With the amount of civic-nationalist/TRS/"Alt-Right"/ and Redditor posting on this board I think addressing a serious character flaw of these posters. One that is detrimental for them to fix themselves. This isn't so much about the differences of knowledge, but about the key flaw within that keeps them from being receptive to that knowledge even though they are aware that something is wrong.
It isn't fear, nor is it always lack of intelligence. It is a problem that every National Socialist had to overcome, regardless if they will admit it or not (I honestly believe most will in essence).
No person likes to admit that they were tricked. No person is comfortable knowing that they believed lies for years. Especially large lies. Even the most skeptical person can be lied to and manipulated.
It takes a strength of character to admit so. One that feels wrong for many. One that feels as if a person is exposing a weakness or a fault, not even outwardly, but internally.
However, people will find very few National Socialists that will say that they have not been manipulated or lied to. Solely because we all had it attempted. From childhood and for generations even. A majority of us, at the least, had to go against the notion that we were incapable of falling for lies in order to get to the point we are at now.
From a young age we remember teachers, news, government, people in all walks of influence and power telling us the same "undeniable truths":
(Or variations of such)
A lot of these core concepts that we have had beaten in to our heads aren't just false, but obviously designed so poorly that only children are fully receptive to them. And so, as children it started. Most importantly, we were taught to never question this as we aged and experienced the world around us. To question much of this would be taboo, a sign of ignorance, a sign of a black heart and evil mind. Questioning this when everyone agreed would be a sign of self doubt first and foremost.
Need more proof of this flaw? Look at behavior. "Alt-Right" leaders, personalities and members go out of their way to try to prove an intellectual superiority and rely heavily on this individual pride:
One never questions themselves in a debate. The objective is only to further that individual pride. To show those that follow them or consider their beliefs best how successful they are at parroting those beliefs to someone who is as equally proud and incapable of admitting they could be manipulated.
Just the fact that the Alt-Right relies heavily on personalities and e-celebs shows that individual pride is ingrained so tightly. Not to say that National Socialists do not value individuals that are willing to speak, but we do not blindly follow or cease to analyze and even criticize. The steps that led us here have left us skeptical. Due to the circumstances of the truth we admittedly possess an unhealthy amount of skepticism, but for very good reason. The effect of what has been done to us. To everyone.
But the "Alt-Right"/civic nationalist continues to chose pride before truth. This leads them to a position of blaming the products, not the source. Claiming that "human stupidity" is to blame for each loss our race, cultures and nations face. Despite the fact that such a belief is absolutely asinine. (Cont.)