One of the most fundamental problems to people who would like to take any action against the enemy IRL is the ever present threat of video surveillance systems recording their activities. In this thread I would like to set several goals that will help our operators in the field in the future to come.
1. The first goal I propose is the creation of a map containing the locations of all cameras, since this is a hurculean task it should be especially focused on key locations of interest such as state capital, courthouses, DC and urban centers, this map should be interactive and allow anybody to do field recon and mark positions. This could be semi-spoof proofed by requiring a picture and using a shape detecting captcha type system. As well as a temporary location ping. We could launch the platform under a non-political guise as well to harvest the labor of both our enemies as well as friends.
2. A manual containing a set procedures for our operatives to take which maximize their chance of avoiding detection by cameras, and minimize their chance of being identified by way of disguises etc. This manual should be extensive and contain methods of bypassing traffic cams and cover the use of secondary vehicles like biscycles to accomplish this. Any advice or information you have on this topic should be shared as I will compile a master list for use in further discussions.
3. I want to start a discussion pertaining to the feasibility of creating a device such as the CIA is rumored to possess which is able to remotely disable and or destroy surveillance cameras. Blueprints for creating such a platform is of vital importance and methods for achieving this should be analyzed.