I don't think you guys realize just how much ground we lost before the mods were wiped. I've talked to at least three people in the past week who used to browse Zig Forums regularly until they were banned over some sort of stupid shit causing them to go to Zig Forums where they were quickly brainwashed by communists. We were winning the meme war up until the old cuck mods started banning people for criticizing Trump. Now we have a whole new generation of communist filth to deal with.
I don't think you guys realize just how much ground we lost before the mods were wiped...
Oh look, some faggot saying that if we don't all agree with him on everything and obey hom, we are fueling communism, while providing a shit anecdote as 'evidence'.
The only way forward is mods like kampfy WHO NAME THE JEW.
Anybody who thinks anything else is a fucking shill who should be BANNED FROM THIS WEBSITE.
Our based fuhrer, Patrick Little, just won 1.4% of the vote in California and is moving on soon to become president.
Communism is the goyim/human cattle experiment taken to it's final conclusion. Instead of working to provide for your family, you're providing for everybody. Especially my 400 pound life, evolutionary dead ends. Anyone who falls for communism is not worthy of polite society.
if they were so easily brainwashed by commies…
when natsocs and WNs get banned from a natsoc forum for criticizing the president, half the brainwash job is already done
this situation would not exist if old mods weren't cucks
kikey we don't want you back, ever
Is the kikey internet defense force still assblasted and trying to damage control?
Quit your bellyaching. PART AND PARCEL.
Extremely low IQ shill
Good riddance. You and your "friends" are the type of retards that we do not want here anyway.
This is terrible concern trolling. I've talked to Zig Forums. Those people are manic idiots with grandiose delusions. All logic is decayed stepping into that channel. No one converted to communists by going there. Anyone that did, had no intelligence to be begin with.
If you can't see that this thread is spam then get the fuck off this board. Why is this front page? Because people don't know how to fucking sage. Newfag bait is still bait
Kill yourselves you unintelligent slobs.
Should've stopped right there and I would be fine
Well would you look at that.
A kike-free first post.
This thread needs an anchor.
We have ids here.
Only 10% of the population can truly believe in something, and that is what pol is for. Faggot lemmings belong on facebook and reddit, or leftypol, where they can have their self worth validated by other people because they are massive braindead pussies who put other people's opinion of them before their opinion of themself. Honestly, if you can't come to a logical conclusion about what you believe and then act on it to have a stable concept of self, you are a slave who needs feedback that he is indeed being a good slave.
That is if your faggot friends even exist , which i heavily doubt.
if leftypol swayed them, they were never on our side.
this meme war was against liberals. we're still winning against them. Zig Forums is a fringe group. its like 10 people. leftypol is most certainly not winning anything. theyrre still losing against liberals.
If they were so easily brainwashed by Zig Forums then they were likely just here so they could feel important. These types of people are worthless and might as well stay in Zig Forums making shitty, ineffective memes along with the rest of the degenerates posting there.
Yeah sure thing Zig Forums.
Anyone have the image on what to do with a spam thread? Redpill sage and move on. I need it to post in these shit threads.
I also got banned for nothing
Ahahhhhhahahahaha aha AHAH haha hah ha ha HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA
nice one
had a good lagh
>>Zig Forums
Globals should gas OP for sliding
And such is why White Nationalism remains outside the mainstream, because people like you constantly sabotage it from the inside.
You don't get brainwashed by commies, you were just stupid and gullible to begin with.
"losing the meme war" wtf is OP even talking about?
You're female, aren't ya?
Wanna know how I know?
this never happened
If they were "feelings based acceptance" Natsoc then they were never really Natsoc at all. Truth is something that logges itself into your marrow if you seek it with all your mind.h
"wahhh i got banned (probably deservedly) so i'm never going there again!" you and your friends sound like a bunch of slack-jawed faggots.
Welcome to nu/pol/. You couldn't have prevented this.
KYS imroachey
Never happens. Really shit leftypol meme.
Everyone in this thread is a passive aggressive faggot. especially this guy
This is so absurd that anyone who isn't a retard will spot the bait.
< causing them to go to Zig Forums where they were quickly brainwashed by communists.