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Is vampright a good idea?
Easton Allen
Benjamin Sullivan
this is a culture war
we need to influence and create culture using creative energy and willpower
Christopher James
Zachary Edwards
This is the issue here. Maybe you can make it work, but keep in mind that the enemy is analogous to a vampire.
Alexander Morales
but vampires are far from rootless or foreign
most trace their bloodlines back very far and still live in their homelands
and the thirst for virgin blood is symbolic of a desire for an innocent woman i.e. a traditional relationship (i.e. shaming and disregarding promiscuous women) - in fact they often turn the woman into their bride for eternity (pretty much the exact opposite of hookup culture)
the figure of the vampire is somewhat malleable and there is room to creatively work in the right ideas and values
Isaac Perry
in some superficial ways yes but when you analyze the cultural figure and its implications more deeply this seems to evaporate (i.e. look at the cultural values in OP)
Jace White
Aiden Hughes
forgot an obvious one:
Asher Sanders
BTFO Team Edward.
Logan Lee
as silly as it sounds, sometimes good material can be found in the most unlikely places
Gavin Reed
vampires are fiction, user.
White genocide is real. Pretending to be a kikepire is a dumb move.
Adrian Lewis
of course they're not literally real, neither are many of the fictional characters and creatures from the culture that people consume
Aaron Garcia
a lot of european folk creatures are based on jews, especially witches
Jayden Hernandez
I know what your saying, but we already have the ideas, values, attitudes and aesthetics from our ancestors. The fictional version might look and sounds just as good, but its not the real thing. Its foundations are not set in reality, and the culture is strictly entertainment, for the most part it will go in one ear and out the other, or will be replaced by something more entertaining.
Ethan James
different culture and aesthetics (with the same core message) appeal to different groups.. might not be a bad idea to branch out, even if it's only a stepping stone for teens or something on their way to a more serious worldview
Michael Kelly
so…. twilight had the best love story after all?
Chase Watson
Oliver Taylor
Sounds kikish
Brandon Davis
which part - the European aesthetics, belief in traditionalism and hierarchy, repelling non-European invasions?
Christopher Turner
Goth qt3.14s are the implicit last stand of white identity.
Connor Bell
Jeremiah Ward
Noah Hughes
I see what you did there and I like it.
Thomas Miller
thanks theyre not hard to make
Benjamin Edwards
half chan discussion
Christian Collins
Stay moist, friends. It's all about staying moist.
Or so says William Butler Yeats.
Luke Sanchez
Serious Response
The vampiric identity is split with Dracula being a reference to good old Vlad the western and central european association with jews, and the modern vampiric identity that associates with wiccans and satanists.
So the euro-centric vampire identity occupy film almost exclusively and the films are often popular, especially with women, most of normie chicks(basic bitches) The two notable cases for this are twilight and Interview with a vampire, probably the two most popular vamipire movies.
The jew reference vampire is still an under pinning of thought on "traditional" vampires like the schloky old monster movies and the old stories about jews stealing children and eating them, I don't think those hold so much weight in people's minds that it would be an obstacle, mostly a hesitation to embrace this from stubborn far-righters of various sources and only adding more fuel to the fire when it comes to our internal divisions.
The jew aspect has a few tendrils in some other places too I think specifically the sad ugly fuckers that have latched on to vampire couture, it's mostly big angry cat ladies and fedora tipping ham planets role playing with shitily made Victorian prop clothes and stuff they bought from hot topic, these folks are mostly owned by the wing of SJWs responsible for "Atheism+" and even if we could pull into the scene real fast and out number them I think the common memory of them and their old social media albums would catch up with us real fucking fast and lead to great embarrassment.
the wiccan/satanist types share with the sad ugly kike/sjw owned group a bit the main difference being one group has average looking women in it and the other group has circus attraction looking women, the bleed over happens because uggly chicks and some pretty girls were friends in school I'm betting. Satanist types certainly aren't our friends even the satanist neofash movement in metal has fractured real bad because mostly they were playing pretend, as to wiccans some here who like the paganism of old europe don't see wicca for what it is and that is really female neckbeards and psycho bitches who want to escape traditional morality and be praised for being whores or doing anti social things.
In conclusion, I like the Idea, I see some big hurdles and possibly negative consequences but I also know that basic bitches outnumber every other stereotype/group in the west and that targeting our average woman is how Jews fucked us up in the first place, they are often too easily manipulated. I think a limited pursuit is the best option, no fangs, cut the blood obsession, don't do half measures with costumes from spenders and hot topic or cheaply made shit, all the association should be coy, let women build the association themselves, they will find it appealing naturally you wont need to spell it out to them, if it gets so bad that people accuse us of being white supremacists for having European traditionalist stylings then we can just say we like interview with a vampire and shut them down right there.
A light touch removes the negatives and most of the work of rebuilding the gross public associations, gives us an assist in drawing in normie females, and a human shield made of fat kike puppets if we get accused of being white, if they take the shot and it hits us it's going to turn at least a few of their goyim.
Is any of this applicable for Zig Forums? like the top 1 or 2 percent of us. just remeber if this strikes your fantasy, light touches ill go much further than a paint roller of vampire
Jaxson Myers
i just saw vampright and had to say this is retarded and anything related to hottopic fashion is gay
Julian Cox
Vampright? no
Good fashion and traditional european aesthetics that are often subconsciously associated with vampires, like middle european, gothic, and late victorian styles?, yes.
Jonathan Carter
Daniel Edwards
A lot of old goth music had some pretty strong fascist overtones tbh.
Alexander Collins
Fuck off cunt.
Robert Gray
i dont understand what you said but i read it in a gay accent like the butler from mr deeds, have you shaved your neck at all this month
Luis Perez
William Sanchez
Fuck off with your faggoty larping.
Charles Sanders
Dylan Davis
Hudson Turner
Looks like you're on to something, OP. Good work, and keep on developing this.
Caleb Rogers
Top kek
Justin Sullivan
lol faggots
Wyatt Nelson
Im sorry but Werewolves are the superior race. So suck some more menstrual blood you veiny albino niggers.
Aaron Nelson
Vampires are eastern euro nobility, now werewolves are the true nordic ideal.
inb4 hurr furry
Tyler Reed
This is basically saying we should support ferries and ignore vampires because werewolves are cooler goyim.
As for OP's Idea I like it seems like it could work. Woman aren't as smart as men and if they see vampires wanting to have a traditional wife instead of an ugly whore then it might convert some of them. Unfortunately it's too late to save them because they were whores but it gets into the mind of woman and this could help our race in the long run.
Anyone good at writing we can write some easy to understand poem that is simplistic and easily tug at a woman's heart. I give the idea a 9/10
Cooper Collins
I meant furries
Carter Richardson
We can draw distinction between different types of vampires. Jews are purely parasitic, they feed but provide no benefit. They are analagous to the types of vampires who murder their prey, care not for them. Edward Cullen and similar are symbiotic. They become protectors, feeding only enough to stay alive, keep their prey alive, make them breakfast, and eventually turn them into vampires (sharing their power for mutual benefit) so they survive bleeding from childbirth.
Xavier Cox
All I know is that fanged teeth make my cock explode
William Roberts
I've always maintained that goth culture was the last real white identity group and was targeted and killed by the popularity of rap because of this
Nathan Kelly
something about the whiteness of the teeth. Time for a fangjob detour.
Austin Gonzalez
Cease this faggotry. We are to be noble, valiant and strong; the values of the Western man. Knights, monks, legionaries, hoplites, bards, druids, wild men and gentleman explorers. Notably not anything that is fantasy, and not criminal Vikings which is what they want to portray our tough side as. We incorporate honour and duty with our power.
Jayden Lopez
Don't worry user, I understand.
Wyatt Lewis
You should probably suckstart a shotgun.
Dominic Thomas
The fuck, viking are as white as you cab get, do not deny your heritage.
Daniel Lee
Vikings were raiders, bandits and pirates. They were savages akin to the Mongol or Arab hordes with no desire for civilisation, the pursuit of perfection or order. When Germanic, Norse and Irish "Vikings" settled the immediately ceased being "Vikings". Our enemies allow that form of "white" because it makes us look similarly barbaric and simple to non-whites. The truth of the matter is that Scandinavian, Germanic, Iberian and Gallic tradesmen had been exploring for centuries if not more and had established naval routes; the artisans dwelling in those lands created miracles of beauty that outclassed anything the Greeks, Romans or Egyptians could do… But no, they want you to think only of the criminal element that had no concept of order or duty, who seem indistinguishable from the destructive foreign tribes that pushed Westward and spurred on the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Noah Martin
Horrible idea OP. Go suck a cock, you jew wannabe
Adrian Baker
the big titty goth gf meme has seeped in to ur brains
Brayden White
this shit sucks here im sinking this thread by posting info the jews in charge dont want you to actually learn. stop larping about faggots who get aids from drinking homo blood
are u a citizen of your state or a citizen of the US?
if your black you are a US citizen
if you are not black you can be both or one
Connor Johnson
Except vikings literally built castles and cities the moment they got settled to arabe land, and their metalwork were superb, as well as their exploring spirit.
There is no freer white man than a viking/germanic warrior.
Grayson Gutierrez
Yet they were not 'Vikings', and they are not what is portrayed as a 'Viking'. The English have conflated the Scandinavians with 'Vikings' when in reality the Vikings were a specific segment of Norse (and other) society that were basically human-waste that could not find anything worthwhile to do, and so instead went off to raid and pillage. Some of the more noble sorts would go on to found their own colonies and nations, but by and large they were petty bandits who were lousy at war and made their living by sacking defenseless outposts on the coasts of Europe. They were not the majority of actual Scandinavians, and many other peoples also went 'Viking'; including the Irish, Britons and Germanics, as well as the traditional Scandinavians.
The English and French would lump all the Northmen together with the Vikings but this is brutally unfair to the men of the North; many of whom were expert warriors, traders, explorers and craftsmen. In fairness to the English and French, this is because their coastline had been being harried by pirates and bandits for centuries, and when the real invasion forces of the Northmen came they were mistakenly perceived to be the same thing; the only difference is that when the Danes invaded Normandy it was not for mere plunder, but for colonisation. When the great Heathen army came to England it was for dominion, not for petty banditry.
It is also grossly unfair to compare the inept bandits that comprised those going 'Viking' to the elite soldiers who served as mercenaries across the world, many of whom even being incorporated into the Roman Empire's elite Varangian guard. These men were men dedicated to personal honour, duty and who upheld order in a world that appeared to be breaking apart. They stand in stark contrast to those who would burn down to Churches, murder the literate, desecrate farmland and wipe out small communities for a few scraps of food and whatever coin the few families they butchered had on them.
You might rebut by saying: "Well I think of all Northmen as 'Vikings' and do not care for the actual meaning.", but you would be an idiot to say such a thing. The common pleb sees Vikings as a bunch of savage barbarians. They do see that as a 'cool' thing, just like they think African American thugs are 'cool'. It's pathetic. The vast majority of whites, including and especially those of Nordic and Germanic descent; were mighty warriors, great explorers, marvelous craftsmen and epic poets. To define all Whites back then as mere violent bandits is a gross disservice to us all, and serves only to push the idea that 'all humans are the same'. They were not and are not. A few inept, honourless criminals should not tar us all. We are the builders of nations, the architects of order, the upholders of justice and the hope for all men. Never forget that.
Andrew Smith
Vikings mean raiders, explorers, traders, pretty much all the great nordic kings are vikings or descended from vikings.
You are the ones who fail at history and bought the whole jew smear of viking in full force.
Jayden Gutierrez
Ryder Robinson
Fuck off Kampfy.
Julian Richardson
And varangian guards are vikings and saxon huscarls, you are literally ignoring history.
Thomas Anderson
As a worldview, I think it is somewhat silly and larpy.
However, I think it could work as an alternative subculture that cultivates fascist/natsoc individuals.
William Gutierrez
What the fuck are you talking about? Is what a good idea for what? Are you saying we should larp as vampires? Fucking count chocula? Fuck off.
Joshua Jones
Go away saging kike. This is a good idea, use all elements of culture malleable to the white cause. Literally stealing Jews best weapon from them.
Leo Ramirez
Go fuck a cross kike.
Wew another Jew. Contribute to a positive discussion about surreptitiously instilling proper values with programming-minded art or fuck off.
Aiden Peterson
Jesus Christ, I forgot how many degenerates hang around here.
Grayson Jenkins
The Vikang meme is heavily romanticized. The farmers, traders and merchants and mariners and the odd tough guy warrior that composed “the Vikings” were definitely not “superior combatants” - no more than other peoples at the time. What made them so feared is their sea-going and navigational skills which made for great surprise attacks, especially in England. They were not feared for taking on well fed, organized armies, they were feared because they raided defenseless settlements and monasteries. Any well armed and trained soldier was better at combat than the average peasant. Were the numerous other tribes hat hailed from the east that pillaged and raped strong mighty warriors? Were the mongols strong mighty warriors? Are the modern somalis and pakis strong mighty warriors because they seemingly rape and plunder with no opposition?
What's actually amazing about them is their seafaring that reached places the rest of Europe hadn't even known about.
Juan Baker
Let's all be like him.
William Taylor
Mongols are strong and mighty warriors, the somali pirates raid at specific places and never colononize.
While the vikings actually colonize snd create kingdoms on their own. In fact the normans descended from vikings who got given a fief by the french because they sacked Paris.
You guys buy the jews lies full force.
Jason Ross
more like anglo lies tbh, the anglos have been trying to demonized germanics and scandinavian as backwards savages for 2 thousand years, they are the most anti white unification force in european history
Henry Fisher
Funny considering the anglo and saxon raiders did the same shit, they raided then took over brythonnic/celt kingdoms.
Matthew Walker
Vampires don't actually exist.
Andrew Price
Read a book nigger, or just read what I wrote. I am not saying that the Scandinavians achieved nothing of note. I actually explicitly stated they had some of the best explorers, warriors and craftsmen in the entire world.
What I am saying is that they were not 'Vikings'. The word 'Viking' means pirate. Almost all actual 'Vikings' were desperately poor people with no skills who decided that the only way they could make a profit in life would be to go and pillage defenseless villages; and all they really did was murder families, burn down Churches, destroy literature, desecrate farm land and generally ruin the lives of others for very meager returns.
Not at all. The English and the French perceived all Scandinavians to be Vikings only because of the frequent piratical raids that had been going on for centuries. The actual attempts at colonisation from the likes of Harald Hardrada or Rollo should not be conflated with the general bandits that were referred to as 'Vikings'.
There were Saxon Vikings, but it was worth noting that the Angles, Jutes and Saxons were invited by the Roman Briton governor to help fight off the Picts, and were given land for their services.
Tyler Davis
Sorry to the above, I meant to quote:
^ So to you, read a book a nigger.
Isaiah White
Are you retarded? Twilight written by a fucking sexually frustrated feminist mormon whale. Edward isn't even a fucking vampire since he doesn't burn up in the fucking sunlight.
Yeah I read the previous posts, but fuck it. That shit is horrible and the fucking fan base made it worse.
I rather have old school WoD, even if that shit was written by proto-SJWs back in the day, but at least you don't have the faggotry of Twilight and you can twist storylines and shit in WoD into more hardcore right wing stuff, if you play it and write it right.
Colton Cooper
b-but he sparkles like a disco ball
Elijah Bell
Uh that's a loli. Didn't yozora also made them into loli futa vampires?
Cooper Powell
The word viking means rowers, not raiders, and no, they raid, colonize and trade, build villages and town. Some were invited as bodyguards i.e. the varangian or jornvikings.
And no, they are Saxon raiders, not vikings.
You ought to read a fucking book on the matter instead of relying on anti-white jew memes.
Adam Perez
Harald Haralda, Cnut the Great and all the grear nordic kings consider themselves viking, stop your stupid bullshit.
Robert Lee
I heard that the Vikings tried to trade dairy products with native Americans, who were lactose intolerant and thought the Vikings were trying to poison them
Eli Scott
Read my friend. The vast majority of Vikings were pieces of shit who did nothing but hold Europe back by acting like niggers. There were plenty of good Scandinavians as well, but the point here is that the Jews only like to promote the Vikings because the Vikings are for the most part in reality, and are completely according to modern day representations; white niggers (but also good at sailing).
Almost all other groups of whites throughout history have been known primarily for nation building, establishing law and order, being concerned with justice, bringing stability, peace, technology and civilisation. This is true for the Greeks, the Romans, the Franks, the Saxons, the Spanish. The old Gallic tribes, the Iberians, the ancient Britons; all masters of craftsmanship and trade.
The niggest group of whites were the Vikings. The vast majority of Vikings were failures with no skills who turned to piracy because they were too shit to actually contribute anything to their societies. That is why they went viking.
.. Do note that this is also why recent films/documentaries about Rome and Greece have focused on very specific periods, and even then they massively exaggerate things so that it is rife with perversion and corruption; and to some extent this is fair for brief periods of time, but those times were considered the dark days of those cultures and are not anything to be glamourised. For the most part white societies have tried to foster order, justice and civilisation.
If we, as Zig Forums, as nationalists, are to use imagery to show who we are and what we stand for; then we would be far better served choosing knights, monks, bards, druids, conquistadors, legionnaires, hoplites, philosophers, missionaries and gentle-man explorers. Certainly not fucking vampires, and not vikings either. Think about the image you're giving off you bloody fools.
Asher Martinez
Sounds good, I always loved vampires and for those exact reasons. Instead of posting this shit on imageboards, you should use this to make the plot for a videogame or something to get nationalism and traditionalism out into the mainstream. Goths are also the whitest subculture there is, so that's a thing too.
Samuel Bailey
Don't forget that blood and soil are also fundamental to the vampire.
Jeremiah Cox
A solid and thoughtful response. However, I fear that the Jewish love for the narrative of vampire as superhero is too big of an obstacle. Jews appear to be involved in various blood-drinking rituals involving human trafficking through pizza parlors. I would endorse erotic images of very pale white "goths" as a form of white pride, but I would be careful to keep an eye out for any image or narrative that would glamorize Jewish practices. And remember the accusations made concerning Saint Simon of Trent. Jews drinking the blood of Christians is an old image. Be wary.
Adam Parker
t. christcuck
Juan Allen
You're asking people to see low-T old men (monks, bards, druids, philosophers, missionaries, etc…) as something "cool", that's demanding a lot from us, even if you can convince us here at Zig Forums that Gandalf would be a cooler protagonist than Aragorn, good luck competing with Captain America or some other subverted kike superhero that the masses enjoy. For maximum success, your female characters are supposed to be cute, feminine and appealing and your male characters should be alpha badasses. These are the rules by which we must operate because people naturally gravitate towards what's sexy and what's manly (and by "manly" I mean characters who act manly, I'm not talking about being a stereotype with a beard and a lot of muscle mass, people instinctively know if you're a soyboy or not regardless of what you look like).
Also, keep in mind a very important fact: kikes almost never create anything of their own, they white characters and white franchises and subvert them for their own filthy purposes. You shouldn't be shy of using the same tactics and taking something that kikes love and subverting it for white nationalism, like with the vikings that you mentioned, I think Skyrim for example does a good job of portraying "vikings" (though technically they aren't that) in a good light. It's all up to the artist to take something and paint it in a way that supports a particular view, failure to do so is an indicator of a lack of skill.
Hudson Gonzalez
How is soil fundamental to a vampire? Because he can't freely cross flowing water?
Jason Ortiz
It's embarrassing and will only damage the far right further.
You want to drink blood, OP? Go and join some fringe association of wealthy socialites - like a hidden BDSM, invitation only, gentleman's club or something. That's essentially what you want: fetishistic idealisations and degeneracy, with a patina of class. But keep it out of right wing politics.
You can't alter an idea; an idea is only as decent as its latest adherents. In this case, that chiefly includes fat, unloved dykes, middle aged bag ladies, neckbeards and transsexuals. Keep clear if you want to avoid turning into a laughing stock.
Kayden Nelson
I'm back and you should be ready to actually READ shit about viking instead of relying on memes.
1. Vikings weren't SIMPLY raiders, pirates. Their names meant to row, the actual vikings were more like warrior-traders, the fact they raid a bunch of churches doesn't mean they are only that.
1. Vikings aren't niggers. Vikings are great warriors (their individual strength are greatly valued by everyone, even their opponents, which is why they are frequently hired as mercenaries by everyone), sailors, explorers, traders, craftsmen, smithy, COLONIZERS and STORYTELLERS. Niggers never did anything, not even domesticated a fucking horse. It is shameful to compare sailors like vikings to the somali pirates who never dared venture out of their sea territory.
2. Vikings had a great civilization, their building might not be big like the romans, but they had styles, and their spiritual life is rich with mythology of heroes and gods that inspire us to this very day, sagas were by vikings.
3. Vikings didn't go raid just because they can go, they do it out of a necessity because Scandinavia was a poor land with no fertility and little farming ability, thus the men of society i.e. the vikings must venture out to bring back home supplies and loot for their tribe/clan. There is nothing shameful in this and it's something every white men should have pride in.
4. Vikings had HONOR and DUTY. Unlike christian men who masked themselves with flowery word, vikings live by honor and loyalty, in fact, trial by combat was a viking/germanic tradition because to insult someone's pride is worthy of being killed by that person.
5. All the great nordic men were descended from vikings, it's why they are armed with the finest armor and weapons that the nordic society can afford, because without these men to raid and trade, the nordic society would starve and wither.
6. Vikings are great even as christian, considering they keep a lot of their gods alive in form of saints, and just incorporate western european technology to improve their building technology and weapon technology. In fact, after being christianized, they still go out raiding and fighting (see the Norwegian Crusade), because to viking is also seen as a rite of passage for nordic men.
To insult viking is to insult the great northern spirit/courage, and shame be upon you.
Cameron Howard
Some very good points there, and I wish the thread in general was about this instead of freaking vampires.
I think it is very important that we make the point that 'white conquerors' were more than mere meat-heads intent on violence and who were only good for following orders. We want to bring back the image of the 'philosopher-kings' of the Greeks, the 'scholar-athletes' of the Anglo-Saxons, the warrior-politicians of the Greeks and Romans. Our people were not just brutes, and they were not frail brain-boxes; they were a glorious blend of the true. It is important that we emphasise that we are the force of civilisation and that the enemies seek to undermine and destroy what we create and maintain.
Stuff I have read indicates that 'viking' is the act of piracy or marauding. If I'm wrong then my apologies, but it does not change the overall sentiment. When people think of 'Vikings' they do not think of the great warriors of the Varangian Guard, the Norman Knights or even Cnut's Empire building. They think of savage warriors who went around raping, burning and looting; and there is good reason for that. I am not disputing that there were some, maybe even many 'good' Vikings; but the point is that they are associated with strength, brutality and travelling. The only valuable aspect to our image there is that of 'strength', it would be far better to use iconography from one of the many other great warrior peoples that are not associated with murder, theft and the destruction of the civilisation. Thinking about it- the Varangian guard would actually be great imagery for Zig Forums as it would show mighty white warriors whose lives were dedicated to honour and duty, and who kept other whites safe from Arab invasions. There are too many other good options with little to no negative aspects.
Zachary Thompson
Then you are literally ignoring history and instead following jew memes:
And the reason for the whole hurr vikings only known for raping and burning is JEWISH and CHRISTIAN PROPAGANDA! Never mind all the sword, the armor, the temples of Odin/Thor that the nordics have built. Never mind the very RUNES that they have left behind.
Vikings burned a few churches in England = vikings are the LITERAL DEVILS who only know of raping and killing.
Fortunately, even the most braindead viking fanboys and media stay clear from that and show the greatness of viking culture (even Skyrim doesn't portray their viking expies as pure brutes).
Varangian guard are composed of vikings and saxon huscarls, they aren't distinct. In fact some varangian guards return to their homeland as vikings and vice versa, they consider it a military service to great lord.
Caleb Adams
Gothic was very much a European sub culture
Jose Roberts
Vikings also inspire one of the greatest Space Marine legion/chapter.
The teutonic order inspired Black Templar is also great.
Ethan Thompson
Gothic is european.
Dominic Brooks
Jeremiah Hall
Indeed, NOT sub-cultures and NOT fucking retarded ideas such as OP's idea.
Much European folklore on vampires derive from cautionary tales about kikes.
And the whole fucking modern vampire shit is kiked as hell - not to mention fucking gay.
Levi Foster
Gothic is a part of the great culture of GERMANIC.
Germanic is actually very diverse culture wise.
You have the north germanic (the nordics, the anglo-saxons), the lower germanic (swabians, bavarians) and east germanics (the goths).
Michael Brown
It seems to be rightly, but even if wrongly; the term viking clearly signifies raiders to most people. Savage raiders from far off lands who burned, looted and raped. That is pretty much the exact thing we are currently trying to oppose.
And how are the Space Wolves portrayed? As the least orderly and most savage and brutal of the Loyalists (barring maybe the Blood Angels). I don't care if you think Vikings are cool, or if you personally are more interested in their non-piratical activities (although I am still not convinced that 'viking' does actually refer to Scandinavians in general and not just the piratical segment of their society - but I'll take your word for it as it really doesn't matter), the fact remains that it gives off the wrong image. We want to portray ourselves and the so-called 'far-right' in general as a force of order, civilisation, strength, intelligence stability and safety. The only part of that which the Viking image plays to is strength; why settle with that when we have such a vast array of other options who so much better fit what we stand for?
Dominic Reed
tfw no tall pale vampire gf