tldr he's fucked
Update: Communist Ranger and West Pointer receives an Other Than Honorable discharge
tldr he's fucked
Update: Communist Ranger and West Pointer receives an Other Than Honorable discharge
see ya
Doubt it.
This shit is like a goldstar on his resume to a lot of (((companies))) currently.
Took long enough. Jesus.
Dumb fucking commies never practice opsec in this day and age. They're too busy tweeting and posting pictures of their trap bodies on discord.
Never would have been possible under a Hillary admin.
The army has so many helicopters sitting around, surely one could've been used for 30 min.
While we're on topic. What does Zig Forums think about anons having a career in the military? Inb4 coup LARPing
The look in his eyes looks like he wants to be some commissar that liquidates officers who don't want to be a communist.
Don't they?
>not knowing he was financed by the (((CIA)))
Fuck off, lolbertarian.
thanks op i was just thinking about what happened to this hydra nigger last night, i guess the media manipulation is being timed perfectly. nice job illuminati
Kikes and commies get the rope.
Will Putin poison him for being a traitor? Oh wait, he's an American, which means he'll write a book about his experience and make millions.
This pleases me. Now it is time to go after everyone he was friends with while at WP.
Did you actually read the second line, have zero sense of humor, or are you just that stupid?
if you aren't commissioned then the army is using you more than you're using it, it's not a career. if you want to shoot people and get shot at for money (and the jews) you should probably go pmc unless you have the means to officer up. thats just a civilian opinion however.
Finally, getting rid of a commie trash who was possibly openly indoctrinating other soldiers makes the army more safer.
What I would like to know is how the bugger even got into West Point; I thought your political trustworthiness was guaranteed by the US senator that sponsored your application to go there.
That took WAY too fucking long. He should have been identified and executed for treason within a week.
Naval officer
As someone above said if you're not an officer forget it.
There were already reports about his behavior before that picture was made. The higher ups knew but didn't made any moves.
Pretty low tier, being a zogbot is being a slave to the system. Only good thing to use it for is benefits which is still risky if you have ideology.
Paperwork was signed and ready to go.
I'm glad I never went.
Bad sanpaku on this commie.
I thought he already got sacked. Ah well. He'll probably be fine, he'll become a symbol of the "resistance" and content himself with thinking he's stopping Trump by telling drug addicts to punch women in the back of the head.
Looks like a fucking kike to me. Whats the appeal of communism? They act like being a slave to the public gulag is completly different thsn being aslave to the private gulag. Either way you're somebodies bitch.
EVERY institution has been packed with anti-white far-left extremists for the past few decades. Look up the concept of the "long march thru the institutions", which is what /ourguys/ should be doing.
There are two types of supporters
1. Poorfags who would have more than they do now if the nation's wealth were evenly distributed
2. Rich retards living off their parents who never learned the value of anything and have no idea how the world actually works, who think that capitalism is the cause of everything their liberal retard friends have told them is evil
Neither group is intelligent enough to forsee that if communism is ever enacted, they won't be the ones controlling the redistribution of wealth and won't get shit.
What about the officers in the academy that tutored and nurtured him?
Cut the infection out at the root.
I'm number 2… S-sometimes number 3 simply because of the naturally angry look about my face
Sometimes number 4 *
The penalty for this is death by firing squad. What the fuck is this shit?
Anti-capitalism. That's it. When you have a political discourse full of market-worshipers when material conditions are objectively getting worse for everyone else, Communism pretends to offer a solution that lets you think you're a rebel without being beyond the pale morally. Most people nowadays think racism is the worst offense there is, perhaps next to misogyny and not liking faggots. Having opinions that are genuinely dissident is hard, so these stop-gaps and false paths present a way to feel like you're revolting against the system when you're actually just jerking yourself off.
A classic.
Literally most of the idiots calling themselves commies and hate capitalism only do so because they have a sense something in the world is wrong but have been gaslit to direct this anger onto another petty system other than the true issues and to blame whitey for most of the bad shit that goes on in the world…
But we know who the true (((fellow white people))) are don't we?
They're right about capitalism being bad, but they hate for the wrong reasons. Capitalism is responsible promoting degeneracy and giving it power, but liberal socialists think that it's responsible for preventing their degeneracy.
How is he any different from John McCain?
that's the jews, user
This, it's up to the nationalists to provide for a better alternative to capitalism.
Great way to start the day.
he will be a shoe in at any coffee shop in any major city in america
they are all commies
I enlisted in the army; I've been in six years and just signed for another four. I'd recommend against going enlisted unless you have aspirations for going special operations. That's what my plan was and it has finally paid off but it took years of hard work, sacrifice, luck and overall green weenie dick sucking to get here. I'm an e6 now but I receive alot of speciality pay for things like language, airborne ect and because it's hard to keep guys in my job( because we could go elsewhere and get paid more) the bonuses are really high( 50,000 lump sum for four year reenlistment). If you have a family to care for, forget it. Commission as an officer, their lives are pretty cush. I'll be doing that myself in the next four years so I can go to PA school.
Pics or it didnt happen
now we can get these tan klan niggers out
Go officer or go home.
I'm amazed the US military did the right thing. Almost surprised he wasn't fast-tracked to a position of status.
I'm not going to dox myself. The guy asked for advice on making the military a career and I gave my anecdotal account. I could care less if you believe me or not.
I was under the impression that you need to have some sort of military experience to join a PMC, do any offer training or boot camps?
I know there is the (((zogbot))) contingent here, but I'm thankful for your service and sacrifice. Former combat medic, I commissioned and separated as a Captain. Then reverted to Warrant. I agree, commission. Warrant Officer flight program requires HS diploma, GED, high score on flight aptitude test and pass the physical. All the best to you user, stay safe.
spic faggot
AAAAAAAAAAA! Why is everyone controlled by the kikes!? I can't fucking stand it!
Burgers are fugged
Kek dumb monkies.
Shitting all over commies spics and kikes / niggers etc
Don't be a ZOGbot kiddos
give it a fucking rest
absolutely disgusting. Fascists, please chimp out and kill all American """leftists"""
You need spec ops experience.
What are you, a fucking nigger? What has been happening in universities for decades is the antithesis of capitalism. Federal funding is the antithesis of capitalism. Welfare is the antithesis of capitalism. Affirmative action is the antithesis of capitalism. Capitalism is the most functional economic system, and all evidence proves it. It just needs to be paired with a nationalistic society.
And I should add, ethnically, or at the very least, racially homogeneous.
They're all commies with iphones. You know, the 1000 dollar phone of the working class.
So fags if i were to attend an academy like wp any tips and tricks? Im 21 and am qualified.
Get your history straight, faggot