This is the French football team.
France is 85% white.
Is sportsball a mental illness?
This is the French football team.
France is 85% white.
Is sportsball a mental illness?
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not really, pic relaeated is the german team
The french are the most cucked people of Europe, even more than Sweden.
Sportsball franchises are predominantly owned and operated by Jews. They'll hire niggers regardless of whether or not they're better than a white player.
France is being flooded by niggers specifically because the French were dumb enough to over-colonize the north of africa and teach the niggers their language inside and out, meaning its easier for an african nigger to blend in than an arab. Arabs go to Germany or Sweden instead. Arabs dont like niggerball quite as much so that leads to
Also footie baru is gay. Really gay. One of the most feminine sports. All you need to do to play is not be crippled, no wonder globalists love it so much,
Look at the USA team, before spitting on other country about "MUH WHITENESS", you mongoloid OP.
No. The frogs are mentally ill. They killed off their nobility for a failed greek system.
Doing sports is great but watching them is pure cuckoldry. Even worse when you base your whole identity on being a sports fan. It's a release valve for your tribal instincts.
Yes. Why are the teams trying to win? To win.
What a mess the jews made.
Niggers dominate caveman sports. Asians dominate esports(the ones they play they dominate). White people dominate……wait what sports dominate?
fuck off back to leddit kike
For the sake of clarity I don't think it is because evra(bottom right) isn't on this team anymore. Having said that he was probably replaced by someone cut from the same cloth. In anycase, sage for a halfchan tier thread. Kill yourself op.
The industrialized mass-entertainment variety is nothing but supreme cancer.
Nothing wrong with playing it in your yard with friends and family I suppose, although combat sports / skill-building activities would be preferable.
what can this thread achieve
I have to meet a French or Belgian yet that does not love his niggers. I tried to point out to normies the downsides of the demographic change, but they just point out how much the niggers enrich their society and they smile thinking about them. I have not met somebody like LePen. They still don't think that Paris is overcrowded with nig nogs. There is no remedy.
jews own the teams. they are all jew nigger ball.
Damn - turn up the brightness next time you post an image. It's dark as fuck.
Its faux-tribalism for deracinated atomized retards.
shit thread is shit.
Confirmed for not knowing what you're talking about. France has a huge amount of Arabs in it because, as you said in your own post, they colonized North Africa. Algeria was actually divided into departments just like mainland France was. There are more Arabs in France than there are niggers.
Niggers aren't even good at soccer, so why are they replacing better athletes with inferior ones. Is this what happened with basketball and football? Were whites better at those at some point and just replaced for no rational reason?
Pretty much. Almost a century of kosher brain washing is worse than being lobotomized. Look at Trump. Sad.
I don't really like sports, but if other people like them that's cool with me.
I would be surprised if it is over 70% white
Something like 12.5% of French are Muslim, I really doubt they're 85% white.
I'll take the bait. Jews have more than enough money to throw down the toilet. Look at these global companies taking a loss just to promote their garbage, whether it be in Hollywood, or through adverts or by donating to lefty orgs like Planned Parenthood. They are happy to loose a dollar just to feel like they're slapping whitey in the face. It's the same with miscegenation in advertising, they know it's not good for business pushing something that subconsciously offends whites, they just don't care.
As regards sportsball, it is just as much a tool of propaganda as all the rest. Panem et circenses, except the goal is slightly different. They aren't trying to placate the masses. They're trying to demoralize them.
It's a jewish tool and acts like a pressure relief valve for White tribalism. Why do you think that jews are so into buying football clubs? The "soccer casual" phenomenon which peaked in the 80s, was basically a mini-game where jews get to laugh at different bands of White men beat the shit out of one another in the name of jew football clubs.
As for the relief valve purpose, football gives vent to pent up male aggression, as well as a vicarious sense of victory when "our" team wins. Couple that with a sense of having contributed to the victory though "supporting our lads" and you have the perfect tool to dissipate energy which might otherwise be directed into the area of politics.
Imagine if there was no football. Millions of men in every White nation would be following other leaders, and their street fighting would not be amongst one another, but against their true enemies.
Football is a wonderful jewish tool.
It is also fantastic for social engineering. With a drip drip drip, the teams become blacker, browner, less White. The low intelligence supporters of these teams learn to love non-White men, to see them as superior and valuable, held up as heroes.
Football is also perfect for staged scandals as part of problem > reaction > solution, and it strikes directly at the problem, working-class males who are like canaries in the coalmine for mass immigration and ethnic problems, as they are always the first to suffer the consequences, be it unemployment due to migrant labour, street crime like mugging or assault, theft, vandalism, ethnic cleansing of entire neighbourhoods, or as we saw in Rotherham and so many other towns: rape of their daughters by Pakistani muslims. They are the very people you want to shut up and so football is again the perfect tool.
If things are going slowly, have one of your agents throw a banana at a black player, "they're attacking OUR BOY" cry the dumb White goyim, completely forgetting that "OUR BOY" is a negroid asylum seeker.
tl;dr football is cancer.
Sure, buddy.
Look at all those beautiful black men.
Although you're right that jew companies will put propaganda before profit, they don't lose money like you think they do by promoting miscegenation.
The reason is that ~90% of spending is done by women, and women find miscegenation and the idea of the anger having sex with black males would create in their own men, arousing. i.e "making daddy jealous is such a turn on"
In adverts where the product is explicitly targeted at men, miscegenation of the form white woman + black man is always avoided, as it would create hatred towards the product, nor are the men in such adverts portrayed as short, fat, low-T morons.
In adverts aimed at women the men are always low-T, fat, greasy skinned idiots, unless they are Black.
tl;dr although the jew is willing to put indoctrination before profit, the things which annoy you about adverts have much less impact on sales than you realize, because they are strategically applied and do not annoy women.
Here's the real roster.
The US team is so woke, they ain't even playing among a load of apes.
I am rooting for team(s) Poland, Iceland and Russia.
France is ESTIMATED to be 85% white, the French government did the same thing as Sweden and made it illegal to take census data related to race/ethnicity.
Ach Isaac.
Our grandparents had it so good.
Hockey, lacrosse, and rugby, always will. The only sport that requires skating, fighting, and stick handling.
They deliberately don't keep race stats in France to hide the White genocide there, but other stats reveal it. hint: France is far from 85% White.
Also, in regards to they, France has had a string of governments filled with jews.
Due to the fucking piece of shit Q-Faggots on this board now
This: is more checked than
It's stats on an ailment particular to niggers, aka the sensus on that ailement has given nigger demographics in France, and that's just niggers.
Poland could win due to their nationalism and ethnic homogeneity (and lewandowski) and then this will accelerate the happenings in europe once the world sees the value of these two traits; Pele famously said an african team would win the world cup and none has come close soccer requires intelligence/genetics, hence the germans being so good, and so they will be dominated as always by europeans and their south american colonies
also sports when they are not rigged are the only non jewish (rigged) entertainment hence mens swooning over them, real drama real outcomes. yes it defuses men but dont hate the pleebs hate the jews
Look at american basketball teams. They're almost entirely black. It's basically the same deal.
There's a whole lot of arabs from Algeria in France, so no they don't look anymore out of place than black africans.
Well you're wrong. They are good at soccer. Guess you never heard of Pelé.
Except no, nigger, they mostly suck at it. When's the last time a team of niggers won anything?
Fact is, at least 1/3 of the country voted for Le Pen, so not everyone in France loves them or arabs. If you hang out in Paris, you'll meet lots of cucks, because they're kind of fucked in the head with propaganda and brainwashing. But go to another place that's enriched (like say Calais region) and you'll find a lot of french people who are against immigration. The entire western coast is also cucked because they're been mostly spared of immigrants so far.
If you are a fan of any sports-ball team that isn't composed of local talent, especially non-white niggers, you have a mental illness. They are trying to hype up football in Canada now, but all the teams are filled with spics and niggers and it makes me feel ill just looking at them. What pride are you supposed to have in a team that wasn't even born in the fucking country and have not even the vaguest kinship through blood to yourself? It's nothing but a fucking brand, a logo you are cheering for and that's super fucking pathetic.
Except that yeah, they are good at it.
Found the insecure nigger who came to Zig Forums to defend the "muh niggers are good at sports" meme. Nope, shit-skin, niggers such at soccer. Name me the all black team that's won the world cup.
Vichy France was the only legitimate government of France since the Ancien Régime collapsed.
Before you blow a vein, let me tell you that no, sportsball is not a mental illness (at least not in the sense you're claiming it is, plenty of normalfags can't go a day without their Bread and Circuses but that's not the point), this is all the fault of ultra-liberal, leftist politics.
Let me explain:
Many countries in the Soviet Yuropean Union have extensive subsidies and programs to help out the poorest "youth" in their countries to take them off the streets and hopefully turn them into respectable members of society. Since we're talking about "youths", obviously most of them are aimed not at forming them as individuals, but just for recreational purposes, so there's extensive funding of sporting centers (who in turn get a lot of tax benefits from it), including giving out for free amenities such as equipment and lockers and football lessons.
Now, picture this: you're Jean Jacques Le Frogge, a middle-to-low class Parisian White. You really love sportsball, heck you've been playing it since you were a small lad with the folks down the rue. You want to take it up a notch, so you go to the nearest sportsball training club and they flat out tell you that you have to fork out so much money up front to have lessons that you'd be better off kicking pebbles around to learn how to dribble.
Abdul Abumajedin Muhammad Pedophilad, the poor climatic migrant and unaccompanied teenager of 25 yo, with no money or passports to his name, gets treated with plenty of integration programs, which include, you guessed it, sportsball membership et al. So when the big day for team selection comes up, Jean and Abdul may have the same technical skills and natural talents, but Abdul will always invariably not only have better connections with the managerial team, but also have a much better sportsball education, so he'll not make amateuristic mistakes nor act like he's an undisciplined thug (on the pitch at least, outside he's probably raping all those who took a life and bin'd that knife). Because of that, most of Ligue 1 players are either niggers, kaffirs or bougnoulies. Happens in a lot of other leagues too, but the sheer amount of ex French colonies who get to send their worst makes up for their dwindling numbers.
This is not the only side of the story, though: Jean and Abdul may get picked as well, but Jean will never reach the highest tiers of the leagues unless he's mingling with the right people. The reason is simple, yet really plays a lot in what Zig Forums always suspects about niggers and mudslimes: Jean knows that he'll reach his peak at 25ish and it's all downhill from there; Abdul thinks he's an immortal god who can do anything and everything; consequently, Jean will look to move to clubs that help him shape up his career and be smart with his money and in learning how to deal with coaches and other players (fun fact, 99% of all sportsball coaches are either European or South American, but barely any of them are niggers), Abdul will always follow the money and live lavishly until he retires, whereas (((his agents))) will deal with the money in his stead - and because of that, most of them find themselves bankrupt or severely poorer than when they started playing. Jean may have just been able to reach the playouts of the lower leagues, but if he plays his cards right, he can at least strike a good managerial job to keep him in the business. Abdul will become a street shitter who appears as a token "great" in sportsball commentaries, but the only thing he'll have to his name are his palmares of fake achievements.
And this happens in ALL kinds of sportsball. Take a quote from this, for example, about how 78% of the "players" for NFL teams go broke:
Sounds familiar? It's the exact same thing the oh so many anthropologists and Zig Forums posters have claimed since time immemorial: niggers can't keep a balance in check, because it's in their culture to give to the demands of their elders but never of their rulers. Just like Oboboubbu from Angola has to give up the money he made from selling dirt cakes to his father and mama, so will Tyrone Lebron Brown do with his own money, and it doesn't help that these people think of their salaries as some magical, never ending assets that just comes pouring down the sky as long as they play well. This is EXTREMELY beneficial to (((agents))) and (((sponsors))), as they can help stimulate the economy, and by that I mean their economy, by splashing the cash, whereas, on average, white or south american players will be much more stingy with their money and only spend as much as they know they can get away with. Next time you see a sportsball pre-match, watch the players and notice how the bling they have corresponds to how much darker they get. Abdul may be worse than Jean, but he can spend so much more and will make the perfect sponsorman.
Finally, there's also a more pressing matter: National Sports have stopped being competitions of the people or the nations, they're now competitions of the sponsors. This may seem odd, but National teams are just glorified commercial clubs. The transition has come so slowly from the 80's that barely anyone noticed, but if you ever watch a national sportsball game, especially one for those small but rich countries, notice the racial makeup of the teams, as well as which nation has a lower or higher sportsball traditions: for instance, Belgium has fucking niggers and mudslimes playing for them, whereas places like Iceland are purely Icelanders, playing for Icelanders, being cheered on by Icelanders, with Icelandic traditions.
But don't think that sportsball fans don't notice: they're just repressed by the big federation, after all they've been against all international competitions and the ref and sponsor mingling ever since a guy could be paid higher than a shilling for playing a sportsball game.
Actually, (((Wikipedia))) has a list of Jewish people per country, with America and France being the top dogs. They make it sound like the Vichy regime was bad, but honestly, frogs hated Jews even more than Nazis ever did. It's also the reason why the French-occupied Germany saw the most deaths during the end of WWII.
Problem is National Front (now known as National Rally), became yet another Zionist "far-right" nationalist party after Marine Le Pen kicked out her father who founded the party, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Her "domestic partner" is also a half-kike.
Don't asians dominate badminton and table tennis, which are also sort of stick handling?
Funnily enough they seem like less T sports than tennis, which whites dominate too
Also don't Finns dominate driving or something
Still too many.
Germany barely had a colonial empire so (((they))) used "muh labor shortage" and now "muh refugees" as justification for their plan. Swedes on the other hand are completely retarded and didn't require any justification whatsoever from their (((leaders))) to ruin their country.
Any respectable frenchman's secret dream is to turn Paris into the new Zone.
Things were okay when Germany occupied france before the British and Americans 'liberated' them in WWII, raping and murdering any French nationalists etc
Now America is leading the fight against ZOG… by bombing any nation that tries to extricate itself from ZOG*
*See Serbia for example
I heard it's much more dangerously lower because the government is not allowed to release any racial demographics at all
What are you talking about? That's the exact same line they used in Sweden, and I'd wager most other European countries. The only independent and serious poll on the matter also showed over 80% being against immigration, back in the early 90's. I doubt people got more positive about it since then. This is made very clear from the government's total refusal to compile statistics on it and related matters anymore, they know what the results are going to be. There's a reason for why there's a national socialist resistance movement in Sweden, which is also running for election this year, while they were previously too small to be of any note.
That's also not even going into the fact that the Swedish government is essentially a one party state, where any opposition parties immediately bend over and sign over their votes to the Marxists the moment the socialists lose, as with the December agreement. It's a one party state masquerading on the global stage as a democracy. Complete with the media acting as a state propaganda machine, thanks to press support payments to government approved "serious" media outlets. All of which by pure coincidence just happen to be (((Bonnier))) published media outlets. Which coincidentally also has the same parent company which donates to the existing Swedish political parties, and the EU. This is considerably worse than in a lot of countries, since press in Sweden in theory has a large degree of freedom with what they can publish, which means they are more or less a secret police for the government, except they're not beholden to the usual regulations placed on government because they're "press", this is also how they get away with hiring people to shill for the socialists on the internet.
To add to this they also actively shut down and censor any opposition, whether it be political or to the state Bonnier media. Just look at their new "crimes against democracy" law which more or less makes it illegal to criticize a fucking politician. And even before this law is enacted they've been actively demanding (successfully at that) that google remove certain search results for Swedish IP's, as well as shutting down multiple sites and channels that don't fall in line with the policy the EU wants.
I realize everyone wants to make it real simple and shit on things, but I don't think you realize just how close Sweden is to being an all out dictatorship. It's not exactly something people are happy with, but getting out of it takes more than just voting for other leaders when any dissent is punished and news of the state of the nation are hard to get out of the country because of how much just never gets translated. Foreign media boiling it down to "lol cucks voted for it lmao" doesn't exactly help either.
I fail to see them hating jews back in the 40s has to do with them electing jews to rule over them administration after administration after administration that they've been doing today, with those jews doing everything to genocide the White French who are retardedly voting for jews to rule over them to kill them. WTF.
Remember that the French and German electoral systems are made so that they cannot ever elect the leaders they want, look at Le Pen's last run.
Funnily enough, the same thing happened with Italy, with a very malleable and unruly electoral system that always favored the richest, but they never really expected the entire fucking country to vote anti-establishment parties.