It has been a while since there has been a grassroots campaign which has caused social, local and national media outrage. I believe it is time that we begin a second campaign to further awareness, especially among the younger generation. This will be much easier than printing and hanging fliers around town and it is bound to recieve coverage once a critical mass is achieved.
I present to you Gentlemen, Operation Sharpie. _____ Bring a sharpie wherever you go. Since bathrooms are private there is very low risk of being caught, and public bathrooms are public so social media will take note of this within a week of commencement. We will need to hit at least 1,000 bathrooms within that week for national coverage. Easily done. ____
Casually record some words on bathroom stalls in every establishment that you may enter.
"The holocaust is a hoax." "The 1% is Jewish." "Jews own Media" "Jews own Banking" "America First" "A nazi was here"
Sit back and watch the fire rise.
Needing about 100 people to begin to kick this off and raise the rally call on halfchan, otherwise it will be swallowed up by shitposting and summerfags.
In any case, it's not only ok to be white, but I'll go you one further, it's ok to want to live in a white country…after all, everybody wants to. Even the Jews, who complained constantly about not having their own country, when they finally got it, they prefer to live in white countries. The Rothschild's, who scammed Israel into existence, prefer to live in Britain, in white designed and built castles, marrying into white royalty, etc. Even the very money they use as a power base has white people on it, no Jewish portraits on any of it. The closest they've come is the American money, with the kabbalistic hexagram on it, and that's due to the Masons (and is something we REALLY need to be getting the hell off our bills, people…that's a worthy goal).
There has never been a people like unto white people, they are the pinnacle of virtually everything, but they have one terrible weakness…they are too easily lied to. They trust too much, and care about others too much. This has always been their downfall.
every day that your name is not slandered in the jewish press is a day wasted.
Samuel Kelly
This is vandalism.
Postering isn't vandalism.
I don't care about the property damage but it's bad optics and makes us look amateur hour
Lucas Ortiz
If you want to add on to what IOTBW was, why not keep the simple approach with flyers? I was thinking that the next message could be "You Hate White Well-Being." It serves a similar function that the first IOTBW campaign did (expose the pervasive vilification of white people), but this time around, it will be more explicit, more blunt. It would pressure anti-whites that condemn its propagation into admitting that they don't hate white people, which is something that's not going to happen. This would, hopefully, then help the common white person realize that they are indeed antagonized by a society that supposedly puts them on top.
Brandon Powell
Kill yourself TRS queer
Luis Bailey
Handwriting can be traced back to you. You could be singled out through the process of elimination and camera records. Don't commit crimes and don't vandalize property. This is a "HEY KID WANNA GO DO ILLEGAL THING" entrapment thread
Carter Hill
I used to graffitti for fun back in the day. Stop being such a pussy. Buy some spraypaint and use large blockletters.
A single bus sized "1488" is enough to radicalize an entire area.
Aaron Gray
I hope you're joking ironically.
Ayden Fisher
I laughed way harder than I should have but you missed the opportunity to write "DEUS VAULT YOUR ALL IN A CAULT"
Cooper Parker
You people are fucking stupid and you missed why "It's ok to be white" was effective. It wasn't about the message, it was about the reaction. If you can make people sperg out at someone for saying it's okay to be white then you prove they hate white people. That's all it ever needed to be and all it should remain as. When you start stacking shit on top of that you ruin the message.
Dominic Turner
John Brooks
Man up faggot. 4am. Wear a handkerchief and generic jogging clothes. Walk a convoluted path. Scout your locations ahead of time. Walk calmly and do not tag if people are passing by. Have a friend watch for cops. Fucking easy. Grow some balls. It is easy to paint giant non-tracable letters in less than 5 minutes if you focus.
Even easier to get away. I waved at many a CCTV when masked. Welcome to adulthood you pansy. Breaking the law is easy and a moral obligation when you are a revolutionary street artist.
Caleb Robinson
Another pro tip: many public walls have antigraff paint and surfaces. Seek out older and higher up walls. Ideally they should face an intersection and require a lot of effort to remove. Do not be afraid to climb up briefly. Avoid brick if you can as it eats up more paint. Buses and public transportation are a bonus. Keep the message short and sweet like 14/88 or fight ZOG or white revolution now and repeat it as much as you can. Remember that after the first one you might as well keep walking alleys and side roads in a random pattern far away from your home. Avoid rural areas and exposed locations. Dense suburban areas are ideal. Wear latex gloves amd be careful where you spray. Also try using two at once for speed. Paint rollers are faster but bulkier while cans need a magnet near the nozzle to prevent the oxidizer ball bearing from making too much noise. Use wide tips for big messages and narrow ones for columns and transformer boxes etc.
Let's see… also go on weekday nights, use markers for smaller and quicker tags and do not freak out if police arrive just calmly walk past them, ideally head in such a direction that they pass you.
More tips can be found on Graff blogs. Graffitti is a Roman invention designed to undermine public trust in government and inspire popular revolt. It is hyper effective when combined with a surface which advertises the enemy and is hard to clean. Take 3 basic colors and lots of black.
Alexander Allen
Hah! I've been doing this shit for years, although I usually write stuff about liberals being retards, since pretty much everyone gets asshurt about the word retard, especially retards.
Benjamin Sullivan
Josiah Turner
,,because bath wall writings have sooo much influence
I like this, I tried to recreate the theme for the original IOTBW but for the life of me I could not find the original font type, which is a shame because it's aesthetically pleasing and the thin lines add to the 'harmlessness' of the message
That's because they're fake NatBol Alt-Right faggot shit for media attention pushing Leftist racial tensions and catching dumb goofy white austists in the act so they can punish them, fire them, kick them out of school, and mock their efforst on TV.
What a passivist pussy phrase. It's OK guys? Really?
And Imkikey isn't here to ban be for saying the truth now!
Then do it outdoors in extremely public places. Scout a place and paint massive fucking capital letters. After you hit a few locations you should be well practiced at it and aiming for below the minute mark. If the coast is clear then do not dawdle. If some people are walking by ignore them and tell them to fuck off if they annoy you. If they call the police know your average police response times so you are at least 5 blocks away. Insist on a friend to watch for cops or ZOG enabling losers. If you need to intimidate a belligerent passerby into silence then do so by surrounding them and pushing them back. With a mask on they will probably flee. That being said usually it is a dumb idea to tag in a busy street unless you do it fast.
Time is of the essence so having a car is really next level though it exposes you to CCTV and license plate hazards and is loud. DO NOT VANDALIZE OLD BUILDINGS OR WORKS OF ART. DO NOT VANDALIZE PRIVATE PORPERTY IF POSSIBLE. AIM FOR MAXIMUM REACH.
Lucas Nguyen
No user, it worked because it was the truth. Zig Forums has its deepest roots in THE TRUTH. we stick to the truth and we will always be right
Eli Brown
(((they))) are trying to trick Zig Forums into doing illegal things. this can be used against you in millions of different ways. don't break the law. it's exactly what (((they))) want.
Nathaniel Gomez
this wont accomplish anything but create huge bad PR with the public and turn more people away from the truth. DO NOT DO THIS the whole public will just look at Zig Forums like a bunch of gang members or punks.
Zachary Hall
What the hell are all you newfags doing on Zig Forums.
they are also resorting to pathetically asking people what makes them uncomfortable so that they can learn their fears and use them against them later.
(((entrapment thread))) this one is very interesting so make sure to read near the end of the thread
Cooper Ramirez
Fucking coward. Fine. Put up posters. See how long they last and how many people see that limp shit versus glorious high risk high reward historically proven paint based graffitti.
(((entrapment thread))) they want data on people admitting (doesn't matter if it's a joke) to murder so it can be used against them later. and care or not, these threads are used as bad pr against Zig Forums presented to idiotic normies. not that it matters what normies think.
This entire thread is designed to get you to do stupid and illegal things that don't have any real effect and actually cause the public to become disgusted (because of their previous brainwashing) and view all of the right as deadbeat punks, while also getting every single last member of the right charged and thrown in jail so they can no longer vote of have any real political voice. this is their attempt to change the tide and weed us all out
This is the dumbest and least effective and most stupid and illegal possible way to change peoples minds.
Nicholas Reed
Nice try at deradicalizing and shutting down effective street propaganda tactics. What exactly are you trying to do you obvious fucking CIA nigger/jew? Street art is the most effective method at redpilling normies and it is a revolutionary act. If you are too scared to fight and I mean FIGHT TO THE DEATH against ZOG then maybe The_Zognald is more your speed. You can circlejerk the slow decay of white civilization there.
Luis Taylor
everyone knows voting is rigged as hell but you are obviously trying to find creative ways of selling "getting arrested and having your life ruined" as "spreading the word"
Nicholas Watson
OH DEARY ME. I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE UNDERAGEB&. Fucking leave you poor little delusional child. Freedom and games ended when ZOG began enforcing UN jew diktats by committee in the 60s. Everything since then has been a sham. You need to lurk more you hopelessly naive little boy.
Nicholas Reed
So why say all that and bump the thread, you fucking retard?
Daniel Morgan
If you fear arrest then you will desert the battlefield when your brothers need you. You are not ready to fight alongside us. You are limp wristed, meek and low T. You are the enabler of white genocide. How can you bare to look yourself in the mirror when you do not risk even jail for your descendants? I post guerrilla warfare manuals on here and break numerous laws and guess what? I DONT FUCKING CARE. I FIGHT FOR YOU YOU LITTLE CONFORMIST JEW TOEKISSER! I FIGHT FOR THE 14 WORDS AND ALL OF YOU EVEN IF I COULD EMBARK ON A (((CAREER))) AND BECOME YOUR WORST ENEMY WITHIN ZOG. I HAVE A BACKBONE DAMNIT. I AM FEARLESS.
Joshua Phillips
Makes sense. I always say to never publicize illegal shit.
Brandon Rodriguez
Xavier Gomez
This faggot is even claiming NS did this, which I doubt.
Tyler Hill
Look at these convincing totally organic anons. Jidf loser parasites. I disagree with OP but not with the idea of street art. Stickers, paint and other more permanent installations (especially paint) are the way to go. Remember who your target audience is: retarded normies who are commuting from or to (((work))). Make it simple, make it provocative, do not sully a good building or wall, only ones which people have already tagged or which will not be an eyesore (to other Nat Soc). No hale hortler spastikas please. Keep it neat.
Dominic Wood
how many more threads must we suffer because some dude once had a good idea and then worked hard to promote the idea and now faggots feel the need to do the expected
sounds like \(succ)es to me boi the ideal is people thinking there is an evil nazi behind every corner ready to kill a kike just think, the plebs might actually behave themselves
trying to change the tide is retarded
got any pretty hakenkruez designs for markers?
Liam Gonzalez
i have thought for a while that a good way to get ugly degenerate graffiti cleaned up fast would be to paint windmills of friendship
how else are the normies supposed to know the natsocs are still alive and fighting for them
Oliver Reed
Honestly, "It's okay to be white" is a much better slogan because it's a totally innocuous statement that shows how vehemently anti-white its detractors are.
Ayden Green
Use stencils if you want a good design. Any shape can be made by dividing the outline in half between two pages and glueing them together. Spraypaint or maker over it after cutting out the right shape. Professional stencil use has 3 (paper) layers for 1) depth, 2) details and 3) filling/main color.
Stencils are a godsend for small but mass quantity designs and campaigns. See a poster thread or get creative. Maybe duckduckgo national socialist stencils… idk. Good luck and have fun; do it with a friend or two as lookouts!
Jordan Perry
P.S. this is what your precious Murican ZOG "democracy" has planned for when you go back to sleep after reelecting the Zion Don.
wew The point is here to use posters. Anything else is at your own risk. Fuck off.
Jaxon Clark
IOTBW was a one time success, I don't think anything else which uses "It's Okay to be xxxx" will ever top that achievement. Anyway, you should sage this shitty thread, you newfag
I agree, but it is not trust that is a terrible weakness, trust is a great strength when in a homogenous society and it is a large part of the reason our societies are so much better than those of non-whites, they are corrupt by nature. The terrible weakness in us is rather projection, making the assumption that other people are like us and can be trusted like our own. I am now firmly of the belief that we are completely distinct from any others on the face of the Earth. The children of Adam if you like, meanwhile jews are the children of Cain who killed his good brother Able out of jealousy. The other assorted shitskins are proto-humans, sub-humans, ones that did not quite make the grade.
Evan Moore
The Truth is what will awaken the racial soul of our people. The Truth is the greatest weapon we have. I think you underestimate the wrath of the awakened white hordes. We could steamroller the entire planet in a year or two if we were awakened, united and fully 1488 to a man. Nothing could stand in our way when we have Truth on our side.
Eli Jenkins
The media narrative is that there are nazis hiding in every corner. "It's okay to be white" worked because it made the media jump at shadows and look like the anti-white idiots that they are. This fucktarded idea however plays right into their narrative, even more if some dumb edgelord gets arrested vandalizing property with full power level slogans. This will only validate the media narrative and bluepill the public, the OP is either a retard or a plant.
Protip: This 1.4% shillmeme is pretty shitty. It's actually incredible that someone openly naming the Jew got that much of a percentage of Commiefornia of all places
Austin Howard
Luis Jones
You stick out like a sore thumb, Moshie
Brandon Carter
Everything this user said is correct. Op is thinking stupidly. It's okay to be white was close to perfect propaganda in its subtlety and blatant truth which is why it could wake people up and also show anti-whites to be the true racists because the message is simple and inoffensive.
Ethan Powell
You are a god.
Make sure you include your:
Amazing job, brother! You have my utmost respect. Some of them might not be shills, just ignorant anons, but still, better protect Zig Forums and risk 'offending' them than getting us shut down or in jail.
Lincoln Anderson
WHITES ARE SUPERIOR there just say that whites are superior it explain everything economic inequality, iq inequality, discrimination, crime, multiculturalism (whites being superior are too hard to govern by jews), white genocide, imperialism….
everything explained
Cooper Reyes
Ryan Brown
In my opinion a poster showing our declining population will be striking.
yeah my draft is garbage but it should get my idea across, slogan is probably shit too
Hey kid, wanna do something illegal and ineffective
Blake Gomez
Wrong. OP is a glowing faggot.
Juan Gutierrez
why not use post it notes instead of vandalizing like a nigger?
Chase Parker
useful thread
Gavin Cruz
you know who went to jail for committing crimes, pussy? hitler.
Hunter Wilson
stop playing by their rules. their rules are invalid. you don't need the state telling you what's right and wrong when the state wants you dead and replaced by niggers who will tag everything anyways.
Leo Cruz
Blake Gomez
Fuck you scum. You will degenerate the country with your filthy Nazism. You will fuel the fires of the identitarians, the Marxist ideologues, BLM, Antifa, and the latino/as. Perhaps that is your goal you filthy ingrate.