Wew lad, how do they not see the JQ? It's right in their face! Post (((Communism))) redpills
Back to Reddit, commie
shit thread
Hang yourself degenerate.
Jews formed the core personnel of, and promoted, Reds of various kinds, in particular Bolsheviks. (((They))) brought communism into existence a century ago in Russia.
However, for the full picture of Red history it's important to look at Spartacus / Antifa type organizations even now, and to thereby recognize that jews are still promoting communism - - in spite of its massive FAIL worldwide since 1917.
Hi Jew
eat shit you cancerous fuck
what do cucks make of marx's comments on niggers? was it niggers or some other race
I'm worried less about Communism and more about Socialism. Socialism is the weapon that undermines and destroys a civilization. Socialism has also been rid of all negative connotations, and is now touted as morally just and superior. It has been fully weaponized in our societies and is moving full steam ahead. Socialism is the weapon that destroys/steals everything we know and hands it over to them. People need to start attacking Socialism more and Communism less. Socialism is now, Communism is later. Communism in reality is merely fully realized Socialism–a fully empowered government, no political freedoms, centralized economy etc.
Who gives a shit what some civilization destroying kike thought of niggers. He's beneath even the lowliest nigger. There's not a million niggers throughout history combined who've done as much damage to our civilization as this one kike.
Don't forget, Marxists will outright tell you (((kibbutzim))) are examples of "Real Communism".
The little kike didn't like his golems, what's your point? All kikes have a deep seeded hatred for non kikes, and only pretend not to when it is convenient in moving forward their bloodthirsty agenda.
I wonder if their "kibbutz" communities experienced the strength of diversity. Especially really dark brown and black forms of diversity. The darker the stronger.
They live above the diverse masses in high rise castles made of foreskins and gold. Their cocktail parties aren't remotely diverse.
Do we have any resources on the genealogy of ideas from rabbinical texts to Marx? Modern histories make him out to be an atheist apostate to Judaism and thus he has no connection to Jewry (Bakunin and others heavily disagree and we know the rest), but there has to be some way that Talmudic teachings informed his education.
Lots of commies are kikes actually. Just look at their faces, all distorted and ugly beyond any recognition of humanity in them. Why else do many of them chop their dicks off and want to lie themselves that they are some kind of xenos filthy "female" mutants?
Let the Jews tell you in their own words: archive.is
scroll down to 3. Principles Of the Future Society
Now read up on the talmudic idea of Tikkun Olam: archive.is
Here is the temple of Naples telling us how important this idea is:
Here the rabbis admit that Karl Marx was strongly influenced by Tikkan Olum from the Talmud: vqronline.org
Why would a kike overlord Marx call out other kikes? Bolsheviks were 82%~ jewish.
Leftyshits and kikes always had that connection.
Like the day when Zig Forums BO blew /tv/ BO
I thought that was the idea that the Hebrew god died while creating the world and Jews were tasked with wiping all life from the planet in order to free his spirit or something.
what are you trying to say?
And capitalism somehow managed to be the more destructive system.
fuck off
sage this thread
Marx was meant to be part of the 'hidden hands'.
Zig Forums BO a confirmed tranny gave /tv/ kike board owner a blowjob
Bolsheviks were still dominated and happily sucked that 1% cock
The world's first famous NEET.
Wow, the self hating jew hates jews-
He was a self hating jew
shill thread
sage, ignore, no or short reply
etc etc etc
Sounds bourgeois.