Wew, looks like Sinead and Glenn Beck were correct about the alt-kike being a Duginist operation financed by Putin. Apologize to Sinead RIGHT NOW, kripplekikechan.
Wew, looks like Sinead and Glenn Beck were correct about the alt-kike being a Duginist operation financed by Putin...
Name five things that are actually wrong with Dugin. I'll wait.
go back to reddit
t. Duginbot
wtf I love the alt right now
Are you that dense?
oy vey
the "American" empire is the jew empire.
I don't see anything I disagree with there.
>implying ((((Russia))))) isn't too.
Why is like 1/2 the alt kike Canadian? What's the deal with that?
He is behind the chaos here socially in terms of stirring the pot on both sides he is also a follower of crowley ,heavy into the same occult the the kikes behind the scenes are
While people like to get in digs with the le 56% meme, Canada is already under 50% and they've noticed.
So why's buddying up with a Satanist Russian Zionist Jew their new plan?
The Russian Jew behind (((Richard Spencer))) and (((TRS))) and (((Rebel Media))) and other faux-right operations.
beats me.
What happened to her south africa documentary? She never uploaded it
Came out a year ago.
The fuck are you talking about nigger?
Trump is judaism personified. Youre not more natsoc than me so don't even try.
Holy shit, I've never seen that Ben-Gurion quote before. Why doesn't it get posted more often? It pretty much confirms the protocols.
Stop trying to gaslight Zig Forums with your kekistan shit nigger.
And so is she.
Haven't you heard of negative promotion? These people use criticism to shill their friends, it's more effective than agreement.
Sounds like you're describing Sinead, especially the "loves blacks" bit (someone post the photos).
By the way, Sinead also admitted to being a satanist.
I'm the one who found that discord you fucking retard.
They're all satanists. They even made a 15-year-old girl (Evalion, age while she was being groomed by Sinead and co.) convert to satanism. She (Evalion) admits her satanic past in a recent video.
The fact that this group is satanic explains the very high incidence of trannies in their midst.
Inb4 someone claims I'm claiming everyone is a tranny.
No, but generational tranny satanist elites are.
Sure, that's why "she" was speaking at the UN a few weeks ago, purely organic, goy, go back to sleep.
The Renegays are pagans not satanists.
Ask Jared for a better guide at fasleflagging, I'm sure he has one.
There's a picture of the kid sucking on her tit, and she was visibly pregnant during the White Man March. A better conspiracy theory is that Celtic Rebel is the real father.
Goy, you're not allowed to post bad stuff about based Royssia, those accusations of oligarch control of wealth and politics are merely false!
Glenn Beck is a neocon cuckservative and MKULTRAED degenerate.
No way! Glenn is BASED.
Technically not a Satanist, she believes the world is flat and that there were once giant Crystal trees that the Jews cut down to sap our life force it something. At the peak of autism, paganism, and esoteric hitlerism you find sinead
Is Russian version of Glen Beck.
Only absolute morons think he's relevant.
Sinead is not a Satanist, and unlike even most "white nationalists" not a ((((Christcuck)))) either. Satanists ARE Christians by definition since they both take the fairytales from the same book as fact, just apply them differently.
Apologize to her RIGHT NOW, slanderous JEW vermin!
True and despite that even a retard like him managed to connect the dots. Let that sink in.
Even a broke clock is right twice a day. When you call everyone a jew or a putin shill you're bound to be proven right.
Because there's a campaign from the aut-kike to present zionism as jewish nationalism and hide its global aims. This one is also extremely damning. Wolffsohn was Herzl's friend and successor, and who gave him the design for Israel's flag and the idea to use "shekels" for the zionist currency. Zionism was never nationalism.
Why the fuck do you TRS cocksuckers come here. All we do is tell you to take your shitty kike shill op and fuck off. What sort of special masochism do you have to shill for TRS? oh right. It's called being greedy jewish shills. TRS is for faggot morons who need to go to 4chan.
Say what you want about Imcoonfy, but he was the last stand against TRSodomites and their le based le redpilled trannies XDDDDD.
fuck off with your eceleb kikery leddit
Some guy on YouTuve did a great in depth video, called the problems with Duginism, or something like that. Dugin doesn't care about race, never addresses the Russian demographic problem, wants to genocide Ukrainians, is subversive, doesn't oppose almost every facet of cultural marxism, the list is long. He has some good ideas, but after merely watching the video, you see how much even /Pol suffered from russian subversion. Imagine the rest of movements around the globe.
Plus Dugin uses whatever suits his bullshit at the time, not a lot of original thought. Like Jordan Peterson.
We need to get these faggot shills, shit-posters, and black-dick-loving-Zig Forums-sissy-cuckold-BDSM-obsessed-sub-humans out of here.
Sinead is a crazy bitch.
You mean aside from him being anti-white?
No, I always knew she was right on this. Kyle and Sinead do yeoman service for NatSocs.
In vid related, Lauren and Brittney predictably beg for shekels to cover the cost of this worthless venture.
But they're far Left you stupid fuck Glenn Beck
I will only apologize, if she disavows flat earth theory and stops calling every single person that is alt-right or "alt-right" insults.
As a woman you shouldn't just call everyone ugly, stupid, shill, etc. Women should strive for harmony in a movement and not divide it.
Oh look, its all the worst posters in one thread.
Still better than that faggot, I'd rather have these faggots than that one. He had power over the board, these cunts don't. Checked btw
She's also a feminist
Now you have to apologize to Sinead twice. Do it NOW.
Glenn Beck is a far-left extremist himself, so for him everything to the right of sucking big, sweaty, juicy nigger coxxx is "far-right".
Glen Beck said Alan De Bennist, Dominique venner and Guilleme the French intellectuals were Russian agents not Lauren southern.
He's not a nationalist but a Eurasian Muslim supporter, he wants to use nationalism to destroy the west and forge a shitty post commie state out of Russia. His ideology is communism called not communism.
He is one of the brains behind the ideological foundation for post Soviet Russia. His ideas were very important to Putin up until the late 2000's
Lurk 2 years before posting faggot.
I know what you mean, wish I could be proven wrong most the time. :^)
Please go away Moarpheus, unironically you make Aut-Kike shills look more credible with your autism.
Redpill me on weeno teh dawg and Ghoul.
trs has a bunch of sodomites and that is why people should listen and see Vargkino
oh look it's another X took photo with Y so X must be Y
X was suckin on Y's boyclit so X must be into traps!
I was describing dugin, you sly kike
unanchor this thread you nigger mods