wtf….does this means Moarpheus was right all along? How do we deal with this dilemma?
Not naming the jew makes you a kike shill
Other urls found in this thread:
shit post on /pol seems like a good solution
I'm aware now, but again how do we deal with this?
You stupid kike gay nigger faggot. (((Conspiracy Theory))) literally translates to "Informed Opinion"
Headline: Israeli spy admits: we encouraged anti-Semetic Informed Opinions.
Do you get it now, stupid kike gay nigger faggot?
Jews always, always, ALWAYS play both sides.
When we can quote jews saying things right out in the open and then them doing it, it's no theory.
Oh gee OP you really stumped me. Guess I'll just never speak of the jew and his lies ever again less I want him to win.
who do you think owns all these sites?
Hitler was right. Hitler did nothing wrong. No jews were gassed in the holoco$t. Jews run the world -le anti-semitic shill
Another brilliant new strategy from the JIDF. Alex Jones twist peoples minds in the classic never before seen 1990's method where you paint those waking up as poor souls suckered into a conspiracy theory gas lighting them from the facts they have before them that seem too daunting to actually believe where jews are everywhere doing all the things you hate.
Never heard that one before. JIDF must be getting desperate.
There's an easy solution OP. Kill all the kikes.
none were gassed to death
telling the truth?
gas yourself
Anyway, this shit isn't surprising. "Antisemitism" or jew obsession is most often perpetrated by jews in order to distract from the healthy goals of movements that naturally go against their desired flow (which is to jew). Instead of saying "no, see, you should LIKE jews!" they open the floodgates by false flagging as "just a regular ol' white guy who hates jews!". This has the effect of distraction, as mentioned, but also serves to radicalize and make a particular group "undesirable" to outsiders.
kampfy & kompany were doing just this
leave reddit
its still jewey
Stick to the facts and consider reevaluating whether it's "The Jews" or if the answer is a bit more nuanced than that.
Maybe Zionists is more accurate because you have christains supporting the Israeli state along with "the jews"
Maybe, just maybe, these people who are just saying ((("the jews"))) aren't pointing the finger exactly the right way. I mean hell, there are anti-zionist jews.
I consider "zionism" just a subset of jewery.
The whole premise of this gay ass conversation is that since jews are false flagging themselves (for the 6 grillionth time) Zig Forums should love jews? Am i getting this right?
I… what? no, where the fuck are you getting that?
The whole point is to stop being obsessed and misled down a rabbit hole, and just keep focused.
she still has no upper lip and I bet her ears are all fucking weird and flat looking.
I'm not going to tell you to go back to where you came from. I want you to stay, and suffer.
Similar to internationalism, I assume.
Like Churchill said in 1920.
if you aren't well aware of this and can't spot them from a mile away you're not paying enough attention to what is happening.
reject their contributions to the movement, quietly without sperging and infighting. that's what they want. know who they are and let them die of irrelevance.
some of them are long time fixtures of our movement, some are user, some attach their name to this. they don't all look like kikes and many of them aren't ethnically or noticibly visibly, but they're there. gay face outs most of them. although it's often deeply buried you will find truth in their personal lives. i will not name names because that's not the point. learn to fish.
Ok name some geopolitical stuff in the last hundred + years where scheming jews were not the root cause? I'm curious now.
Oy vey you caught onto my brilliant JIDF shilling technique. Almost got you with the jewish conspiracy theory didn't I?
I'd say Chris Dorsey is probably some controlled opposition possibly COINTELPRO. I'd say he's a good case study.
I've been watching debates and interviews with him all around the internet. He's either insane, COINTELPRO, or both. He calls medium to large sites and public figures in the truth community "government agents".
Some interviews with him are below:
Jan Irvin - Gnostic Media
Adam Green - Know More News
Adam Green - Know More News
Ryan Dawson Debate
The ones they promote, specifically, are those like the ones against Trump 8^)
Us "trumptards" already knew that it was the kikes doing it, because they were so fucking stupid (and uninterested in supporting their claims, just using retard propaganda crap we've seen since the 50's).
tldr: "trump is kiked" = kike shilling
I think you're grossly missing the point. It's necessary to point out that there's a literal cabal of international mega-wealthy jews who have connections that go back fucking centuries - to those who are unaware. It's not, however, necessary or healthy to obsessively comb over every possible detail of every jew you come across, and then have a call to arms every time you see a jew. Doing so only furthers the insane victim complex, and actually legitimizes (in the eyes of the populace) the constant claims of victimization (even as their knife is in one's back).
You'd do better to spend that energy helping, supporting, and strengthening the bonds and welfare of your fellow men. Simultaneously, of course, you must be vigilant.
And nobody died at Sandy Hook, right?
Prove they did. Oh, right, no video, no autopsies, and they razed the school, so you can't inspect that fucker.
I'm not going to prove Sandy Hook for you, but I'll debunk pic related #1 and explain why we only have a few frames, on a security camera.
>it'd be hard to catch a plane, that is ~155 feet in length moving, according to pic #1, moving (((777 feet per second)))
>The cruise speed of a 757 is about 533mph, so 781.7 feet per second
I don't agree with the official story either, 19 hijackers and other bullshit. There were 6 on flight 77, not 5. Saying that flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon means all the people aboard had to have gone somewhere. What do you make of the phone calls made from the plane during the hijacking?
When you say this shit, everyone around you thinks your retarded. Family members of victims on 9/11 don't believe the official story. They have even advocated for the release of the 28 redacted pages from the Congressional hearing on 9/11. Not the bullshit 9/11 commision report. This flies in the face the of victims.
Don't listen and believe anyone.
Check the facts for yourself, and use logic.
And for Christ's sake lurk more.
pic 1 is the hole left by the aluminum plane, pic 2 is the OFFICIAL theoretical level the "plane" supposedly was when it hit the build
By using a fucking brain.
What the kikes do is come to places like this and peddle bullshit "agreement" with their opposition to make the signal to noise ratio go to shit and thus make the pro-kike counterarguments more compelling to the casual observer.
Think of all the satanic gematria esoteric bullshit or the endless "x was a hoax" threads. It's like 9/11 where they disguise the fact that CIA and Mossad did it (probably by helping a bunch of willing arabs along) by making the spergs focus on "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" memes. There might be some truth in there but by and large it is designed to divert the attention of redpilled anons away from spreading the truth about the nature of the jew and towards going down schizophrenic rabbit holes about sumerian alien conspiracies.
As a matter of fact, here is a perfect example
Is your first image supposed to represent the hole on the outside of the pentagon?
Do you expect people to seriously believe that?
Your second image comes from the "documentary" loose change.
You expect us to believe a bomb or missle exploded and deposited debris from a plane, including the black box and DNA of passengers on the flight? Witnesses saw the plane fly towards the pentagon, nobody saw it fly away from the pentagon.
Don't listen and believe anyone.
Check the facts for yourself, and use logic.
And for Christ's sake lurk more.
should tell those zionists that they are fucking everything up for the good guys then. Like those muslims protesting the radicals.
The damage to the inner building was exactly as if a horizontal travelling plane hit the building a few feet off the ground. yet there are no scraped on the floor
Furthermore I never claimed missile, I asked ->how is it possible that the plane was travelling above the ground in such a direction
>I asked ->how is it possible that the plane was travelling above the ground in such a direction
Exactly! What is wahhabism? Where is it most prominent? Is it Sunni or Shia islam? Which one is Saudi Arabia? What about Iran and Syria? Which is ISIS?
Some people just can't see the difference.
A better analogy would be comparing zionism to judaism and slavery to the south:
>A group of (((lawmakers))) in Illinois stood in for the actual delegates in ratifying the Amendment
>What SERC (((specific ethnic religious category))) owned the most slaves per capita in that time?
I assume when you say inner building you mean the rings in the pentagon.
>"how is it possible that the plane was travelling above the ground in such a direction
As always OP is a huge fag. Don't be like OP.
- Hiding your power level is a legitimate strategy under some circumstances. Naming the Jew carries risks, and we won't get far if none of us have jobs.
- The Jew must be named eventually though, it's just a question of when.
- Condemning others who are brave enough to risk their personal situation by openly naming the Jew is what truly marks you out as a kike shill.
This is where I'm disgusted with Anglin and his "optics" cuckery throwing Pat Little under the bus. After naming the Jew extensively for years, the only explanation I can see is that TDS truly is a gatekeeping controlled opposition operation. I guess it was supposed to stay on the internet, Little and Nehlen were not part of the plan.
Zionism is internationalism.
Pic related is Herzl's chosen successor, who gave him the design for the Israeli flag and the idea to use the name "shekels" for the zionist currency. Zionism was never nationalism.
Jews have been a plague on humanity long before they started occupying Palestine. The jewish problem didn't start when Herzl wrote Der Judenstaat.
Because of a slightly different interpretation of jewish texts. They're still goy-hating devotees of the Talmud.
Questioning whether or not a plane hit the Pentagon is much more reasonable than Sandy Hook hoaxerism, which is more on par with extreme insanity/stupidity, like denying the biology of the jewish problem and claiming they're just "White racists".
OP how do you not understand that the kike plays every side? Hegelian dialectic? Im not going to say Moarpheus is 100% right, but every time he comes around, the only response is that Moarpheus is a shill.
He's another one who claims jewishness is just a social construct.
Boy Sminem Cool.
That is all.
Here's the quote, since nobody even bothered reading the article. The headline is extremely misleading.
He said nothing about spreading fake "conspiracy theories", just that they would speak truthfully about their control over the US to influence other nations.
it is a race, but a complete bastard race made up of the other races. Kikes are gene-stealers, their mashup results in their deformed distinct non human look, and their insane amount of diseases. Vampires is spot on ( already called them out for that in a pro vampire thread, and labeled a kike shill ).
Just gas the jews. It's the only way to make sure there aren't any more jewish tricks.
Sounds like they're starting to feel the heat, and are attempting typical diversionary tactics.
I was willing to at least hear him out, but he ignored multiple requests to do a write up on his position. Seems like he was more interested in derailing Patrick Little threads.
Another tactics jews will use is that they'll all call anyone against them jews and say they own you, funny how that works.
You don't say
Wtf i love zionism now
The same way whites deal with every dilemma: By forging ahead in the most straightforward and un-Semitic way possible, always telling the plain truth like a good, healthy farmer should, and expertly organizing mass exterminations with machinelike efficiency.
Every concept in the Semite's head is twisted into pretzel shapes. Best to interact only with napalm and gas.
Sandy Hook was a hoax, user. Better to get your head around it now.
The character who played Lenny Pozner backed the fuck out of a case for defamation as soon as the judge allowed an audit into the existence of "Noah Pozner" into discovery.
Defendant requested birth records and authentication of Noah Pozner, request granted, case for defamation dropped.
Get a fucking clue!
What? They're still suing Jonestein.
But Dr. Pierce always said the jews as a whole are our misfortune. I agree though that these issues are nuanced and nothing is black and white in this clown world we live in
Jews don't sue Jews.
Not even once.>>11706487
They encourage stupid conspiracy theories that are easily debunked in order to discredit real facts of Jewish power. It isn't hard to understand.
Like flat earthers and alex jones. exactly
Zionism isn't the core of the Jewish problem though, so what you said is retarded.
The goal of the Jew is to get all Jews to Israel so Lucifer can come back and then all the Jews get 3800 goyim slaves.
So they promote anything Anti Jew to push Jews to Israel. You have to understand whats in the Torah and Talmud to really get whats going on. Hence why they want Muslims in Europe. To end whites and also push Jews to Israel.
There are the right wing Zionist Jews and the Marxist Internationalists. Both of them are our enemy, it's merely a dispute about how best to exploit the Goyim. Jews that fit into neither category and are genuinely pro-white are rare. Bobby Fischer was one, Gerard Menuhin another, I struggle to think of more.