George Lincoln Rockwell Appreciation thread

This is one of the greatest photographs taken in the 1960s. A grand standoff, with beautiful frame timing that embodies the confident struggle of the strong American versus the sly rat menace of Marxism. The shrewd negro fears the ambition and resolve hiding behind the tall man's shades. With his wrist cocked, and his corn cob pipe fixated between his tactile fingers, the American man prepares for the worst as he prepares to face the whole damn world which has found itself against hi.
Look at the body language in this photograph, it speaks louder than words.

That man was George Lincoln Rockwell, one of the greatest Americans who ever lived.

Attached: American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell confronting Martin Luther King Jr., 1965.jpg (1282x1034, 198.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pardon the dummy thread I made before. I deleted it because I didn't think the OP did it justice.
Here's one of his speeches.

I'd like to take this opportunity to recommend that everybody read Rockwell's books. They contain a view into the history of pro-white politics in America. (Siege is also pretty good for this)
In checking these out I realized that we really are nothing new. We have the same kinds of people making the same kinds of groups and trying the same kinds of strategies. And I'll tell you what. The evidence doesn't look good for anybody that still believes we're going to achieve a democratic revolution or our own "long march through the institutions".

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This looks like a photo taken during a death industrial concert

That is a very handsome man, reminds me of another handsome man.

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One of the few real American heroes.

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We have the internet now. Its a little different.

Really like the rare Rockwell photos.

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Is there somewhere I can read his other publications besides the main three books?
Are there any pdf-ed issues of the stormtrooper or anything like that?

His only mistake was naming his organisation the Nazi party, and not the National Socialist Worker's Party.

Honestly having 'socialist' in your party name during that time is probably more controversial than have nazi in the name.

What was his opinion on mass amnesty for LatinARYANS?

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#MAGAwithDACA #MilitaryBase

We need to legalize our redpilled esoteric immigrants before the (((kikes))) (((indoctrinate))) them or (((deport))) them

Forgot my natural and organic meme

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My favorite tags are #virgin #defloration #loli #forced #dark_skin

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Am I the only one here now?

Give it up beaner, nobody has time for your delusions even if you keep spamming us with it. Either get your own mestizo race in order or go to leftypol. National Socialism is indeed for everyone but do not hallucinate your brown skin and shit IQ away just because our memes give you pride.

I'm here.

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I will never stop fighting the war, especially now that we are turning the tide in the Visegrad 5 group. Death before dishonor.

He should've started out as the National Socialist White People's Party instead of waiting until the year he was killed to change it.

Holy aesthetics.

George Lincoln Rockwell - American National Socialism

Attached: German American parade NY 1939.jpg (1200x928 457.04 KB, 370.32K)

It was the mischievous ghost of George Lincoln Rockwell that caused Bibi - in an unguarded moment - to raise up a fascist salute at the UN.

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What an amazing man. I am currently reading his "This Time the World" and it is a fantastic autobiography.

Anyone want to me to upload a copy of his birth certificate?

What a legend. The true face of the Civil Rights era.

I always found it intriguing that there was very much a push back to de-segregation by both races. We all only learned the MLK side of the story.

To follow up on this post, I was to share an image I find incredibly inspiring and a simple thought that I think we should all reflect on:

The media and all the degeneracy it spreads works so well because it tells us we will live forever, and it tells us this in our most impressionable years. We really have to understand that our precious time on this Earth and all of the benefits of WHO we are and WHERE we are as a people derives from our genetic identity. We share the same blood, the same culture and really are a family and although I am alive today, I am on borrowed time. And with that time I have to work and strive to constantly improve and foster my people. George Lincoln Rockwell did not squander his time on this Earth. He was not a coward. He fought for his people the same way the white man did thousands of years ago, and it is our turn to pick up that fight. We are on the eve of the white man's darkest hour and the enemy is 'all in' by trying to destroy us once and for all.

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To the point that ((((((Ike)))))) and ((((((LBJ))))))) fucking had to FORCE integration at gunpoint.

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Rockwell accomplished nothing and dummies like OP want to repeat what DIDN'T WORK for FIFTY YEARS. You're either retarded, or a larping faggot who wants nothing to change.

What do you suggest then, faux-Pierce?

Wrong, if anything he accomplished A LOT in just like 5 years before ((((they))))) whacked him. And unlike the modern day alt-kike LARPers, he practiced what he preached and also had lots of children.

At the end even Pierce acknowledged that GLR was right.

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Probably the same thing that hasn't worked for A HUNDRED YEARS. We'll become conservative politicians and give a little wink and a nod to our guys as we vote for the bill to criminalize white men breathing, but don't worry it's 4d realpolitik.

Meant to quote

I really wish we had a picture of him dressed as a rabbi. kek

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fbi van in front kek

I actually have some screencaps of stories of a biker gang led by GLR's bodyguard, Mike Brown, containing many former stormtroopers. Its pretty madcap, My favorites are the ones where the gang defrauds a mexican cartel and deals with a bunch of degenerate occultists digging up corpses and performing blasphemous rites with them (By hiding in the crypts dressed as monsters and chasing them off screaming like banshees).

Attached: GLR's stormtroopers defraud a mexican cartel.png (1423x6793 987.51 KB, 838.63K)

On the contrary, the party of Rockwell was a real threat because he WASN'T a LARPer. I regularly shit on Nazis online because most of them, and most of Zig Forums included, are just that, LARPing faggots. I have great respect for Rockwell and I want to see the America he dreamed of. With all due respect to Uncle Adolf, his platform was designed for Germans, and Germany. Rockwell understood what made America great, and he molded his platform around it elegantly, and this key distinction is what made him one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. Most skinheads are degenerates, but Rockwell actually lived according to his own doctrine, and the party of Rockwell, not to be confused with the abomination that exists today, produced many great, strong men. Most of the good men of that time left, because they understood the main philosophy he taught; without a strong leader, nothing can be accomplished.

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Hey fag, shut the fuck up with calling this thread bullshit. This isn't TRS with their "Nazi's are bad optics" bullshit. Commander Rockwell taught that a leader must rise to the occasion, not that the white race gives up faggot! The kikes want you to give up and say it's hopeless and be defeated. Be a fucking real white man, hot blooded and not a fair weather faggot, have the Faustian spirit and quit being a pussy and respect the name of a great man. Don't just post and say "god damn larping OP! Don't try his way Goy, cause he didn't go nowheres." He was killed by the Kikes, faggot, because he was going somewhere! At least say something funny instead of being a fucking contrarian communist pussy. Fuck clown world. Long live the German Aesthetic and the aesthetic of the Wehrmacht. We fucked up by fighting our brother Germans because it brought us this shitty degenerate hellish hellbound clown world. Heil Hitler! God, please bring back all great white men, such as Adolf Hitler and Commander Rockwell, the US and German and English and True French soldiers that we needlessly killed by the machinations of the Jews, your enemies on Earth, the religion lead by Satan. Please God give us a chance to hold back the night and rid the world of kikery. AMEN!

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Haha, the jews made the word fuhrer mean rethless and tyrannical. Just means leader. Forgot to mention that in my screenshot

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Come back senpai!

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We really need to come up with alternative terminology. I'm sick of calling the destruction of social order and the total subversion of the majority population "Civil Rights".

Jeru soo - the pipe in the specter

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How about "Forced Integration"

It would really help if people read his books, so we could stop having the same strategy arguments over and over that have been going on for decades. Every newfag who takes his first redpill thinks he's a fucking genius for coming up with this brilliant plan of infiltrating the system, as if nobody had ever thought of it before.

Look at those fucking mutt soldiers.

Birth Cert

Attached: Birth Certificate.jpg (1024x894, 189.52K)

Rockwell's hapa grandson, from his rice burning slut daughter. Actually pretty masculine for a hapa, and resembles GLR a bit in the face, proving the Rockwell genes are stronk.

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Is that his only descendant? Must be so weird to be a non-white grandchild of a nazi.

his son (real son not his step son) has two white children
he has 7 children in total, 1 is dead due to a car accident.

I don't think so. He had three daughters with his first wife, who turned out to be an American proto-roastie who divorced him while he was overseas in the military.

Wouldn't it have been much easier to make this into a multilayered pdf using copy-pasted rastered text of differing resolutions? This jpeg looks suspicious.