…The controversial measures in the new directive have been tried before. For example, link taxes were tried in Spain and Germany and they failed, and publishers don't want them. Indeed, the only country to embrace this idea as workable is China, where mandatory copyright enforcement bots have become part of the national toolkit for controlling public discourse…. etc.
While the Shills are screaming their new "free-speech" catchphrase. Legitimate discussion WILL END through EUROPEAN BUREAUCRATS AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT GOY if it is acceptedit will be
dead euro policy makers can't ruin shit for the rest of us
Noah Hall
Can't happen soon enough but until then any form of dissent and dissemination of "truth" will be filtered world wide by Brussels. Which will push back the inevitable maybe
Bentley Carter
Copyright law is a gigantic kike stronghold that does nothing for creativity and everything to aid censorship. It is completely incompatible with the internet and it's no surprise it's desperate to destroy the internet to preserve itself. The Jew fears unrestrained creativity and decentralized content creation.
Jack Cooper
Think about absolute freedom, and what it entails.
Every thing that you want to do that people call "bad": It is allowed. Every thing you call "bad" that other people do: It is allowed.
Now just let me know if you can handle freedom. If you can, then you'd better accept that others want to be free from your little moral ideals. And that in return, you will be free from theirs. Such is the nature of actual freedom.
Or perhaps you're a coward who just needs to spy on everyone and enforce your view of good and bad. Absolutely degenerate.
Joshua Sanchez
Think about going back to Reddit if you can only TORpost irrelevant bullshit.
Easton Phillips
The internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. In this case the "it" will be Western Yurope, which might actually increase the general quality of the internet. Bad news for euro-anons though.
Jose Reed
OP IS A NEWFAG WHO CAN'T INTO CATALOG There are at least two threads on this already. If they were difficult to find it is because they were made by equally shitty OPs like (you).
If you're retarded enough to cuck to this you deserve what you get. This is the EU putting it's own neck in a noose. the fire rises
Cooper Johnson
I could see the whole Continent being range-banned like a lot of people did with the GDPR fiasco. Which won't help (of course) since then it becomes just like China as was mentioned in the article and the dissemination of alternate views will become impossible.
Whoops sorry I didn't look all the way to the fucking bottom you dipshit.
Chase Ross
So which greasy kike got that mandated tax in? I'd be digging the tech/company behind it and it's links to greasy, kike-paid politicians.
Joseph Scott
at least 3 threads OF THE SAME FUCKING THING
Jason Sanchez
Go away rulecuck
Isaac Brooks
No, just the commie's net access. Not a single fuck given.
Julian Barnes
Fuck it all, why am I bothered. I know how the story ends. This kike tax will be like napalm on the normfags and the raging fire will burn the EU down.
Unlike 4cuck this place had standards, that is until you refugees turned up.
This is why you use the catalog before making a thread.
John Young
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: We need a sticky of these Euro threads, just to get people to actually write to the MEPs of countries full of euroskepticism like Poland, Italy or Austria. Their votes alone stopped the Dublin reform, for god's sake.
Jace Lopez
yes 5!!
Nathan Morgan
bump up there
Josiah Long
Liam Anderson
t. Interpol
China and North Korea would like some words with you about exactly how fucking difficult that is, especially for normal, non-technically inclined users. Sure, the average user on Zig Forums is behind seven proxies and TOR, but your average bugman chink barebacks his country's internet, while the norks don't have internet for non-government officials, they have a locked-down, filtered intranet.
Which is kind of the point. It's why the whole fucking thing is so vaguely worded.
Now gents, combine this all with Britain's proposed 'physical sale' law for adult entertainment (read: porn) which boils down to
Adam Long
>thread about an (((intellectual property))) bill that fucks everything over
This isn't ideal for sure but its not the disaster you think it is. The eu bureaucracy is handing us a potent weapon we can use to kill the controlled social media platforms. We'll just automate millions of false copyright claims on all kinds of Jewish owned and leftist IP as well as common phrases and arguments and make them unable to effectively push their propaganda except from a centralised control structure that can bypass the copyright system, but that in itself breaks the consensus they're desperately trying to build that everyone supports their goals. Furthermore this will break the usability of the sites for normies, putting us in a perfect position to launch alternatives and accelerate their growth, plus it wakes them up to the degree of tyranny that exists
Mason Ramirez
Fine. PLACES , actual places like this will prevail.
Adrian Russell
Delusional fucking children. It is too late for word games and cutesy petitions. Download a warfare manual. Get a friend. Manufacture ammunition and guns. Pick a target. FUCKING EXECUTE THEM BLOOD IN THE STREETS YOU DKNT FUCKING UNDERSTAND THERE IS NOTHING AFTER THIS THIS IS WHERE THE MEMES END AND RED TERROR WINS. FIGHT FOR 1488 AND SURVIVAL. FUCK ZOG SIEG HEIL!!
Joshua Stewart
like all EU legislation the law will be selectively enforced
Levi Barnes
This is a g-man right here kids, advocating for wildly disproportionate, counterproductive illegal actions. Ignore these fags
Xavier Evans
Zig Forums will live on by the onion
Juan Wilson
I am actually pretty happy this is happening. Anything enforcing censorship to the masses generally is not accepted well, and may bring more people to our side. And it will move people to more revolutionary websites.
Plus, i really doubt they will be able to enforce the rules.
Adam Sullivan
Fuck off.
Colton Reyes
Justin Cooper
How those niggers will enforce it? They will cut off all ISP in EU?
pretty much this, the law if technically workable is largely a threath to big centralised sites like facebook it will just speed up the development of decentralised alternatives
what anons here forget about this whole affair is that the centralised position of facebook and twitter has allowed them to engage in this exact behaviour already, all non pozzed wrongthink is being banned left and right, now at least with state legislation it becomes clear for everyone to abandon the walled gardens
i look forward to seeing the ruins we had a good run, time to see the next cycle started
Gavin Jones
The internet was unironically a better place when it was still majority American (from the late 1970s all the way up until the mid 2000s when Social media took off) Then Yuros joined in and quality dropped slightly, then in the late 2010s (today) we see Chinks and Pajeets discovering the internet and its only getting worse
Jaxon Edwards
The internet is done for. Back up all your juicy things n memes now. There might even be a false flagged EMP some day to wipe out all your fake news. Who knows?
If you look at it optimistically, I think in the long run Hitler's vision will win. And, applying surveillance to everyone and every single thing they do, only makes outing Jews easier. It'll all work out… HOLD ON.
Carter King
Stop suffering from the bystander effect. be the change you want to see. Too many anons just lurk and assume a few of us will get shit done. No. The struggle begins inside of (you).
If the person reading this does not revolt then nobody else will. Practice good OPSEC and make a plan. Follow the plan. If you die then accept it. Life and material wealth is overrated compared to our descendants future.
Luis Hughes
This MIGHT be enough to overboil the frog. I can see young people getting legit pissed about this one. Even migrants are going to be pissed about this one. I am looking forward to riots and buildings tagged with angry pepes.
Jacob Bennett
Well since that's what the internet consists of they're talking about shutting down the internet, at least for Eurofags, dumbasses.
Jonathan Lee
no shit. any more high tier analysis to add or will you go back to the peanut gallery while the rest of us simmer in the rage which white genocide causes? Yeah internet censorship is white genocide. I conflated those two ideas just now because jews. Fuck the jews. REMOVE ZOG OR PERISH LIKE A DOG
Camden Watson
its ogre
Austin Wood
visibility bump for the fucking retards who keep making repeat threads
Caleb Harris
more visibility required bump
David Thompson
Jace Scott
Daniel Brown
The second they cut off communication the stormtroopers will be sent out on lightning raids rounding up White people in Europe that oppose the EU and locking them in concentration camps. The (((people))) that control the EU are pure evil and they won't stop until they are killed or imprisoned.
Sebastian Campbell
That's what they're asking for, let's oblige them.
Nathan Garcia
Isn't this stepping over the line for the normies? Surely they won't like it when the internet is destroyed.
Tyler Rodriguez
He's not talking about Eurofags routing around their firewall idiot. He's saying the rest of us will simply route around the EU and we'll all be better off for it because EUfags won't be included in the greater internet.
Exactly. I see the positive in this. It will only increase anti-eu sentiment
Adam Turner
Balkanization? isn't that what we wanted tho In seriousness this isn't going to slow us down at all, but is going to hobble (((them))) something fierce. It'll be hilarious.
We want individual, sovereign, fully independent and self-serving states, all fighting alongside against all those who would want to destroy their individual and collective culture. We're not Catalan faggots tier independentists, who just want to make European Cali a reality.
The opposite, actually, it insures those with creativity can make money off that creativity, without large corporations simply stealing it from them. The problem we're talking about here is "fair use." Fair use allows people to REFERENCE the works of creative people, for the purpose of applauding or criticizing those works, as well as simply to make a joke about them. Normally, this helps the creative person, as his creation then gets far more coverage in front of the masses than it would, otherwise.
Here's the thing, though…I'm not sure what the laws in Europe are, regarding this, but in the U.S., if this law were to be passed, it would have to be applied to EVERYONE equally. Can you imagine what this would do to television? The Daily Show? Saturday Night Live? What about real "news" programs, themselves? None could show any examples of what they're "reporting" on, no "comedy" show could reference anything current…not without the threat of lawsuits, all of which would reference this law.
Can you imagine drawing a doodle that goes viral on the internet, then seeing SNL using that doodle? You could hit them with a monetization claim, and take that entire night's profit from SNL.
You say this will "destroy the internet," but I see a great deal of opportunity here to destroy Jew media with it. It's for this reason I think this will not pass. The powers-that-be are leaving themselves wide open, defenseless against the very weapons they wish they could use on others.
This entire shit is just an excuse for retarded burgers to shitpost about Europe being full of "dirty red commies". Of all the things to get up in arms about, this it? Remember when Reddit had its little net neutrality crusade? Guess what? I can still torrent. Decades of an open internet, for retards to post Mickey mouse cartoons to faceberg. Chaos is what's needed. A fucking change. Smoke your weed and cry somewhere else.
Andrew Powell
Boohoo, muh meme war. We're redpilling the normies, any day now.
Austin Howard
Make another thread about how your moving to another country to post MAGA memes. Hahahaha