AHAHAHAHAHA, even the "le MAGA XDDD" jews are defending Soros now...

AHAHAHAHAHA, even the "le MAGA XDDD" jews are defending Soros now. I told you there wasn't a SINGLE good jew and you called me a D&C shill and you was sayin' "muh le BASED Roseanne making le libtards butthurt epik style XDDD and spreading le based Q user XDDD" when Trump praised her. APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW, kripplekikechanners. And apologize to Sinead too who warned you and you called her a BBC cumslut, feels good being 100% right 100% of the time.

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Did you take a wrong turn?

Where do you think you are right now?

There are no good jews. If you read the Talmud and are ok with all the anti-goy shit then you are a cancerous kikelet genocide enabler.

Fucking jews man. Watch "the Eternal Jew" if you want to know why kikes have always been this way.

Attached: op fag.jpg (300x291, 18.79K)

She's correct though. Soros is a Holohoax survivor and proof that it should have happened, not a "Nazi collaborator" as Jonestein and others pretend.

Real answer: Zig Forums already knew about Roseanne's fake family members that died in the holohoax, Trump praises everyone at some point whether he means it or not, and Sinead really is a
BBC cumslut who has regular fits of autistic screeching.


Attached: roseanne george soros debunked.mp4 (1280x720, 10.23M)

After careful consideration, I think this thread is bait for all sides. Why should I give a fuck what (((Barr))) cares about?

During the Imcoonfy era he was banning people who said the truth about the blind MAGA support but no more!

Attached: follow your leader Imkampfy.png (582x446, 114.08K)


True but why the meme diarrhea? Gleeful shitposting? Have a bump, yiu don't seem to bad and I do love to see the turkroach BAAWWWing in the replies.

Yeah. You really told us.

useful != good, hebe

We need some chemo against the decadence on this board. Over the years it's turned into an echo chamber where gleeful morons congregated and felt safe in their delusions simply because they donned a 1488 mask. Classic shitposting will deal a good bit of reality to the based MAGApedes, aryan/hyperborea myth goons, esoteric /x/ tier tumblr blog patients and the religion shitflinging here.

Attached: ad99a558613fb05b14ae5b75c2735ba135a61dc2dfe463e3844ba20bbb810461.jpg (3072x2304, 1.75M)

Because that's how this board was before the autism mods took over and tanked the active user numbers.

Attached: funallowed.jpg (425x450, 168.12K)

Most of us already knew this but if you were from here you would know that
Evidence you spend a majority of your time arguing on Reddit. Where you belong.
Lurk 2 more years faggot, there is no 'I' here.

I'm sure the r/the_donald users will start defending Soros soon too

< And apologize to Sinead too who warned you and you called her a BBC cumslut

Depends on how it is spun in the (((Narrative)).

reddit might be more your speed, m80

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