I'm an Arab girl who only likes white men
What happens to me in the white ethnostate?
I'm an Arab girl who only likes white men
What happens to me in the white ethnostate?
head on a pike
you show your tits or gtfo, only you still have to go after showing your tits
no you're not
responding to this seriously
see the image you posted
you fuck off and die in the corner for making such a cancerous pathetic 4chan tier thread.
now, find a way to kill yourself immediately for being so cancerous and fuck off with your shit tier anime because nobody on this board likes drawings from the eastern kike culture.
Forgot something.
show proof
came here to remind people to sage.
is this like reverse pajeet spam?
sex-slave (if youre lucky and you get rounded up by my personal RWDS)
most will probably just off ya
nudes or gtfo
Traps aren't real girls, so you get purged too.
You want to kill me because? I have pale skin basically because I am Iraqi and great grandmother was Persian. Don't know why you think Arabs are equal to niggers.
Yet you'd probably allow Portuguese and Greeks and Italians in. So bitch gtfo
try again
You get acid poured on your face, tits cut off and your clitoris removed. Just as same as in any other (((white sharia))) country.
If you like white ethnostate just go to Israel.
you post your tits with a timestamp and then you gtfo
greeks and portuguese are still probably whiter than you
however ive plowed many dune fields with white seed in my time, I can offer to make you whiter for a small fee
shut the fuck up and get necro skullfuck'd
Just showing you some history, don't be offended. If you go down on your knees maybe you have a change to survive.
Why are you assuming that you will remain in the white ethnostate, 100% legitimately that as whom you describe yourself as.
But I'm sure a little girly lass will be a reason to just forego everything, yes.
If you've commuted any crimes against our people, then you will be punished accordingly. Otherwise, you have to go back.
This will be you.
Hawaii will be an open air prison camp and we'll be giving sacrifices to the volcano gods.
you wish, sandnigger
Tits of gtfo
I need boyfriend now pls. Tell me how get boyfriend. Must be tall and blonde. I stalk them online.
You get to post on the gamergate thread on /v/
Your bait is weak,
You move to France.
you'll be bred white
if whites constantly fuck each other, we'll eventually get to the point of incest
so to counter-act this and keep those good looking white genes, we will allow a few non-nigger races into the woodpile every now and breed them accordingly.
That's not true, whites have substantial genetic diversity. Even just ethnic subgroups of whites have enough diversity within them where this wouldn't be a problem. Stop peddling jewish lies.
Not really, no.
You don't turn into a habsburg jew if you fuck the girl the other village down the river.
Because the new mods want to destroy this place. Doing a damn good job of it too.