Zig Forums Zig Forums User Kills 4 Children and Himself, Ending 21-Hour Hostage Standoff

Zig Forums Zig Forums User Kills 4 Children and Himself, Ending 21-Hour Hostage Standoff

By Matt Stevens | June 12, 2018

A man fatally shot four children and then himself late Monday in Orlando, Fla., capping a 21-hour standoff that began after the man shot a police officer who had responded to a domestic violence call, the authorities said.

The man, Gary Lindsey Jr., 35, was discovered dead in a closet around 9 p.m. after the authorities entered the apartment where he had hunkered down with the children — ages 1, 6, 10 and 11.

Two of the children were Mr. Lindsey’s, and the other two belonged to someone else, Chief John Mina of the Orlando Police Department said at a news conference late Monday, without specifying to whom. He said it was not clear when the children were killed, but added that when officers tried to provide Mr. Lindsey with a phone to better communicate with him, they became aware that at least one child was dead.

“That’s when we decided to start our plans to make entry and try to rescue the rest of the children,” Chief Mina said, adding that the episode had “a very tragic and sad ending.”

“Our hearts go out to the families of those four children.” Chief Mina continued.

The episode began about 11:45 p.m. Sunday when Orlando police officers responded to a call at an apartment complex just two miles north of Universal Studios Florida. A woman had contacted officers from elsewhere, telling them that her boyfriend, Mr. Lindsey, had battered her after an argument, the authorities said.

When officers confronted Mr. Lindsey, he opened fire, striking Officer Kevin Valencia, who suffered what Chief Mina called a “very serious and significant injury.” At least one officer fired back.

As of early Tuesday, Officer Valencia, who has been with the department since 2016 and is in his late 20s, remained in critical condition, Chief Mina said.

Mr. Lindsey then barricaded himself in his apartment along with the four children.

Over the next 21 hours, the authorities urged Mr. Lindsey to release the children. Negotiators spoke with him several times throughout the standoff, and had made contact with him as late as about 8:30 p.m. on Monday, just before SWAT officers entered the apartment.

Public records show that Mr. Lindsey was arrested repeatedly over the last 15 years, with a criminal record in at least two Florida counties. In 2007 he was convicted of petty theft, and in 2009 he pleaded no contest to charges of arson and trying to elude the police. In 2012, he was arrested again, in Orange County, on three charges: violation of probation, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and aggravated battery in a case of domestic violence.

Attached: 8chan Poster Gary Lindsey, Jr..jpg (480x535, 28.3K)

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hes not /pol , /pol doesnt kill kids they molest them

hes a jew right?
He might just have downs actually

slide thread?

Kill yourself pedophile. Zig Forums values our children as they are the future of the white race. Anyone saying otherwise is a piece of shit shill.

Fuck this guy. Anyone who would kill his kids is doing the opposite of the 14 words.

(unless his kids were half black or something I guess, and he got redpilled and is killing them in shame– it doesn't say anything about that tho)

"X does what Y does not, so X is not part of Y even if he claims to be, spends metric ton on it and actively participates in its life". Rings a bell?

Anyway, where does the info about him being part of Zig Forums (and specifically this exact Zig Forums) come from?

If true then the blood is on chodeniggers hands for killing the board.

Attached: read-siege3.jpg (1468x7317 201.64 KB, 2.38M)

The only thing I can see is some weak ass attempt from a (((usual suspect)))
kys faggot

Isn't it bedtime over in Tel Aviv? Shouldn't you kikes be getting some rest? You've got a big day tomorrow of trying to undermine the white race.

Fake news, there's no 8ch nor Zig Forums in any of the sources.

Attached: White Nationalist LARPers 1.jpg (2000x1333, 429.99K)

Where the fuck do you see anything about him professing to be a Zig Forumsack or spending a lot of time on Zig Forums?

Disinfo shill post. Fuck off.

Shills aren't even trying to engage with us anymore, they're just trying to drown signal out with noise.

He's not Zig Forums and never will be (kek, he's dead)
Zig Forums is a board of peace , not murdering kids and shooting cops

Forgot muh sage

Even worse- Clickbait Disinformation

Hide Jewish threads
Report Jewish Threads
Do not bump Jewish threads
Do not participate in Jewish threads

Attached: scoot my shekels.webm (480x360, 3.77M)

In the OP's title, negro.
Reading, do you even?

White people BTFO

Attached: 1521759072213.gif (640x480, 3.63M)

it was real in his mind

Attached: 8chan Population xx.jpg (960x652, 266.05K)

Puta madre, esto nos hace mirar mal
t. DACApede

Lurk moar

Nuestra reputacion esta en peligro

oh damn a nazi faggot … chill out and give me 100 hiels

I was just kidding man , I was just wondering why the title said 8pol user, there didnt seem to be any details in the post

u fucking armchair hitlers are more tight assed than real nazis … watch arragont bastards, nazis used to be fun and shhhhhheeeeeeeeeitttttttttttttttttttt

yea thats what my joke was about , so many kike shills here we are all scared of our shadow

what if we did it for educational reasons … we could sticky this thread and all comment on how its a typical jewish thread

-mentioning cops dying
-mentioning killing or any kind of gore
-being biased against whites
-op being a faggot


Back to >>>Zig Forums with you, faggot

Sage you daft motherfuckers
Fuck you shills

Thread reported for clickbait disinfo. Also violation of board rules. This has nothing Zig Forums related and belongs on /new/. See

sounds like all of us! typical Zig Forumsack

Attached: big grin 4k.jpg (201x226 363.71 KB, 72.95K)

OP is a clickbait faggot. Fuck of back to /news/ then KYS and make sure you do it properly

What the fuck are you faggots sliding? You've been shitting up the board nonstop.

the kids were nonwhite right?

Reported this post, lets see what our super awesome new moderation staff does.

*bump* for truthful facts

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