talk about it on
in the /meadhall/ thread.
Don't let them bully you or your terrier.
We need something better. Anonymous, encrypted, NSA-proof. A chan, and coms, and a culture of friends-preservation. but today we have only the slave to the kikes, by chain of the whores (all of the women).
Serves you right. That was my thread you posted that in you fucking degenerate and now you are here crying like a little bitch. I have faith in this place after all.
We were talking about making money for ourselves, saving it and applying it to better things to help each other and this faggot posts degenerate shit with stupid questions.
This. He is a sperg that needs weeding out, or learns that we need to get back to winning by having financial power between Whites.
What a genuinely nigger reply. You should feel embarrassed at being such a shit shill, or actual retard.
Me? I'm doing fine. I'm not someone working for an agency that is going to be shuttered in 2019, that is, the central lying agency (ClA).
Gonna need more context on this, tbh.
He means >>1677103 and the guy screaming CIA rather than bothering to converse in that thread.
You sound like a bitch.
I posted the pic of Trump where its a meme edited version of the portrait some leftist drew of him with a tiny dick, except he has a massive cock hanging over his leg.
It was posted here and on cuckchan many, many times. Spamming gay porn, spamming - for 1 picture, a meme, in a Trump thread.
Good goy
endchan pol
gonna get banned
There is no such ban in board log. It was either lifted or never existed.
8/pol/ has been compromised for years lamo
whats wrong with being cattle for kikes , what makes the other pol better?
And what is yours, fighting the jews by sitting alone in a dark room and posting anime on Zig Forums?
Are you fucking retarded?
Fuck off DACApede!
For all I know the spoiler image could have been cuck porn.
op btfo