I know that femanons lurk here without disclosing their gender. I have had previous girlfriends and friends lurk and post on 8ch, and now with Kikefy gone I think we can try to organise some sort of Zig Forums decentralised dating service. One that doesn't rely on leftist moderation like (((OkCupid))) or (((Tinder)))
I have a relative who is looking for a traditional man, a young woman I've personally redpilled and in the process of doing so have completely destroyed any chances of her finding a normie husband. I've tried going to churches with her and scouting men out through other means to no avail thus far. Similarly no dating services have proven to be worth anything as they're filled with fuckboys, soyboys or desparate non-whites.
I am absolutely certain that there are other women in similar predicaments who can't find men who abstain from porn, avoid non-white women and value traditional and chivalrous traits.
I propose a temporary system of using burner email addresses to become acquainted and perhaps using p2p audio/video-capable messaging systems such as Tox over Tor to verify that the person is in fact legit after building up a level of trust.
Obviously I do not endorse doxing yourself so don't put any identifying information out until you have fully sussed out the individual you're talking to.
Don't bother trying to dissuade me or shitcan the idea as some of you I'm sure are willing to take a minor risk in trying to find a like-minded partner. I'll be shamelessly self-bumping to keep the thread alive if need be.
Zig Forums dating thread mk.II
I've seen very worse posts than this one.
Mods please sort this shit out. Sage/reported.
The email address I've set up for her is [email protected]
She's monitoring the thread and the inbox with me.
For lurking femanons it's easy to set up a free anonymous email with a privacy conscious service such as protonmail.
Yeah the formatting and presentation could have been better, but what is a better way to serve the 14 words than to get white men and women to meet and procreate?
I'm not asking you to post your name or address on the fucking thread or even to send it to the email address. Just chat and see if you're interested before anything else I suppose. This is a prototype of an idea and suggestions are more than welcome.
If you have a better idea on how to conduct some sort of Zig Forums dating service be my guest, I'd love to see something come out of this.
I know for a fact they do m8
kikefy isn't around to ban art threads and wrongthink anymore bud
Sent you a message, if this is an nsa trap jokes on you im really a communist Black Israelite
I am all for networking of red pilled people, good luck.
Be smug all you like, this thread will be anchored soon enough anyway. This is not an art thread but at the very least poor quality thread that has no place on Zig Forums, at the very worst a dox thread.
If I recall I don't think it's really that much safer.
protonmail is as good as free email providers get besides running your own server
I'm not asking for tits or gtfo, but still.
Not proof but one of my exes browsed full/pol/, I introduced it to her though so don't know if that counts.
If this is genuine, I appreciate the intent, but there is no way to "fully suss out" a person online before meeting them. Any Zig Forumsack with sense should assume this is catfishing, end of story.
Now for the sake of argument I'm going to assume that this is genuine, because you have touched on a real problem here. The best way I can advise to go about this is dog-whistling. She should seek out the less degenerate dating services, post modest photos, state that she's a traditional woman, not interested in casual sex at all. Adding something like "I want a secure existence for my family and a future for my children." ought to get the right sort of attention, whilst maintaining enough deniability.
That could work, that's close to what someone could organically come up with. Unfortunately for op nobody on Zig Forums has enough trust in this platform to risk being doxxed so it's a stupid suggestion for that reason but at least he is thinking. It is a problem that needs to be addressed somehow, can't 1488 by your lonesome.
Meant to reference
Trust in what platform? E-mails? You don't have to put yourself at risk at all, there are ways to anonymously send e-mail mate.
If you meant trust in 8ch, then I don't see how that has any relevancy to the concept.
Do you have any suggestions for making it more trustworthy? There has to be a way to find fellow anons willing to take a minor risk for a real fucking wife instead of just fantasising about it.
So a thread dedicated to trying to help whites find potential spouses gets bumplocked but threads where faggots circlejerk over pictures of jewish women larping as natsoc and pushing their tits out (like laura loomer) and softcore pornography get to actively slide real content?
What a load of bullshit.
We have both tried OKCupid and gotten banned for wrongthink. Anyone on OKCupid who is even a little right leaning gets de-platformed and banned eventually.
How can you meet people who are like minded if the majority of them will get kicked off the site without considering taking the more subtle approach that you're suggesting?
Mind you, we've tried re-registering and it seems we've had a blanket IP-ban and any devices that connect to our local internet also seem to become effected. The creation of an account results in an error.
The only dating sites that anybody uses are OKCupid, Tinder (degenerate as fuck), Bumble (feminist tinder), and then paid sites which only men ever use because they are the only ones willing to fork out money to get laid. Quality women aren't going to use a paid online dating service, and many of the accounts are bots as we've seen from the Ashley Madison leaks.
I'll keep this short. You are on an anonymous image board, where in if someone who frequents Zig Forums was exposed for doing as such, could lose their job etc. Therefor, its an obvious step for mods to bumplock threads that, for good or for bad, try to remove the anonymity factor of Zig Forums.
Second, if you are serious about making a conservative dating site (which to my knowledge already exist), put the effort in to make one rather than linking Zig Forums fags dodgy links.
Thirdly, thats a big assumption that the majority of Zig Forums follows e-celeb faggots. Some, that are complete lost causes may follow them, but most don't. I do agree that those threads about e celebs are complete shit tier and should be bumplocked, along with half the other low effort posts now making it through, but this board is now for the most part free to make any posts.
tl;dr take this shit somewhere else, doxxing on Zig Forums for bad or good is bad, e-celebs are faggots, lots of posts on Zig Forums are now shit tier.
However as i stated, if you are indeed serious about making a conservative dating site or platform, make one? Surely there is a market for it just waiting to be tapped.
online dating does not work. the only women thee are either there to stroke their own egos or non single women seeing if they can trade up. Don't waste your time energy or money there.
I once noticed a woman on here discussing her ovarian cancer. Women do come here, they usually keep that fact to them selves tho. I dont know if the women who come here have any interest in dating. They may be user gfs or otherwise taken.