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Who would want these pants shitters to teach them ANYTHING about combat?

Looks like a precursor to (((farmers))) committing terrorist attacks.

It's one guy teaching them Krav Maga, cuckchan. Learn to read.

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Read it again.

The kikes have a lot of Diamond mines and Gold mines in south Africa. Most NYC Jewelers get their shit from South Africa.

Zef is a good thing, right? I like Die Antwoord, and recently began looking up Zef. Apparently it's formerly an insult to the Whites, but became their version of cultural-recycling like our *-wave. Is this true?

Yep. (((They've))) always owned them, before during and after the National Party era.

They teaching them how to shit their pants when niggers come at them?


Is that when their nose is too big to fit entirely within cover?

Typical tricks.

This. Definitely charging premiums for it, probably give the niggers training for free.

From my understanding the problem isn't with training but that if you actually defend yourself you risk getting imprisoned. This is just another rent seeking opportunity of the kikes in Israel to literally profit off the inevitable disaster that's coming. It's fucking sick. The Boers would have no problem defending themselves if they didn't risk imprisonment for doing so because a corrupt ass nigger government which their ilk helped bring about.

The audacity of these kikes.

They are probably buying diapers there for cheap and selling them back for triple the cost.

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Don't get caught. Burn the (((witnesses)))

How about no? We stand by the
>>>/boers/ eternally.


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The boers are so desperate in their situation they'll take (((help))) from kikes. Maybe Trump can be reminded that our (((greatest ally))) likes takes advantage of SA so we should too.

Except you know, actually fucking help them.

Fucking hell, time to make some magic happen.

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well there you have it. check'd

Mother fucker.

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Most whites have the policy of "it's better to be in prison than in a grave" over there from what I can tell. The problem isn't a lack of willingness to defend themselves, it's that it's very difficult to defend against 2 cars of niggers pulling up with assault rifles.

This is a place where even in safe cities you hire a security guard who opens your front door for you so that no one can ambush you are you get out of your car to open it yourself and have a moments distraction.

Not the first time I've heard it but it gets me every damn time.

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And of course you know the kikes stole that tritium from us.

Israel also supplied South Africa with Galils in the 70s and 80s during the Border War.
Maybe there are a lot more Jews in South Africa than we previously thought.

South afrika is where the white genocide is the most violent, as whites in there are an huge minority.

They wanted the diamonds.

This. A lot of old South Africans think israel is based because they sold them armaments during the bush war. A lot of kikes fled to SA after WW2 as well.

Look into who ended segregation there lawyers wise. I would bet their names echo.

Indeed, they took advantage and drained them dry then betrayed them and destroyed them.

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Ernest question: if engaged in a real brawl and a liver kick becomes available, would you keep one hand up by your head and and one engaged ready to hand fight, two hands up by your head, or two hands ready to hand fight?

Yeah, it's the kikes offering a "solution" to a problem that (((they))) themselves created in the first place. There were more, but these two kikes were most instrumental in bringing about (((democracy))) and the ANC coming to power in South Africa. (((Joe Slovo))) born (((Yossel Mashel Slovo))) and (((Ronnie Kasrils))). I hope the cancer that killed Slovo was very fucking painful for that fucking kike.

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I stick with a long guard, but that's due to my height and limb length (pretty tall and pretty long limbs for my height), so I'm not at that high of a risk going for it if I can get the opening. For someone a bit shorter I'd say keep to covering the head since the liver strike is more about precision than it is about power.

Define real brawl. Nigger tier street fight? Riot? Mass press? You need to remain dynamic and keep them moving.
If the kick is unavailable, straight right to the liver, knee to the liver, etc. you can also kick to the shin while also throwing a knifehand to the throat or eyes. Open hand like you're going to grab a cup to their throat and go to town on it.
In general the t-rex defense doesn't work and bringing your legs up high especially in that close is just asking for a catch when you don't have their hands occupied. Good for practice and getting balance worked out but you won't and shouldn't fight like that when your life depends on it.
If you have the opportunity cross-grab the opponent's collar and turn your hands horizontal to engage a choke while bringing in your knees. If you can get behind, forget attempting the rear naked (so easy to screw it up) and go for the gable grip and pull directly into the windpipe while leaning into their head from behind with a twist of your upper torso. You can do this even if you're smaller by bringing your knee into the back of theirs and leaning.
Again stay dynamic. Elbows are also great when getting in close. High hand, cross with an elbow, low hand draw the elbow up. This depends again on what your other hand is doing. All defensive moves should be part of an offensive one and vice versa. Step in, right leg to right leg, your knee to the inside of theirs, include elbow. Wrap your hands around the jews neck and squeeze until their eyes pop.
Hammerfist to the clavicle. Palm to the xiphoid process will lacerate the liver.

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Is it pronounced Bowers or Boars?

Don't be afraid to mash their beak with your head should the opportunity present itself you find yourself within range and your hands are otherwise occupied. Don't try skull to skull, smash the soft targets with your head otherwise don't use your head. Keep your soft bits away from their strikes and if that means taking a hit to the dome instead of the face or the side of the head, do it. Anyplace there are a lot of nerves are a good place for a hit really but you have to follow up.
If their mouth is shut don't bother striking their jaw (sides) unless you can get a straight hit to their chin to force it open and back. If their mouth is agape, beat them like an ape.

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Honestly they could teach the Boers some valuable lessons in killing undisciplined guerrillas.

Bowers, faggot.

Like running them over with bulldozers or shooting children and unarmed women? These gangs of attackers aren't unarmed palestinians. Fuck of moshe.

What is up with all the Jew-hating noise all over the 4chan and Zig Forums boards?

Are you all so pitiful and pathetic so as to have nothing to contribute intellectually to serious topics of concern besides semi-clever diatribes regarding cariaturized descriptions of the Jewish people, people who have simply reached a level of mastery and ubiquity that frustrates your meaningless and illusory existence?

I communicate this in earnest. It's pathetic.

Could you imagine the information we could uncover and the progress that could be made should serious, focused, intellectual inquiry be pursued?


Fuck off jew.

This but unironically.

Sending their best.

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To continue, I've heard it said that the anons' resourcefulness and operating capacity could rival that of the three letter acronyms of the US intelligence agencies. I saunter on over to find a bunch of masturbatory children clamoring on keyboards to chip away at Jew jokes.

The meming and humor is unlike anyting I've seen before, but the constant railing against the Jews is astonishing and kinda fucked up.

Call me a Jew, but I'm not.

And that's where you're wrong, nigger

Not a bad strategy for dealing with the fauna. Just killing adult men won't help in a racewar.

Assured mutual destruction.

Lurk forever, Moishe.

Reminder it was Jews and their red Chink puppets who armed and funded the white genocidalist nigger swarms in the first place.

Listen kike, just because this place exists does not mean you are welcome.

Look at schnoz on that kike, do you think he sticks up up that kikess' cunt to get her off? Would that be called jewnilingus?

Also Israel sabotaged and stole from South Africa's Nuclear program

That was Golda Meir, who was part of Israel's socialist party. Once Menachem Begin of the Israeli nationalists took power in 1977 the Israeli policy towards South Africa was one of close alliance, with Israel being the last country to place sanctions on South Africa. Overall of course this was because of the fact that while Israel was founded as a pro-Soviet socialist state, the Soviets found themselves in strong alliance with the Arab nationalists against the Iranian empire, Turks and Jews who the United States chose to back. The Jews, seeking an ally in the UN which could counter the Islamic voting block, sought to court the OAU by helping them against white colonial states in Africa but when it came to the six days war the Africans chose to side with the Arabs, viewing Jews as colonialists themselves.

Begin is also notable for his alliance with the Christian far-right in Lebanon, enabling them to slaughter the Muslims squatting in that country.

Actually Israel provided the American data needed for South Africa to complete their nuclear weapons, and South Africa provided Israel the uranium. There is literally no need to make stuff up to make Israel look worse.

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Nobody would be railing against the kikes if they weren't a gaggle of backstabbing subversive cunts


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I smell a Muay Thai background here.

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Yes and you should be gassed for defending kikes. The kikes in the UN forced all the other countries to sanction/embargo them and then Israel makes the shekels funding them in an impossible struggle that was set up to fail. There are no good Jews and people who defend Jews will join them in suffering our retribution.

Actually it's the because the Soviet Union through their allies in the Arab League and the Organization of African Unity controlled the balance of power and were able to force UN sanctions by sheer weight of numbers.

Why do you post when you're clearly a retarded teenager just here to screech about jews because you get bullied in school?

looks like the boers are truly fucked then

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Kind of hypocritical for burgers to criticize others for Israeli cooperation. You gave them nukes and made their country

If he was Muy Thai he would have said/described the Thai-Clinch

That dude's background is retard-fu

They stole them

Typical kikery. Now the SAs will believe how "nice those people of Israel are" and if SAs win the incoming war, the Yids will say that they played a great part in this and that they should be respected for that.

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>The self-defense system is called (((Krav Maga)))

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Wow, if SA and Rhodesia were sucking kike since the 70's I may not support them anymore. Accepting Jew help is despicable. Maybe the blacks should own that land.

Krab #MAGA

Yep, a lot of shoes proves the holy hoax.

>Yes my fellow (((whites))) let us unite with our based black men and communists against the jews, we won't backstab you we promise!

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If farmers had 20K they would have used it to get the hell atta there a long time ago.

Yeah, I was thinking exactly that, something is not right. Is this another proxy war in the making?

The rear naked requires more of your arms and better placement for you to lock it in and if they tuck before you get in you can't get a proper choke to cut off blood supply. Stop watching movies, dummy.

fuggin checked and keked

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Kike defending shekel grab detected.

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Checked and saluted. The Boers are my kin and I support them 10 fold. Fuck the nigger jews who say otherwise.

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Does krav maga help against machete attacks? What about 20 machetes coming at you at once? I think not.

Geez, the amount of Ashida Kims in here is startling.

Martial arts today are almost all sports guys, so practice more arms-dominated arts like Koryu or Hema, kung fu and Indonesian martial arts are interesting too. Just make sure if you use hand strikes, aim for upper targets, and don't kick above the groin.

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Escrima wouldn't be so bad. However the question was about a brawl, not a weapon attack.

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Shotokan and Okinawan emphasize combining strikes and defense. Take what is useful throw away what isn't.

I hate to say it, but while striking is useful, learning how to grapple is also very valuable, especially in conjunction with hand strikes (but having a knife, stick, sword, or gun on you might help better, idk it depends)

but remember, standing locks and disarms do work, and they are documented in manuals from martial cultures from all over the world.


fuck you OP

I'm ae38a1, I also covered that in the beginning. Again, it was all a matter of what the context was. First it was about hand position, then defining the "brawl" etc. As I said, you have to remain dynamic.

Just expect that most people attacking you will probably be armed- with something.

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So, its imperative to at least know how to fight properly with a dagger- which is a different type of knife compared to your run of the mill garden variety hunting knives.

A dagger has to have a blade with a central line from point to pommel which will always bring the tip to center, and it has to have a blade long enough to make at LEAST 4" of penetration into a target every time.

Knowing how to use a baton will also help too, but you can get one of those in the woods for crying out loud.

Don't bring a fist to a gunfight
Get guns
Kill niggers and kikes
Problems literally solved

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Israel has supported the apartheid government during the period idk why pol is acting all suprised

wtf i hate the boers now

How new are you?
The (((soviets))) were controlled by kikes.
Stalin was a bit of a wild card, but even under his rule kikes were all over the soviet government.
carl marx was a jew.
Marxism is and always was jewish and a vehicle for jewish supremacy.
The soviet party apparatus was heavily jewish.
The jews of soviet lands were allowed to leave the soviet union. All those desperate border jumpers out of the ussr? The kikes could just hop on a plane right to israel.
Many would then travel further to the US.
You understand nothing.
Lurk more.

The US government are traitors to America.
They have been for a long time.

How about you get a rifle and stop LARPing as if real life was a Bruce Lee film?

Kikes work both sides.
They always work both sides looking for any way to profit and gain advantage.
Kikes have also had close ties to the ANC since its inception.

no you

Okie dokie then

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