Yes. Dead things do not spend centuries trying to undermine your civilization and kill you.
What you've seen are meek cowards trying to latch onto National Socialism. They use the same emotional arguments as liberals, "OMG you want to drive people from their homes and country just becasue they are of another race??! Nazi! Racist! I can't even" and all the rest of the reddit language. Just replace expulsion with extermination and the liberal slurs with "larper" and "purityspiraling" and there you have it. There is never a single logical argument presented for why it would not be the best thing for OUR descendants and thus the only morally justifiable action. All you get is that we either Just can't! or that it for some magical reason is just not possible to do, something that is of course never explained further than as something self evident and left at that.
Hitler lost the war precisely becasue he went against what he had himself realized in stated in Mein Kampf. He could have ended it at Dunkirk but he compromised based on sentimental weakness and here we are. Instead of the blood of thousands of the best Europeans being spilled the blood of millions of them were, and now our race is on the brink of extinction. Same with the holocaust. Did not actually gassing them spare the Germans a iota of demonetization and sadistic punishment? Even if we ignore how the rest of the world have been spared much, just from there being less jews in it, wouldn't actually putting a bullet into ever kike they got their hands on and still losing the war actually have lead to a far more lenient fate for Germany, simply because there wouldn't have been as many sadistic kikes out for vengeance? The Jew already hates you will all of his being just for laying a hand on The Chosen, choosing not to kill him doesn't buy you any lenience or make him hate you less.
What single thing did Germany gain at all by not closing its heart to pity and mercilessly doing what cold logic dictated were the only justifiable options? We are obligated not to repeat the mistakes of the past or we have no right to call ourselves National Socialists. We are not about restoring the past that lead to this miserable situation, we about shaping a new future which can not fail in the same way.
Man is not part of nature? In what way is destroying what for millennia has dreamed of destroying you any more unnatural than the body fighting off a disease by killing every pathogen? Not ensuring your own survival is the one thing that is perversely unnatural here, and the universe will see to it that everything unfit for life is destroyed, without mercy.
Can you just stop and listen to yourself for a second and grasp how fucking insane what you saying is?
How do you think something so weak that it mulling over whether or not it has the moral right to use lethal force against the enemy that has wished to kill it for eons and is currently digging a knife into its chest will ever be able to keep up the hatred required to keep the threat out at any cost once the threat is generations passed? Especially when faced with the champion of playing the victim and the grand master of the lie? Today you say we don't have a right to kill a "race" based on what 99% of them willingly engaged in against us for centuries, tomorrow your kindred will say we have no right to punish a current generation based on what previous ones did and open our gates to them. It has happened every single time in the past and it will happen again.
Also, this is thinking like a child. Just make a bank that cannot be robbed. Just make a plane that cannot be crashed. Both of those things are always going to exist. Always. Especially in us, afflicted by pathological altruism as we are.
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