Brit/pol/ #2830: A Thread Edition

So, here we are

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Shit thread, no links

diy or gfy

smh yoga teacher lass is probably 50+

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If she’s slim, why not give it a try?

honestly the worst OP i've seen on Zig Forums or brit/pol/ 4 or 8 version.

catch me outside OP, we'll run into each other on here again i'm sure.

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possibly even worse than any OP off 4/int/ Zig Forums threads too

smh she is but it would be risky to venture smh

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she's not married is she?

smh thot

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Don't thinks but I've been told off for asking out lasses I shouldn't before smh


Does Zig Forums like Phil Collins?

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kino tbh

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utter kino

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Any lads here?

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Probably shouldn't have had those couple of screwdrivers smh, feel a bit numb

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cool it with the posting, i drunk post on graveyard shifts every week but you can't be >(13) with only 23 replies lad ffs.

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nobody here anymore?

let's pop tonight lads

hate this time of night, i always try to keep the thread going but it dies and then we have SA and coo/k/ waking up to dayfag link post at about 8am.

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maybe, is leafposter a known poster?

honestly though fuck leafs, i have met a few of them, bugmen or arthogs usually.

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Mornin lads

morning lad

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Democracy is a joke tbh

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Morning lad

What have you got to lose?

when was the last time a vote did something

1933 in Germany

It sounded like he was casting a spell.

Watching Zodiac tbh

And since then they've kept a stranglehold on it all. We're an oligarchy with a veneer of democracy to disguise it.


It was a curse cast against Britain


Morning lads, got work at the pub again today

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what's on handpull?

lel these faggots

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Theresa May to put concessions to DUP in a final bid to win Brexit deal support

Labour's Brexit spokesman Sir Keir Starmer says Theresa May should agree to another referendum

European elections: Lib Dems pull ahead of Labour in YouGov poll but Farage's Brexit Party remains top

Brian May: 'Brexit is the stupidest thing we ever tried to do'

Sturgeon pledges to dismiss second Brexit referendum result even if UK voted Leave again

GP could lose his job for asking Muslim mum to remove niqab during appointment

Islamic scholar ‘says Allah allows Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women to humiliate them'

Edit the op pls

I actually just did lad

Thanks! It was shameful.

Make women private property again.

And they were black :^)

well yeah no shit

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hate fat fucks so much

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In the countryside perhaps. In towns and cities most houses didn't have kitchens due to the fire risk and the fact that brick ovens were too large. People took their food to the bakers and paid them to bake it or just bought the baker's own fare.
Basically everyone ate Greggs.

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Medieval England was the best time to be alive

>"oh you want to live in the past? I guess that means you want the plague!!"

No shit.

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We mvst retvrn to tradition.

this is my current diet tbh make sure that dairy is RAW for max nutrition
brought to you by real raw milk gang

how would you know ya fat bastid

luv eggs me

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Hullo yes, dafties and spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh, okthankyou

Because I've lost 9st just eating meat, veg and cheese.

Sounds like keto

Have you ever had raw milk from a freshly milked cow? It was still warm. Delicious.

What’s your weight now?


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he's delusional take him to the infirmary

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wtf I love muslims now

Kek, this is so funny tbh

Are the based?

making me furious that the kikes have tricked muslims into thinking that the sodomite loving government has the slightest thing to do with Christendom

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Its so fun to watch

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Such a great picture

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I reckon a lot of them genuinely don't know that muzzies hate gaze so when they are confronted with it pic related is their reaction

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I’m about the same tbh.

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based mcdonalds

Fresh Joe


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Piping hot fresh Joe

Australia election 2019: Labor may have lost "unlosable" election

A lot of fucking salt.

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I look stupid now

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