Now that we're free to be openly gay again, where do you see yourself in a year from now ?
I just sold all my Nat soc stuff and bought the bestest yiff I could find
Now that we're free to be openly gay again, where do you see yourself in a year from now ?
Nazi free post
Nothing is beyond our reach
We'll see about that when you're stuffed in the oven with the others.
Come on bro, it's not gay if we leave our costumes on..
Go back to your containment board faggot
Last time I checked, this was the gayest board there ever was.
I feel.right at home, with you here..
Are you actually fucking dense?, you have your own board aka >>>/lgbt/ where you flamers can fuck off
Should have done it sooner
Why can't you faggots make your own Internet and stay in it and leave the normal people alone?
the faggot seeks attention, without it they perish
That board is dead honeybuns.
This is the board with the most cute boys..
It's time to get over your homophobia kiddo
If you're not gay, you can post in another thread ya know..
why don't you click the thumbnail instead
Post cock baby
saged and reported
enjoy your ban niggerfaggot
Where are the mods and they better fucking delete this shit
Fellow furry friend here.
mods are dead gods i'm afraid
or they are sleeping which may explain the sudden rise in furfaggotry and slide threads
She's so cute and furry
Did you know that every day we get a variable percentage closer to a collapse of society? I understand that some days, most days, it is only a fraction of a percentage. I also understand that gives you comfort. It also gives you a false sense of safety that it won't happen in your life. History is actually full of people that thought tomorrow will be as uneventful and comfortable as yesterday.
But say in a year from now, or 5… shit doesn't work out so great or a disaster happens.
Do you think that when the opportunistic or the unafraid come knocking and see you shaking in your living room nervously with a cum crusted fur suit that they are going to just roll their eyes and walk away? Or maybe make some meaningful connection?
No, they are going to do what any person with half a brain would do.
Cut your dick off, then cut your fingers off so you can't pick it back up, then walk away with that same comfort you have right now. But not a misplaced one. A comfort that you are going to bleed out and they just made some kids that much safer.
Just saying you should mull that over. You won't though. Everyone that hates furries mull it over every time we are reminded you exist, because most humans are good people.
You gonna post this in every thread?
Turkey is a gay country forever
It's only gay if our balls touch m8
Pol Always has and always will be a hive of faggots who just can't accept that they like cock and make excuses like traps lmao
You're so right son
You gonna make more slide threads?
Remeber to sage and report this kind of faggotry
Don't give the faggot the attention it feeds off
No no I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with liking cock It's just Don't pretend you're not gay
I make moar until u post benis!