Wtf is this?
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That formatting, jewsus kike op
"real money"
that's where we're at, wow
Hey man, it’s all okay. Just smoke some weed, watch some cartoons, and forget about the fact we’re all mere pawns in a massive game of debt slavery for the sake of schizophrenic kikes trying to enact ancient apocrypha and enslave the world so they can trap us all in computers and sacrifice our souls to appease their volcano god.
It's a retarded meme that gets a lot of traction due to the economic illiteracy of the majority of the public. Full reserve banking and/or the returning to the gold standard would only benefit the already wealthy, ie the Kikes.
Fiat money and fractional reserve banking is not a broken system, it's just being controlled by the wrong people for their own benefit. Hitler showed what can be done when you take control of this system and run it for the good of the people.
Shut up faggots. This is the most gigantic story of the year.
1. This limits usury to (interest rate * amount of currency issued by central bank), cutting down kike usury profits by (100% - mandatory fractional reserve %). I so t know what that is in Switzerland, but that would be like 90% in US or 99% in EU, so kikes are getting shut down massively by this.
2. The fractional reserve banking system is what allows massive inflationary/deflationary swings that cause market bubbles and endless economic boom bust cycles which run out governments into eynsian recession spending debt borrowed at the expense of future generations and allowing jews to buy up huge amounts of physical capital when it's practically free from bank seized loan defaults. This is going to stavilize the economy, reduce the maximum private debt, and reduce public debt.
Sounds like a plan. I'm saving all my bullets for myself.
Hitler outlawed usury and nationalized the central bank. This gave the NSDAP complete control over the value of currency by having control over the amount of currency in circulation, since it was not being uncontrollably increased or decreased due to fractional reserve banking.
He took control of the system, but he also changed how it worked.
I'm onto your tricks.
If true then they will get "liberated".
It's not uncontrollable. Hitler took control of the central bank, but he didn't abolish commercial banking, he just tightly regulated it. To outlaw fractional reserve would effectively abolish commercial banking, they would have no function other than being places to store money, all lending other than direct person-to-person would effectively be controlled by the government in a Soviet-style system.
Fractional reserve banking does not create more paper money - that privilege remains with the central bank. All it does is keep the paper circulating more, rather than sitting in vaults to cover the full amount held in accounts. This creates an effective increase in the money supply, because the money is still "there" in the bank account even though it's actually been mostly lent out.
Fractional reserve banking, when operating properly under a sensible regulation regime, provides a self-adjusting mechanism for the money supply. It's similar to how supply and demand sets a price level in a market economy. Government control over the economy works better through indirect means - we know how past experiments with command economies turned out.
This shit is more fiat than any other currency out right now.
Needless to say kikes will love this. Is it so fucking hard to bring back merit/labor based currency.
What the fuck is wrong with people who do not want to help their own nation and people.
Now we enter age of money that is backed by air and masses are ignorant and lazy assholes.
It was shut down by the (((voters)))
Fuck that was today? I overslept.
tell us more about the soviet style system
i am interested
It increases by 10-100x the amount of borrowing that can be done, allowing far more interest on debt
Usury is immoral, economy wrecking, and funds the jews. The correct way for a bank to operate is to charge a fee for protecting money, such as is done with security deposit boxes.
The currency supply should be raised or lowered by the central bank to match economic productivity so that the currency supply can be stable. Otherwise you get market bubbles/crashes.
A single government-controlled bank, responsible for all lending.
And interest on savings. Do you not want to be able to save in banks and earn some interest?
Ah, ok, I guess not then. You want people to stuff their savings into their mattresses.
This is achieved indirectly in the current system through setting of central bank interest rates, and regulation of commercial banks. It works a hell of a lot better than the Soviet model, which is what you are proposing.
starve people
It is backed by NOTHING
It's backed by confidence in the state that issues it, as opposed to being backed by a metal, which is just as arbitrary, being determined by its rarity with no connection to its actual utility.
Not if the money is taken at the expense of the debts of others. I'm not going to stoop to profit form the debt of others like a jew. I make my living on productive labor.
I would prefer they invest their savings in hard capital. Quality inheritable possessions are how a society builds wealth over time.
Interest rates have been lowered as much as they can be in order to maintain the current system. Interest rates have been pushed down over the past half century to allow greater and greater government debt. EU countries are already basically at 0 interest, and the states is hesitant to increase even with the economy in full drive for fear of crashing it.
Lending is a risk, without interest, there is no incentive. So what you're saying is, you want borrowing direct from the government to be the only available source of loans. That was the Soviet system.
Which is why the Federal Reserve pumped $4.5 trillion of newly created base money into the system over the last ten years, while the Bank of England did £425 billion. The current system does not preclude the central banks from directly manipulating the money supply when necessary.
As if it had any chance
No: 75.7%
Yes: 24.3%
(((They))) won again!
I found the boomer:
Wew the swiss based as ever. Bizzare how the merchant Germans manage to remain unpozzed.
I present to you, the modern shill.
Government agents are no laughing matter. They're paid to harm Americans financially, and brutally.
Do you not know that the people who fill the homeless camps were put there by the (((CIA))) and the (((FBI))) and the (((NSA))) and by their clients, who control them, the (((banks))), and by the communist-democrats?
So no, no laughing matter. They are hellspawn, and I do not mourn in any horrors which Jesus may bestow upon him, may he slit their throats.
Bro, you're acting as if any interest you earn is actually worth the while. Practically nobody has enough cash to turn a reasonable amount of profit from interest. The ones that do, have their money invested in higher stakes assests. You get what? 2% if your lucky, and inflation is easily at the same level, if not higher.
It's obvious they're trying to compete with Bitcoin 8^)
Yeah, saving money has been made a useless effort.
I learned that as a child. I had $100 in the bank. And boomer folks said, "oh, this is how you'll learn about being a good steward" and at the end of the year I had earned less than 5 cents…
It's just as well. If this had passed we would have had to liberate them.
You don't own nuffin' :^)
It worked well enough for National Socialist Germany.
Is not how fractional reserve banking works
I present to you, the economic illiterate.
It used to be, before the Kikes persuaded governments to relax regulation and drove the system off a cliff.
Interest rates could probably be restored to saner levels quite easily if the central banks would do something boldly inflationary like explicitly monetizing a big chunk of debt. It's more of a political objection that stops them from doing to - it would mean admitting the true scale of the 2008 losses, and the insubstantial nature of our money.
Here's the think fractional is a myth. It's not used when commercial loans are issued. 97% owned covers this very well.