“>Mainstream porn generally shows sexist and racial stereotypes in which consent is not a theme and certain ‘optimal’ body types are made as standard,” the SDP proposal reads. “In these films, sex seems more like a performance or competitive sport: everything seems to work right away, there is no communication between the performers, no trying out, failure and trying out new things.”
>Young people can come into contact with porn as young as 8, and it can leave a lasting impression.
Kayden White
Just a reminder that dead lawmakers cannot pass laws.
This post is solely speculation, I might add :^)
Henry Murphy
Jason Robinson
The World is being run by huge trolls.
Parker Robinson
Moreover, they are in a coalition.
Jacob Jackson
This is being done by the US military occupation government and its attendant subsidiaries [corporate, NGO, etc] in response to the German industrialist class pushing right past Merkel and moving ahead with Nordstream II.
Ian Miller
This country is lost.
Jace Smith
so white on white sex is racist now?
Matthew Garcia
I'm sure the 40% german kids will enjoy seeing a fat nigger try and get it up and then crying and discussing it with an ugly purple haired slut actor
Elijah Foster
This is what Hitler fought against. (((They))) are making a sick example out of Germany for daring to fight back against degeneracy and jews.
Indeed. History repeats itself but i wouldn't expect it to repeat so fast.
Logan Morgan
if this helps the world burn faster, then so be it.
Blake Thompson
Germany has lost the war, what's everyone elses excuse?
Zachary Green
Ever notice how Democratic Socialists/Social Democrats always seem to come to prominence near the political tipping point, as a nation is heading toward Communism/Bolshevism?
William Rivera
Are they intentionally going for accelerationism to fast forward to Nazi Germany again?
They are the useful idiots, a really fancy-looking dagger that slides between the nation's ribs so smoothly, it doesn't even notice. Sometimes it's even grateful for being given such a nice "decoration". Of course, the useful idiots get purged once the kikes take over.
Jack Lewis
They're pushing the social divide right now in the US, and have been going pretty hard for a few years, and "coincidentally" in comes jew Sanders to try to introduce "Social Democracy" to the US. It was always the end goal of the heavily jewish Democrat party. It's why they're all in there, and why most of their money goes there, and why most of their media is on its side. The entire thing is set up to use the Democrat party to introduce the US to whatever name their Bolshevism will go by this time.
Xavier Ramirez
Stereotypes, user. Like a lot of IR porn is niggers being criminals and dealers.
Brandon Martinez
Destroying whats left of german society. Leave the shitlibs behind to try their bs on the rapefugees. Move to a nearby country who still gives a shit (Hungary or Italy).
Hunter Peterson
Kill the policy makers
Kayden Diaz
Nowhere near the manpower or will power to get that done again. Especially with 40K us military stationed within the country.
Jayden Butler
You mean the 40K Reich foreign volunteers?
Christian Gray
I thought some European countries already air pornography at night on some television stations.
Adrian Wood
HOW TO RID WORLD OF PIMPLE JEW 0. Wash face twice a day. 1. Pop all white and black heads 2. Use hot water to open and clean pores. 3. Use cold water to close and soothe pores. 4. Pat face dry with soft cotton towel. 5. Get bitches.
Washing is good but soaking is best. Hot water releases heat-shock proteins. Cold water releases cold-shock proteins. Both make you feel good and help repair the body. Do not touch or pick at face throughout the day. See results in a month or less. Clear face in six months to a year. Never really comes back.
Isaiah Brown
Which is ironic, because being as kiked up as the USA is, (((they))) don't air pornography on our terrestrial television stations (yet).
Christian Young
The BRD-regime is Weimar 2.0, the only difference is the Bundeswehr has been allowed a larger military than the Reichswehr, and allowed an air force. Not to mention the (((subversion))) is being done at a slower pace this time around. (((They))) learned a lot of from their mistake the first time around, but it too will collapse in due time.
Daniel Diaz
Jaxson Roberts
Scratch all that if it will be interracial no forms needed.
Angel Powell
Yeah. Those. Putting the "Reich" in "Es reicht Uns mit den Amerikanischen Golem Parasiten."
Kind of a battle of good and evil. >Allowing (((them))) to replace it with whatever they want >Allowing (((them))) to do absolutely anything they want unquestioned This plan is evidenced by what "conservatives" still consider fine. Their desires are for a little less degeneracy, or "freedom" as long as it doesn't hurt others, or something that still keeps the faggots walking about and the constant stream of sick around, just a little more hidden.
What legal mechanism could be used by a majority of German voters to take back sovereignty of their land? Let's suppose they get woken up to the cultural warfare being waged on them over many generations by their own government…
Bentley Myers
Right. Good pornography is what children are missing in their lives. Didn't the saturate the German airwaves with porn after World War 2 as a distraction tool?
germans died in 1945, what you have now is a people without an identity being handled by the creatures which they tried to get rid of, it's sad to see.
Daniel Reed
You wish, Mordecai.
Germany is eternal. Source of all the languages that matter. Racial source of all people that matter. Birthplace of wolrd changing science, technology, art and poetry. What you are currently witnessing is: Gute Miene zum bösen Spiel.
Remember, we're the nation that survived actual mass slaughters through history, sanctions and boycotts that only Rhodesia ever tasted in its extent, and died from it.
Our hands on your throats will remain forever. A hundred years of hardship is nothing.
If we truly had been defeated then there would be no need to keep fighting our people, spirit and strength.
First they laugh at us, then they die by the millions. I just wish our brethren would learn, but, alas.
I honestly think that particular psy-op is destined to backfire anyway. As a recovering degenerate porn addict, the one thing I always hated and avoided was nigger-on-white girl porn. Even when I was avowedly anti-racist, I remember how I used to justify it to myself - "I'm not racist, but I'm allowed to have preferences" - before I came to terms with the fact that my visceral disgust was natural and healthy.
Likewise with cuckold porn, I might watch it if the "bull" was white, but I would always do so with contempt for the cuck and visualize myself as the bull in the situation. I had no problem with white guy on black girl porn, but in the back of my mind I definitely viewed it as an act of conquest. I retained a healthy preference to see one male (proxy for myself) with many females, and despised seeing women getting gang-banged.
The cuck and nigger porn memes originate from Kike males projecting their own sexual inadequacy onto whites. They know that they are an entirely mongrelized race, they get off on it, and they want to bring us down to their level, but healthy white males have instinctive resistance to this. Even while fully exposed to their degenerate propaganda, my sexual preferences remained avowedly white supremacist.
Kayden Fisher
im trying to see some kind of normalcy in your post … but you are too far gone
what the fuck happened in your life for you to ever want to watch cuckold porn
Jack Hill
I acknowledged my porn watching past as degenerate. My point is that fucking a man's wife is an act of dominance rather than submission. The psy-op does not necessarily work in the way they want it to.
Carter Kelly
Who the fuck would want to watch that disgusting shit?
Unless they make it cumpulsory, I don't see how it would work.
Jackson Miller
If you have a cuck fetish, I unironically suggest NTR. Cucking is usually tied to race, while NTR invokes the same feelings but projects you into the “cucker” role rather than the “cucked” role
NTR = cucking your girlfriend, for alphas Cucking = letting your girl cuck you, for betas
Xavier Phillips
Good Morning to TelAviv and Warsaw Germany? The youth organisation of the socialist party made the suggestion. A fringe group in fringe party.
Ah OK, Germany is dooooooomed.
Cooper Myers
I cant fanthom how fucking retarded this is. Might as well air first seasons of Pokémon and call it series on biology and evolution.
John Reyes
No, they're intentionally breaking down the last remnants of national or cultural identity in an occupied territory.
Alexander Ortiz
Cuckolding has no racial connotations whatsoever. You're confused because Kike pornographers combine nigger fetish with cuck porn so much that it seems like they're the same thing.
The Kikes imagine that they're sexually demoralizing us down to their level with this shit, but my point is simply that any semi-healthy white male mind does not play along, even when porn addicted. The person that shoots the porn doesn't get to control where I place myself in the scenario.
In any case, porn is degenerate.
Eli Gutierrez
Nice sage
Lincoln Williams
And it's going to be tax funded. You can't make this shit up. There are no brakes on this train.
Robert Robinson
Who the fuck cares? We're talking about a few unimportant (((people))) from the SPD here, this party is literally falling apart right now. With the declaration of open borders a couple of days ago, they've started the Project "
Camden Carter
>Young people can come into contact with porn as young as 8, and it can leave a lasting impression.
WTF is feminist porn? He ask for permision before fucking?
Jose Long
Cameron Lee
No. It's obviously nigger cuck porn for the girls and fat and/or gay porn for the boys. See:
Nicholas Morales
Pretty sure you're thinking of what Israel does to its occupied territories, though the confusion is understandable.
Luke Morgan
IMO Sex Ed should be more than biology, contraceptives, STDs, and harassment material. Woefully lacking in Sex Ed are skills training, like courtship and sexual technique. Sex Ed is an opportunity to create better lovers, rather than leaving it to decipher in a series of fumbling cringe-fests. Porn, and dear spacetime 'feminist porn', are just as inadequate and may even be detrimental. However, that said, real actors demonstrating real and useful information on video (without censorship) would eliminate many questions the current education leaves.
Leo Hernandez
so retarded
Dominic Reed
In today's class we will learn about taking two dicks in the ass.
Cooper Powell
Not really fams.
Are you one of those "sex is for procreation only" retards?
Grayson Gomez
Sex isn't some mechanical activity that needs to be taught. It eventually comes naturally for all but complete aspies.
There is like 3 different Germany threads up right now and all of them are planning shit. One is showing how apathetic the leftists are to the death of a white girl who is 14 to years old The girl is actually Jewish but still usable for propaganda. Another thread is spreading awareness of the rapefugees being rapefugees basically in a similar sense as IOTBW and there is this thread talking about dom fetishes>>11705712
Lucas Torres
This shows you whay losers these ZOG gov officials are, they believe porn is a window into IRL life, just like fagceltows typically does.
Kayden Davis
Well feminisms core nowadays consists of taking down the patriarchy and dominating the victim card space, so in a way i'm not far off ;). Anyhow the other thread is getting derailed by people calling each other mutt or kike. Besides that i'm a little bit sarcastic. So please don't take offense.
Daniel Harris
this. Germany has tried to do what was needed and fought until the very end.
Julian Rodriguez
You don't get to be a better driver by watching races, though. You rack up miles on the odometer.
Oliver Green
Underrated post. It baffles me how people can't see past the very thin veil that is put up. Even as they do shit like this, or pump millions of invaders in, even carrying guns as they walk over the borders. It makes me wonder how many would even catch the hint if they started just throwing us all in concentration camps and replacing our flags with Israeli ones. Generations of subversion definitely did some damage and I question whether those that remain willfully ignorant have any value, or are they forever tainted?
Kayden Lee
animals do none of those things animals have sex because it's not something that needs to be taught
it is
Brandon Kelly
dead policy makers can't ruin countries
Adam Reed
The kikes frenquently broadcast porn on captured palestine tv stations. Porn is a weapon. Anyone that doesn't defend the complete ban of it, is not interested in the betterment of his nation.