She was enjoying her time at the beach with her daughter, now she was humiliated in front of her and face prison.
Seriously America, what is wrong with you?
Emily Weinman aggression by the police
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this might be hard to swallow as the idea of police is good. We do not have police, we have sycophants of israel.
Police are the #1 group that must fall when things escalate.
Police's #1 job is to protect farm equipment and hurt whites.
This is not a popular view outside of republican and liberal circles: but it's the truth.
Taken a woman's side over a blue collar white worker.
The pigs are not my favorite thing in the world but amazingly even the smarter niggers have figured out how to get along with them, why havent you.
Nope the woman was wrong. The police showed up, told her the laws, she got belligerent and received consequences. If she just said "Ok" she would of gone back to being at the beach.
Why do people ALWAYS ALWAYS have to start shit with the officers? Stop it. You guys know better than that. She was going to be let go if she just kept her fucking mouth shut.
Women are dumb fucking creatures.
Why the fuck would we care if this drunk and belligerent Jewess got arrested?
How do you know her race? To me it sounds like a German surname
It's a fucking mystery.
How fucking dare you compare cops to men who actually work.
Police aren't "workers", they are a leisure class which gets paid despite producing nothing of value, as a reward for acting as personal enforcers/body guards of the elite.
That's no German, just take a look at her. Also, it fits the structure of Germanized kike names with two German words smashed together.
Bohemia and also Danish, Swedish and Norwegian noble families (and who knows about Russians) didn't have surnames till very recent times. That is the reason why many have today the surname of their original city, or carry the patronymic of their great great granfather as a surname, or others when they heard about the new law introduced by Napoleon thought it was a joke and created dull or ridiculous names like Grothendiek or Weinman.
Gee OP, I'm sure mad those pigs hurt that dumb whore because she didn't just hand over her ID after drinking underage. That single mother's image of respect and dignity was completely destroyed by ZOG's public arm of the law. If Hillary was bresident this never would have happened, am I right MAGApedes? Let's all go out and kill those blue faggots!
kill yourself
if she was a black male, the betacucks here would have different comments
Im sure your mcnuggets of value are going to change the world. Jealousy is an ugly stain on mankind and so are you.
99.9% of incidents of "police brutality" videos I see could have been prevented if the "victim" had not acted like a belligerent asshole in the first place, and this includes the rare incidences when the police actually do go too far, such as the one when they tased the guy who was already handcuffed. Yes, that was wrong, but the guy could have prevented it by not acting like a dick in the first place.
Oh no, save our entitled jewish princesses.
American cops are brutal due to negroids and guns. Where is the politics? What is new about this? Shit thread idea.
Here OP let me help-
1) Why do I care?
2) Who is Emily Weinman?
3) Why are you such a faggot?
go make shitty threads elsewhere newfriend
jewed police. Really, they take trips to israel and jews come to America to teach losers in blue jump suits to attack people.
Just watch how quickly the media pounces on this to protect their precious kike from the ebil white goy!
furthest thing from my mind when I think of cops.
>how do you know (((weinman))) is a kike?
How fucking new are you?
Are you retarded? You always obey cops. It's not even a secret that they can do whatever the fuck they want. They can pull bullshit code and laws out their ass and detain you on no evidence or suspicion. Just do whatever the fuck they ask you and be polite. Keys to getting out of trouble is being ambiguous and not admitting fault for anything. Act white, and they will treat you like the white man that you are. Act like a nigger, get smacked down like a nigger. That simple. You can disagree all day on how cops are allowed to conduct themselves and how they're zogbots, but that doesn't mean you can act like a nigger outside the bounds of what society has deemed acceptable and get away with it. Monkeys surely don't.
Are you a nigger?
There is a time and a place to fight it out if you believe the charge was wrong. Dont do it there. Obey all lawful commands and then dispute it in court. Im sorry that you are retarded and cant figure out that trying to resist people that are well trained and built to subdue someone acting up is probably the worst choice. Thats fine if you dont agree with these officers but take your fight to court where you can win. You will never win against the officers in the field. Be smart.
I guess he was acting like a nigger by not being able to follow the crawl but do it in a way that it's impossible to crawl commands. What a fucking nigger..
Be it as it is, the guy was showcasing a gun(regardless of it being pellet, it still makes normies go nuts) off to strangers at a hotel…So cops show up, to a scene where the person in question is known to have at least one """Gun""". This can make cops nervous cause their life is on the line too….You'd have to be a complete nigger to think cops need to be 100% calm at all times…Their job is literally to go into the most fucked up situations and their life is on the line every time they get a call. So fuck you and you're nigger tier black lives matter arguments. Fuck back off to eddit lemming.
This kikess (1) resisted arrest (2) broke the law (3) refused to vacate peacefully (4) fucking resisted arrest. (5) is a kikess.
She should have gotten the gas.