It's not even the Jews. It's the elite. Many of them are Jews, yes, but it's not a grand conspiracy. The Elite which controls the media and politics around the globe is raceless. If only it was just the Jews, things would be so more simple.
I think a lot of people are tainting the search for truth with their half-assed causalities and aren't even interested in any narrative that fits their own personal bias. Can we just consider the idea that Jews are not the main culprit, but that many non-jews also are accountable for the exploitation of humanity? We're not being sucked dry by a certain ethnicity/religious group/however you define it, we're being sucked dry by the richest elite! Who cares about fucking Jews?
inb4 shill/dataminer/jew/liberal well I don't fucking care, niggers. I stated my opinion. I don't see the logic in the general consensus of this board. Help me understand.
The Hall of Cost Happened 15 MILLION GERMANS MURDERED #neverforget #jewsdidthis
Carson James
Its both its the Judeo-Masonic faction.This board is ran by freemasons a group called the knights templar connected to jim. So all this kike shit is half truths its the judeo-masonic faction. The masons are how jews are held up over the goyim they initiate goyim to protect them thats what the knights templar was all about. The false flag terrorism is freemasons trying to make america their own haunted house plain and simple. It is the jews it is the intelligence agencies its all of the boogeymen who are a part of the secret societies plain and simple
You get called out and fired for criticizing the current political correctness culture and the encompassing tyranny. I agree, but still, criticism on Muslims and Jews is also very much frowned upon.
Thanks for reposting what I said… Care to argue your point?
Matthew Parker
This is true, but in the Western world the oligarchy, or "elite", are overwhelmingly Jewish.
Jason Taylor
Benjamin Jenkins
>Totally goy it's the (((elite))) same fucking thing so >>>/trannypol/
That was just Making memes and qanon shit with the standard hotel. I thought i refreshed the page before it uploaded because not the best example but It all is connected by the secret societies
Pic related is one of the costumes they wear its called the jewish council masons ARE THE SECRET JEWISH COUNCIL
It's an incidental conspiracy, the Jews work for Jewish interests and align with one another knowingly or unknowingly. If you can't figure this out, you're either on their payroll or you're a brainlet.
Tyler Baker
I mean listening
Aaron Ross
oh watching
Jordan White
So this is just more 4chan now. Fuck kikes and fuck drumpf.
user, you're at the precipice of full red-pill, or else this is a well baited hook. I too thought it was hyperbole, but a single phrase caught me offguard a while back that made convinced me. Biology doesn't stop at the brainstem. A book, the Talmud, that teaches how to use the letter of a law to circumscribe the spirit of the law. A people who have been rootless since their own earliest records, who have been habitually expelled for over two millennia and thus have no concept ownership of land past the contractual kind. Genes that became inbred, inclining them to schizophrenia amongst other oddities. Gravitating toward professions that take, rather than create, value from a system.
Like it or not they prefer other jews to gentiles. They also don't see anything wrong in staking out entire professions for their tribe. See: Hollywood. If there were no jews there never would have arisen communism, which I think is the most damning thing of all.
The 'elite' are a recent phenomenon with the replacement of aristocracy with pop-idols and merchant princes. The overturn is quite higher for this crowd than you'd expect. Jews however have always gravitated towards the top by sheer tribal cronyism.
It might be just racial subconscious memes, it might be just culture, it might be just genes, it might be just god's blessing turned to curse, but I'm convinced it's all four in moderation.
>Hi goy. So, you've figured out that you are being kiked and stripped naked from all that should be the fruits of your labour? You know, you're right. But here's the thing: Actually, it's not the kikes. It's the "elite". Here, I have this nice pamphlet for you: See that? It's called "Communism". Communism is going to save you from the elite, goy. Why don't you go over there to my dear friend (((Luxemburg))) and have it explained to you in more detail! No no no, no need to thank me. After all, we are caring people and only want the best for you!
Christopher Watson
I don't want opposing views. I want you off my board and also dead and bulldozed into a mass grave. I know what I believe and why I believe it. If you don't, fuck off back where you came from, this isn't the place for you. HEIL HITLER 1488!
What? Communism is literally the opposite of what I argued. I'm sorry for not adhering to your cognitive bias.
Eli Sullivan
What is the difference with other tribal groups? Don't Muslims also cling together like cockroaches? I live in Europe and I see them behave just like how you described the Jews behave, except more blatantly and yes, more like savages.
If you are a transexual you are being mind controled by freemasons to mutilate yourself for baal. Look at the bull on walstreet you are a statue of freemasonry if you use your queerness to vie politics.
It's edgy to want your race to survive. It's edgy to kill your blood enemies. OK, whatever, I'll be edgy.
Christian Ramirez
How is wanting your own kin to survive contrarian, though? Let alone edgy?
Jeremiah Myers
The problem is that calling it "The Jews" is more accurate than calling it "The Rich People" which is really what you are calling the Elite.
I agree, it is the "elite", but not in the definition of its them being rich. Its a particular cult of beliefs and a certain nepotistic clique which has an overwhelming representation of jews.
Rich people aren't evil. Some are, some aren't. When someone proposes prejudice against rich people, it really makes them come across as someone extremely conceited who thinks they deserve more money than those they see around them because they think that are superior, and their envy gets to their head.
The extreme majority of rich people are actually pretty fucking decent people.
I am not into just blaming the entire jewish race, or only jews, but its much closer to the truth than just blaming successful people.
hahaha wow kid, you upset anthony bourdain killed himself? hahaha. cognitive dissonance is strong with this one
Ryan Watson
why are you are a statue of freemasonry if you use your queerness to vie politics?
Because when the freemasons decide to false flag a gay night club you are then activated with masonic rainbow programming to disarm the masses.
People do not larp in secret wearing costumes without blood being shed. They are the secret snowflakes. They are David Hogg winking at the camera. They are the globalists. They introduced the new world order phrase and historically have been exposed for the french revolution. The french revolution was a knights templar thing because they have to avenge the death of jaque demolay who was the head of the templars that was put to death. Now all christians are secretly being plotted against because they burned a fag to death in france in the 12tg century, And thats why its easier to say jews because you are not allowed to talk about the illuminati its a joke lol wut illuminati its the freemasons who where the womb of which the illuminati came out of. Every single talking head whatever is told to say jews or to lie instead of allowing people to talk negative about the masonic supremecy. Think about it on cbs they are the news the all seeying eye symbolism will be their downfall.
and freemasons are the people who have a stake in not being exposed so thats why kikes are this fake ass sacred cow.
That's correct. With the elite I mean the very rich. I can also see that a lot of the 'elite' are Jews. I agree.
When someone proposes prejudice against rich people, it really makes them come across as someone extremely conceited who thinks they deserve more money than those they see around them because they think that are superior, and their envy gets to their head. This is a generalisation which does not hold true. The rich aren't automatically hated by the poor for being wealthy. Envy is present due to human nature, but it does not lead to theft/violence as a rule of law. Plenty of instances in older societies have entertained this (lack of a) principle. Sure. They're people like the rest of us. Jews do make up a significant proportion of those mass media owners and political campaign backers and lobbyists. I do not have an explanation for this. Thanks for an honest answer, and thanks for not scolding me and calling me a 'jew' or 'shill' or whatever the local fags here do. I appreciate it and I'm gonna think on what you said. Idk.
I agree in the sense that not all poor people automatically hate all rich people. But there are many rich people who will quite literally say that all power corrupts and all rich people are corrupted/evil.
yes and no. If human nature were perfect with great self-awareness, envy would not exist. However, some people are extremely prone to constantly having envious thoughts. I myself have pretty much never had envious thoughts that I can remember (though im guilty of many other "sins"), and I've been really poor at times (doing much much better now thankfully). I have seen things that have made me go "oh thats nice, I wish I had that too!" but thats not what I mean when I say envy. When I mention envy here, I mean the though process which is something along the lines of "they don't deserve that nice thing they have" or "I should also have that nice thing, I deserve it more than them". And I do believe that this envy leads to people trying to place unfair property redistribution laws into the government, although sure, not everyone that experiences these envious thoughts immediately or eventually gets to the point of hostile stealing.
being on an imageboard… you gotta get used to filtering through the needstack to find the hay. Don't let shitty replies discourage you from trying to have an honest conversation.
You swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. As they say in Texas. I'll bet you couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. You are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done. I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformation. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. And did I mention you smell? Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly.
Sebastian Richardson
Tavistock researcher Dr. William Sargent author of "Battle for the Mind: The Mechanics of Indoctrination, Brainwashing and Thought Control" (1957): "Various types of beliefs can be implanted after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by …deliberately induced fear, anger or excitement." (48)
Who do you work for? What are you trying to do with your radicalized online cult following if this whole operation pans out?
You are a freemason because of the little 3d kid boysclub dogwhistle.I dont care if i am wrong people like you are worse than any kike i have ever seen. Stop smothering children in animal masks stop stop stop trying to shill your cult fuckhead you are here to discredit human potential for hate.
Indeed. I am dirt poor myself and feel no resentment towards those who have/earn more than me. I just try to better my own life. I think that power does not corrupt you by default, but that those who are prone to corruption, fall to it. One must have a predilection towards evil in order to fall for it. On the other hand, many apparently 'good' people have been turned bad through, or after, the acquisition of wealth and/or power.
Doesn't envy have a fundamental natural value? It gives us an incentive to propel us forward. 'My neighbour has x, I want x!' etc. Perhaps we have different definitions of envy. I see it as a natural, even healthy thing, in moderation. Now Jealousy is something else. That is toxic. As an endnote, all of these 'unfair' sentiments stem from our inherent survival instinct. We have simply evolved to sophisticate that which we've adhered to for millennia.
Cheers. I am learning how to do this stuff now. All of the name-calling and ad homs I just try not to reply to.
I wouldn't call this envy, necessarily. When he says "I want " and feels the motivation to work towards getting it by his own works, I would just call this ambition. I think the trigger you propose that set him off - his neighbor getting it - merely gave him the idea that he might also like one, and that it is likely possible that he could get one too.
yeah, we just have different definitions of envy we are working on.
have you ever farted so hard that your poohole hurt
Henry Nelson
snap the fuck out of it. Black and white are CODEWORDS. ITs not about literal white people. The initiates the illumined ones are white everyone else is niggers. thats why we see cianigger fbinigger fednigger pizzanigger masons talking in plain sight.
They have subverted a lot of our culture trump is still a wildcard we do not know if he is a mason but the alt right and people saying any kind of promotion of nazism is the same thing. Its a waste of fucking time so we can not have the moral highground. So you can never change anything because all the roads lead to isreal why dig? Whats the point at that point? ITS MIND CONTROL FUCK THE JEWS GAS THEM ALL YOU WILL HAVE IT EVEN WORSE BECAUSE THEN THEY WILL EXECUTE YOU FOR BEING NOT AN INITIATE
And it is a judeo masonic faction masonry is kike tutorship it is all real but masons double down on the kike angle to discredit it.
I'll go first: what have you found is most demotivating to astroturf this board with? Black cocks?
And what exactly is the radical identity you're trying to anchor to this place? Or are you just pushing any and all outdated ideologies as "redpills" to further segregate the juicy info we find from the normies' awareness?
I know you're just a stooge (or a bot) but does anyone you work for have the recent edition of How to Program the Subconscious through Digital Media?
We were ceded the land labeled 1783, though the government spent millions buying land from the Indian tribes living in it. Same for the Louisiana Purchase – $15 million from France for its claim, but millions more to the worthless, drunken Indians to skedaddle them out. Texas declared independence, and it would have been a funny show to watch illiterate Mexican peasant levies try to reconquer it by force. The Oregon Territory was negotiated quite peacefully from Britain not really peaceful, but we were both white, so we came to terms eventually.
As for that "1848" on there – Neither Spain nor Mexico ever controlled it. We took the claim at the end of a war Mexico started, then lost so badly their capital wound up defended by teenagers in a stone castle. Then, after their government fell to pieces, the American ambassador wandered around for 8 months before he met someone he could present his credentials to. That chore done, we negotiated the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, which ended the fighting and authorized a fat $10 million payment to broken, helpless Mexico. That was more of a guilt commission, honestly. We'd beaten the brown fags so hard we felt bad about it – forever the white man's vice. Later, we paid them 100 times what we should have for the Gadsen area.
So no – we have a firm claim to it all. We found it. We conquered it. We paid for it. We settled it. We developed it. We fell for democracy, and then we gave it all to spics without a fight.
So, kill them where they're found, is what I'm saying.
Zig Forums was created in November 2011 moot retired as admin in January 2015
Parker Walker
There was a news board or something that preceded it. He axed /rk9/ and reinstated it the same thing happened with Zig Forums or Zig Forums came out of /news/ or Zig Forums I came to Zig Forums in 2011 I thought it started around 2010 so I am right with the timeline.
Levi Long
Jews are by far over-represented among the elite.
Five out of the top seven and 28 out of the top 200 wealthiest Australians are Jewish despite being only 0.5% of the population.
Even accounting for Jews on average being more intelligent, this is a hugely improbable result and is probably due to strong in-group bias, that is, Jews favor Jews.
We need to do the same thing for ourselves if we are to avoid being predated upon by this oligopoly.
Jose Murphy
If it was made in november it must have been 2012 when I moved from /rk9/ and /x/ and /b/ to Zig Forums
Kayden Myers
lol I cant even read that paco. for real, I don't know what you are saying, learn English
Wait also the jews was a contriversial subject on the travel board or /int/ so Zig Forums was antisemetic because you would have a million jidf and it was actually edgy. Now its literally part of a lurk for 2 years regimen of reading masons blame the jews so you can emulate them and do the same thing. Just say kike and fit in.Its the path of least resistance so thats why its not the ultimate or complete reality of the situation of politics.
I am sorry tthat you are not able to read that, paco. Mi ingles not so veri good but pleese understaan that mi amigos are waiting for us bai bai, viva america e carnale
It's been a while since I've seen a slide thread with that pepper cat image. That's how you know the shills are comfortable, using stock meme images again. With actual moderation that would have been a dead giveaway.
Parker Brown
Mason Ross
lol, your not good at this. your people are so weak and cowardly that our women can deport you.
Anthony Pratt is Australia's richest person. He is Jewish. His company Visy received the biggest fine in Australian history for operating in a Cartel with another packaging company.
I am referring to your people spic, you are cowardly and weak. very simple. I once hit a fat little spic child with my car while he was on his bike and he rolled over my hood. that shit was hilarious and I got away with it! I'm glad pics of spics getting the boot upsets you
.. So you acted like a nigger and reveled in it. I am Belgian, by the way. You talk like a goddamn nigger. I would not be surprised in the least if you were one.
that's a relief, from your broken English I thought you were a spic; now I know your a kike. nice slid thread kike! you be really upset about that dead 12 year old kike whore huh? HAHAHAHA
The Nazi scum are wholly a creation of military intelligence and special operations.
Thomas Sanders
What a ludicrous thing to say. The Nazis have been on these boards since your mom was still picking you up from elementary school because you shat your pants after eating too much paste.