
Every Zig Forumsard should own a firearm. What about you? Are you prepared for WW3? Especially us EU-fags should be ready for the inevitable mudslime attack wave.

Fully automatic shotgun for Kids. By that i mean, that a literal five year old could use it, since it has pretty much no recoil. You're probably familiar with this beast. If not, check the old fpsrussia vid. about it.

From my military service. Most precise AA i ever shot with. You'll hit a coin on 350m (1150ft) without a problem. Basically a sniper with the ability to also 3s-burst or spray fully automatic.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Low-hanging fruit, guys. Just because the intelligence primer isn't here doesn't mean anons have suddenly gone stupid.
And this, after that poor show on the Tim McV thread. Is there a lot of thumb twiddling in the office today? Not enough casework?

You must the new bunch of summer interns? The learning is steep. Make them actually teach you something useful, not this.

Big bag of rubber bands and 1,000 pre-torn strips of paper. Can't prep too much.

I am thinking of getting a drinking straw and more paper. But don't want to talk too much about my plans for that.

We Don't need those kind of weapons: Our governments are taking care of us with Helium-3 gun! All terrorists already know that :)

homemade firearms cannot be traced… use cash for all parts needed

Killing is easy, make someone believe the truth is difficult: Don't try the first option, if you are not a coward, please…

Not a single one of you owns a firearm? That's disappointing.

Attached: pol_airstrike.jpg (2300x6510, 1.47M)

The truth is if we do not kill you kike shills then it is good night for the white race and the west. A new dark age into infinity will rise under the kike moloch satanic paradigm.


"Zig Forumsard?" Gtfo and kill yourself. Shill piece of shit. Sage.

Just purchased my first firearm today. S&W .22 Victory. Mainly for target practice and learning gun basics. Will probably get a shotgun and/ or rifle down the road.

How many cocks did you suck to get this cushy job baiting information out of anonymous users of a Cambodian finger painting Internet website

Genuinely curious

dat serial killer pistol
its possible to use an oil filter to silence 22s.not surpress, it really does make them almost silent, its retarded.

Maybe it is the years on the chans, but hearing faggots talking about guns without a single clue rustle my jimmies.
First of all, where the fuck in the western hemisphere would a typical faggot find an USAS 12?
Should have said VEPR or Saiga or any of those new turkroach shotguns.

And the Sig 550 is an antique meme platform from the days of Counter Strike. Get an AR, faggots.


Good man. I sincere do not hope you have a spare oil filter in your work shed :^)

Lost all of mine in a terrible fishing accident , lost - all of them

Dude you sound schizophrenic.

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I only use billard balls in a sock

i would like to take the time to post that i have no guns of any kind

.22 is fucking useless. Any calibre below .38 and you are toast in an actual DOTR scenario with body armour. Start customizing your ammo to be more deadly or enjoy your glorified BB gun.

Fishing accidents and boat failures happen all the fucking time
Pee pee pee pee pee poo poo pisssssssssssssSS

Hey newfag retards, don't fucking respond to this garbage OP.

I use colorful language but I am perfectly sane. Just a bit tired. I will be arrested soon most likely so I am trying to make the most of my free time by screaming into the abyss about legitimate 1984 Stoneghost/Palantir/Chinese social credit score/jew/satanist (moloch worshipping) problems which I see festering into an eternal reign of terror by jew AI. I have seen the internet get censored and my ancestors get wiped out along with any hope for my children under this kike paradigm. I am revolutionary and fed up through and through which is why I feel the need to be absolutely livid and vocal in all my posts, except this one where I lay out my frame of mind for you briefly.

hey bro
i get it
best of luck to you

Kek speed brother
Good luck

Are you bait? At least you chose platforms with plenty of ammo around.

A good 10/22 rifle, or a Volquartsen even, have literal pinpoint accuracy under 100m and can penetrate any clothing bar kevlar and harder armor.
.22 suppressed rifles of all kind were used extensively by commandos in all modern wars. The Russians designed a MILITARY .22 rifle post 2000s for fuck sake.

And if you don't know why a rifle not much louder than your fart is useful for assasination and guerilla warfare, you shouldn't run your mouth.

This is what I'm talking about. We have supposed "gunfags" here shitting on .22 with the dumbest of reasons.

Pretty sure airshit can't kill a rabbit or coyete like a .22 can, retard.

Stick to IT, faggot.
Leave the guns to us.

Russian modern bolt action .22, silenced.
Pretty much an assassin's weapon like the VSS or VSK. In fact for assassination it is probably the best in the country because lightweight and not louder than your cough.

If I have the money I would tell Volquartsen to design a quiet .22 for me though, because pinpoint accuracy + semi auto = muh dik.

Wew laddie. Fucking kill yourself.

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assault construction paper. just informative not advocating the use of construction paper as this paper has a high level of over penetration.

No firearms here. They were all sadly claimed by a boating accident. Ban assault boats. Too many innocent funs lost.

Attached: Manly Tears.jpg (224x351, 42.7K)

OP might as well of put Johnny Seven O.M.A. Pic related;

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1084x726, 920.07K)

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wut abou KUTANAS


dubs of troof brother

Attached: Yojimbo.png (275x183, 56.46K)

I own an M1A1 Abrams. Durrrrr!!!!

I grab pictures from /r/ar15 and claim they're cool pictures

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< get a commie gun
tbh not that bad

Deradicalization, in terms of horribly stupid murder, isn't a shill thing… fucking up effective info ops is, like marching and shit. kamfy, who is (((CIA))), killed so many threads pertaining to fucking GOOD SOLID follow-up ops in the kind of "It's OK To Be White".

< add an optic to a cqb weapon

checked & dun rite
but get some decent mags, you'll thank me later

List your weapons alphabetically, help the (((officer)))
Hi (((officer))). Should I first switch to an NSA owned VPN-honeypot?

Don't you understand that Zig Forums is 100% about peace? If however you want to discuss weapon related matters, next time phrase them in a way that doesn't cause the aforementioned issues.

Should we redpill them? They might be goyim like us. Make sure you include some weapon name in your post, to bypass their automated filters.

We the police now. LOOK AT US! t. brownshirt

So memed I have to post a smug emoji 😏

sub-moa anywhere there's no atmosphere.

Why the fuck isn't this thread anchored?

Because any op goes, but dupe threads get nukes, so shit squats the front page.

This is bullshit. A .22 rifle can be incredibly accurate, and I've seen a .22 fmj penetrate 1/4inch steel plate like it's butter. The caliber of the round has all of jack and shit to do with penetration, it's about velocity, IE the powder charge compared to the weight of the bullet, and adjusted by the type actually fired. Yeah, you're probably not penetrating the front plates of a vest, but so fucking what? You have an accurate rifle and some trigger discipline, and are talking about a situation where you're a partisan. You want lots of ammo and you want it to be light, and you're going to be taking a few shots and then falling back, not staying in a prolonged firefight, when facing a military that has fucking tanks. And if you're not talking about fighting a military, then nigs don't have bodyarmor so the .22 is better since it means you have twice the ammo you can carry.
FYI ceramic plates are shit in the field, since they are designed to break. kikes make more money this way You just keep pumping rounds into them in as tight a cluster as you can, just like the soft kevlar vests, and you will penetrate. Though really, you're better off shooting a random enemy's thighs. One injured combatant that can not walk, means two others are taken out of the fight to get him stable and remove him from the battlefield. This is common fucking knowledge. Why do you think land mines aren't designed to kill for the most part, but to injure and maim?

Drop the redpills boys
-Post random weapon names Poison their datamining and cause their Regex to match false positive redpills


don't forget to include bait for their regex

RPG-7 i improvise myself use to have a BAZOOKA

blitzkrieg with pineapples I have a flint lock under my stool

Anyone have any BBs? That's what I show shall not be infringed

OK, ISIS redrum allahuakbar

weed kilo cocaine guatemala entonces jerusalem holy day bitcoin

Funny way to say Zig Forumsack

Birmingham, UK user reporting in…
Don't worry, I'm behind seven proxies

Attached: index.jpg (225x204, 8.06K)

Just get a crossbow

qanon predicted this

for eurofags id recommend AKs for obvious reasons and for the fact that the ammunition and the weapons themselves would be very easy to smuggle trough eastern europe and the balkans, while NATO standard weapons and ammunition woul be mostly avaible only to the EU regeime

damn… do you have any assault pencils or tactical forks?

lol, you're not from UK. Where the hell would you get a spoon?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Especially when it is about a technical subject

I own a DSHK and an AsH 12.7 as a law abiding Kentucky citizen

Big warning in datamining or incrimination threads.
DO NOT LIE IN ANY WAY THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU. Lie only if you are sure you are safe when your honeypot VPN owners Hi NSA! decide to give their logs.

I think we should refine our tactics: Use redpills when we see non-bot replies (meaning we can convert them). Otherwise poison data without self incrimination. Do not waste too much time unless needed though.

Sage is a must.

Here are my weapons en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_torpedoes:

Brennan torpedo
Hong Sang Eo vertically launched K-ASROC

I usually go for practice shooting at 9pm in the toilet.

For mosquitoes I generally use:
7,62 ITKK 31 VKT
Mark 1 (Bliss-Leavitt)
.30-06 BAR Model 1918
Heckler & Koch MG4
AGM-28 Hound Dog

I only use the best, of course. Exactly as the founding fathers intended.

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I don't even give a shit, I'm going full blown cruel and unusual…

Attached: assault lego with baby targeting tac.jpg (400x590, 72.69K)

Perhaps your honeypot-VPN isn't as safe as you though and NSA owns it. Perhaps NSA or JIDF pulled off a MitM and got your login credentials.

Or perhaps you got malware on your device. That's not a problem though, you do use different devices for your normal life and your Zig Forums life, no?

Aaaand some warm crap for my friends at JIDF:

INA Model 953 (Denmark - Submachine Gun - .45 ACP)
Lettet-Forsøgs (Denmark - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum: Suomi KP/-31 Variant)
Madsen M-46
Madsen M-50
Madsen M-53 (Denmark - Submachine Gun - 9×19mm Parabellum)

Dardick Models 1100 and 1500
Davis Warner Infallible
De Lisle Carbine
Deer gun
Defence Science and Technology Organisation

No, not really. My opsec is shit, and I'm aware of it. But i'm planning on changing that asap.

The thread i made about this got anchored almost immediately. Really gets the noggin joggin

Farquhar-Hill rifle
Fusil Automatique Modèle 1917
General Liu rifle
German Sport Guns GSG-5
Gewehr 41
Gewehr 43
Hakim Rifle
Harris Gun Works M-96
Heckler & Koch HK41
Ruger 10/17
Ruger 10/22


Aha, polymer, to avoid detection.

Nah dude. The new situation is more fucked up than you could ever imagine. The rule is 1 thread per topic, whoever camps the topic can put arbitrary payloads of propaganda in op.


if you can find one

How is the data gathered here supposed to be useful to anyone? You can't even tie it together with metadata or IP addresses.

kill yourself

Are you sure?

No I dont have any funs. M67 7.62mm If you live in a peaceful neighborhood you don't need them. Creedmore Remington hot load Beside any funs get lost on fishing trips because the neighborhood is so peaceful. FAL H&K Luger .45 ACP Ruger 10/22 wound channel

Yes. Getting a profile of Zig Forums. Also users incriminating themselves for illegal possession of weapons.
Of course you can. NSA, mossad etc have VPN-honeypots. Additionally compromised Tor nodes could also deanon us. Another easy way is by opening a PDF (which could reveal your real IP or install malware).

AGM-1 Carbine
Armtech C30R
Bushmaster Arm Pistol

not owning those weapons. Anons, check the poison-their-datamining post

do NOT post real data

That's a Daewoo USAS-12 not a AA-12 you faggot.

Ahh ol blussie
She's a beaut

single-points are for people who suck on "saxophones"

zynz ged fugged

need fun

You should get (in this order as funds permit):

1) A good quality AR. Pic related is a "ghost gun" I built from a nugget enterprises 80% lower. The components were cheap stuff on sale, barrel is an FNC CHF optimum profile unit. ARs are cheap as fuck now, so get one while this market lasts. Bushmasters, M&Ps, and other rifles of a similar nature are like $500 right now, out the door. Slap a primary arms micro red dot and decent LED light on it and you are good to go.

2) A good semi-auto double stack handgun. I recommend something somewhat compact like a Glock 19 so you can CC it assuming you are properly licensed to do that. Another cheap option is the Smith and Wesson SD9VE, but you should plan to replace some of the trigger components because it is like 8 pounds stock. A family member of mine recently got one new for $279 US.

3) A shotgun with a slug/bird barrel combo. This way you can hunt all kinds of stuff and join a trap league and not sit in your house all day beating off to hentai.

4) A precision rifle. Something in .308 would be ideal due to ammo availability, but a 6.5 creedmoor would also be a good choice as that round is starting to get more popular. You'll need an optic, and if you are on a budget I would suggest one of the side focus SWFA Super Sniper fixed 10 power scopes if you are on a budget.

A Ruger 10/22 might be something you want to pick up first, now that I think about it. Ammo, load bearing gear to hold magazines, and all of the other accoutrements are also important.

This is to help you enjoy the shooting sports. I don't condone any violence outside of legitimate self defense, and I think the best forms of prepping and survivalism are voting for good candidates who actually care about your interests and future.

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OP reminds of me 15 years ago, oh how it was to be underage.

my benis is my gun

This thread is sponsored by CIA.
Don't forget to include your full name, anons.


Real life isnt like your video games. People dont run around. They lie on the ground. Behind trees. Behind bags filled with the earth. Behind concrete. Behind engine blocks.
30mm man portable mortar. Indirect fire. Long range. Versatile weapon good for assaulting almost anything. A must for any fire team.
Those that fire finger sized bullets, and require tripods. Will suppress the enemy for the mortar gunner to blow it the fuck up. Goes through light skin vehicles, trees, concrete and so on. Useful stuff. Very bright muzzle, so dont forget to relocate after firing, mortar shell should be on its way to you.
Yes. Vehicles. Even that is more useful than small arms. Moves faster. Can carry machineguns. Motorized/mechanized troops can be immune to small arms fire. Can encircle enemy, cut supply lines, cause starvation, wipe enemy out without firing a single shot. Or break through and cause chaos in the rear where artillery, hospitals and logistics are.
Of any kind. Especially rocket propelled. Indirect fire, extremely effective. If there's 2 soldiers together, there should be at least 1 of those.

Howitzers. Armor. Air superiority/fighter jets. Drones. Optical range finders. Missiles, strategic ones (strategic weapons can wipe out cities or fleets). This stuff requires mathematics. Certainly not for casuals. Few get this far.

yes, but until we make a distinction between traps (who are mentally ill) and schizos and autists, which are made up disorders by (((psychologists)))

When posts and images starting to get mixed up thats because database corruption.

Figure 1 is a USAS-12 you absolute fucking turbonigger jew faggot.

my bepis is my gun

You'd be surprised. A guy who I know used a gas sniper rifle with heavy steel bbs to hunt ducks.

I think you actually made that leggo safer user.

Here have a post