When are they going to fucking stop using this kike-invented term, Zig Forums? It's used by literally almost everyone. Libtards, cuckservatives, neocohens, commies, lolbergtarians, feminists, non-Whites, and virtually all normalfags in general think it's a bad thing. Because of Jewish propaganda they have all been indoctrinated to think nationalism and tibralism is a bad thing, but according to the Leftards shitskin nationalism is perfectly fine.
As if anti-NatSoc propaganda wasn't already enough to brainwash the goyim into thinking Uncle Adolf was a genocidal maniac and the Holohoax actually happened, we also have to put up with this completely tiring bullshit of the "paint anyone you don't like as a bigot"-card. And now the faggots are asking everyone to miscengenate with each other or else you'll be thinking just like an ebil gnatzee if you don't want Tyrone Johnson to be your daughter's husband.
Now you get to see "anti-Zionist" (not anti-Jew) leftists and shitskins in (((uni))) thinking whatever the kikes in Israel are doing to the Palestinians is an example of "White" imperialism. Therefore Israel is just like the South Africa apartheid, which is a really retarded anology. Because you outta know Mr. Moshe Goldshekelsteinberg is "White". They're literally Whites for what the kikes are doing.
Now we get to see commies and shitskins who were considered to be the "heroes" of WWII completely being against anything that is created by Whitey. Destroying Aryan culture becasue it's "oppressive" and was "stolen from other cultures". Just imagine, Zig Forums. Were would the shitskins be without Whites? Niggers in the US have been demanding to go back to Apefrica so they can get back to their ancestral roots so what's the hold up? Wouldn't they accept deportations right about now, or are they relaly that hooked up to BET and rap "music" careers?
I've seen niggers in JewTube comment sections saying Whites in South Africa should go back to Europe, and you know what that would be a godly blessing for them. Sure beats living around with the worthless, violent apes. "Racism" is just another way of saying tribalism, non-Whites are the most hypocritical races I've ever seen in my life. It's bad when Whites do it but according to the leftists and shitskins, anything Whites do is considered bad. Being born White is bad.
When you stop giving them the time of day. Don't let them indulge in their fantasies.
Blake Reyes
I recommend overdosing on the redpills, you mortal shill.
Jayden Gray
lurk more cunt
Samuel Young
Maybe call it "Race-Hate" or something similar. This isolates the negative part from the natural and reasonable parts that are really only natural in-group preference or trust, and preservation. You don't require a negative component to love and defend your own. "Racism" lumps all together, as if you can only be "good" if you're blind, def, dumb and weren't born to any in-group. Wanting good things for your own people is not "hate", and so doesn't fit into the new clearer definition of the more precise term "race-hate".
Tyler Perry
Just say that it's perfectly normal, sensible, realistic, pragmatic, and historically the norm to prefer your people over others. Just say "If you aren't a racist, you're living in a bubble" and leave it at that.
Kayden Reyes
I personally i'm racist but racialist and want my country isolated from other races, not because of muh racism but to preserve the diversity of our species. Those (different flavors of) libtards are just stupid and ignorant. You can try reasoning with them, but the red pill can take a long time to be ingested. Also it will fail if your target is constantly being fed propaganda (like TV or ((( netflix ))) )
Landon Fisher
Wrong. OP is correct, by even giving a little validity to the term "racist" you already let the far-left win on your own brain.
Jayden Gomez
Their definition of racism is that you have to believe that your better, which would disqualify most forms of racism but liberals don't know or care. Personally I believe white people really are better and ought to exterminate everyone else, but that's more a matter of history and statistics than mere belief. Their worst fears are totally accurate though, they've forced everyone into a situation where will become super-racist, due to immigration and a history of dominating the people who are colonizing us (especially through remittances sent back home that fund entire governments like El Salvador).
You can say "I don't acknowledge the term" but that won't mean it doesn't potentially apply to you. You're right in that it should be scoffed off as a meaningless buzzword, but the buzzword will keep on buzzing away regardless of your refusal to use it.
Zachary Gomez
Maybe when you make better OP's
Jason Lopez
The best counter is to pilpul the shit out of them when the term is used, not even acknowledged their ((((definition)))).
Joseph Jones
Even if you qualify as per the definition at that point the only thing you can say is that not being a racist means being willfully ignorant about your global ethnic displacement due to immigration policies our own politicians have agreed to because corporations want cheap foreign labor.
Dylan Jones
honestly, the only thing wrong here is that the loli is a nigger.
That could be just a flip or a Thai, dude. Negresses are never that short in their 15-16 years of age.
David Reed
Besides, race mixing of any kind is pure genocide.
Jose Barnes
Racist is when you treat people differently because of their race, and not by the content of their character. Which you do. Can dish it but can't take it. Cry babies.
You can believe there are racial differences, yet not treat people differently because of their race. But you don't. So you're racists. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it.
Oh I sure treat a whole lot of kikes and astroturfing /trannypol/ cuckolds who use TOR differently, it's completely justified. Not one kike or Marxist is a real human being. So in inclusion, kikes Redditors like you deserve the gas.
Jordan Turner
I was having a conversation earlier today, the other person had brought up an article they saw about a rise in white nationalist women who urge other women to have lots of white babies. They referred to white nationalist women as 'racist', so I asked "why? what makes them racist", the response was as you'd expect
Except rape on the battlefield. Still, be careful about Hatelove-chen.
Ryan Sanchez
Catalog user
Jordan Gonzalez
True. There is no greater crime in the eyes of the left than existing while straight, white and male.
Christian Green
Jackson Perez
Can't tell if god-tier shitpost or actually serious. Probably the latter.
William Brooks
What your post shows is that you're a racist. But you object to being called a racist. And that's the whole point of this hypocritical thread really.
Caleb Davis
Aaron Butler
You lack the clarity of thought that one can argue with.
Christopher Rodriguez
That's clearly the exact opposite of this threads point.. Are you illiterate or just stupid? He's trying to say that "Racist" is not a term people should be running from.
Elijah Taylor
And it seems you yourself never tried to argue on my statements on why "racism" will never be a bad thing. At some point in (((their))) anti-White propaganda, the yids are right. White males are getting really angry of the Jewish bullshit that has been happening in their nations. The only reason why White leftycucks keep supporting White genocide via (((multiculturalism))) without second thought is because they are not the victims of it. So please. If you are some kike living in Silicone Valley, take a vacation to Somalia and see how much your nigger pets love you.
Oliver Adams
while you're at it, include every verbal lingo made up by every sjw faggot and neo-commie filth the ever existed >zog (note: it's an acronym to describe govt's under kike control that people here semi-rarely use, but it's recently been picked up by some groups to (((safely))) describe kikes without 'using hate speech like the rayciss do', kinda like a mental filter of sorts, and most of those who use the term are either shills or anti-trump normiefaggots) We're gonna need a new bingo like the shill bingo months ago, only it's about commie/neo-marxist 'linguistics'
An easy start is the US, UK, Turkish and Saudi support for Daesh and other terrorists in Syria.
- Point out the origins of "Diversity", that it is not organic/spontaneous at all but something that has been made to push an agenda. - That "diversity" is about getting ride of Whites.
You use their argument against them and point out the doublethink itself. Take white pride for example. When someone starts claiming how white pride is bad, ask them why black pride isn't. Hammer on the point that certain types of pride are viewed as good and healthy, but yet whites who feel any sense of pride in themselves are treated like they just shot someone nonwhite. I like to call them racist since it makes a lot of them backpeddle and go on the defensive. Sometimes, using their arguments against them works.
But always keep one thing in mind when you engage them: You aren't trying to convince the person you're arguing with. You're trying to convince the fence sitters and lurkers who will see the argument. Present your arguments calmly, and any irrationality the leftist/etc… display will only lend credence to your own argument. Also, when you reference anything, be sure to have material handy to further support you.
Logan Garcia
Cont. The benign aspects of "racism" could be referred to as Race Consciousness. Or simply Benign Racialism.