
Department of Justice

'More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart”

The Department of Justice today announced the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders during a three-month, nationwide, operation conducted by Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces. The task forces identified 195 offenders who either produced child pornography or committed child sexual abuse, and 383 children who suffered recent, ongoing, or historical sexual abuse or production of child pornography.

The 61 ICAC task forces, located in all 50 states and comprised of more than 4,500 federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies, led the coordinated operation known as “Broken Heart” during the months of March, April, and May 2018. During the course of the operation, the task forces investigated more than 25,200 complaints of technology-facilitated crimes against children and delivered more than 3,700 presentations on Internet safety to over 390,000 youth and adults.

"No child should ever have to endure sexual abuse," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. "And yet, in recent years, certain forms of modern technology have facilitated the spread of child pornography and created greater incentives for its production. We at the Department of Justice are determined to strike back against these repugnant crimes. It is shocking and very sad that in this one operation, we have arrested more than 2,300 alleged child predators and investigated some 25,200 sexual abuse complaints. Any would-be criminal should be warned: this Department will remain relentless in hunting down those who victimize our children."

The operation targeted suspects who: (1) produce, distribute, receive and possess child pornography; (2) engage in online enticement of children for sexual purposes; (3) engage in the sex trafficking of children; and (4) travel across state lines or to foreign countries and sexually abuse children.

The ICAC Program is funded through the Department’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). In 1998, OJJDP launched the ICAC Task Force Program to help federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems or computer technology to exploit children. To date, ICAC Task Forces have reviewed more than 775,000 complaints of child exploitation, which resulted in the arrest of more than 83,000 individuals. In addition, since the ICAC program's inception, more than 629,400 law enforcement officers, prosecutors and other professionals have been trained on techniques to investigate and prosecute ICAC-related cases.

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I am monitoring this thread

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Good job fellow DACApede


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Bump for cookies


fuck yes. Thank you, DoJ, and thank you Trump

I cannot wait to see the list of names for indictments. I cannot wait to see the list of names for convictions.

Anyone wanna take bets on how many assumed/stolen surnames show up in the lists? We can do over/under on steins, baums, cohens, bergs, smiths, skis, etc…

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Will there be a way to get the name list?


its fake there will be no way to get the name list the DOJ are jewish pedophiles they don't go after the 800k missing children they steal and rape every year

These are just low-level pedophiles swapping kiddie porn. Obviously it's good that they were arrested, but don't delude yourself into thinking this is a QLARP-tier crackdown on the jewish pedophocracy.

im thinking a lot of gonzales and rodriguez

ok ill give you 2000 jews the rest mexicans, 2 white dudes

why is it not? … you seem to just have conjecture

Moloch just wanted some sacrifices, you meany-head goys.

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Because it was a crackdown of "online child sex offenders".

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It was still an investigation of "online offenders" - people who were arranging/offering those acts to people via the internet. Do you really think the jew sex rings, like the one ran by Trump's mentor Roy Cohn, advertise online?

Anybody who's fucking kids being taken off the street is a good thing, but not a single person of influence will be touched in operations like this.

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I actually agree with this because for a moment I forgot about the sephardic aka spic jews.

The entire government is infested with pedophiles, nobody's getting touched. If Trump really wanted to do something about it, why did he appoint Alexander Acosta, who gave a "sweetheart deal" to Epstein, as labor secretary?

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Tell that to Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain.

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Has Trump arrested more pedos than the past 4 presidents combined in like 510 days? Sure feels like it.

Has a single passenger on the lolita express or anybody whose name was in Esptein's black book been arrested since he got in?


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That wasnt the question he asked

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I didn't make the image, but none of that negates Trump's connections to people like Cohn and Epstein.

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Bruh fuck Moloch, id cut his horns off and shove them up his ass. Yet I feel like having a sharp pointed object up his ass would be what he wants, so I just call him a faggot instead.

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I imagine lots of ahmed, muhatemehd etc

shit skin promotes pedophilia


Police are just getting better at catching pedos, im convinved the rise in bitcoin has to do with more people buying it for cp on the deepweb, maybe law enforcment has better honeytrapped cp forums or something. In Canada there's a cp bust just about every week it seems.

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>Travel across state lines or foreign countries

The link is the same as the hooktube embed.

Negate this. He was arrested in 2012. Article was written not long ago.

More like subhuman south American Aztecs, these Spics have the highest rate of child sexual abuse in the world, literally worse than Africa and Aborigines.


Harvey in jail. Kate dead. Anthony dead. Why do (((you))) things make such retarded and easily debunked claims?

yeah except this is Internet based.

Hello from Tel Aviv GOY

Prove that Bourdaine or Spade's death had anything to do with pedophilia. I didn't pay attention to the latter, but the former was cucked repeatedly.

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Get out of the west and take your family with you KIKE.

No proof, but Anthony Bourdaine 100% cooked children for the elites.

This is why I subscribed to the ICE email. Good for daily whitepills on pedos getting btfo.

Laugh out loud

Call OP a boomer while you're at it, that'll sway the goyim for sure

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Nigger, ICE nabbed a fucking (((DOD))) contractor last week

jimmy comet on suicide watch.

At least while these faggots are here talking shit, they're not grooming kids online

Hail Victory! Traitors will get what is coming to them.

Press S to spit on scum.

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>we can't release (((names))), goy, because they might end up identifying victims

Fuck off OP. We're making handshakes racist.

Is this why that lolichan /lg/ board is down? Was the admin of that caught in this?

You know, they are going to filter you because they can't face the fact that Trump is a Zionist puppet…

Oh I hope so

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Take a SEAT

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This. Its roundup time

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You don't think people like Cohen and Epstein send emails to each other, like "Hey, dude, are you coming to the pizza party on Friday?"

You don't think people like Epstein and Cohen brag and swap pictures online or through email, thinking it's secure, like "Oh, look what you missed at Friday's pizza party, check out these meatballs, Roy!"

You don't think people like Epstein and Cohen pop online for a little snack between pizza parties, thinking "Nobody will know if I get my cheese pizza with ONIONS (wink wink), let's just check if anybody put up any toddler dp vids today"? Because I think people like that are not very good at controlling their base desires and may well have done something incredibly stupid like that.

We will never know unless arrests start hitting the news and when it comes to that, we may never know. The DOJ may be using the honeypot method, getting the small fry to secretly turn against their masters, which is a perfectly legit thing to do.


Jeff Sessions dun good

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It's coming…

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bump death to all (((pedophiles)))

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This is great news. The government has been seemingly lagging behind when it comes to their knowledge of technology (watch the cringy hearing with Zuckerberg) but hopefully this is a sign they've invested in the right kinds of people to go after pedophilia markets online.


Pedos can't neck themselves fast enough.

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Fuck off juan.

Bump past the fake Nazi shill threads

These kind of threads have been made since Trump got in, as part of this fantasy that he's cracking down on the pedophiles in control of ZOG. It's no different than the Q LARP.

This pleases me greatly


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I know, right? This is when I miss stickies and I still believe that only shills cared about "the front page" when ordinary posters knew to use catalogue view. Don't miss kikey with his gay-ass word filters and banning sprees though.

So sleepy Jeff Sessions arrested the DC branch of the FBI?

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It's happening

where the fuck does it say that?


or (((probation))) make bail and have to register as a sex offender out in public to do it again..DOTR can't come soon enough

So you know when to release it nigger

Wow, the post you replied to completely negates your reply. That's some weak-ass reading comprehension you got there.

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In the running for gayest, most forced meme ever. Die in a taco fire, pedro.

Always good to see these fucking degenerates getting caught, but should make it obvious (if it wasn't already) that Tor is either a) now completely hacked/rekt/compromised by authorities and no longer makes you user or b) was actually a gov scam to catch druggies and pedos from the start.

they're throwing so many of their low level kin under the bus to make it look like they care about this issue.


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What's that about?

Huh? What stories have you been hearing about? Because I haven't read cases that frequently in the news

or cops are actually looking for it this time around.

She was a fashion designer. She and Bourdain both just committed suicide. I guess user is suggesting they did it because they thought they were about to get busted as pedos. I'd love to see proof.

This does not logic…

Poole's closed, faggot. You got blown the fuck out.

I haven't heard any stories about her or Bourdain being pedos. Is there any proofs?


fuck off retard