Trump x Kim Meeting
Shills posting right on schedule, and their bosses forgot to brief them on how to sage too! Sad!
I'll be glad when these games are over and the focus can be on America again. If that's the plan.
fuck off cuckchan kike
INB4 vid related happens!!!
Trigger warning: CHESS
This is so dumb.
Also, OP is a faggot, summit is on the 12th, aka Tuesday.
once this is over I predict the Kim hair style will sweep the world Gangnam style
Enjoy your reality TV show.
Keep telling yourselves that, in reality you're waiting with baited breath for something that is as scripted and fake as anything involving the Kardashians.
Cry more faggot.
Someone photoshop Dennis Rodman into this.
We need to get Dennis Rodman at the negotiating table, nigga. AYO, get my nigga Dennis Rodman at the table!
Back to the donald, boomer scum.
you're a nigger and if you disagree you need to back to africa
Trump's definition of "America" is the jewish capital interests that put him in power, not the actual country. Once you figure out he is exclusively referring to the dying postwar order that jews oversee, his actions make a lot more sense. He's a massive waste of time.
shoots basketball
Ayo, nigga. We need basketball diplomacy. Shiezz
Something about that picture is eerie. If you disregard the dirty disgusting nigger and look at Kim. There's youth and innocence in his eyes. Spoopy.
Yeesh. Just look at the schnozz on that yenta.
Who pissed in your scoop of ice cream matzo?
This is the hotel where they're going to meet, the Capella Hotel.
Remind you of anything?
PSY (ft. HYUNA) - 오빤 딱 내 스타일 M/V
I get what you mean, he looks more innocent.
Not really.
Help me along.
ill give you a hint:
its literally on our banners
Singapore here. Security preparations have gone through the roof. Sentosa is like a militarized zone.
Fatboy Kim just landed 1 hour ago.
So, how will it help in building the wall?
Meme that shit
And here comes the sperg, again. I wonder if he's actually lonely.
You are trying way too fucking hard. It looks like a kidney, or one of those oddly shaped vessels in hospitals.
And then these people go out and say they care about things and we should listen to them.
Never, ever gonna fucking happen.
You know what is the best thing that will come out of this?
Not world peace.
Not good boy best korea.
Not that Trump will most likely earn a nobel and stuck it up obummer's ass.
It's the amount of salt that will crash the salt exchange as Zig Forums experience a collective realization of the state of their last True Communist.
Led on a leash before the whole world in exchange for McDonalds and his favorite nigger attending.
There will be a chimpout but at least their shitty board will be more quiet afterwards as every leftypol thread gets flooded with their kimmy grovelling like a dog.
Wait, Zig Forums worships Fatty Kim? Why?
He and his nation represents the goal of the jews and their familiars
I wonder if they'd even support a state that is a death cult. Wait, scratch that.
One thing about this meeting, will the kikes look at this for an opportunity for Trump to force Kim Jong Un to take away his nukes that way they have one less enemy?
Shut the fuck up retard. The arrangements and negotiations of this meeting were met in the Forbidden City.
What's wrong moshe? Did I just unravel your plan? No (you) for you
lel Peace will come to the Koreas and all parties involved will welcome it with open arms and there is nothing you can do about it.
I hope so.
I'm not interested in getting spammed with 'HURR DURR DRUMPF CUCKD' Kim memes or some shit if/when the little pussy-eyed fuck declines to give up the nuclear steel wall blocking the barrel of the Western-manned Israeli-made sniper rifle pointed at his head.
These people legitimately hope for bad things to happen now because Trump is making them crazy crazier. Conservative or apolitical people I know, they don't really post or talk about anything out of the ordinary: pictures of trips, their dogs, cars, etc. For the leftards I'm associated with every third sentence is about MUH EBIL BLUMPF and how we're literally just a few months away from the resurrection of Nazi Germany I wish. I don't know how they can be so fixated on someone they despise so much. They hate DRUMPF more than they love anything. Sometimes I'm sort of disappointed that Antifa's November 4 "Uprising" was such a total failure that it's basically been forgotten. It would have been fun to string a few of these dipshits up from lampposts.
MFW Best Korea flips and becomes the U.S.' greatest ally. All Fatboy Kim wants as a concession is a McShit's restaurant and NBA franchise in Pyongyang.
Then it would no longer be Best Korea. The only reason it is best is because it has remained anti-American. America is a global cancer that can only destroy anything good in the world.
If Korea becomes Merged Korea one day, would it still be Best Korea?
You're getting the wrong takeaway from this. The American Empire is dead. All that's left is a Cold Civil War to fight over the scraps. WE TOTAL WAR NAO. And the Left hates the Right FAR more than the other way around, putting us at a disadvantage. You should admire the Left for being so single-mindedly fixated on defeating their enemy.
No, it would just all become like South Korea, which is a shit hole.
Unless DPRK has complete control.
It wouldn't. South korea would never go for that, and neither would America.
Then the current condition is most desirable.
Trump's efforts are wasted, unless our country decides to withdraw our troops, which I wager a good many people would support.
Is anyone else somewhat anticipating the two becoming immediate friends, and North Korea betraying China to side with the USA? Unrealistic politically, but this is the most amusing outcome and the two have personality archetypes that should get along well together.
No, its just you.
I wouldn't say friends. I see it more of a high-stakes business deal that gives Hungry Hungry Un everything he wants (playstations and chicken tendies) in exchange for a big, fat American military presence parked right on the Chinese border. Trump couldn't give any fucks about Korea, but he hates the chinky bugs with a golden fury. Well, maybe "peace" with NK is worth a little lefty salt for him.
It's been 3 days, did anything actually happen?
It's not until tomorrow.
Time will tell.
I'm under 100kg and this retarded D&C still offends me. Look, ZOG is the problem, not the (essentially germanic) white americans. The cannon fodder that stormed europe thought they were building a better future through personal sacrifice. Forgive them, for they didn't knew what they were doing.
And gas almost the whole political class in the US, that's for sure.
It's almost as though he's led a life of high stakes deal-making to fall back on. Also pro tip: If you think he hasn't been strategizing at all for this, consider yourself a fool.
what the fuck
4:04 a.m. in Singapore, Trump and Kim should be meeting in about 8 hours.
Ahh make that 5 hours, the summit starts at 9:00 a.m..
Trump will fuck this one up properly, like everything else.
Seoul is history
Either nuclear war starts, or we get lefty salt from Trump winning a nobel prize. Win/win
kek. i can live with that.
Trump hasn't fucked ANYTHING up though.
Except cucks like you. But that is your fault for being a loser.
So it's 4am tuesday there now?
Shut the fuck up Trumpcuck.
How about recognizing Jerusalem, for a start?
What about bombing Syria, twice?
What about sending more doughboys to Afghanistan?
Or my favourite, making fucking Bolton his security advisor?
You mean the absolute easiest way that anyone could've caused more trouble for the kikes? This is a move that all the presidents say they'll do and then don't. The kikes didn't even expect it to happen, and the very moment it did, actual resistance formed against them.
And how much damage was actually done? Why no cluster payloads on any of the tomahawks? You know, the ones specifically designed for disabling airfields that are always used to disable airfields, yet none were launched at the syrian air field?
Glass it and move on.
ahh yes, more yurocancer subhumans killing the chans. most likely a shitskin himself
Making a living off of minimum wage must've been so comfortable, you old cuck.
Try harder kike. You're not earning your shekels there.
You're a boomer, for damn sure, a philosemite doing his worst to play natsocs to your neoconservative bull.
stay mad kid
Where's the fucking wall?
Too bad bitch.
You just said you didnt want peace and now you're crying over airfileds?
America itself is the problem. Most white Americans support America, therefore most white Americans are also the problem.
America=liberalism, and they were fighting the enemies of liberalism. Amerikikes knew exactly what they were doing. America has always been a nigger-loving shit hole Jewish nation.
Cry harder faggot. Enjoy the tariffs, the state sponsored televised porn, the refugees, rape gangs, imprisonment for speech, no guns and politicians that couldnt give a fuck about you.
American Imperium Forever.
You do understand that by spamming that, you're just making yourself more obvious as a shill and will destroy your own efforts, yes? Of course, a lowly shill for the kikes doesn't have the authority to change plans. So go ahead, doubledow, keep saying it. You'll wind up like (((Alexander Rafalovich))) and his forced meme the "oathbreaker"
Nah, it will only last a decade more at most, since the demographic situation is not improving. Most (white) boomers will be dead by then, and American imperialism dies with them.
Please elaborate…
You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
The airfield claiming a single soul jews danced over was last year. The legitimate assault with tax wasting "smart bombs" that unfortunately took many more was this year. Get your manual up to date, jew.
Keep crying nigger.
Also teens are incredibly sem-red pilled on race because this shit is being forced on them so god damned hard they can't accept it. It isn't a slow steady process that ramps up for decades like 80s kids. The younger "millennial" kids lean heavily right. There are many salt mine articles about it.
False. Trump hasn't helped the demographics at all. In fact, he expanded H2B visas to spics.
Doesn't matter because the difference is not enough to make up for the death rate of white boomers over the next 20 years.