Starting to read through Capital, any tips from you lovely anons?
Starting to read through Capital, any tips from you lovely anons?
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Take notes. Capital is a long work and it's full of substance. You will need to take notes if you hope to digest and remember anything. A notebook or text file will help enormously.
Pay attention to Marx's terminology. Some of the words he employs are uncommon and people don't realize their meaning. Other words sound common but have meanings far different than how they might be used in everyday conversation.
Don't overthink it. Marx often repeats ideas multiple times in order to better explain his point. Some statements will seem confusing but have a clear meaning within the context of his argument. Since some of Marx's arguments extend over multiple pages it's good to refer to my first point and actively take notes.
Try to create a mental diagram as you read. Marx's arguments are usually only intelligible if you interpret them as being part of a capitalist system as a whole. Marx assumes that the reader understands this and often leaves this aspect of his arguments unwritten.
Marx was creating a model for abstract capitalism. This is another point that he assumes the reader understands. The capitalism he writes about is largely an abstract capitalism that doesn't focus on the messy details of day-to-day economic life. Marx is interested in general trends and the normal functioning of capitalism - not mudpies or phenomena that only occur in .00001% of cases.
Pic up Favid Harvey's companion
Don't do this.
What's the best companion?
A friend to discuss it with. Don't bother with other books. Marx’s sentences alone are necessary to understand Marx's sentences and to express what one has understood about them.
What's my next best option.
A XIXth century german dictionary in combination with the original text to limit the risk of misinterpretation/mistranslation?
Just read the damn thing, you don't need to be an expert on hegel or economics savant to get his arguments.
I found it to be dry, take notes and keep slogging on even if you get tired of linens.
When you're finished don't act like a galaxy brain just because you read a book.
finish it
Read it alongside the Communist Manifesto. Connect the ideas in there, for your own edification.
A thousand times this. Reading it with someone–especially the almost impenetrable first chapter–makes it so very much easier to follow.
Well shit. In that case, read it aloud. Capital is surprisingly easy to understand when you hear it. Maybe an audiobook would be good. I have not tried that. Richard Wolf should make one of those. He has a voice that would sound good on tape.
Pace yourself and try to actually get what you're reading before charging ahead to the next bit. There are plenty of resources online for understanding Capital. If you are confused about anything look it up. Wikipedia even is surprisingly decent at explaining major concepts.
Marx literally talks down to the reader and directly explains everything in the book, how do people find it hard to read.
a better question is how can people like David Harvey misunderstand him so badly?
I'm 900% sure Harvey simply used Marx as a scapegoat for multiple actions.
It is precisely because Marx covers absolutely every little thing about every little thing that Capital is difficult to digest. Nothing is taken for granted, and everything is painstakingly broken down into its basic components and then reassembled. It is a torrent of concepts that fit together like clockwork, and each concept needs to be understood completely for the big picture to make sense.
I hear people say this all the time, but what exactly does Harvey get wrong in interpreting Marx?
Harvey has been criticized for misunderstanding basic ideas in Capital like abstract labor.
Harvey has also advocated a non-LTV interpretation of Marx and even endorses an underconsumptionist theory of capitalist crises.
Andrew Kliman (among others) has attempted to refute Harvey regarding crisis theory by focusing on the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, which is minimized in Harvey's interpretation.
Even Paul Cockshott has criticized Harvey for his non-LTV interpretation of Marx.
Michael Roberts has criticized Harvey for both his non-LTV interpretation as well as his underconsumptionist theory of crises.
Now, a lot of this is going to sound like really technical bullshit. But two things stand out for me. One, Harvey (at least in his companion) seems to have been confused about what abstract labor is. This is such a basic concept in Capital that it becomes almost mind-boggling that he misunderstood what Marx was saying. Second, originally argued against underconsumptionist theories but now he seems to support them. It's just bizarre.
Looking for the pelican books 1976 edition audiobook for Capital, it would be the fourth edition also. Does anybody know where I can find it?
How the fuck do you even misunderstand abstract labour?
I would like to read the original German edition but, I don't know German. What would be the next best edition of Capital to read?
The manga version
English-language scans where?
Much better place for these kind of threads.
I think this is it
I saw more of the collection like a manga of the conquest of bread, Maquiavelo, Dante, sun tsu, etc, but didn't read anyone, maybe I'll do it now that I remembered it.