How come Barron has ZERO social media presence, unlike all of his siblings, parents and cousins? Is he really that much of an autistic sperg?
t. autist with zero social media.
How come Barron has ZERO social media presence, unlike all of his siblings, parents and cousins...
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Yeah, I'd protect him too if he were my son.
cuz he's like 12
Why should he want to be on social media? Just because your parents like publicity and participating in social media doesn't mean you want to.
The lad probably just wants to draw big-tiddied amazon women in peace
user, how much presence did Octavius have before he entered politics?
He must be hidden from the world until the time is right to unleash him.
Yes, why do you think Trump cares so much about autism? A mother in her 40's should not be allowed to give birth, greatly increases the risk of autism and other defects.
Found the shitskin.
Hes right, women over 40 should not give birth. This is a known fact as you can tell by your bitter reply.
Just let him live his life. I have no doubt that any of his social media accounts would be attacked nonstop.
The only reason we ever saw barron was because he wanted white people's votes. The same reason we did NOT see kushner during the election, or all the people in the family who have that bizarre crossbred look.
White women are more than capable of giving birth to ubermensch until they dry up. Fuck off moshe, your defective genetics are what screws you.
He is a genius, the future president.
It's how we keep winning.
Melania is 48, Baron is 12. Even a nigger should be able to handle that math.
That's still too old to be having kids, extremely high risks at that point. A woman above 32-35 should not be having kids, best age range is 16-28 give or take. Really, they start declining stound 25 or 26 if I remember correctly.
You are correct. But being a white woman, even if defective, she should be pulling kids until 35 IMO
I seem to remember his steam account being a member of an "Autistic Lolis" group.
Are you saying barron trump was a member of lolis with autism? Big if true since back in the day they were quite the shitposters.
He probably shitposts on image boards.
He actually does.
What is with this assumption everyone must be on social media?
Maybe he's not braindead like the rest of normiedom.
Also bost brodekted kid in teh US.
He's not a namefag. Good for you, kid.
Are you a retarded pedo. Eat a bullet you piece of slimy shit.
Go to bed Barron
Kill yourself.
Right-tail niggers, perhaps. Median or below, forget about it.
The roman rulers all had big heads. I think we are devolving.
He is being molested by his kike father. We all know how much of a loose cannon the Donald is so he has good reason to believe his son would spill the dirty beans all over on social media.
Keep your fantasies to yourself rat.
You know that he was part of Jeffrey Epstein's pederast express, right?
Rode on like once. As always you kikes twist reality to fit your narrative. They tried to get him in on what you sick leftist kike trash are into and he wasn't into it.
ur sucking Trumps cock pretty hard there bro. Why ? What's he done that has to getting triggered so hard on an anonymous messageboard over ? Because from where I sit pretty much every corrupt piece of shit in the establishment is getting away with their crimes under Trump and we have fuckall transparency as to what is really going on. How can you respect a leader who fucks around so much ?
1. the kike
2. the kike's wife
3. the kike & his kike lawyer's lolita express contact information
4. the kike's son who he turned into an abomination
5. the kike's mutilated grandchildren
He does sperg out sometimes. However, this is only evidence of his growing power and the fact he is one of us.
He's not old enough to meet the terms of service for social media.
Good for jews, certainly
PS - Why is there a thread devoted to the spawn of the orange kike in glowing terms?
He is ~10 years old, you retarded faggot.
Yeah, they are such great friends that epstein is banned on all of Trumps properties.
Zig Forums counts as social media.
Sadly, this is now true.
This. 13 is a LAW for FaceBook account…
Autism is being massively over-diagnosed to excuse for negligent parenting.
This. Mild autism of the sort many anons here have can be more of a gift than a curse. A healthy white society should nuture it's functional autists and their gifts. National Socialist Germany did exactly that, and it was responsible for the huge technological advances they made, which ultimately put man on the moon 25 years later.
What the fuck do you want to read little boys social media for? Fucking pedo fag.
I have a big head. Are you white?
Because he's fucking ten, nigger
I bet all the presidential kids just had the CIA make them perfect burner normie accounts so they can shitpost in peace
Because he doesn't want your fucking dick pics, faggot.
Kill yourself phoneposting achmed.
Child raping leftist using retarded child raping leftist terms. Sorry snowflake, no safe space will save you where we're going.
why does epstein have such a massive head
Because he is studying Machiavellian tactics and trans temporal unification for his time travel to the past to become president in 2016, and in 2032 Tesla's blueprint can come to fruition so he can exist in a closed timelike curve fighting evil and restoring balance and harmony ushering in the coming Kali Yuga.
Post drawingz plz.
go back to your shithole nigger
Probably this also.
wondering which one of us told Barron Trump to go back to Reddit when he posted here. I know I once told John Podesta that.
1. Holy shit it's real
2. Fighting serpent and reptilian undercreatures, kek. Nice strong Aryan blond woman in le battlefield. Friends with Russian bear.
0. Wash face twice a day.
1. Pop all white and black heads
2. Use hot water to open and clean pores.
3. Use cold water to close and soothe pores.
4. Pat face dry with soft cotton towel.
5. Get bitches.
Washing is good but soaking is best.
Hot water releases heat-shock proteins.
Cold water releases cold-shock proteins.
Both make you feel good and help repair the body.
Do not touch or pick at face throughout the day.
See results in a month or less.
Clear face in six months to a year.
Never really comes back.
Is this legitimate? It looks way too well made to be a young kid's art.
Or Augustus for that matter
Nice try you stupid bitch, Zig Forums is pro-Israel
Por que es un niño! Puto cabron, vete a la mierda por querer que uno de los nuestros se comporte como una puta de tu escuela. Sabes que? Esas putas con sus (((facebooks))) y (((tinder))) no tendran sexo contigo por que eres geneticamente INFERIOR! Como se siente tener el mismo valor genetico que un negro?
Either this is terrible bait or you're a fucking retard.
Is dead already, btw.
Not even the normies use it the way they did anymore.
Please refrain from speaking taco, mexinegro
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
What did John Podesta write here?
Damn, them titties. The last one she's tied up.
The elite dont need social media, only plebs need to network.
The indigenous people hate whitey! ~ B. Trump
Someone has a screen shot explaining it.
Basically a whole back and forth of someone who typed shitty posts defending (Not shilling for) but outright defending podesta that ended in "you guys can't do this and mess up my life" then later "HIS life. I meant his life."
Is America ready for its first autistic president?
What exactly makes zipperheads so fuckable when White women are by orders of magnitude more beautiful?
neotony, better expresion of sexual dimorphism in a healthier society
0. Wash face twice a day.
1. Pop all white and black heads
2. Use hot water to open and clean pores.
3. Use cold water to close and soothe pores.
4. Pat face dry with soft cotton towel.
5. Get bitches.
Washing is good but soaking is best.
Hot water releases heat-shock proteins.
Cold water releases cold-shock proteins.
Both make you feel good and help repair the body.
Do not touch or pick at face throughout the day.
See results in a month or less.
Clear face in six months to a year.
Never really comes back.
Any able person who "has ZERO social media presence" is a worthy example to the world.
Maybe he just got on the wrong train.
It can happen, dude
I cant even tell if thats satire.
Barron is Qanon
He'll be the next Frank Frazetta one day
Barron for BO of Zig Forums when?
Barron= Q
Maybe he doesn't like namefags
Barron was BO all along
The gollum has surpassed the maker
Yeah, it's not like he publicly stated that Epstein was a "terrific guy" who likes his women young…Oh wait, he did say that.
A lot?
Go back to reddit faggot