VS boards that are inheritably right wing:
Boards owned by >>>Zig Forums:
Boards owned by >>>Zig Forums:
VS boards that are inheritably right wing:
Boards owned by >>>Zig Forums:
Boards owned by >>>Zig Forums:
/v/ couldn't be owned by Zig Forums, it's run by a sensitive fat obnoxious ugly kike.
/tg/, /monster/, /cow/, /hgg/, Zig Forums, Zig Forums
These all lean right, or decisively identify as. Owning isn't something Zig Forums is capable of though, poor wording.
Who is loathed by a large percentage of his userbase.
Thanks for contributing to the list. This thread is serious.
I could add >>>/tv/ to leftist leaning side too.
tv is centrist af
Who did they inherit from? Did they pay an inheritance tax? I heard leftists like taxes.
>>>/a/ and >>>/r9k/ surprising controlled by leftists. As much as i heard.
Kill yourself
mark is still less of a kike than koonfy to be honest family
Since when? /co/'s BO was among the most triggerhappy against communists and Zig Forums-blamers.
/u/ is strongly natsoc aligned not only because they were hit by tumblr the most back in cuckchan but also because dynastyreader banned natsoc-looking symbols ysed by translator credits and tagged futa-on-girl as "yuri".
Also fans of Bezmenov.
/r9k/ was controlled by a communist until he boardmob lynched him. The new owner is on the level.
/a/'s BO was a tranny and now is either a tranny or an IRC friend of a tranny
/cow/ is contested ground but leans in our favor. Desperate Zig Forumsesmokers are trying their best to poz it up
wrong sweetie /r9k/ is a neetsoc board try again
yeah nah m8
No one wants you on their side, for good reason. Now git.
Furries get the oven, kill yourself degenerate.
Pretty sure most cuckchan boards are center or center-right
I was once a janitor on /u/ way back in the day, long before Zig Forums existed. I can assure that there was nothing NatSoc about 4/u/.
Zig Forums is on our side, maybe Zig Forums too.
Its true. I was mistaken thinking i could post a 3D sheeboon there and was swiftly banned for "posting niggers"
/monster/ is for monstergirls, not bestiality.
/bane/ has, is, and always will be 100% Zig Forums users. Big guys are always inherently more conservative.
Zig Forums is naturally very right-wing as well.
Not this board for sure. Sad days ahead.
I have some bad news for you…
Zig Forums is right-wing, but it is by no means a Zig Forums board. It hates Zig Forums more than Zig Forums, but all of the pro-paganism, "dead kike on a stick" memeing, racism, and advocacy for death of many innocent people here means that Zig Forums is not aligned with Zig Forums if it can help it.
Please just kill yourself.
At the mere mention of the possibility that a mgewiki-described rape-monster would have sex with a married man, they splurged for several hundred posts about cucks before they banned me. Their devotion to their waifus is cultish.
Edgy neo-fascists on the internet might hate furries, but actual Nazis weren't hardasses all the time like you niggers
Holy fuck please die.
No one believes you, imkikey.
Don't forget >>>/mlpol/ user. Horsefuckers are inherently nat soc
This is my take among the more popular boards.
Zig Forums aligned
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
Zig Forums aligned
centrist or battleground boards
>>>Zig Forums
boards that have reached the shitposting singularity
Everything not leaning left is controlled opposition until proven otherwise
I've noticed that boards centered around a specific skill or topic are naturally going to be Zig Forums, but random boards have shills. Most porn boards are actually /our boards/, but anything more degenerate than fetish hentai, like furries, will have Zig Forums. /tv/, /r9k/, and /b/ have plenty of communists, but Zig Forums, /fringe/, and /biz/ are pretty red-pilled.
By the way. Zig Forums hardly makes up the majority of its userbase on its own board. When we're identified "left leaning" boards it's closer to identifying centrist-liberal boards or boards with lots of shills and astroturf. Zig Forums has this odd obsession with spreading itself everywhere, for no reason. If you look at a recently created board you'll probably see some communist posting shit. I don't really understand them because they never have good discussion, yet think it's important to have "leftist posts" as if that alone is what's important. Zig Forums is probably the only ideological board that doesn't do this odd proselytizing that Zig Forums, Zig Forums, and /liberty/ like to do. I think it's because Zig Forums was a natural development out of "chan culture" while those other boards are foreign things trying to latch onto "chan culture."
/r9k/ isn't leftist in the traditional sense. They're disaffected young men which are the prime audience for Zig Forums ideas. The fact that Zig Forums is the only platform which ever listens to their complaints and offers solutions has given the two a natural bond. But Zig Forums has gotten a lot more chad since the election and some numbskulls prefer pandering to women, so there's been a lot of divide. Pretty much none of them are communists, but the board has a lot of Zig Forums astroturf. Actual robots will complain about how Zig Forums is "tradcucking" or the like, while Zig Forums will say stuff like "national socialism is incompatible with robots."
Zig Forums is a wild-card. Communists are all atheists, so naturally there's a lot of adversity between them. But Zig Forums isn't an ally of Zig Forums so much as it is a board which wants to conquer Zig Forums. A lot of the users there are obsessed with "proselytizing." It makes more sense for them to spread everywhere compared to Zig Forums, but it's still irritating. The biggest problem with Zig Forums is that they will always put Christianity above National Socialism while boards like /r9k/ are willing to put their own beliefs to the side for the movement. Zig Forums is very similar to Zig Forums, but it's not pointed out often because they aren't completely against any particular board. Although I've heard the BO banned racism.