He mentions what Zig Forums has been saying for years, the building was strong and jay jay couldn't have taken it down!
He mentions what Zig Forums has been saying for years, the building was strong and jay jay couldn't have taken it down!
Other urls found in this thread:
If you still believe that Donald Trump is anything other than (((controlled opposition))), you’re delusional. Natsoc movements in the U.S. we’re gaining unprecedented support under Obama. Trump is (((their))) way of settling white Americans down and making them think that nothing is wrong.
Will the 28 pages from the Congressional hearing on 9/11 ever be released?
>If you still believe that Donald Trump is anything other than (((controlled opposition))), you’re delusional.
President Turmp making a decent fist of his presidency is the only chance shills and kikes have of living out their years unmolested. If he fails to right the country and remove the corrupt scum, white men will destroy every last one of you.
You just have to keep on poking the hornet's nest with your 25cm stick.
Hi blackpilled faggot. No luck with your forced meme, eh? Still too much of a cuck to kill yourself?
This is the type of Jewish trash(more trashy than 'white trash') that trump has as friends.
Look in the mirror, you elected this.
Stuff your fat faces and watch beauty contests slut it up for shrivelled Jewish cock. Get you hard, Trumpcucks?
kike operative:
Relevant article:
tldr: "Trump is kiked" = kike shill. As in literally paid by US tax dollars, which are funneled into the yidsrael.
Curse you, curse your mother, curse your father, curse yidsrael, curse the kikes, and curse your yahweh too.
That's a kike operative. See:
Another kike operative:
Every couple of decades the same. Remember to vote Reagan/Trump, cunts.
Enjoy your Mexico 2.0. Don't worry you'll still have your guns to protect you from the hundreds of men who want to rape your daughter(if she has not already fucked a nigger).
say kike
oh, no I didn't get the magic repeating digits. How will I praise kek? MAGA
Why? does it get your mutilated dick hard?
I piss on you and your board.
sorry yid, no rabbi touched this Aryan white dick. Speaking of rabbis, guessing yours isn't giving you permission to say kike.
test kike k1ke
Keep denying reality. I bet your mommy begged the rabbi to suck your dick, aids-monkey.
I found the kike 8^)
See how it works? The kike works to DEFILE, and to steal. Here he does both
God damn I'm good.
we're up to 8 posts now folks, the yid looks like he is on a leash and can't say kike
watchya doin?
Seems about right.
That is the cutest wasp I have ever seen. Normally they're terrifying but not this one for some reason.
This is you. Kikerica.
Scum of the earth.
BIn Laden was a hero. One less yank scum= better world.
no no no don't use made up words referring to a separate entity, I know how your people justify shit with technicalities. say kike, as in, all Jews are KIKES that need to die.
Fuck off yank scum. I wish Hitler nuked your nigger country.
fuck trump
The south, the north, to sea to shining sea. Nuke it.
Soon, fellow white man.
((( )))
My esoteric cousin would marry her and get a green card (the most redpilled of cards, because is green like Pepito the frog 8/pol/ loves)
Nice esoteric dubs!
Fuck off europoor
A nigger nuked your wife's womb
bomb another school, if you are that mad. cunt. You deserve far worse than being called a mutt, scum.
Kikerican, that is your new name. Wear it with pride.
>Trump will expose 9/11 by outing his close friend Larry Silverstein
MAGApede spastics actually believe this
Pro Tip, if at this point in time you still haven't worked out that Trump is the slime, then there is no helping you ever, you are just as much a threat to the survival of the West as any marxist SJW or jew
Say kike, you fucking kike nigger.
So why is Giuliani, who did everything he could to hide this shit, Trump's lawyer now?
Giuliani is another chessmaster. He's been playing the long game since his time with the jewish mob.
He backtracked a few days later though.
Are you the same guy who married spic Popeye and pretends that DACAztecs are somehow white? Or is this a coordinated campaign?
Hello Zig Forums.
Where's your Kampfy now?
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, but steel gets weak after being heated and cannot do it's work properly, anyone who have worked with steels know that, that's why blacksmiths heated the parts in order to work it, steel became malleable.
Remember when we didn't have shit threads like this?
The rivets going into the steel had to be heated before they could be applied even. I thought it was common knowledge that hot metal gets mushy.
Doesn't explain how it collapsed as it did. Why did a corner closest to the flames, or the ones most exposed to them, not collapse first and drop the structure on neighboring buildings? How did all four collapse in perfect unison all the way down? Even those exposed to no heat.
is that the best you can do? pointing to lip service?
at that level I can simply point how every globalist kike keep shitting on trump and its still a better argument that you.
That is easily explained actually. There is a bit of misconception regarding how closer to the fire causes more heat. To an extend this is true however optimal heat is a bit further away from the source.
Simple example. Look at a lighter. The hottest part will be furthest away from the source. Take a cutting torch and turn it on and put your hand near the side. you will find the heat is directed along a line with a bit of radiant heat to the sides and the most intensity at the end of it. The bricks and asbestos acted as the walls of a furnace and the metals closest were partially shielded because of the thermal properties in the deflection of the heat and the fires being drawn upward. The hottest areas will be where there is more oxygen available which tends to be a bit further from the source.
If you try using a gas forge you can see a bit of this in action. You'll put your metal in the center of the forge away from the walls for the most efficient heating.
A puddle of gas (say on concrete) lit on fire won't heat the surface under the gas as well as the edges and the air above/in the flames.
When you implode a building you drop the center a split second before the edges so it drops straight down. Heat the center hotter than the edges and the center drops first.
Of course it doesn't help that the jews packed the fucker with explosives but we/I were discussing the physics of hot metal and fire.
Instead of giving your ignorant 2 cents, why don't you read the actual government reports (NIST and FEMA, which contradict each other) and see how that fits into your simplistic babbling?
NIST ran physical tests and computer simulations and couldn't get anything to line up right. Their final hypothesized mechanism, which they never attempted to test either physically or in simulations, was that the trusses expanded from heat, "sagging" and then somehow pulling the columns INWARD from this thermal EXPANSION of the trusses. Someone please explain THAT one to me.
FEMA meanwhile couldn't decide if they wanted to say the trusses pushed inwards or outwards, because fuck the pictures and who cares what the actual evidence shows when you have an agenda to push.
Trump is a genius and he immediately knew what happened. I guess what Papa Bush couldn't arrange, Bush Jr. had to complete.
Talking about the loss of strength due to heating is unrelated to anything at all except ignorant jackasses.
Show me anywhere in the government reports where the government engineers claimed that strength loss due to the columns heating had anything at all to do with the collapses.
Just the opposite: they RULED IT OUT after extremely unrealistic computer simulations still failed to show enough loss of strength to cause anything other than permanent deformation of the columns. Those buildings were too redundant to lose their ability to bear loads from fire alone.
Also, NIST denied the existence of molten metal at the WTC site, but the earlier FEMA report not only contradicts that, they even did forensic analysis on a piece of melted steel and wrote about the process in which it was melted, which involved a EUTECTIC REACTION INVOLVING SULFUR. I'm not saying that's the only thing that was used, but even fucking FEMA's preliminary report has damning evidence against the final NIST report, and against that lying sack of shit John Gross at NIST.
Too bad "mushy steel" wasn't the official government explanation of the collapses you utter dumb fuck.
Ok cunt.
Why bother explaining it when you'll just stick your kike head in the sand and ignore it.
t. metal worker
If any of you faggots talking about "muh heated steel" actually read the government reports you wouldn't be saying such stupid bullshit.
It's a sad day when even garbage reports from government shitsacks will make you less stupid.
It was NIST that equated sagging and expansion, not me you dumb fuck. I just told you that but I guess the crusted cum in your jewkike ears is effectively dropping your IQ another 30 points.
Please direct me to where in the NIST or FEMA reports your stupid bullshit is being peddled as anything like a real explanation of why the towers fell you fucking ogre-brained pair of hands.
Since I have the fucktard filtered, for those interested.
Burnt steel can crumble under load and this is with modern steel which we know exactly what is in it. Steel is temperature sensitive and it's a fine line for many steels between successfully working it and successfully fucking it. Some of the failures before it goes to a full melt are quite spectacular.
The boomer "metal worker" is triggered by the fact that his homemade explanations are contradicted even by the fucking government reports.
It must really make his ass sore that he's too fucking ignorant even for government reports.
9/11 inside job = babby's first redpill
Corbett's research into 9/11 is second only to this video
Can whites get lip service too?
that Trump sure was woke hey ? It's strange tho how all the pro-Trump supporters that definitely aren't shills don't seem to want justice for the thousands of Americans that died on 9/11 and Trump has gone missing.
Even the people that think this admin is really going to go after Obama… why didn't Trump back up the birth certificate investigation ? Why weren't there any results on this either way ? They held a press conference, they invited the media, they showed their findings… So who was right and who was wrong ? According to Trump OBama is legit, but as far as I know everyone involved with the birth certificate never got in trouble for apparently staging a media hoax, infact, Trump pardoned one of them.
We've also had many false flag hoaxes which Trump has bought into rather than easily expose, he could easily expose these things and garner HUGE SUPPORT FROM THE PUBLIC, but he wont do it. There have been major ff/hoaxes LAS VEGAS, Charlottesville, Parkland all on Trump's watch, uncontested, he even got into supporting gun control for a while.
We have all these PSY OPS like Qanon that apparently exist to "woke" people, but the 9/11 conspiracies have been around since it happened. The only thing that needs to happen is that they have merit, but Trump won't do it.
Fantastic video, OP. I had never heard the incisive comments that Trump made on that fateful September day.
One good video deserves another…
Israel did 9/11
In this interview Chris Bollyn names the Israeli intelligence operatives who carried out the attack. He also names some American Jews that were part of the bloody crime against America.
Lots of curious facts are revealed.
About the mysterious Building 7
Chris Bollyn points out the controlled demolition explosions that brought down Towers 1 & 2 required careful timing, a set sequence of ballistic events, on a precise moment by moment schedule… Electronic control circuits with somebody running the program were likely
Bollyn thinks the Mossadniks who were flipping the switches were in Bldg 7. In such case it was demolished as the last event because evidence of their operation center had to be destroyed.
You have to be a special kind of stupid to think you can just waltz into the Oval Office and start opening up all of these things without laying groundwork first, as if everything in the world is automatically reset as soon as you walk in the door. It takes a lot of careful preparation and that has been what is going on all these months with the investigative dramas playing out in the news.
Do you know that you can actually give mental illnesses to people by shocking them with information they are unprepared to integrate into their worldview?
Imagine being a diehard lefty and being "forced" to realize through Trump's decree that Hillary eats babies. Yeah, announce that on day 1 with no prep work you fucking idiot. See how well that goes for you. Half the country would probably revolt immediately and never believe anything you said ever again.
You have absolutely zero understanding of how power works in the real world. Either that or you're a fucking Jewkike shill yourself, posting from your JIDF bunker while eating a warm bowl of foreskins.
this highlights the weakness of the msm and the mind control institutions of our society. They are post-modern so they don't believe in the motivational power of truth. 911 troofers were painted as the biggest idiots on the planet and were able to paint the entire movement with the same brush. However, one of those troofers is president now and he's fucking their shit up. They honestly thought that they created reality.
That third image is so fucking retarded that it could be a test to see if you actually are a retard. If this image were true then every steel framed structure with a fire that burned out of control would collapse straight down. Yet this never happens. I would add that the fires did not start exactly in the middle of the building, the jets caused uneven destruction and uneven wind/air to fuel the flames. The idea that not 1 but 3 steel framed buildings ALL imploded on the same day is unfathomable. Why do we even have demolition experts? Why not just set a fire in the building and let it burn until the building neatly collapses into its own footprint. Hey I wonder if any carefully planned demolitions have ever gone wrong and resulting in a building tipping over instead of imploding?
Amazing. And yet 2 jet perfectly collapsed 3 buildings. Must be one of God's miracles.
>(((September Clues)))
>it really wasn't the muslims, we- I mean, they aren't so bad, they hate Jews after all!
This is the kind of shit that makes me think nobody saw anything on that day other than "Explosions" from the ground up.
But whether it was planes, a missile or just bombs, it doesn't matter, jews did 9/11 and that's the end of it. Anything that deviates from jews did 9/11 is fucking wrong.
I saw an interview of one of the architects after the towers fell. He said in order to create an open floor plan with no inside support columns they made an exoskeleton of steel. When the plane damaged some of the skeleton from the intitial crash it put stress on the existing skeleton. The heat added more stress. Like metal fatigue. Once a floor fell it put stress on the floor it fell on. When those two fell, it put even more stress on the floor below, then they came down in a domino effect. But what would he know, he just designed the building.
u mad bro?
It's obvious Trump is amazing a DACApede army to overthrow the jews.
What about the building that was not hit by a plane? What about the destruction of all the evidence after the fact?
You need to go away now. No one believes your bullshit Carney stories.
No he didn't
You are lying
This is not Reddit. You cannot half ass your shilling here.
Yes, he was a release valve for white pressure.
If you notice, the diagrams show completely contradictory forces. Were the trusses deflecting the perimeter columns inward or outward? They show both.