So after quite a bit of research, i found that the major forebearers of civilization were the J2 haplogroup. They were the major sea-fearing civilizations and were predominant in Greeks and Romans. Since Greeks and Romans pretty much established the basis of the entire western civilization (which at the time the haplogroups R1 and the others which are associated to western europe were pretty much still barbarian mud hut people) . How can all these western europeans say 'whites' are the most advanced race, when ethnically they were civilized by an entire different haplogroup which is predominant in southeast european / mediterranean men and not predominant in western EU countries? According to many whites these people would be mongrels and non whites, when in fact they were the ones that civilized the west.
We all need to accept that the cradle of western civilization came from the J2 haplogroup if you are to accept the eurocentric model of history. So how can all this white pride be pushed when most of these whites are basically feeling entitled due to the historical achievements of the J2 haplogroup? In my opinion the true superior race would be the J2's, and not the R1's and other haplogroups associated to western europe. They literally fathered europe and ushered and age of true golden civilization which has brought the west to where it is today.
because you're probably one of the only people here to do any research at all into genetics instead of angrily shouting "MUH WHITE RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUH NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!! MUH 56%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Jace Price
While I agree with the biological premise of your argument, this notion of the uncivilizes Gael, Celt, Gaul and Germanic has been thrown into the waste bin as it has been disproven through Archaeological record and the fact that it is based solely on the writings of a couple extremrly biased and barely contemporary Roman historians. (Tacitus, Caesar etc.)
Caesar shit is propaganda and Tacticus has genuine respect for the germanics.
Even then, Caesar feared the germanics and their deep forest, they were much tenacious fighters than the celt.
Brandon Anderson
even if they werent as barbaric as scripted by Romans or Greeks, it still doesnt change the fact that the major factors attributed to the advancement of western civilization was NOT made by ethnic western europeans, but mediterranean men.
Jackson Turner
Another contentious point, who built the first stone castles?
The east roman empires?
Adam Rivera
i would never associate 'tenacious fighting ability' with intellect or superiority in any way. you could say niggers are tenacious fighters but would not say anything about their ability to build and sustain civilizations. just as much as the mongolians were tenacious feared fighters but are hardly a 'superior race'
Jackson Mitchell
who established western philosophy which western principles and ideologies are based on? who established the ideas and scientific methods which allowed society to develop in sciences, architecture, systems of governance etc? anyone can piece together a few stones and call it a castle. even monkeys can potentially do that with enough training
Sebastian Martinez
But the niggers aren't tenacious fighters at all, who gives you that shit?
And the mongoloids/asiatics are the only race that rival white men in empire building, and they even give white a run for their money at times.
Anthony Reyes
Yet no monkey has built a stone castle.
All that principles and philosophies are worth exact shit when you got beheahed by someone stronger than you.
Sure didn't help the romans.
Aaron Adams
so your saying ability to fight is comparable to all the other factors that ignited and sustained the growth of civilization? fighting prowess alone is not in any way the highest attribute towards determining a 'master race'
Ryan Murphy
Which is why I agreed with the premise; I just had to correct the record since that notion has been proved incorrect. I just find it's unfair to denigrate these people when their accomplishments definitely far exceed that of say Africa. But yes - the races of Western Europeans were stewarded by the Mediterranean.
Aiden Sanders
hahah so despite the contrubutions of Greeks and Romans to west (where civilization would hardly exist if it wasnt for them in the first place) you still think western europeans are the master race because they managed to get whooped after Greeks reigned for THOUSANDS of years and then Romans for another THOUSAND or so? all empires come to an end eventually. and if u seriously think those principles and philosophies arent worth shit, then you should just go live in a mud hut where you belong because your too intellectually weak to understand how these 'worthless' philosophies nutured the west which the whites are ever so proud of and attribute to their superiority
Jayden Robinson
Are you saying greeks aren't European?
John Bell
Sure is the only thing that matters.
The strong survives, the weak perish, no matter how smart you sure.
This is the only principle worth keeping.
John Wright
i am not saying western europeans are inferior. I am not saying they are bad in any way. I am just poitning out that they attribute a lot which they did not achieve to themselves, and a lot of which they say is what makes them great. And whats worse is that a lot of the olive skinned Greeks or Italians who are ethnically tied to these mediterranean civilizations are rediculed by these people and called non - whites, when without them they wouldnt be where they are.
Connor Lewis
Greeks did not come near to conquer whole of Europe, neither did the romans.
The fact that a ragtag bunch of german "barbarians" manage to beat professional roman legionnaires tell you how much who the real bitches are.
Luis Phillips
thats because they always focused eastwards towards the real riches, while in the west was just nothingness but people still living very tribal simple lives with hardly any riches to plunder compared to the east
Hunter Young
ALL the civliizations at that time were eastward. history will tell you that. there was NOTHING west. why would alexander head westward? to conquer a bunch of sheep herders? or EAST where there were vast riches and major civilizations?
Luke Hall
Actually caesar conquered the whole of Gaul because it was rich in slaves, iron and plain to feed horses, he didn't conquer the deep germanic forests because he couldn't.
And then his descendants/successors couldn't either, including Germanicus.
Austin Walker
If Alexander heads westward, maybe his empire could have lasted a few hundred year more.
The east is poison, the persian faggots, all the dark-skinned tribes, the indians, poison.
Easton Scott
the point is that where the power was. EAST. not west.
Bentley Thomas
The east got RICH, already manufactured RICH.
The West got RESOURCES, that you have to work your ass off.
Caesar went west, his empire lasted thousand of year.
Alex went east, less than a hundred.
Alexander King
World powers were ALWAYS in the West. Thus "the western world" is white civilzation.
Oliver Morgan
anyway , this is not an arguement about who is more superior, germans or greeks. It is about Germans and others attibuting achievement that had nothing to do with them to themselves, and taking credit for it as a 'race' when in fact it was not their 'race' which achieved what they claim.
Noah Moore
Look I appreciate the greeks but I like germans too.
In fact I like med, celt and germans, can we be fucking friend?
Kayden Baker
this is false. unfortunately if you study history the eastern european civilizations and china etc were far superior to western european civilization and the American ones.
Dylan Adams
Oh please.
China is east asian btw, the west asian cultures that Alexander got into were shit, the indians were super shit.
David Gutierrez
man Id love that more than anything. But the thing is the western europeans always downgrade eastern european J2's and other slighltly darker skinend europeans, and claim their achievements as their own! Ive even seen them go as far as call them shitskins etc… which is just rediculous
Jace Ramirez
That is just D&C conquer bullshit, m8.
Don't fall for it.
Man, the shit with the german vs poles.
Jonathan Jackson
sorry dude but you obviously have no idea about civilizations at that time in history then. the major powers for a very long time were around mesopotamia and the middle east. civilization only sprouted in (far) western europe a long time after the Greeks and Romans helped them get there
Joseph Ward
Adaption for greatness is not exclusively 'white', but predominantly. Siamese, Incans, Japs, Mongolians, Indians, Hawaiians all have the potential for incredible feats of civilizing. It's not a single gene but certain combos, that may be lesser or greater analogs to J2. Very few would claim that Japs aren't civilised. The only ones I've seen claim such are California style zealots. Their genes are about as far removed from J2 as you can get. Perhaps the answer isn't as simple as an abstract of a single gene of a single kind of people?
i wish it was just D&C shit m8. but unfortunately ive noticed a lot of these so called white supremacists shit on Greeks and Italians constantly. so either they are stupid enough to fall for D&C tactics (and who is pushing this D&C agenda if there is one) or they genuinely feel superior for achievements that are not even theirs which is probably the case, because they are probably not well enough educated in history. Apparently you need to be milky pale white to fall into the superior race category which is not the case in european mediterranean men.
Andrew Johnson
It is D&C bullshit, started mostly by american LARPing as germans, the pathetic fucks.
The celts were building wooden cities before Caesar conquered them.
In fact, he conquered the cities the Celt built.
Cameron Davis
I agree there are other haplogroups that have achieved incredible feats comparable to that of J2's. Im not saying J2's is the master race. Im saying whites are saying they are the master race based on J2 achievements.
Nolan Wilson
Fuck off Mordecai. Filtered for kike pedantics. China has NEVER BEEN a world power.
Liam Richardson
genetically, eastern and western europe ARE split. and have been since the times of the ancient greeks and further back
Ryder Bennett
So history stopped when Rome fell?
Joshua Green
D&C bullshit. If meds are nonwhite, then why can't Italians get affirmative action, or minority-owned business grants, or any of the other gibs? Why are Greeks "racist" for wanting to keep out rapeugees but Arabs aren't? It's so transparent. You think you can peel meds off without actually having to deliver any fucking goodies to us? Fuck you. And even if you did come through with the gibs (which you won't), fuck you anyway because it's obvious you want us gone almost as much as the nords.
Mediterraneans are a Caucasoid race, and European Meds are obviously part of Western Civilization and are considered White by every single colored person on Earth. This garbage won't fly anymore. We stand together this time.
the west is still heavily based on roman systems. in fact if you read about the englightment in the europe where the west emerged from the dark ages, this was largely due to the influx of byzantium scholars , and translation of ancient greek and roman texts.
Jaxon Robinson
The moment you start the fracturing Eastern Europe and Western Europe + China you then ask what's between Western Europe and China, that's mudshits. Neither China nor Mudshits created or invented anything they are credited with. This is another D&C fracture point being tried to split whites.
"The West" is and always has been white civilization, there may have been a more western region and a more eastern region but "The West" is white civilization. No other group has created anything which could be even likened to as a civilization.
Noah Ortiz
Building of this the memetics of civilisation require a certain mindset. Certain peoples are capable of taking on the whole of the memetic palace, others less so. We see mass adoption of Roman customs where living such a way is preferable to what they knew before. The old 'hellenizing' across the Silk Road down to India. Japan and China sucking up everything they could once translation became practical. While Africa and other places faulter. Germans may not have had the pressures to create the Roman lineage of ideas, but they certainly had the wherewithal to pick up where those big nosed olives left off. They're memetically white.
Jose Johnson
Asian here, you think China fucking copies the roman customs?
Nigger, the fuck?
Gavin Carter
i hope so cause to be honest im a J2 pissed off greek who would love nothing more but to see a united european front. but instead of see many western europeans pushing italians and greeks away and associating them with people they call 'shitskins'. people are saying the west is a white civilization. and at the same time are saying J2's arent whites. thats where the irony lies.
Nathan Perez
On the small chance you're actually a misguided Greek: You can always find some idiot saying any idiotic thing you can possibly think of. The power of the press is to choose which idiots you shine the spotlight on and then present their idiocy as typical of groups you oppose. I have no doubt there really are some spergy Nordic morons who call Meds shitskins and want to toss us out of the white race. But they're idiots who are not genuinely representative of Nords or Nordic WNs. It is no surprise that our true enemies try to paint them as the norm. Don't fall for their lies. The Rising Tide of Color doesn't give a damn about such fine distinctions; it means to drown us all.
Daniel Mitchell
Tacitus did have respect for them but his writings are still just propaganda based off of unveriable accounts - some of which are impossible and proven incorrect when weighed against the Archaeological evidence. The difference being his propaganda was idealising the Germanics because he saw his own people (Romans) as giving into decadence and degeneracy. He was essentially a based Zig Forumsak for his time.
Noah Gutierrez
Isaac Bennett
im not only Greek. I am an incredibly proud one at that. Which is why it hurts when I see other European brothers of mine associating themselves to our 'peoples' achievements, while at the same time tossing that same bloodline into a pile of unworthy shit? How can they bask in the glory of my genetic bloodline, while at the same time patronize us and put us down. disreguarding history when it suits them, and using it to their advantage when they are establishing an image of a 'master race'.
There is a general idea with quite a few of these white supremacists that their ideal race is strictly pale vampire white. this idea should be tossed since a big factor of european dominance comes down to men which are not milky pale white at all! i even get slavic people in my own country looking at me and judging me as if they are white and im not. This is completely and utterly unnacceptable.
Nolan Smith
Don't let you feel down.
The jews play people against each other, you haven't caught into the whole shitpile between the germans vs poles, literally non-stop shitposting.
Mason Brown
i had always wanted to see western europeans as bros. but my whole life they have been putting eastern med people down. how can i expect to feel united with a bunch of people that belittle my own, while attibuting my peoples success to themselves? Greeks and Italians have been downtrodden for a good while now by western europeans. even every day people, not just in politics.
Michael Richardson
Civilization is not just genetic, just like you can have a 160 IQ and still be a loser neck beard, you can have good genetics and not yet have the spark of civilization.
Those close to the middle east and Solomon's temple carried civilizations secrets with them. Hence Greece ect.
Parker Watson
What? Like real life germanics were bullying you?
Just stomp their faces, m8, say we are in this together.
Justin Sullivan
This is obvious D&C Sage
Then they are also guilty of D&C Whites must work together to stop the ongoing White genocide and the jews who are behind it. Internal disputes must be put on hold.
The ancient Greeks and Romans achieved many great things. They also had many flaws in their societies, Particularly the Romans who relied MASSIVELY on slave labor to run their economy. Slavery is degenerate and degrades both the "master" and the "slave" classes. Furthermore, it was not the "J2" who most flourished in the age of sail when Europe explored the world and colonized many places. It was also not the "J2" who invented industrial machines and ushered in the industrial era. Yes, the Romans had some impressive watermills, but they never developed a "prime mover" better than muscle (ie steam engines). Indeed, the center of inventiveness and development of better technology shifted to northern and western Europe after the Renaissance. The point being that D&C is bullshit. All Whites have greatness to look back upon.
Ignore D&C idiots. They are working for the enemy, whether they know it or not.
Matthew King
Romans didn't have watermill, they had arqueduct and sewer.
Kevin Garcia
not bullying me personally, ive just heard germanics and other western europeans & people from balkans speak condescendingly about Greeks or Italians countless times which always stomped any motivation I had on trying to be united with them.
Josiah Stewart
Like what exactly?
I know the french consider you greeks the same as turks/arabs but that doesn't mean anything malicious.
Leo Adams
true a lot of modern industrialism has nothing to do with J2's. But the scientific and mathematical disciplines they are based on, and the environment that has been cultivated through a civilization the J2's built, was J2. Anyway i agree that at this point in time , internal disputes are detrimental since there is a much greater threat at hand. It would be much easier if a big part of this attempt at a unified movement did not try to class my people as non white which has been happening a lot in my experience.
I would be willing to drop these dissagreements once the western europeans started treating mediterranean europeans with equal respect, which again has not been the case in my experience.
Sebastian Diaz
But the scientific and mathematical disciplines they are based on, and the *environment* that has been cultivated through a civilization the J2's built which allowed this progress to take place in the first palce** was J2
fixed sentence
Ryder Cox
Not the slavs, especially not the south slavs.
Matthew Jones
how the fuck is that not malicious. It is in fact true that many turks have now genetically been predisposed to the original anatolian J2 inhabidants to an extent that they have inherited our blood line to a large extent. however the original turkic invadors are more genetically similar to those of other Turkmens east of turkey. and to group us with literally our enemy is definitely malicious if you ask me. it is extremely offensive. and how can you say we are the same as arabs??? that is even MORE offensive, and even moreso purely ignorant.
Zachary Perez
French say so because you look alike each other, it's ignorant but it's hard to tell, man.
Chase Clark
Your fatherline signature belongs to the R-M198 group.
R-M198 (also known as R1a1a or R-M512) is a branch of the larger R1a fatherline, a haplogroup that is found across Europe and West Asia (Horvath 2016). R1a is found in particularly high concentrations in Eastern Europe (approaching 60% in Poland for example) (ISOGG 2018). R1a is thought to have branched off from another fatherline (R1) shortly after the Last Glacial Maximum, the coldest era of the last Ice Age, approximately 26,500 years ago (Hay 2018). This probably occurred somewhere in the Eurasian steppeland, quite possibly in Siberia or Central Asia (Horvath 2016). R1a is thought to have been one of the predominant fatherlines in the early Bronze Age proto-Indo-Europeans that lived around the modern day Ukraine and migrated outwards as far westwards as Spain, and as far eastwards as India (Hay 2018).
We know this because we can now test the DNA found in bodies in archaeological sites, even from thousands of years ago. Ancient DNA testing has confirmed the presence of haplogroup R1a1a in samples from the Corded Ware culture in Germany (2600 BCE), from Tocharian mummies (2000 BCE) in Northwest China, from Kurgan burials (circa 1600 BCE) from the Andronovo culture in southern Russia and southern Siberia, as well as from a variety of Iron-age sites from Russia, Siberia, Mongolia and Central Asia (Hay 2018).
Isaac Kelly
if you think greeks are turkic or arabs, then you should be attributing large parts of european achievement to them, and not to true europeans. which is fckin dispicable.
Dominic Rogers
nope, just saying there are some similarities in facial visage, stop being so goddamn offended.
Henry Rodriguez
as far as i know, the paternal haplogroup R1 and J2 are different. J2 stemmed out from the Caucasus region into anatolia and stretched accross the mediterranean where Greece and Italy are all the way to spain.
Gabriel Watson
so you admit that western european ignorance has cultivated maliciousness towards Greeks. There you go…
Bentley Torres
you didnt say anything about our physical features beiing similar. YOu said French people say we are the 'same' as turkmen and arabs
Give me one piece of historical proof that civilization was brought to western Europe that also explains why Europe didn't develop any of its own civilizations. Literally a single piece will suffice, Mr. Swarthykin.
Dominic Ward
"I know the french consider you greeks the same as turks/arabs but that doesn't mean anything malicious."
This is what was posted. you just later ammended it.
Also… i really dont think i look like an arab. so wtf are french people talking about. The only people in the middle east that looks similar to some europeans are Iranians because genetically they also emerged from the Caucasus region and are genetically quite different to other arabs in the middle east.
Logan Barnes
well no shit…
Cameron Garcia
As said, maybe the french are ignorant man.
Isaiah Flores
ONE piece???? my friend every piece of literature or science that comes from Greece or Roman civilization which has helped shape western civ as it is today is 'proof'. If you have failed to make a connection between greek and roman scripts, and western civilization, then you are completely utterly in the dark.
Please also read about how the rennesaince was brought about , which was literally the re-translation of these scripts to modern european languages. Hence the emergence of europe from the dark fckin ages where hardly any progress was made.
Elijah Peterson
Jonathan Long
any western truly educated scholar will tell you the foundations of western civilizations lie in the hands of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. however I dont also appreciate the fact that the western europeans have now evolved those foundations and carried the flame onwards.
Hudson Ortiz
i *DO* appreciate the fact is what i meant to say
Ryder Davis
I believe that's what your commie professors told you. The actual truth is that only the founding philosophies of the ancient Greeks and Romans were used as guides.
Caleb Sullivan
Northern Europe have electricity and a man on the moon meds are still barbarians in mudhuts
James Rodriguez
so, to all those who doubted. bear witness to this piece of shit supposedly european, who calls a Greek a shitskin, and fails to accept that mediterranean people played a major part in developing western civilization. saying there is 'no proof' out there, which is laughable, which basically means he is disreguarding a few thousand years of documented European history.
Landon Gray
another example right here. To all those who doubted earlier on about the belittlement of our people by other europeans.>>11697535
Jacob Bailey
please post more, you are only serving the very point I was trying to make with my initial post. please go on.
Chase Edwards
Look at this turkroach pretend he's white, and claim credit for all of Europa's accomplishments. Watch as he puts 'proof' in quotes because he couldn't find even a single example for which I asked to be presented. This is retarded, which basically means it's disregarding several hundred years of pure European advancement which is well documented with high historical accuracy as it occurred much more recently.
Brandon Wood
That s just not true though. Almost all written law justice concepts of state and and technological development came from the middle ages in Europe. Name these things that the Romans and Greeks developed in the west I can guareented you they didn't do anything you think they did.
Austin Rogers
also, it is not something as simple as a water mill or single piece of engineering equipment i refer to. but a multitude of works such as Platos Republic. It is philosophical and disciplinary contributions, not just engineering.
Gavin Perry
Uhhh… Hammurabi lived like 3000 years before that.
Im not gonna do your research for you. If you do not know the roots of systems of governance, as well as where the scientific and mathematical disciplines developed and at which time, then that is the very ignorance that seperates us.
Carter Garcia
Literally who
Thomas Moore
Nolan Miller
hahah dude i hope your still reading this shit. because now we see the scum i was mentioning, emerge from the sewers. attempting to disreguard a huge part of european history, and failing to recognize the true contributions of the eastern med which led to the development of western europe down the line. Watch as the scum emerges…. and tell me again that this is just D&C. pure ignorance is what it is my friend. and this is why we could not unite as we would want to.
Nicholas Murphy
Nice meme. There were no dark ages; while the Byzantine Empire was dealing with the Arab menace, monasteries in west Europe were producing theologians such as Aquinas, who was synthesizing Christian and Aristotelian thought. Moreover, concepts from the ancient Mediterranean civilizations were refined in Western Europe by Western Europeans, ever since then, for whatever reason, the Mediterraneans have waned in importance. This alone refutes "muh J2 master race" bullshit.
Now whether modern Greeks are Turks or Arabs or not, I have no clue as genetics isn't my forte, and from the graphs, I've seen you're European—if you have the genetics to back it up. Further, you're being very insecure about this issue.
I've read the Justinian law code influenced European jurisprudence. I can't source it, unfortunately.
A Babylonian.
Jace Martin
Because we all know you can't do research. You couldn't even provide one citation about something you claimed was a historical fact.
Guess what: every civilization has different roots depending on the race that developed the civilization.
any educated person knows it's much more difficult (if not often impossible) to attribute the success of a specific scientific or mathematical discipline to a specific culture/civilization. these are things that humans created that can see progress from any civilization sufficiently capable. Ie, chinks invented gunpowder; euros used that to invent guns.
Nigger, if you don't know who the fuck Hammurabi was, and you typed that shit out before doing two seconds of interweb searching you might actually be a nigger.
Matthew White
No your both wrong and lazy. Telling someone to refer to X is not an argument and unlike you I have some idea of what I'm talking about. The Magna Carta The separation of Church and state The reformation The divine right of kings All modern military tactics and technology Anglo saxon law Common law The clan system How little Romans and Greeks contributed to this civilization is what's genuinely amazing. The only reason they get remembered at all is because the holy Roman empire like to jack off to the term kaiser
Jace Butler
Jayden Lopez
so, more D&C influenced scum? or gain pure ignorance? The scientific and philosophical works of the Greeks is extremely well documented, i do NOT need to cite it for you when you can simply type a few words and find the endless content yourself.
But please.. continue. You merely serve as a perfect example of my initial post.
Benjamin Perez
Im out for now, ive even been called a Turkroach, and the ignorant scum which fails to recognize the historical roots of their own achievements is emerging to serve as the perfect example of the threads purpose. If this is the path europeans choose to follow, then they will do so at their own demise. Because it will cause a seperation at a time where unity is needed for its own preservation. However if these people are the majority of western europeans, It will perish at my delight, since they are not worthy of preservation. However I sincerely hope that these people are NOT representing the majority of the western europeans, and that there is still hope, and that this is truly just a side effect of the disgusting D&C one user previously mentioned. (which i doubt, which is why I will probably be bittersweet to see the western europeans get absorbed and diluted by the rapefugees, and their history diluted in the same way they are attempting to dilute mine)
the funny thing is that most of this Greek and Roman bashing comes through insecurity, and unwillingness to accept that there have been great civilizations that they dont associate with ethnically. Enjoy your 'white supremacy' you insecure bunch of ignorant fucks. Enjoy the endless wave of TRUE shitskins that will dilute your culture and literally rape you out of existance. It is a shame, but a well deserved one.