Book Thread II

This thread's featured text is Industrial Society and Its Future by Theodore Kaczynski. Please vote in the poll for next thread's book club book



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Other urls found in this thread:

Book Thread I























gtfo nigger

Reading is for cuckolds, true intellectuals do not need kike propaganda to see whats wrong with the world.

Would someone mind sharing redpilled books on parenting

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Thanks user forgot to link :P

Seconding this request. It's a few years out for me, but I want to know everything I can

Fuck off cunt, you know there's boards for it.

One of the most influential book i've ever read.
Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political

Shills are mad as fuck about books.

I think Ted's folly was his idea of what liberty/freedom was, just goes to show you how fucked up you can get if your definitions are all screwy. The guy was MK ultra'd hard though, but that could be propaganda to discredit him as crazy.

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Do you have Political Theology &c?

Monthly book pack combined as one
Learn 2 >>>/ipfs/ bro


nice virus, kike

Enjoy your cocks you >>>Zig Forums shill

Attached: Carl Schmitt-Dictatorship-Polity (2013).pdf (

Attached: carl schmitt romentaising politics58.pdf (

I have theory of the partisan as well but it's too big to upload here.

Asking again from last thread. I remember someone once saying there were multiple versions of the Bhagavad Gita and that there was a suppressed non poz'd version. Anyone know anything about it/have a copy?

what's the matter with books?

Nothing, he is just derailing. If someone tries to convince you books are not worth reading, they are either mentally deficient or have a very sinister ulterior motive.

Then go read
And share it with (More details in >>>/pdfs/ >>>/ipfs/ and >>>Zig Forums)

PDFs can contain malicious code
When run they could simply send your real IP to the NSA or infect your device with spyware etc.

Of course most PDFs are safe, but someone posting PDF links on Zig Forums which are most likely to be used by Zig Forumsacks is a good way to deanon them. Think about it… how many non-Zig Forumsacks will ever find the link on search engines that you just used.

In the first thread there were books on Hinduism. Explain why reading about Hindu/eastern philosophy applies to the truth we are all seeking.


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I bought the full 5 volume set back in the 1970's. It cost a couple thousand back then and I was very poor working in shitty construction jobs. I did without a car back then so I could buy books like this…

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The high point of Faustian civilisation. This is what fedoralords call "Dark Ages". Also vote the Myth. Rosenberg was executed for the simple reason of writing a book.

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Has someone issues of MacDonald's Journal "The occidental observer"?
Appreciate the book threads btw.

Isn't Rosenberg a Jewish name?

I bought the Phaidon edition of Hans Holbein for $250 in 1985 when I came across it in Florence Italy.

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/r/equesting books for macro & micro economics

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We got some real oldfags here.

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I do not, but I was wondering why you want to read the Bhagavad Gita? What specifically do you want to learn from it? Asking seriously.

Waning of the Middle Ages in PDF download.

don't miss this one…truly a great book, a book that totally rearranges your preconceptions and does it in the most entertaining manner.

The best part is about the Cimeteire St. Innocents. All the corpses in Paris were buried in the courtyard, the worms quickly ate away their flesh, and then a few months later they were dug up and the bones were stacked in the ossuaries behind the arcades that you can see surrounding the courtyard. Lurid frescos of the triumph of death were painted on the walls inside the arcade. More than just a momento mori, they were scurillious political documents showing that even popes and kings and knights were equal before death with the lowliest peasants. It became a popular place to visit at night and so inevitably it became the haunt of the hottest prostitutes in Paris who hooked in their customers in the arcade then took them into the ossuraries to fuck amid stacks of skeltons.

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Is The Blood of the Martyrs a good read?

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I have death of the west by Patrick Buchanan. I have his other books as well. I made it like 60 pages into "The Unnecessary War" before I put it down. Buchanan is just an old dinosaur. Who cares? Yes we know Hitler should have won. But appeasing the jews now will change nothing just as it has never been to our favor. The solution is simple. We convert to Islam. It is exactly what we have always wanted. Homeland. Family. Culture.

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I've read Spengler's Decline of the West but I've never heard of Gobineau…thank you thank you thank you..

(English translation)

Vol 1 (en francais)

Vol 2

Vol 3

Vol 4

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Does anybody have a manual on shorthand, stenography?

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See links in
EPUB > PDF but still, roach must be kill.

Don't use concat embeds, just dump the EPUB. Or Torrent/IPFS the books and share the hash


OK, sorry bout that. Not exactly a newfag but a longtime irregular user that didn't bother learning all the ins and outs of chan procedures.

We don't have restrictions here, also >>>/pdfs/ and >>>/ipfs/

Search an of these terms
Speedwriting, Stenoscript, Forkner, Easyscript, AlphaHand, Baine's Typed Shorthand, HySpeed Longhand, Abbreviatrix, Quickhand, and Carter Briefhand

Rosenberg simply means red hill. The fact that Jews like to hide under gentile names is another matter.

No, it's a Baltic German name.

The amazing thing with Gobineau is that all his "scientific racism" about the Aryans/Indo-Europeans was proven correct by modern genetics despite the kvetching post-WW2.

Wait list there. This is the PDF. (Agree, great book.)

Son épouse Zinaïda Hippius partageait ses opinions et fut surnommée par Léon Trotski « la Sorcière ». Comme son mari, elle accueillit avec faveur la chute du régime impérial avant de vouer aux bolchéviques une haine absolue ainsi que l'atteste son singulier Journal sous la terreur

Thanks for leading me down an interesting trail

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No, it's a Baltic German name

His father, Waldemar Wilhelm Rosenberg,[5] was a wealthy merchant from Latvia, and his mother, Elfriede (née Siré), was a teacher of French language in Reval.[6] The Hungarian-Jewish journalist Franz Szell, who was apparently residing in Tilsit, Prussia, Germany, spent a year researching in Latvian and Estonian archives before publishing in 1936 an open letter, with copies to Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels, German foreign minister Konstantin von Neurath, and others, accusing Rosenberg of having "no drop of German blood" flowing in his veins. Szell wrote that among Rosenberg's ancestors were only "Latvians, Jews, Mongols, and French." [7] As a result of his open letter, Szell was deported by Lithuanian authorities on September 15, 1936.[8] His claims were repeated in the 15 September 1937 issue of the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano.[9]



Can you a bit more specific about your objection with "PDFs can contain malicious code"?

Oh shit I missed.
meant to ping:

Berdyaev is really strange guy if you take him out of the Russian context and I haven't read much outside of a few internet articles. Like everything Russian you can't put him into western concepts of liberal, conservative, reactionary monarchist etc.

Yeah no love was lost between Rosenberg and the Catholic Church.

No, because there are too many ways it can happen, do your own research.


I work 60 hours a week and I have a very hard time finding time to read. Anyone work long hours and have advice? Sometimes I fantasize about being locked up and serving a year in the hole, so I can read all the books.

Does anybody have anything on race realism?
I'm a literal illiterate when it comes tho this stuff and i want to know more.

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Source? It's not that i don't believe you. But a good resource on this could be an amazing resource.
I know that genetics is on our side so i dont need a source on that but rather a source that directly ties Gobineau with modern genetics.

During the summer when im working in industry I listen to audiobooks during the day.


Reading is for niggers

Have any anons read "A Theory of Natural Philosophy" by Roger Boskovic

This is the book Tesla is reading in this photo, it was a favourite book of his.

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Put a decent library on an e-reader so you have it at hand. Eliminate wasted time (like texting and similar irrelevancies). Take advantage of down time; you have a 5-minute wait for something? Get a few pages in.

Nobody likes you, turkroach. Kill yourself.

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Can anyone recommend me any good books on learning proper Latin?


Yes, I've heard of it and its on the top of my reading list. After reading into it no wonder he loved it. The author is trying to derive the inner workings of universe (physics) following the wisdom that nature never complicates if theres an easier way.

seconding this!

thid this

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr Weston A Price. Or how primitive diet builds the body for beauty and health.
I'd also reccomend the defunct blog of Violent Acres, (not the Reddit moderator violent acrez) on parenting and her experiences as an abused child, she is heavily redpilled on everything except the kike, but her stuff on discipline is common sense amazing. I take it she got shoahed, so use the archive link to view some of them. ←— Pizzagate Researchers take note this is important! Very important!

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Jews have this bizarre thing where they like to memetically convert their enemies into Jews. Hence Hitler was a Rothschild and Balaam was a circumcised gentile.

Also, I think it'd be great to have a thread on Plato's Republic vis a vis the Illuminati. Concepts like destroying the family to eliminate the tension between familial loyalty and national loyalty are first developed there, from what I can tell.

This version retains enough honesty. Older translations just aren't better. Good luck on your journeys, and namaste.

In Plato's Laws he informs that the Phoenicians (And "Egyptians" - by that time this meant kikes) are money-obsessed, hate wisdom, and live to lie. Phoenicians were semites, and the "israelis" of the area were no different at all, in customs or religion or anything, to the Phoenicians (ie all kikes WERE Phoenicians), according to archaeology.

"The eternal kike" may be more true than we may ever know…

Dude, what is with this page formatting, it is a pdf, why does it look like this, is just my settings, or is this for the reading impaired.

Eh, maybe the conversion fucked it up. Here's the epub:

The kikes who code this site suck.

uh converti>>11705529

And faggots accuse their enemies of being filthy depraved faggots…

Requesting police crowd control/ riot control handbooks and training manuals.

Would be good to study for tactics for how to respond to police or defend against antifa

Latin books are here, found these the other day

Kys kampfy

Requesting this:

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Simply the idea that it was being supressed. I thought there may be some protohistory stuff or something interesting. It also may be Ihave it mixed up with something else.

Here is a list all the general history books that I have (Or, at least, that I know of, both downloaded and physical):
Any of these I should remove, or titles that should be added to the list of material to read sometime?

Jared Dimond - Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.

That's one book whitch ws recommended by my profesor after i sent him "Industrial society and it's future". I'm going to read all after my exams on university.

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What IS Sex? Alenka Zupančič

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Ok, thanks.

Should be required reading for every Zig Forumslock. Works within Spengler's context to exact a plan to revive Western Civilization.

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>(((jared diamond)))

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jared diamond is completely retarded and his books are only known because of how hard they were pushed in the media. gun, germs, and steel was popcorn "science" for the masses, complete trash that was debunked by people who work in those fields. diamond is another jew who writes lies in fields that he knows nothing about. just like chomsky whose retarded theories on linguistics were disproved shortly after publication, but took decades for people to stop teaching it.

Books on usury?

Why do so many here like this guy?
He is like a 1950s version of Dicky Spencer

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