Defeating the survelliance grid

One of the most fundamental problems to people who would like to take any action against the enemy IRL is the ever present threat of video surveillance systems recording their activities. In this thread I would like to set several goals that will help our operators in the field in the future to come.

1. The first goal I propose is the creation of a map containing the locations of all cameras, since this is a hurculean task it should be especially focused on key locations of interest such as state capital, courthouses, DC and urban centers, this map should be interactive and allow anybody to do field recon and mark positions. This could be semi-spoof proofed by requiring a picture and using a shape detecting captcha type system. As well as a temporary location ping. We could launch the platform under a non-political guise as well to harvest the labor of both our enemies as well as friends.

2. A manual containing a set procedures for our operatives to take which maximize their chance of avoiding detection by cameras, and minimize their chance of being identified by way of disguises etc. This manual should be extensive and contain methods of bypassing traffic cams and cover the use of secondary vehicles like biscycles to accomplish this. Any advice or information you have on this topic should be shared as I will compile a master list for use in further discussions.

3. I want to start a discussion pertaining to the feasibility of creating a device such as the CIA is rumored to possess which is able to remotely disable and or destroy surveillance cameras. Blueprints for creating such a platform is of vital importance and methods for achieving this should be analyzed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather setup our own license plate scanner network and database so we can track our enemies. We know the feds have access to boatloads of this data already and there is nothing illegal about us doing it ourselves.

You cannot hide, do not try.

not necessarily to hide, but could be used to show just how under surveillance we actually are

That depends entirely on who's looking for you. A high percentage of murders go unsolved in this country. If you mask your political warfare to look like every day crime you won't be crushed by the full capability of the system. They don't use military satellites to catch neighborhood vandals.

once we know where all the cameras are, which direction they face etc., we can destroy them one by one while staying out of view of the rest.

Instead of locating and destroying all of the surveillance cameras it would be much easier to simply purchase a burka.

When you go on a mission, take it with you to a gender fluid restroom, put on the burka, wear it out of the restroom and go do whatever nefarious deeds you wish to do.

Your identity will be safe. U can thank multiculturalism for the benefit of the "ID blackout" burka being accepted in our communities..

But one question for OP - Are you G-men making $ GS-14 $ pay grade while posting here?

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Broadly, there are two strategies to take:
The first is to hide in plain sight, or put another way it means we simply accept the surveillance and find ways to make it useful to us. We find ways to exploit it, make it give us cover, etc.

For example, the rise of the internet of things, combined with camera/AI software getting very good, means that it should be possible to remotely hack these cameras and give them a firmware which, when it sees certain colors or a symbol it obscures the face.

Another solution is to refuse the system. In this method, you find ways of identifying cameras, and hit them with lasers, or disable them remotely against using IOT.

Don't forget the niqab

I know that you can make yourself invisible to infrared cameras if you cover yourself in a space blanket. This isn't of much use in a city but it would work very well if you were hiding out in bushland or a forest outside of town. A police copter could go right over you and the infrared cameras on the copter wouldn't see a thing.

If you did this, you would also need to disable your mobile phone as it can be used to track you even when you have GPS disabled by measuring the signal strength when it pings local mobile phone towers. You can do this by putting it inside a Faraday bag.

Within a city, you cannot avoid cameras. You have to either (i) find a way to camouflage yourself by, say, wearing a burka and pretending that you're one of the sand negroes; (ii) find a way to disable the cameras entirely; (iii) find alternative routes that avoid surveillance systems.

Whatever camouflage technique that you utilise has to be able to defeat facial recognition technologies which is very difficult so disabling or avoiding cameras is your best bet. A map of the sewer systems and other subterranean tunnels such as storm drains and underground train tunnels in your area, especially the walkways that maintenance workers use to maintain underground infrastructure, would be even more valuable than your camera map. These tunnels would probably have cameras as well, but not as many and they are all part of a single centralised system meaning that they could potentially be taken down more easily. A balaclava and a can of spray paint would get the job done.

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Space blankets can be bought on eBay for a couple of dollars. You can but green ones that don't reflect too much light. During the night time, they're definitely the best option to hide from IR cameras.

I can't post a picture of a space blanket from behind tor, but do a search on eBay and you'll easily be able to find them.

Step one: get microwave
Step two: point at camera
Step three: ??????
Step four: profit!

There is a difference between IR cameras and FLIR.

IR cameras are the security cameras with lots of LEDs around the lense. They catch the reflection of IR light that is emitted by the LEDs. A space blanket would look like a big reflective mirror on these.

FLIRs are the ones on Apaches. They catch the heat given off from your body. A space blanket would be effective against these.

Cameras is Ops only concern… yeah, you've never done shit and if you do, it's going to be a long time in prison for you.

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Crowd sourced maps of all public surveillance cameras is a good first step.

But then what are you going to do? Wear "dazzle" face paint or try to sneak through a blind spot like Solid Snake?

Don't be pussies.

Destroy the surveillance cameras.

All of them.


Zapping Cameras

All digital cameras are either a CCD or CMOS chip.

You can fry them and permanently destroy them using a Green 532nm laser.

As described here:

This method of striking back against uniquitous mass surveillance is within reach of any teenage graffiti vandal.

A Green 532nm Laser is $14.00 on Amazon:

This happens all the time at concerts:

Now my fervant hope is for all of you faggots out there who keep shining lasers at landing passenger jets at airports, and who keep puttings tge lives if thousands of innocents lives at risk, and scaring the shit of DHS and FBI who're trying to bust your knucklehead asses–what i would wish is that you would focus your efforts towards more useful goals that benefit the rest if us.

Don't try to blind some poor pilot in an airport. Instead, try to fry as many prominant public cameras as possible.

Ubiquitous cameras happened because the cost plunged. So if you fry every camera within several blocks, you just increased that cost by several orders of magnitude. If you keep frying the replacement cameras, eventually they'll stop installing them and/or go bankrupt.

Win Win.

And if you're a Mad Scientist Hobbyist type, maybe you can follow the instructions in this link and build your own laser that is powerful enough to reach 60,000ft, so you can blind the Eye in the Sky and fry the sensor pods on drones like the Global Hawk.

Someone needs to teach the Telescreen perverts a lesson. Maybe that somebody can be you.

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Build your own Ethernet card so you can programically switch MACids with an API call. Then use public WIFI in a car a few towns away from where you live, you're now completely untraceable.

Even better would be to rig a remote computer somewhere away from you to actually talk on the net. Of course you'd have to get actual permission from the owner, which you'd do because you do everything legal.

Prescient post OP. The silent majority will soon be a minority, and what will be the new majority is already out for blood.

Already a FOSS Android app for that on f-droid for anyone that is interested. Mostly seems to be used by brits right now to mark public CCTV cameras.


There is no grid, the way you think of it anyway.
There are only tokens, and transition states.
To hide, make more tokens, more accounts, more states.

It's just accounting. That the network is more than ever before is a lie as well.

Watch the UK make even MAPPING cameras illegal. They've already proven they're capable of anything.

It wouldn't be that hard honestly. They would just classify it as hateful speech, and that would be the end of that. They would lie down & take it too.

If the speech is a crime, it's easy to just go ahead and criminalize the thought.

1. Dress in disguise, such as a hippie, old man, african, or whatever, to hide in plain sight. You can also make 3d mask of another person's face and wear it.
2. Walk funny and have a unique style of movement for each disguise.
3. Never talk and only use face and/or body expressions.
4. Hide plates on motor vehicle in a way that cannot be scanned by computing device but can be read by human eye.
5. Seek to change surveillance behavior of store, city, county, state, and so on.

Reminder that:
Filming children is disgusting.

This rings true. Where surveillance exists, some pervert is going to be wanting to watch it in real time, looking and longing for the opportunity to defile what they see. Similarly minded subhumans will gravitate toward surveillance-related occupations. Unified in their sicknesses, they will hire, promote and fire such that the pervs rise to the top, thus normalizing and institutionalizing their crimes against not "humanity" but nature itself.

Gordon Ramsay joked about putting clingwrap on his Ferrari plates. Looked ok to naked eye at night but speed cameras in London couldn't catch him, worth a look into.

It would be possible to just make a decentralized app where all users involved could just "submit" locations of surveilliance cameras, and any included information (even a photo of the location). Include some kind of incentive for contributing also.

"Surveillance is Pedophilia" sounds like it would make a great sticker/postering campaign. It would serve to bring people awareness that they're under constant observation and bias them against the people doing it.

Already banned in some EU provinces, kikes now tell you what you can wear.

The very idea of "crime" is unnatural. Natural law would define it as a simple causual relationship contingent on the social structure at hand.
Your views aren't in line with European monogamy. The core issue here is the hedonistic persuit of defilation, a demonstrably Jewish social norm.
If you take the Jew out of the equation then young marriage is a reverence for both innocence and commitment, demonstrably European social traits; The protection of those who can not, and a man's word holding more worth then his life.

As social traits are heritable, the idea of a "social contstruct" only exists in culturally dissonant nations, where the melting pot produces tangents along the fractured lines of convergence.

Are we already crossed absurd horizon?

Nope. The way you move is distinctive enough for you to be recognized through reference video and computer analysis. Even your smartphone can tell if it's you carrying it or someone else. That's enough evidence for a conviction in (((court))) when the accused is white.

I know

On a serious note, IR cameras have become sophisticated enough to map the capillaries in your face. A work around against IR cameras involves getting one of those hats with LED's in the bill/brim/visor and replacing them with IR LEDs so as to make your face invisible.

paranoia inducing thread

Electronic warfare is the way of the future. EMP cannons are highly effective alongside radio jamming equipment and are easily produced by individuals. Terrestrial interruption of networks is easy enough. If you really want to be even remotely effective, methods of knocking out satellites must be devised.

Everyone say hello to our resident glowing niggers.

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Best way to fight cameras is to learn to disguise. Disregard most stupid anons here saying you have to wear a burqa or wrap yourself in foil or whatever.

The less inconspicuous you look, the better. Eyeglasses, a scarf and a pair of gloves is all you may need, depending on the weather and place. If you have a physical face mark you have to cover that with womens' products. If you intend to remove your sunglasses and scarf, be sure to have dyed your hair, have an average hairstyle, and wear fake eye color changers (not sure how they're called in English, the things that change the color of your eyes). Be sure to have a beard and you may wear a hat if that is fashionable (thus "normal") in your area.

About your belongings, avoid carrying anything that could be considered a weapon, even if you are at a country that it is completely allowed. No knives/blades either, unless absolutely necessary. Your phone stays home too, unless absolutely needed, in which case you should get a disposable old one and make sure you leave no fingerprints on it.

And that is pretty much all. Think about it as camouflaging, except that instead of trees around you you have people. So you need to absolutely look and act like one.

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These days, you could actually get away with dressing up like a half assed non-passable tranny and prance around like a woman. No one would care as long as you were proud of who you are.


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Most cameras aren't shared with law enforcement or other agencies. For example, most traffic cameras in my city are just used to detect vehicles at intersections for the signal timing algorithms.

Remember, the UK is full of cameras, and they contribute to almost no solved crimes. You don't have to worry about a random security camera like you have to worry about a snitch. Think Weev.

Digital surveillance, like getting a profile built up about you based on browsing habits or your phone recording you is very real, though. That data is probably just aggregated to give the CIAniggers a general idea of how well their disinformation campaigns are working.

Two Words: CELLDAR

Cellular Radar (Radar using Cellular Radio) is Radar for People. It gives near complete situational awareness anywhere within the range of a cellular tower, or other EMF sources…… Got bars? You can (and probably are) being seen. Two basic modes: Active, whereby the individual is targeted and lit up with EM then the reflection is tracked; Passive, whereby CELLDAR detects changes in backscatter in the existing RF atmosphere.

You can be PRECISELY tracked (even individual limbs), while not carrying a cell phone. Your movement creates interference with the cellular radio grid. Not moving? The system can lock onto Breathing alone.

You can build a 3D RF scanning system by installing new firmware on a WIFI router – There are open source projects. If you can do it in the garage then the gov has been able to for many decades.

Search the term CELLDAR and find out why links to the company which published its characteristics quickly went dead. We can track targets inside buildings and even underground to an extent you wouldn't believe……

Hint: "Beamforming" and other interference tech allows stationary towers to move points of concentrated energy by changing the modulation.

Follow the White Rabbit Zig Forums. I AM Counting on you.

p.s. It is NOT a coincidence this "pain ray" has a Cell Tower along its edge……

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Too late goy.

The way you walk is already another metric used by CIA's AI and machine learning to uniquely identify you.

Here's is the former CIA CTO Gus Hunt talk at (((Gigaom))) 2013 where he says the accelerometer in your spyPhone can identify you with 100% accuracy.

Your gait and your accelerometer in your pocket is just metadata, so no warrant necessary–the Govt can get access to everyone's data under the 702 Business Records provision of the Patriot Act–the dragnet umbrella where blanket subpoena requesting "All Tangible Things" gets everything on everyone.

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This is how it works, while jamming devices do exist they dont have the magical capabilities that people seem to think, profiling and watchlist are very real. what intelligent agencies have over and why you should be careful compared to the police is secrecy and a deep network. They also make their own rule and are present in most countries.

"We study fifteen months of human mobility data for one and a half million individuals and find that human mobility traces are highly unique. In fact, in a dataset where the location of an individual is specified hourly, and with a spatial resolution equal to that given by the carrier's antennas, four spatio-temporal points are enough to uniquely identify 95% of the individuals. We coarsen the data spatially and temporally to find a formula for the uniqueness of human mobility traces given their resolution and the available outside information. This formula shows that the uniqueness of mobility traces decays approximately as the 1/10 power of their resolution. Hence, even coarse datasets provide little anonymity. These findings represent fundamental constraints to an individual's privacy and have important implications for the design of frameworks and institutions dedicated to protect the privacy of individuals."

To be of concern but shows a limited comprehension of how rf moves through space, especially the breathing comment.
However, living in a big city in a building where everyone has wireless, then yes, this is possible, even the breating. Your entire room/house insides, as well as your body, even your prick, can potentially be mapped, and maybe already is.

Until man is free from surveillance

Look up at the sky of your city and see if you see a bright light present from near-dark to dark. If so, it is likely you have one of the many FBI drones above you being deployed to track all movement in and out. To hide from this, it is advised to go under different foliage and facilities. Do not use a car ; use public transport to an advantage. Have a revolving set of disguises and think of things as maze. Imagine how this AI is trying to predict your path much like changing your route on a GPS.

(checked) Utilize and create direct microwave weapons (useful for the neighbor's pet drones) as well as cell jammers.

And, most importantly, buy RF shielded clothing and bedsets. Install faraday cages within the home's walls. Silver works best. This is helpful for victims of gangstalking.

Stay wired.

Everyone's unique brainwave patterns are being used to track them as well.

Don't even bother.

Security is fundamentally about building a fence higher than your neighbour, not building an impenetrable fence. In this context, that means don't bring attention to yourself or make yourself an easy target for surveillance.

It's getting more and more difficult. Pretty much everything with a CPU in it today is backdoored. Your phone tracks you wherever you go. Your operating system logs suspicious behavior. Your finances are tracked everywhere. All internet traffic comes back to you. Your PC is backdoored. Your phone is backdoored. Your router is backdoored. Every service you use to communicate is backdoored or exploited. Your face can accurately ID you. Your mannerisms and movements can ID you. The way you type can ID you. Your voice can ID you. The images you post can locate you (EXIF data). The images you save and post can track you (steganography). The times you post can ID you. And even if you're 100% secure, every single person you interact with has these exact weaknesses and they can and are currently being used to track you.

And lastly, don't forget that they take from your hard earned paycheck to fund all of this.

well they can figure out who put it on by looking at who else went out

you can do it


video surveillance isnt even the main problem anymore

satellite surveillance is

they can real time track any movement of you at any weather condition (even through clouds) and even restore your past days activity entirely:


there is almost no way of leaving the house or going anywhere untracked

maybe if you blend in huge masses, change your appearance while not being seen, might be solutions to this - but who does that on a regular basis?

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For what purpose, you can already set your own MAC address. Do more research before giving advice.

zeeiay ged fuggd


tracking all the people in the world is like tracking every snowflake in a blizzard.

this. i recommend to people quite simply to fuck the system:

wear glasses, everywhere.
have different glasses or sunglasses.
have hooded sweaters, caps, etc.
another good thing to have is scarves.
wear a backpack and have multiple outfits, many times if someone starts following you, you can swap a hat or take off ur glasses, so have accessories and layers can be good.

Also, get infrared blocking license plate covers for your car, it defeats ALPR systems, and makes it harder for them to get your speed with most lower-end lidar guns.

Fuckin Carl…

Problem is atmospheric distortions. You need to sway to calibrate such a laser.

It's 2018, retard. You have to assume everything you say or do in public is being recorded in HD. There's no accounting for that one person filming from a window. What you should do is stop being such a fag and just name the jew. Literally no one but extremist cuckservatives like jews. The only reason anyone refuses to name the jew is because they come from a cuckservative background and have not shed it yet. If you act like your views are something to be ashamed of, then people still act on that. If you are just nonchalantly race realist and counter semitic, then people will just agree with you. Learn how to speak to the NPCs, retards.

Oh hi John.

Test test test ignore this message.

a bright enough light will blow out any camera.

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satellites does not exist - a hoax on flat earth

Great information.

Don't overestimate or underestimate the security state. Even many secure buildings in DC have cameras that are down because you forget that niggers are the ones ding the security jobs in the nation's capitol, except for the White House FBI building, CIA and NSA. They dont take their jobs seriously and fuck up all the time. Some brand new cameras arent even recording becasue some knucklehead was like i dunno how dis shit work. lemme go hit my girl on instagram instead.

Bullshit idea. The answer is not to hide, but to appear harmless.

There are things that you can do to generate less accurate information about yourself and also generate more noise that others can camouflage themselves against, but if a Nation Sate actor is pursuing you, there's not a whole lot that can be done.

So far we're up against private outfits like the ADL, SPLC, and others. We may not necessarily be top targets for the NSA but we can't know for sure. One thing that does disturb me is the prospect that the ADL and SPLC may have access to private information of individuals, special favours from actual intel agencies, or even special surveillance toys. The United States does hand over unredacted intel info on its own citizens to the Israel, after all, so who's to say that the Mossad isn't handing off stuff to these organizations?

Learn how to use a VPN. Stop using Windows. Learn how to use Linux or BSD. Learn how to harden your browser of choice against threats by installing plugins to blog Javascript, ads, tracking beacons and whatever else. Stop relying on any and all Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, etc. services. Learn how to outright block things like Facebook and all of its little content delivery networks and tracking beacons with your hosts file. Start using Tor in conjunction with a VPN. Learn concepts like perfect forward secrecy and the basics of how cryptography is implemented and properly used (I recommend Bruce Schneier's booke, 'Applied Cryptography). Properly implement good practices to avoid getting compromised. Learn full disk encryption with something like Truecrypt/Veracrypt or Luks.

That's all the shit I can think of off the top of my head for now. I would have recommended visiting >>>Zig Forums in the past, but that place has gone to absolute shit since the influx of 4cuck/g/ refugees when gookm00t installed a crypto currency miner.

Hopefully others can add to some of the things that I've typed here. There should be plenty for you to research on your own if some of that was new to you. Have fun.

This whole thread is retarded. Intelligence officers are what % of the population again? AI is how stupid and unreliable again? Who goes through all this camera footage? How come half the time it isn't even there nor released?

Infinite maintenance costs and finite eyeballs fundamentally disagree with hyper-1984, and you glowniggers keep wondering why nobody fucking believes you. Remember that your family members know who you are as well, and that you don't live in a bubble.

are the thing keeping the niggs from going full apeshit. The panopticon is necessary you idiot. What are you some terrorburger … coming to kill us all cause you hate the gov.

AI can't tell them from gorillas m8, they are safe. The cameras are to form the image of a panopticon, which is not a panopticon.

one way to defeat surveiliance grid….. start using slingshots or .22's on ALL cameras you can find

Cute but terrible naive.
Goy, don’t resist just lie flat on the floor and don’t move, don’t resist continues to smack you with the baton taze you in the groin

Surveillance is automatized.
Anybody is under surveillance.
Rating, re-rating is done after the fact on factors unknown to you wew, visited a Linux site, that subversive, bought a Casio watch – Bag him!
The idea to disappear in the mass is flawed, from a time were case officer combed through informations. Today is data mining, deep data, there are no “innocents” just relations, graphs.

You better give them as few information as possible.

A machine.

I witnessed the development of automatized image processing – fascinating, but really scary in its consequences. Look at China they are not shy to brag about there surveillance.

You have to assume cameras are everywhere, like germs. If you don't want to be seen you have to use sterile technique.

But all this surveillance can be to your advantage. You can feed the surveillance the information you want them to have.

Kushner is a traitor
O Lord, my God, is there no help for the Widow's Son?

Add this to all demoralization threads:

Kushner is a traitor
O Lord, my God, is there no help for the Widow's Son?

Look at China. They're under complete surveilance. They have a 'social credit' and if cams scan misbehavior you loose your credits resulting in e.g. refusing to use Metro.

The point is:
If cams see somebody, they couldn't identify, what do you think would happen?

Rumors are, this technology is made in US…

The FLIR you see on television is ancient tech. The British Challenger II tank has a thermal imaging system so sensitive that it can detect where vehicles and persons have passed up to 24 hours before, due to residual heat signature.
The whole apparatus is kept hovering above absolute zero by a classified cryogenic system.

Most are transparent to IR unless specifically coated. Thus useless.

They use stirling coolers.

OP, maybe make a board for this?
Also I was thinking that if we used an IoT virus or a pirate box scanner/antenna (user version of the "stingray" then we could map out the entire grid for one CCTV system.

Also making friends with insiders and doing the social engineering attack is a good idea.

Make sure to save this post if you are compiling info into an action plan user-kun.

or just rip them down with a rope lasso, most are flimsy

I used to think spraypainting them was a clever tactic but I think ripping it out entirely and stealing/smashing it is the only permanent method since replacing it is too costly if you hit over 20 in this way

CCTV is not the enemy, the controllers and AI are. They need to be won to our side so the central databases and technical command structures are destroyed. Another idea is using EMP guns: cone antennas or electromagnets which you hold up near the camera

Create a dialect of your countries language and use your locale for inspiration for slang. Thus creating a localized unique form of speaking that only those in the know will comprehend. Then when you go to another anons town you can recognize that they speak a slang dialect as well. You then hangout with them and speak each localized slang word frequently at the area that you based it off of.

Think what is behind all of those cameras. What, not who. How could you exploit the what, while bypassing the who?

I wish I had more time to contribute to this thread, but I hope you can all take some inspiration from these:

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bump so user has more time
which doesn't exist btw
there is only now

Came here to say this. fdroid is a must-have for anons with smartphones that aren't twelve year old girls with iDevices, lmfao fullstop tbh. Heaps of cool toys there.

yeah i used to use that shit but the nigger that runs it is a huge faggot
the software was cool hap one with a map of edible plants around the city, one to interface with sdr, and played titan quest can't get that shit like that tho
now i have to phone and use computr at library lel

Pic related.
So many glow-in-the-darks dickswinging about their super-duper techmologies ITT.
Have fun pissing into an ocean of piss, you stupid fucking faggots.
most .gov sectors are stuck using Core2Duos with Win7 if they're fucking lucky, laughs my fucking arse off

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Start a thread about that then. Keep this thread focused on the idea in the op.

Go away boomer/kike/both.

Under the ghilie suit is another mime suit so you can continue the op after you lose your pursuers.

underrated post

Polite reminder of Islam being the true religion, elhamdudillah. Convert today and save your soul from .

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maybe in the largest cities or near a college, you're risking a beating or worse in most of the country

1. No smartphone. Or dumbphone relay.
2. Learn how to make your own rubber masks that look natural
3. Bring a backpack with a change of clothes
4. IR baseball cap
5. Pretend to be taller or fatter, or a woman
6. Glue your fingertips, let it dry, wear rubber gloves
7. Verify you are not bugged
8. Learn how to spot a tail


License plates made by 3M have this nasty tendency to bubble and peel after a few years on the road. Major problem in multiple jurisdictions.

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or go with no plate
get ticket
fight in court
argue networked cameras and license scanners are violation of free movement


There are still plenty of victories even with their systems in place.