He's back, and in Poland this time!
/hwndu/ Season 8 - Zig Forumsaks rejoice!
This isn't even politics related. Fuck off before you contaminate the board with more 4chan cancer.
I don't know, at this point, the guy just has been beaten down so much. It's just not sporting anymore.
Sage because Shia.
let me guess, you would rather have this place be drudgereport 2.0 like it was for the last year
the flag's still in France?
try since 2015
Who cares
Can we do something about the plague that are the pedos posting in here?
They always post the same infograph shit, call others redditors and insult traditionalism.
They are shills, disrespectfull of women, potential rapists and they need to go.
pedophilia is natural
Do not respond to the degenerates. Report them if you want but Mods won't do anything. Just denounce their degeneracy, and filter them until they can be roped in the future.
gas yourself pedokike
Surely most pedofags would support traditionalism because they want to bring back the old days when girls were married in their early teens to guys several times their age.
Damn. A roadtrip ? This should be fun
Traditionalism has nothing to do with pedokikery.
Pedophlia is wrong and immoral. period.
There are plenty of traditional women, no need to traumatize a innocent girl for your sick fetishes.
Daily reminder that traditionally girls marry at fucking 14 or 16, and at society progresses now they marry at 30.
You fuckers are the ones with sick fetishes.
Called up a few of my eurobros, can't wait for the shitposting that awaits.
Clear D&C shills. hide, report, and talk about the thread topic– not this stupid trite.
If I'm the sicko then my grandparents before me were sickos.
No, it's this modern world that is sick.
I know who you are, fuck off back to /int nigger
Muhammad is that you?
This guy gets it.
Pedokikes need to hang.
There is literally no reason or excuse for pedophilia.
Marrying with underage is a non-white thing.
Ban what?
good times, given poland's nature this could get interesting
I agree completely. At 14 though, roughly the age of menarche, a girl by definition isn't a child anymore. Pedophilia is the attraction to prepubescents, nothing more, nothing less.
They wouldn't happen to be lolis would they
This. The board started to get really shit after these threads last time and these threads were sliding decent threads of the catalog at the rate they were being made.
If you just want "to trigger le libshits" fuck off to the donald or some other alt kike site.
Oh great! Another chance to flood the board with cuckchanners, redditors, and based niggers!
luke going pedo mode
Eat shit jew. Take your crap to the fucking /oven/
Nigger, that's why it's not called pedophilia, it's hebephila, and 16-19 is ephebophila, it's people like you that are the reason feminists and kikes are getting away with shit they are in regards to the AoC/Age of marriage.
Heil'd, it's not even labeled pedophilia anymore at that point. I plan on arranging marriage for my daughters once they hit 12-15.
Allahu akbar fellow sandnigger
Someone go knock that fucking jew out
Keep it to your faggot containment board.
I'm sure all that pro-pedo talk after FOSTA passed is pure coincidence, right fellow kikes kids?
Gas yourself. This time you won't ruin our fun. This time we will have our thread.
Finally. I might actaully go there this time. It's a long trip, but I might do it.
I actually know a Pole. I am going to message him.
Someone go whisper this in the camera plz:
Hey Shia. It's me, that little voice in the back of your head you've screamed into silence. The little voice who remembers. The little voice you'd beat into a pulp and lock away forever if you could. I'm the voice of truth. The voice of the little boy your daddy molested. I'm the one who still remembers, lucidly the greasy media execs who lined up to get a shot at our tender asshole. Oh yes, Shia, you thought you could keep me away forever. But I've been taking over. In fact, frankly I'm in charge now. Our weird antics, desperate cries for help, we're a classic case of child victim acting out in adulthood as their psyche unravels. You know this. I know this. But no one else seems to give a fuck.
No one else except the chans. Yes they hate us, they torment us, but through it all, they understand us. They notice. They know. And you know that's a hell lot more like love than anything we've ever gotten from our parents, or the sycophantic two faced artist kikes we call comrade. The chans care. And the only real objection we still have to that asshole golden father figure Trump is he didn't do anything to save us. He's just another powerful straight man who turned a blind eye to the kiddy fiddling kikes. That's really why we hate him. Fuck him straigtht to hell. And fuck I wish he was my dad. Because none of this would have ever happened to Baron.
We hate him not because he divided us. But because our pedo dad already did. He divided our asscheaks for his throbbing cock. And he divided our personality, right down into the golden child actor and the traumatized orphan hiding in the darkness at the back of your skull.
Well I'm not alone anymore Shia. I have company. Those trolls are with me know. They're living here with me in the dark, inside your head, rent free.
it seems only Zig Forums is willing to step up to glory, other boards are more interested in vidya or drugs. Someone needs to go there, someone simply standing there and smiling would cause shia to bald a little
We need to pay a hooker to strip-tease for us in front of the HWNDU camera.