lmao, someone was reeeeeing in the distance
It begins
Maybe not a great country to pick considering current events m8y
It's Back!!!!
Oh boy is he in for a surprise
alright boys ch3ck 0ut >>>/hwndu/
Thank god for season 8
Hwndu is allowed here now.
Get this civnat reddit shit off my fucking board
Just when it's allowed on Zig Forums again…
Which city in Polan? I've never driven that far, but I'm seriously tempted
Okay niggers, any Polish anons that have some time on their hands and can go there and fuck with it? I don't live near Łódź, but anyone who can get their asses there, report. Fuck I think about driving there myself, just for this occasion.
"Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź for the exhibition 'Peer-to-Peer. Collective Practices in New Art'. "
Why are you on this board right now? Get out there and break these Jews.
Somebody help me out here.
But what was 6 and 7?
I live on the other side of the country user.
So which one of you is going to go there and display the entirety of the Yupiel-sama hentai mangas to the camera?
6 was a fucking indoor walled off cam of the flag.
7 was just a cam of a flag in france.
what happened to the rules page in the catalog?
this thread will be nuked in no time
Fuck me, 9 hour drive. Still worth considering, unless Polan anons manage to shut it down within a very short amount of time. I'm getting the feeling that Shia is seriously underestimating Eastern Europe
Okay, forgot about that one. Vaguely recall people trying to use the angle of sunrise/sunset to figure it's location.
Wasn't there for that one. Seemed like a majority of people dropped off when getting to the flag came down to breaking and entering but nobody had the balls to do it. Why the change, tho? Did Shia think we forgot? Or that people would still care? Is there still an audience for this? Seems like the anti-Trump sperg hate wagon is kinda sedated at this point.
I think he was hopping we'd forget.
he underestimate the eastern Europe
especially POLAND
We did find where the walled off flag was located, we just stop caring because it was fucking stupid.
Kill yourself nigger
inb4 faggot mods delete this
Nigger, the faggot mods aren't around anymore.
These threads are allowed
the fedora guy needs to die
its painful hear him
holy fuck
shia? yeah, fuck him.
Zig Forumsacks already showing how redpilled poland is
this is pure kek
Everyone in Poland looks like a fucking jew
Isn't the fedora guy Ronkko? The guy who is doing the art thing with Shia I mean.
Does anyone know the exact address?
As already mentioned
"Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź for the exhibition 'Peer-to-Peer. Collective Practices in New Art'. "
lol it is