Trump says Russia should be at G7 meeting
Trump says Russia should be at G7 meeting
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Interesting move. Macron is trying to unite the other G7 against trump (all the talk of G6+1) and trump responds by bringing in more potential allies. Trump is also talking to Abe about a direct agreement with Japan, and no fucking way is Italy going to kowtow to Brussels anymore. The US could single-handedly support Italy peeling off the EU and help bring about the fracturing of the EU.
Will be fun to watch.
Fuck Trudeau, Fuck Merkel and Fuck Macron.
Really? Because no it hasn't. Every single turn without fail it comes back to investigation of the dems and their treasonous collusion.
As long as President Trump doesnt forget about Britain.
Britain Italian and US trading alliance when?
How does Macron expect to convince Britain?
Also that is maximun French. Trying to fuck with Anglo dominance by courting other countries. De Gaulle used the same tactics. Of course it's all different Jew factions these days.
After 70 years of illegitimate, genocidal occupation, the US could support Italy by fucking off.
I dont think its the US encouraging all those people to move from their shithole countries to Italy.
Anyone else not like that quote? I sure as fuck don't like it.
I liked it.
Ahhhh no Emmanuel fagron. It will hurt everyone else far more than the US.
Trump is begging these faggots in germany and france to break the sanctions. Go ahead and side with russia or china. End result = No Nato, No more army protection, No more NATO gibs, Russia & China comp Western Europe. Be that stupid faggots.
Why don't you paint yourself black, so your intelligence matches your skin color. Have you not heard of Libya? Does the Arab spring ring a bell? Now how about (((middle eastern wars))) which have been going on for nearly 20 years.
This is the thing. It's absolutely hilarious. And then on top of it Theresa May is siding with the EU against Trump?!
How politically inept are these fucking morons?!!! I get that they are out-right the enemies of mankind but there's no way they can think that this is going to get them anywhere. The only thing I can possibly think that they think is that they will galvanise the commies in their nations and be able to have a popular uprising - but even then its beyond retarded because they are already in power and only risk losing it by such a ploy. Only by being a 100% kike-puppet would such a move make sense because it is suicidal for them as individuals.
The correct move on the part of the French and Germans is to allow the Russians back into the G7/8 on the condition that they trade what the Brits were previously trading, and still pay the Russians for this - as well as get Russians to give a load of lipservice about how they will be good boys in the future. This way they get everything they need including Russian produce and Russian money, Russia profit from it economically; and Britain gets fucked which discourages Italy (and the disgruntled Eastern bloc) from making any further anti-EU moves.
The correct move for Britain is to side with the US and support Russia, and threaten the French/Germans that they will improve relations with the Russians if the EU does not prostrate itself before them. Even if Russia did not want to do that, their support of the US would make the EU think twice before fucking Britain. The Brits could even sue for some financial act from the Russians as an apology (or a "we really didn't do it") regarding the supposed chemical attack in Salisbury.
Only the USA and Italy are acting in their best interests. The rest of them are either suicidal, or else they are fucking idiots. It's almost embarrassing to watch.
I agree. No more white support for greasy half-nogs larping as humans.
They could let Russia back in but the US needs those sanctions in place to force those countries to continue buying US gas. They're caught between a rock and a hard place especially when the Italian PM Conte agreed with letting russia back in AND removing all Russian sanctions. KEK!
I think we're seeing a reconfiguration of the main players worldwide: China, Russia, US as the leaders while putting max pressure on the EU to ensure it destroys itself. The US needs the old pre-EU setup of europe to maintain a strong euro/US front otherwise if europe dies, america is all alone.
No just extremely corrupt. Niggers destroy whites and nations. EU takes all the profit on the way down and profit on giving the nation away to the highest bidder: China.
It’s retarded
So sad
No shit, the USA is sanctioning the special relationship.
Do you suggest her to kiss Zion-Don cut Weiner?
“Pay the Russians to trade with…”
Another Brainlet
Sounds realistic with the Neocohen on the war path with Russia. You realize that the USA and UK haven sanctioned Russia?
As if Italy has a say in the matter.
Is this a coked up kinder garden?
Good call, skipping out on the bullshit sessions early.
Good, there's no reason not too. No one cares about Crimea anyways
hello patrick little shill
Stay salty moshe.
Russia does.
so whos jewing who with this russia thing. president cryptokike is either playing 1d chess or they're playing damage control, or Putin is also a cryptokike.
Putin has said he is not interested, has more important things to do of course Putin is a Lubavicher too
So it was a brainfart of 3Donald.
In other news Trump is now pardoning thousands of nigger criminals, for the black vote.
The Russians (aka Putin and his crew) have been shedding themselves of jew bankers. They were trying to use trade to punish him, but it's all falling apart thanks to the T-Curse.
pot kettle black shlomo
The US, Italian and Russian alliance really need to put pressure on the UK to finally put a pro-Brexit leader in charge. If they really want to destroy the EU they could let Russia into NATO and throw France, Canada and Germany out.