Why should I care about the white race when there's so many cucked whites? Even criticizing a minority will get you called racist, isolated, or fired from your job. There's probably tons of whites who would attack you for being a national socialist. Even saying something like your proud to be white or don't have to apologize for being white triggers the fuck out of self hating whites. When are these people going to wake up? Once Tyrone and Muhammed are at the door for their wife? I'm kind of worried for the whites with no self identity. What is going to happen to these people? Are they just weak evolutionary speaking?
Anti-White White People
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People are the product of nature and nuture. I care because it is a tragedy that so many white people have been manipulated down that path.
Prove it kike.
you can convince anyone of anything if you repeat it enough from a position of authority. succumbing to these kinds of tactics isn't evidence of weakness, it's just human nature. if you really don't care then you've fallen to it as well. You shouldn't have to justify your own existence.
shut the fuck up kike, we'll kill all of you
Read MacDonald's culture of critique. There is what's called ingroup/outgroup views. Jewish genetics dictate a strong ingroup camradrie and a vicious outgroup aversion. In CoC MacDonald quotes a Jew as saying something along the lines of
Then you assess caucasians. They have a weak ingroup camradrie and a strong outgroup empathy. They may associate with other whites and avoid inner cities with blacks, but this is only because of their observations. They are less likely to get mugged, and for some reason it looks nicer if they stay in a white neighborhood. That is where their ingroup/outgroup views lie. So in essence what makes white people nice, empathetic, and healthy citizens of the world, is a weakness in the eyes of the jewish.
I think there is a middle road to take when interacting with "normie" whites. Passive resistance against the staus quo, while ensuring to keep the discussion implict keeps you safe from getting stuck in the weeds. No one can lob epithets at you if you speak sufficiently intellectual, unless they want to spar with you in the the "meta realm". I try not to get to bogged down with unintellectual conversations about degenerate topics, and likely the person spouting them isn't worth your time.
I often fear aswell that we are damned as a race due to our pathological altruism, but its good to note that these same tendencies are what makes us great.
True I feel for them. However, their derangement is destructive to everyone.
I'm not a kike you fucking nigger kikes. I'm just asking a question about pozzed cucks.
pawns must be sacrificed user, let them go. Learn from their mistakes. They help identify and define the enemies position.
Go to a place , lots of white so you feel safe but then you notice all the gay/liberal crap so you realize ok not safe.
Learn to adapt , you are worrying to much on having friends instead of being an army of one. A corner stone of white culture is self responsibility. Learn to not need those whites and do without.
Numbers don't lie, and neither does that post. Tsohe dgitis.
Sauce on the 30,000 banned books?
if youre not just a shit-tier demoralization kike then what are your options here?
1) be a little fag and shitpost from your basement as a bunch of shitskin hordes turn your remaining 60 years of life on this planet into a total hellscape and you die miserable, abused by niggers in an OAP retirement home
2) try to enlighten as many whites as possible against the kike menace and hopefully maybe your kids will do holocaust 2 electric boogaloo, non-hoax edition
3) do something completely radical that will change the face of politics
I gave up on normie friends a long time ago. That second line describes everything perfect. I live in the whitest richest area of the city and feel disgusting with all the liberal pro-gay shit around me. I might not be living a swarm of niggers but all the cucks is not much better.
Getting comfy /innawoods/ and watching everything crash from a safe distance seems better to me.
Why should I care about (my house) when there's so many (my house being on fire)?
Because you don't want your house to burn to the ground. Because outside is nothing but blacks and browns and muslum rape gangs and bug people.
Whites must be awakened to the reality of the ongoing White genocide. This will turn the altruism towards Whites, as it always should have been.
This is the key fracture point. The kike propaganda has hammered two main things: "don't be racist cause it's ebil nahtzees!!!" and "muh holocaust cause ebil nahtzees!!!"
Thus pointing out that the kikes and the multicult are intentionally pushing towards White genocide makes them the "ebil genocider muh holocaust."
Further pointing out that only by having White countries for White people and only White people can the genocide be stopped can be effective at waking up the White person.
Even further pointing out the lies about the natsocs to show that "le ebil nahtzees" actually weren't "ebil nahtzees" either. Indeed, the real mass-murdered victims were the GERMANS after the war when the "allies" murdered 11 - 15 million Germans. Who were the bad guys again?
Not in every case, of course. But "good people don't support genocide" can be a useful tool.
Just marry a Asian girl tbh
Saying that you shouldn't care about whites at all because some are brainwashed idiots is pretty kiked.
That's your problem right there genius.
the only way that this wouldnt be a total waste of time is if you recruited multiple people to come with you and created a militia to drop out of the system with, and in this instance, it would only be viable with numerous families, not just you. en.wikipedia.org
even Varg doesn't advocate fucking off on your own and doing literally nothing.
stop being a gay pussy and find a way fight against the enemy.
Platonic cave parable motherfucker. If you pierced the illusion and got out of the cave, it is your duty as a National Socialist (or any Nationalist) to go down and educate the others. We shape the future, and the survival of our race will determine how humanity fares forever on.
If you've become despondent for others, at least care about it for yourself.
I've said this to a few people who have this self-loathing white mentality: What do you think the end result of shitting on yourself and your people for so long will be? Constantly saying how bad and racist and every other claim - how do you think other groups will look at you? If you want them to buy all of these claims and they do, they're probably not going to like you much. And they're not going to see you as "one of the good ones", you're just going to be another evil whitey, and with the demographic trends being what they are you're not going to enjoy being on the minority side of things when they have more power while holding these views that you've played a part in perpetuating.
Now for many that means nothing because they think, "lol we're not going to be a minority until XYZ and I'll be super old/dead by then so fuck it", but for those who are at least thinking, be it selfish or not with their desires, this does make some sense to at least not give up on everyone for their own sake.
Don't give self haters the time of day. If someone is ambivilant, drop redpills. Build deep bonds with ourguys, they're easy to meet and fun to hang out with. I've got a gym buddy and a shooting buddy and a work buddy to whom I've give each of them The Myth of the Twentiesth Century.
Because the white race is capable of learning from their mistakes and becoming better unlike you jew fucks.
Lurk more faggot. Don't post until you're an adult.
If you want to look at that as a bad thing, you could. I don't see subhuman retards avoiding me as a bad thing, myself. You can't get fired from a job when you own the business, bucko xD.
Probably. There's another group that will sodomize you, what's your point here?
So say it loud and say it proud you little bitch.
NEVER. They will die in a puddle of Mohammad's jizz and the blood of their mother's cut throat before that.
Worry about yourself.
Who knows and who cares. Either die out or live to clean up after brown animals.
Yes, it's how the vermin has survived.
Lurk more user, your newness is exhausting.
Fucking THIS. I literally feel safer in some shithole countries than in white districts of my own city. I have unironically started using Animal Farm and 1984 as training materials for my daily life.