Will the riots continue?
Will the riots continue?
They'd better.
kill yourself
Eat shit, goon.
t. pajeet
All of UK mainstream media has gone silent on the issue, obviously trying to not bring ANY attention to it.
Slightly off-topic, but I'm surprised /britpol/ didn't return after kamfy got shoah'd.
He should go back to making music
Sweetie, you were always ashamed of being white.
Is there a stream of these "riots?"
Not a stream but here's a compilation
I'm shocked the police didn't dust off their actual guns and mow them all down.
I would fully expect the police to use the violence normally reserved for… you know, child rape gangs and terrorists on people protesting an actual injustice.
there are no riots go back into your homes and play video games nothing to see here
really what riots … 99% of the world doesnt care and doesnt know.
Sorry man you are having a Tienanmen square moment where the state will weather the riot and life will go back as usual. Save yourself bro.
but really what riots , i dont see anything in the news?
They'd probably piss themselves if they had to wield lethal weapons
this guy was never white
Also, just to add on… Pay attention to the police tactics if you're autistic enough to be interesting in that sort of thing.
I don't think I'll ever go to a circlejerk rally like something set up by TRSodomites, but when the time comes, this is what will be coming. At some point, demonstrations will be needed and police will use the same methods on us in the US that the "European-style Socialists" are using now.
I am not a fan of Tommy Robinson, but this is as close to a justified demonstration by white people that I've seen in the last 10 years. At some point, we in the US will need to take to the streets. Pay attention to what works and doesn't work.
the jews are going to rape our anime waifus we must do something
the state of the white teenage male 2010 - present
1) if a psyop then good job
2) if this kind of propaganda moves you then fucking get outside and do some physical labor you are soft as shit
why let it come to that?
just stop living near non white people and learn to tell the difference between jews and whites
problem solved
Unless you want to remanifest destiny? Thats an whole other ball game mate. We need to walk before we can run (again). Thank your boomer fathers and the jews for turning your culture into cucks.
Protests don't do anything good unless you have the majority of media on your side. Blacks were rolling down streets, assaulting white people in gangs every night during the protests in the US but most media reported the nights as "peaceful". They couldn't contain it when things absolutely turned into a riot though.
This stuff was happening plenty in the UK during the 80's. Media ignored it and only showed the footage of violence and painted all of it as "white hooligans aimlessly destroying stuff". If it's a "proper" agenda pushing protest though you'll see camera crews out there constantly trying to get footage of people talking and hear their concerns to rally more support from sympathetic people.
Nothing else really matters.
You don't really understand white genocide very well. You will not be allowed to run away. The state will not allow you to homeschool your children. They must be indoctrinated.
Your church is infiltrated and programs people to want to be around more niggers.
If you ever did make something out of nothing in a small white community, rest assured that the kikes will send niggers and faggots to ruin it.
You really can't just run away. In every place and in every corner where whites have built something worth having, it is ruined by the force and will of the state to push diversity.
White people can't have anything. You should already know this.
Have we started the fire?
There is no where to go.
Whites must take back White countries and remove all non-Whites.
That is the only way to stop the ongoing White genocide.
Gas yourself
Hands and guns are what really matters.
To hell with the media.
More and more Whites are recognize the fact that the media is full of shit.
free the jew ?
There was the Magna Carta.
Magna Carta doesn't include hatepseech, goy.
When did the riots start, this is the first I'm hearing of them
Honestly thought you were talking about Brazil
No, the UK/London government started this. If they'd just let the guy do his thing at the trial, it would have continued to be contained on the net and in pubs, but they had to full Stalin. I will forever be grateful to them, and I hope this shit escalates into several cold bodies on both sides.
you say this because your "state" is made of jews … create your own state free of them or where they dont have power. Defend it and boom freedom.
Basically if you are sying that there is no place to run then you are saying there is no hope becuase you are already a slave of the state.
You are shilling for these liberal hell holes and you want people to think they cant get away.
You can , run to a safer place , harden your defenses and fight from higher ground politically and physically. Remove yourself and stop funding these liberal losers.
They only got in power because they are riding on the backs of great conservative nations. Without conservatives they would have no great cities to be rulers over.
So just leave. And yes the "kikes will send niggers and faggots" and then we can deal with that when it comes. But there is no hope for freedom under a jews rule in the ghetto. So go to a non jew ruled city and help your people. And if they do send undesirables youll be the ones in charge to handle it appropriately not be governed by jews.
This is the whitest picture I've seen of Britain in a long time
It would have been even Whiter if that nigger was face down in his own blood and out of frame
looks like nothing. Better go back to sleep.
your dogma is the though process of a child.
-There is no where to go?
-whites must take back white countries
you are being simple minded we cannot allow idiots to run this community.
1) yes there are places to go , and the more places that become like this the stronger those places to go will become. The enemy is creating its own equal and opposite force. Just like colonalism has created what we see today in cities.
2)If these countries were "white countries" they wouldnt be like they are. They are not "white countries" any more. This is out of our hands and is a product of generations before us. Blame the jews? Blame the rich white men for being lazy? Im not here to go over history or what is "right" , I just here to say what is. Currently these places are not safe for whites and if you stay in these places your tax dollars go to people that dont care for whites. If you are some military minded Machiavelli type person and can see a way to take back these cities then please share, other wise I would say retreat to safe areas , regroup and reexamine the situation.
We will get stronger as we are being pushed to get stronger by surviving this ear. But if you stay in these places then all youll be doing is playing taxes to the enemy.
Leave not to admit defeat but as a strategy to maneuver around your enemy and fight them on your terms.
Fuck the police.
indeed my friend. fuck them all
Might just be some hope for "Airstrip One" after all. BTW for all you cucks calling these protests "Nazi Riots" where are the fires, the looting and the blood?>>11703529
not good enough
that's called revolution bother. all you're missing is the shooting
Thread theme
This is getting good the Brits are ready for revolt
Thread Anthem
Spread the message.
Commit no crimes.
(Well, no violent crime since in many places such as the UK non-violent redpilling and protests are banned)
BUT prepare your body and mind.
Get supplied as best you can.
Be ready.
Everything ALWAYS comes down to hands, guns, and resolve in the end.
The ongoing White genocide must be stopped.
The fire rises in England.
The thing is that White people need to get ANGRY.
And for the right reasons.
Seeing their cities and towns go to shit can help do that.
Besides, blacks and browns are being sent to White areas by ZOG with the intent to "diversify."
"Diversity" (aka White genocide) will not stop until it is MADE to stop.
White people need to feel like their back is up against the wall.
Because it is.
We are strong enough to save ourselves, but the kikes and their shabbos are working as hard as they can to snuff out White people forever.
There is still time.
But not much.
And half measures will achieve nothing.
ZOG must be removed
The ongoing White genocide must be stopped.
Non-Whites must be deported.
Perhaps a shooting war may not be needed.
Much depends on what the soldiers choose to do.
But some sort of force is absolutely necessary.
amen. the weak should fear the strong.
Jerusalem is rightful British clay.