/ourguy/ Greg Johnson live on Jew Ford
Why does Greg Johnson have to be a sexual deviant?
Also pretty stoked to get a signed copy of the WN manifesto this summer.
Just because he's gay doesn't mean he's a sexual deviant. He's celibate.
What if I told you he's actually married and has kids
He's not.
Remember guys, every jew has The Gay.
You are mentally ill.
I never said that.
There are plenty of gay people in the alt and far right such as Greg, Millennial Woes, Jack Donovan, Ryan Faulk etc and they contribute a lot to the movement. There were renowned gays in the Reich, too. Not all gays are sexual degenerates or sodomites.
Greggy would be a piece of shit even if he wasn't a sodomite.
I mean, he's not wrong. Care to try and disprove this?
muh christcucks
Fucking kill yourself, shill.
Correct. Because it's jewish shilling.
False, by definition.
A queer has never contributed anything to anyone.
Go back to reddit and either await your execution or blow your brains out now.
Thanks for exposing yourself instantly.
Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases: 19 Disease Panel
Bloom Syndrome
Canavan Disease
Cystic Fibrosis
Familial Dysautonomia
Familial Hyperinsulinism
Fanconi Anemia C
Gaucher Disease
Glycogen Storage Disease 1A
Joubert Syndrome 2
Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Deficiency (E3)
Maple Syrup Urine Disease 1B
Mucolipidosis IV
Nemaline Myopathy
Niemann-Pick Disease
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Tay-Sachs Disease
Usher IF
Usher III
Walker Warburg
Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases: 38 Disease Panel
3-Phosphoglycerate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Alport Syndrome, Autosomal Recessive
Arthrogryposis, Mental Retardation and Seizures
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase ll Deficiency
Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia
Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Ia
Dyskeratosis Congenita, Autosomal Recessive
Ehlers-Danlos VllC
Fragile X Syndrome
Multiple Sulphatase Deficiency
Polycystic Kidney Disease, Autosomal Recessive
Retinitis Pigmentosa 59
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome
Tyrosinemia l
Wilson Disease
Zellweger Syndrome
All churches should be set on fire, Varg style
Fags aren't allowed. End of story.
Admit you're gay.
Why are you so triggered by that?
That quote there, if it's legitimate, is just a bramble of unqualified statements. No one knows or is qualified to speak on the influence of culture upon race, that's a new and obviously destructive experiment the West is living, but it's self-evident the influence that race has upon culture. Different races develop different cultures, only someone with an agenda would separate the two.
I also see you're defending homosexuality which is a bit weird but whatever floats your boat I guess.
Bog yourself
Yawn. You're done here.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
Because gays have always been a part of white European societies, if you actually cared to do your research.
Also, your analysis is wrong. Suck one.
Yeah, you're just a troll. No one believes you. Go back to reddit.
>believing (((stats)))
Must be a TRSodomite
you're called trsodomites for a reason
Everyone who defends fags isn't a Zig Forumsack.
If you don't believe that culture has a racial component, why are you calling it white European society? Why not just call it universal European society or some other globalist term? The truth is that no one knows whether you can fully assimilate a race into a culture, as I said that's a (so far failing) experiment.
I'm also well-aware of the contributions of homosexuals (as distinct from homosexuality) in our society. I think we'll both agree that homosexuality is not a universally preferable state, since they can't reproduce and therefore would lead to our extinction, so chemical castration would be a humane alternative for them.
Well you are defending an Alt-kike faggot
Kill yourselves, assholes.
I want TRSodomites to go and stay go.
TRS owns this board, tbqh famalam.
Fuck off shitskin.
OP is such a deranged faggot that he thinks a sodomite could be ourguy haha. I bet this jizz swallowing retard is also a 'Milo' fanboy. KYS homo.
All homosexuals get the bullet.
I hope they both kill themselves for the absolute degenerates and race traitors they both are. Neither has done anything good for the white race, only lived off whites and require whites to sustain themselves.
You gentleman need to calm your shit. Greg the flawed faggot CAN be seperated from his work. Counter Currents is one of the best, if not the best vanguard for whites.
This goes for all e-celebs. Hell Im sure you could even find FBI plants that make a cogent point every now and again.
This faggot hates the jews for making white men stop fucking each other in the ass.
Why haven’t you killed yourself yet, sodomite? Its only a matter of time, why wait?
The only good fag is a bog fag.
its much better when homosexuality is relegated to the back of the church walls, where they can fuck each other and the choir boys.
Daily reminder that this is literally why the church is a GAY PEDO hotspot now.
Literally satanic.
There have always been people born without eyes on occasion too, are they a natural part of society?
Should we tolerate what we know to be wrong because its not 'nice' to put a stop to it or should we act with ruthless determination to make a better people devoid of sickness?
The notion that because something happened 'then' it becomes tolerable is absurd.
Sodomy is objectively a perversion of normal healthy sexual behaviour. We know this because we know what the biological truth of sex and sexual behaviour is.
As a result we know sodomites are sick, wrong, perverted.
No amount of 'but muh sacred band!' will change that. Degenerate.
When will you faggots learn.
Proportionately more gays are sexual degenerates or sodomites than niggers are violent criminals, muslims are terrorist sympathizers and potentially even kikes are swindling scum.
Why the fuck should we tolerate a direct threat to our race' well being solely because there are exceptions?
Stop projecting, faggot.
All of them are drags on the movements and sooner or later turn it all about themselves and their degeneracy. Gays are spiritual jews and will always band together to form alliances that are against the interests of straight men (and to fuck each other). For example, Grinder Greg puts his tendrils into every vaguely white nationalist subgroup gaining traction then destroys them, by doxing them and giving the information to Antifa or having them Fed-ed, when they don't give into his demands to tolerate faggotry. Jack Donovan, despite describing himself as an anarcho-fascist (more anarcho-snowflakism, I know), has publicly condemned racial nationalism so he can still have his filipino and taconigger fuckbois. Instead he offers a philosophy of “flesh worship” where it's literally just a bunch of buff dudes in the woods who work out and fuck each other while society collapses.
If GRIDS Greg, Jack(off) inDon'sVan and the other altfaggots just wrote a few books kept quiet about their degeneracy, they wouldn't be much of an issue, as Greg wrote the basic bitches guide to WN, and Donovan has written decent books on men and the nature of masculinity. But it is in the nature of faggotry to maneuver to the center of every situation, and then destroy themselves and any movement that they are a part of. The National Socialists purged homosexuals from positions of power once it was discovered they were reprobates. In fact, every sane government from the US to Britain and Russia used to purge homosexuals from office once they were publicly outed.
While I support the core of the message (pushing back against LGBT degeneracy), the way it is being conveyed is degenerate and damaging to the brand of fascism. Do you think that our eternal Führer would approve of using terms like "faggot", "kike" or the likes? The art itself, besides of their symbol, is entartet too
these mane are pussies , not nazis
dont think just cause they dislike jews they are worth anything
they most likely dislike themselves too
What would you know, faggot?
Kill yourself before we come for you. Fag apologists will hang alongside the fags they defend.
This is from an American National Socialist newspaper linked to Der Sturmer. As far as "faggot", I'm not aware of him having a problem with Himmler instructing concentration camp guards to shoot them, so I doubt he'd take issue with us calling them a mean name.
And how could I forget this? Embed was from a propaganda band created by Dr. Goebbels himself.
He's a fucking faggot who has his filthy hands in several outfits.
Listen to Third Jimpact already.