Lets talk about Nick "the spic" fuentes


This little spic has been going around insulting marines who name the jew, Ron Paul, and generally being a smug faggot. I've linked the most important part below but if you get a chance you should see the entire interview for yourself. Ordinarily I wouldn't concern myself with eceleb cancer but a mexispic shitting on a white military veteran whose trying to awaken the people to the reality of Jewish supremacy should be something that Zig Forums weighs in on. Don't get me wrong I don't fully endorse Pat Little and his actions, but he is a good guy and has his heart in the right place.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Brown people like him are more of an enemy then legit hostile black nationalists. While one would attack US his goal is to change the movement and destroy from in.


My kind of guy.

Well black nationalists atleast want to keep to themselves. These half white half mexican mongrels that claim to be white while shaming anyone who names the jew on the basis of "muh optics" are complete cancer. Its funny because he actually calls out Little for his bad optics earlier in the debate and then it ends with them saying "fuck the troops, the marines are gay" followed by cackling hyena laughter

Don't get me wrong I'm not a bootlicker of any sort, but what reason is there to be hostile towards a white marine who is trying to wake up americans to the jewish problem? Keep in mind marines are the whitest, and most hated branch of our military.

literally who?

He is the 56%

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El goblino e celeb who hangs around the autistic right

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Hi Patrick.

Hey spic. How many shekels did you get for your speaking arrangement at (((amren))) you mongrel scumbag

Nick looks huwhoite to me

You consider this white?

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eso es porque eres un no blanco amerimutt

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This is a Jared Taylor fanboard. Only Jews and based beaners in MAGA hats allowed.

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I like Little, but Fuentez only called Little a "little girl", he didn't say "Fuck the Troops". That was prince hubris.

Oh right he only laughed approvingly after someone said "fuck the troops"

Well last thread on the beaner determined he would have to go back towards the end of the process. He keeps moving up in the line and MAY just end up in the ditch category by the end of this.

And the ones that can actually kill you 20 different ways with their pinky toe without "smart" weaponry.

he's a real piece of shit. all I've ever seen him do is start drama with other people on the right.
I'm a criollo myself, and I disavow this faggot

also hi Patrick. I voted for you. sorry about your loss man.

Nick Fuentes went on a podcast with Patrick Little with a couple of other low T guys that I have never heard of. During this podcast someone apparently said "fuck the troops". Unfortunately that was probably the most based thing said by the people not Patrick Little during the entire 2 hours.

We can't glorify military service be "muh troops" like the conservatives. Even in the case of Patrick Little we know that he was tricked into joining the marines by being given false information. Instead of fighting for his people, he was serving the enemy. Had he known that in advance he probably wouldn't have joined. The same goes for most of the young men that get their patriotism abused by the US military.

That said if you are about "optics" and American flag waving like Nick Fuentes you can't be a "fuck the troops" guy and then hold other people to a different standard. Ultimately this is what Fuentes, Anglin, and TRS are doing and it's not going to work.

t. Actual based spic who thinks Fuentes gives us a bad name

The only conclusion I can come to is that nick the spic doesn't take the jewish threat seriously or else why would he have such a problem with someone who talks openly and honestly about the jews? He can say that it makes things harder for people on the right but these people should be talking about jewry anyway

Lets not.

Nick is stupid. He is a static thinker, meaning he cannot imagine how events play out dialectically, two or three or more steps ahead. He can maybe see proximate cause and effect, but nothing more. This is a common problem with conservatives, which is why they always go to the same failed strategies over and over. An example of this is how conservatives always take on the framing of their enemies, without understanding how this undermines their own position. It's why you can go on conservative websites right now and see articles with titles like "the conservative case for gender reassignment" or "dems are the real homophobes" etc. The alt kike like fuentes are slightly less stupid, but still have similar static thought to conservatives.

He thinks that it would be a drawback, but he doesn't realize that figures like Jon Stewart were claiming that cuckservatives were discriminatory nazis.

Checked, and keked user, this fuckin spic needs to learn he's in no way, part of us. Same with other half whites, I love how mutts always CHOOSE which race to associate with and/or be a part of.

If it wasn't for the last name would you bitch about him being nonwhite?

He's kind of a little whiney faggot, but I did see two videos of him tearing people a new asshole over the Israeli question

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He has pretty obvious mongoloid features.

Don't compare Rockwell to an optics cuck that actually disavowed the 14 words

In short, he is obnoxious, ingenuine, insincere, sarcastic, unrighteous, unworthy, arrogant, narcissistic and subversive. He's got some kind of bureaucratic aim whereby he thinks he can make himself a media man from the outside and worm his way in. A thoroughly ugly character, a mexican Shapiro.

Spaniards are white. Spanish ≠ aztec

Fuentes is not a Spaniard, he has the Aztec blood

Just sage & hide, don't respond
Anyone posting below this line is a jew

forgot mah sage
-t jew

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Don't even bother. I literally posted nick the spics 23 and me earlier in the thread

This is the part that wierds me out. Is being associated with the catholic church (who rapes little boys) and the pope (who sucks nigger refugee dick) good optics for the right? He acts like we have a thousand years to redpill the masses on the jews, even though with each passing day they consolidate more and more of their power over our means of communication. Also he has a blue check mark on twitter. Anyone who is approved of by the ADL to talk on their platform creeps me the fuck out

The irony bro from the weakly sweat insulted the troops, not the spic. I think his name is Prince Hubris, he made cantwell ragequit on Baked Alaska's show.

On another note, the only pedophiles I've ever met in real life were both marines. One would go to nudist sites because they had naked 12 year old girls. Everyone knew about it. The other was probably getting separated or something because he was found with CP by his wife. I don't have the full details of his story. A corporeal once told me he could count on one hand the number of marines he knew without crippling personality issues. The USMC is a huge pit of dysfunction and retards.

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Right, but the spic laughed approvingly afterward and didn't try to say "hey guys thats a bit far" after they called the troops and marines gay. You would think an optics cuck like nick the spic would be more careful to watch what his friends say because from my point of view it looks like he endorses that sentiment. For the record its the general and politicians and military industiral complex companies like Lockheed martin that deserve the hate, not joe blow who was tricked into joining the army thinking he was doing what was best for his country.

I had never even heard of those two other fat soyboys. I guess they are affiliated with trs or some other alt kike group?

Well arent the marines seeing the most fucked up shit of all the military branches? Wouldn't they suffer the most from PTSD? I don't know

He was using his occupation in the military like 'as a nigger' or 'as a woman' and then tried to be a tough guy over a fucking livestream. He deserved to be laughed at.

GLR is overrated and he pretty much ruined white nationalism in the USA for generations. The 14 words were coined by a serial killer so it's unsurprising that anyone outside of an autistic imageboard would avoid them.

Poor kid doesn't even realize that he just signed his own death warrant.

I think he was laughing because the guy rage quit. The whole "I'm a marine so I should win this debate" is fucking lame.

Half of all marines are pretty shitty people before they ever enlist. I know for a fact the nudist guy was never deployed, the other one was a dog trainer or horse trainer and I don't think he ever saw combat. Actually, I'm pretty sure he was a horse trainer because I remember thinking why the fuck does the USMC have a horse trainer? Honor guard bullshit.
That's the thing, most of the shitty marines never come close to combat. Some pretend to, but having mortars land near your base is not that scary.

I know nothing about them. I think they are skeptic aligned or something. They don't like the alt right.

The soyboys were laughing at the thought of having to back up their shit talking in real life. Pat asked nick the spic if he would talk all this shit to his face and his response was literally "I will not say that to your face" let that sink in
His organization gave us great minds like William Pierce and to a lesser extent James mason so I'm going to go ahead and disregard your opinion here. White Power is an excellent book. Read it sometime if you're not just some hobbyist faggot
WLP's national alliance was pretty successful for a span of about thirty years. We need another group like that to spring up tbh
Protecting a future for white children is autistic? Or something that only autists would identify with? Say what you really mean buddy

Even worse than alt kike

He means that he's a dumb conservative (static thinker with crystalized brain).

Regardless, the spic was being a little prick disregarding Pat's arguments about doing the best for how much money was spent on his campaign which is impressive and after about a half hour of these bar room debate tactics pat had had enough. Sure, laughing off these faggots would have been a better tactic than challenging them to a fight but what's wrong with settling an argument the way men in this country USED to solve their differences? Don't write a check your ass can't check

Don't write a check your ass can't cash***

Well Pat wasn't just a shitty marine, he rose in the ranks about and was an officer. Also I wouldn't want to have mortars shot at me, fuck that noise

He was never an officer (I don't actually think USMC officers are better than enlisted marines). He was a fucking POGUE.

Bring back duelling, and there will be no more Jews or Fuentes or any of their effeminate ilk.

At the very least he should lose status for declining a duel. Thats some bitch made shit. Literally "I will not say that to your face" then why say it at all? And people are trying to call Pat the internet tough guy in this situation for talking about being a marine?

the problem is we USED to do it and it wasnt really working out. We evolved.

Just when I thought this fag was done he fucking decides to give some face time to an immigrant and up that guys views. Good job Patrick fucking useless. Patrick must be the marine that couldnt really cut it so they just pushed him out. No wonder he lives in California. What fucking marine would stay in california???

Patrick is a loser plain and simple. He can fight his own fights cant he? He is a marine right?

what fucking marine needs to have internet anons fight for him. Fucking waste of threads for 2 months.

Well he is the marine turned internet tough guy … he hasnt really done anything else but talk. He acts like a fucking chimp

see … he is literally THE internet tough guy.

Hes a fucking marine of the internet

what a joke

Just like not letting women vote right? Or not letting jews run our country? Thank god we evolved to this liberal hellscape we live in

Little was a network engineer who never saw combat. He pretends he wanted to be infantry and wasn't allowed. As if that ever fucking happened. Classic bullshitting Marine.

>>>Zig Forums

I call bullshit on that one. Post some proof or fuck right off.

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We're not going to get our guy in office any way. Atleast not until we have comparable influence to the mass media. Elections are just a tool to get our message to the people.

Winning elections does not matter, retard.

So you would be all right with me shooting some mortars at your house? Where do you live?

IT managers are POGs, retard.


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Hitler won in 99% German Germany with proportional representation. Not in 56% mutt America with a two Jew-controlled party system

Apples and oranges

Why the hell not, faggot? Are you falling for the astroturfed opposition to him? My little Zig Forumsack can't be this weakminded.

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I meant falling into the trap nick the spic set for him. He should have never went on that show in the first place. Generally speaking I like his approach and his ability to speak truth to power. Fuck optics cucks

Ah, well that's different. I see him as extremely Rockwell inspired and he's the kind of guy that would gleefully walk into 'traps' and expose these people for the weakling cowards that they are. I suppose it might not as work as well these days considering most of the audience identifies with being a mewling simp like Nick the Spic, but at least he's trying and he will move on if it doesn't work.


I've considered this angle as well. Nick the spic was challenged to a duel and declined after talking nonstop shit about the guy for a half hour making him look like a scared little bitch boy so maybe some good did come from the whole ordeal

Merely look at the level of abasolutely desperate shilling in this thread alone, he has obviously struck a nerve. What better proof than such a reaction?

Why doesn't your business exist, Little boy?

For whatever it's worth the youtube comments for the debate were overwhelmingly in Pats favor. Atleast the video that alt right bones put up, the original got take down

The originals of every video with Little get taken down and David Duke was banned from TDS for interviewing him, the controlled opposition faggots are scared to fucking death of him. It's great.

Nice bait, faggot. The door is over there.

I have no idea, but I have heard Le ZogBotz maymay to no end. Marines are also the least PC branch of the military culturally, since they (and I was a prior) tend to see more shit than any other branch. The perspective of SOCOM and up is generally Odinic-tier. It has to be or they will not survive even their training.

That being said, there will always be faggots who don't care to actually know about anything. I am fairly certain that if we didn't have pro-whites in the military at all times, the kikes would have already massacred all the Whites just like in the USSR. You know they would if they thought they could.

Someone who thinks they're L33T and never actually trained (aka a fucking civilian that thinks they're a revolutionary or could ever do anything of value in a revolution) is a joke. It is hard to tell who is actually that stupid and who is a shill.

But seriously–you either live the life for at least a couple of decades or you will get raped by those who did. You can do an enlistment and then get out and continue sustainment training, but the idea that those who never did any serious combatives are magically combatants…that is going to get a lot of people killed.

This is good for something. Everyone smart enough not to take a kike DNA test can look at him and his numbers and compare yourself. It's good to be White as fuck.

It is the difference between being a casual who maybe shot a couple of ranges and actually living the life–because it is a life. I am not into excessive bragging, but anyone especially in combat arms that is a Marine tends to be downright vicious in combat. Of course, it makes defeating your peers in combatives more satisfying. All the best memories I have in life are of kicking ass, whether there or privately elsewhere.

That's a fair point. Don't unnecessarily glorify shit. Look at reality instead. Having to deal with the kike government is enough to piss anyone off, but we need pro-whites trained as much as possible because the kikes are serious about killing us. We also need pro-whites all over the government for the same reason. They will kill us with impunity if we do not.

Winning a fight to the death is not about "glory" at all. We need to win.

Classic bullshitting civ.

Prove Little cock saw combat or fuck off.

He worked in IT. The most dangerous thing he ever saw was a frayed wire, you fucking loser.

Hey faggot, wheres my (you)? You obviously understand the concept of the green weenie with that dick-a-saurus, did you wash out of boot camp? Or maybe it's actually you that got kicked out for being the pedophile creeping on the nude beach lolis in your totally believable anecdote. Fuck you kikes.
Most Marines are fundamentally broken before signing anything, if we were normalfags we would have joined the air force.

I'm torn. Wait, no I'm not. Let them all rot.

Fucking fake faggot. Literally all organic anons support Patrick Little. Only retard shills with half baked one liners, like you you low IQ israeli queer pussyboy, shill against him. He is basically the modern day Rockwell and you are eternally kvetching about it. We will literally fucking execute you when we find the employment records for your shill house. In fact, our anons may be working on a way to poison your workplace with mercury so you die a slow painful death.

I like Mason but neither have accomplished anything other than consolidating white nationalism into some faggy little clique. Hobbyist faggots are the larpers who care more about epic nazi costumes than actually improving their country.
Name one positive change his nazi reenactment crew induced. The "revolution" never started so that's out.
Are you serious? I called imageboards and the culture surrounding them autistic. If you actually cared about preserving your race you wouldn't be trying to convince normalfags to partake in your serial killer memes.

Apt description for most modern white nationalists tbh

Wew lad single digit IQs confirmed at the Unit 8200 and Council Of Foreign Relations AI bot spam team

I'm seeing a lot of d&c shitposting in this thread from communist yids like you all of a sudden, are you scared or something? Shitskins and kikes will all rot in hell, all I give a shit about is an anti-zionist position, your bullshit can fuck off.

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Not just Duke, Nordic Resistance Movement also has their podcasts taken down from the Daily Stormer and blacklisted for supporting Patrick. Apparently this is bad optics now

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He wants to see you bred out to death, that's why he's bitching about optics, he wants you to die.

Case in point.

The shill when called out pists smug anime faces like the training manual says he should, little does he know that we are aware of your standardized meme folders and tactics. Fucking commie lemming shill faggot. We are coming and we have a deep knowledge of chemistry needed to posion you in a fantastically painful way. All shills and psyops psychopaths will be executed or made to suffer for your white genocide.

Learn to read ids you idiot, Patrick isn't 19.

Obviously not. Only shills would post retardation like that in order to slide and misdirect. stay focused anons.


The kike's stand-in golems are deathly afraid of him, that's easy enough to gander from all of this.

kikes will be skinned alive for defiling Lain.

That's amazing, I didn't know that. What a hill to die on, it's bizarre how they're just imploding over him.

It's personal feelings for a lot of them. Some of them feel slighted by Patrick and will refuse to get over their grudge no matter what

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Reaallly? NRM got banned for supporting P Little? Top kek! Way to put a huge neon endorsement on him. Also not how the shilling died down a bit. Looks like the shills are debating the next DnC amd slide tactics for this thread.

*note *and

I need to slow down my typing.

Patrick Little made me realize just how fucking retarded you people can be. He's motivated me to do nothing but troll morons like you now. I literally come to Zig Forums for no other reason than to mock you people thanks to Little and I will continue doing this for years.

You people are lolcows and I hope to make you snap and kill yourself.

Hi Anglin! How does it feel that we are singlehandedly fucking your beloved TRS fuckshack!