How a Fascist or Natsoc movement can gain popularity

If it wants to gain followers, a Fascist movement cannot only appeal to 4chan autists and people who are far-right already. We need all sorts of people to succeed. Hitler knew this. we need to get the following on our side (some of these groups may seem odd, but bear with me): The Working Class and The Farmers, The Unemployed, The more reasonable members of the Black Nationalist community, the Baptists and Evangelists, the Normie moderate conservatives, Militant Communists, and the Middle Class

(Note: do not refer to our movement as Fascist or Nazi or White Nationalist from the get go. We need a more vague name, like "American Worker's Party", or "National Syndicalist Party" or "American Populist Party". We need to rope these average people in by just being generally populist, and then bring about our rise to power. Also, we don't need uniforms yet. Either dress in simple work clothes, or wear a nice suit and tie when trying to gain supporters. I suggest going to areas where people of whichever group we are trying to appeal to meet, or going door to door, especially in struggling communities. We need a force of men who are willing to be "missionaries" for our movement) (continued in comments)

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Working Class: Simple. National Socialism is already the perfect system for them. The Working class doesn't like queers, feminine people, trannies, etc, but they sometimes side with the left because of their socialist programs, which would benefit the working class, or they side with the Capitalist Right, because they agree with social conservatism. We need to show that neither established side will help them, because the right sends their sons off on unnecessary wars, gets rid of social programs that help them, and cannot conserve any values effectively. We need to demonstrate that we share their social values, but that we will employ economic programs that help the working class. We also need to emphasize protectionism , and how we'll stop their jobs from being outsourced overseas. We change our promises and the details of our plans depending on whether we are talking to rural farm laborers or urban factory workers.

For the Unemployed, just promise them guaranteed jobs with decent pay.

Black Nationalists: Obviously, the "Kill Whitey" crowd is a lost cause, but more respectable groups, like the Nation of Islam, can be useful allies, as they are against race mixing, and many of them are woke on the Jewish Question. Just appeal to them by showing you agree with many of their goals and ideas. (I take an ethnopluralist approach to racial policy in the U.S., which means that multiple races can live in the same country, but race mixing is not allowed. Ethnonationalism is good for Europe, but the unique conditions of the United States make it more suited for Ethnopluralism.)

Baptists, Evangelists, Christian Fundamentalists, etc: These people are sympathetic to far-right views, but they seem to be stuck voting for normie Republicans, who can't effectively defend their values. We just need to show them that we are FOR Christianity, and AGAINST decadence and degeneracy.

Normie Moderate Conservatives: These folks already lean right. We just need to promise to get rid of abortion, get rid of leftism, etc. Our party must be pro-gun, because that's the only right most conservatives really care about. They wouldn't give a shit about us silencing every leftist ideologue's freedom of speech, as long as conservatives get to keep their guns.

Militant Communists: This seems like a weird choice, but I don't mean the SJW communists. I mean the ones who only care about socialist economics and the class struggle, and who think all the progressive identity politics stuff is just a Bourgeois distraction from the real struggle. We have two ways to get these people in our side: We could either form an alliance based on mutual hatred for the system, bankers, capitalists and elites, or We could persuade them to fully join us by convincing them that degeneracy and globalism are bourgeoisie, and point out that the actual proletariat tends to be conservative and nationalist. Hitler actually did this, by convincing Communists that he would usher in socialist policy that they liked. In fact, a large amount of the Brownshirts were actually communists who joined the NSDAP because they thought the National Socialists had a better chance of winning the election.

The middle class: We can appeal to the Middle Class by exaggerating our reactionary aspects, while downplaying our revolutionary aspects (basically the opposite of what we have to do to appeal to the communists) We just need to promise normality, stability, safety and security from terrorism, and we will have the Middle Class on our side.

Remember, we need to model our tactics, and many of our promises, on Trump's campaign, but with the anti-capitalist elements of Sander's campaign, while being less cucked than either one.

Unless the name and organization is organic, it is destined to fail. You cannot artificially create such a machine out of thin air - there must be an existing basis for such a movement.




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As each country tanks financially, these movements will spring up out of necessity. (((Their))) mistake was not keeping the goys fat and happy for another 20 years until everyone is completely soyed.

I'm just saying, don't use the NAME "Nazi" or "Fascist" they've become pejorative terms, with far too much baggage. We are presenting ourselves as populists who want what is best for the people. Which is, objectively, what we are.

>literally from reddit

I knew I was gonna get shit for the "continued in comments" part. What should I have said? "Continued in replies"?

Nigga we faked you out. We're only hear to BTFO of pedos and traitors and it's happening brother.

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Go to a rainbow gathering and carefully drop subtle redpills.

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CFR researchers are now studying Zig Forums with their own bread.

With the combined power of Zig Forums's autism, you cucks never did dox Spencer's puncher.

By spreading the truth and not being scared to own up to it.
Stop giving a fuck if someone calls you buzzword-X. The word Nazi and national socialist iconography is still used as an insult. Liberal faggots use it and so do cuckservatives. Words only hold the power that people allow it to have. Call me a racist/Nazi/misogynist and I don’t even blink.

Short answer: stop being a pussy

The only answer worth a damn. Get out there, do not fear death and you will win. The only way to lose is by doing nothing and never taking active measures.

Radicalize, organize, decentralize and destroy the jew economy with mass worker protests until we force them out of their hiding holes. Violence and terrorism are a must too. If we do not kill our enemy then they will win. Study guerrilla war.

It's already slowly and naturally moving that direction in both the US and parts of Europe.

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Sure schlomo, let's make sure all the NatSoc are terrorist and other scum who will be vilified by the masses. OP is correct in everything he says. Hitler would've approved. You are either an underage edgyfag or a JIDF shill.
Keep doing the good work OP, it's so nice to see some people who really understand the essence of national socialism.

1. Follow the example of Golden Dawn in Greece and CasaPound, Forza Nuova and Fiamma Tricolore in Italy (as well as Lega Nord).
START SMALL in the community doing service and giving food to the WORKING CLASS who need it.
2. NETWORK with OTHER NATIONALISTS around the world for support.
3. Have a LARGE NUMBER of political candidates running for various offices to gain media attention. In the U. S. this should be through the American Freedom Party (founded by Kevin MacDonald).
Support a MARCH ON SACRAMENTO to protest the blatant election rigging against Patrick Little.
This should appeal to:
- Whites
- Anti-Zionists/Anti-War activists
- Arabs
- Asians
- Blacks and Latinos as well (due to promise of spending money to Israel on rebuilding inner cities)
Pushing the issues of AFFORDABLE HOUSING (removing building regulations) and removing auto emissions regulations
"He who controls the street, controls the politics."

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Also, interlopers. Working class people do not like intrusions from foreigners. Probably one of the bigger ones concerning fascism and natsoc tbh.

CasaPound is a good example of organic growth. Trying to appeal to people comes across as contrived and forced. You have to believe in the values that these ideologies espouse and the fastest way to implementation is pushing towards affordable housing, cheap food and ridding the nation of predatory practices like usury and landlord classes. When you get widespread landlord classes emerging as has happened among the boomers you get downturns in other parts of the economy. All the money they generally make goes towards paying off numerous mortgages and overseas holidays. Landlord classes generate very little net social value.

Agree on all points

Anybody with an active social life and a real job (sitting at your computer everyday to cry about da joos along with other schizos doesn’t count, Zig Forums) will never become fascists. The only chance you stormfags have is to pander to the rejects of society. From my experiences as an active leftist I can tell you for a fact that we do not have a grip on white male incels and outcasts, they are too depressed and butthurt to help other people in a communal setting, none the less themselves. You guys have the perfect slogans and ideals that will appeal to them. (Emphasis on improving yourself, forming a master race of ubermensch, usings the jews as a scapegoat, etc.) They will see these and eventually convince themselves that fascism will make them stop being losers, or if the individual is past the point of no return, will want to support fascism to stop other white men from becoming outcasts like they are.

I shouldn’t be telling you guys this but i’ve always had a soft spot for you spergs as a lot of my incel friends are fashies/alt-right

Pic unrelated

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Be careful with this 'we' you speak of, because this is Zig Forums. However yes, any political group needs to appeal beyond the philosophical cauldron that is Zig Forums. This place is never meant, not ever should be, a political party in itself but merely a caustic pot from which truth and right action is extracted and provided to anons.

Not vague, resonating. But otherwise you're correct. NatSoc worked for Germans because Germans tailored it to their particular volk. It is the underlying philosophy that needs to be embraced to create a system that works for Americans. Anyone advocating for a new group to be neo-Nazi or whatever is either a hopelessly nostalgic fanboy little different than a weeb, mildly delusional as to what normal people will swallow today, or a shill of the JIDF type.

Only in the most early stages should there be no uniform when you are gathering your initial dozen or so members. The National Socialists began in beer halls and subsequently created the Brown Shirts who were prototypical uniforms, and only later did the advanced uniforms come into being. Uniforms are vital so that people can distinguish at a glance what group you belong to, attribute your deeds to that group and vice-versa, and create a powerful sense of unity within your group.

You forgot rural folk, but this should be your major, if only initial, base. These people can labor well and have good characters. But it is important not to bring into your fold those they will conflict with.
No. You don't need these people 'in' your group, or as official 'allies'. Being amenable to others doesn't mean lashing your group to theirs.
Deconvert them or crush them. Unless they are the reasonable ones, most are broken and only a blight to your group, as they are designed to be Demoralization - study it.
Until they are downtrodden economically and socially, they won't do shit to risk their own station in life. Same with most of the rest.

Partially true. The conditions for the group to rise in prominence will be an economic disaster that dislodges people from their stable lives and creates massive uncertainty and insecurity. But these groups don't just spring from nowhere, like they were formed right there on the spot. They exist beforehand, preparing their mechanisms and arguments and tactics well before the depths of despair in the populace, and grow explosively when the conditions become right. Great organizations don't just 'happen', they are designed to happen.

The answer is 'Lurk more'. You are obviously not fully a Zig Forumsack if you think bringing Reddit shit terms into this board will be acceptable. Observe from the better threads how to create an OP and learn the arguments that pass muster here.

Because Zig Forumsacks don't give a shit about a guy who thinks tiki-torches would be an inspiring sight.

That's good advice. People WILL call you nasty things and try to label you because it makes them feel powerful and attempts to discredit you. Subvert their expectations first by not responding as expected by not giving a shit, and then show yourself to be reasonable and good despite their characterization. I don't agree you should march around calling yourself a Nazi because the truth itself is enough to rile people up, but overall good advice.

It's a great way to start, but again great organizations don't just appear because you get people not fearing to do the right thing together any more than you get a house by piling up a bunch of planks. Organization is rare in itself, and good organization is rarer still. An organization filled with those unafraid of the truth and is consequences will conquer, but you need more than just bravery.

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The main problem I have with fascism is that they lost the war yet a whole bunch of anons around here venerate Hitler and say that "he did nothing wrong."

Western countries are fucked, regardless of who technically won. We are being invaded by Chinese and Indians and god knows what else.

Here is something that sums up the role of technology and superiority in Hitler's Germany:
>Between 1943 and 1945, 118 boats were assembled by Blohm & Voss of Hamburg, AG Weser of Bremen, and Schichau-Werke of Danzig. Each hull was constructed from eight prefabricated sections with final assembly at the shipyards. This new method could have resulted in construction time of less than six months per vessel, but in practice all the assembled U-boats were plagued with severe quality problems that required extensive post-production work to rectify. One of the reasons for these shortcomings was that sections were made by companies having little experience with shipbuilding, after a decision by Albert Speer. As a result, of 118 Type XXIs constructed, only four were fit for combat before the Second World War ended in Europe. Of these, only two conducted combat patrols and neither sank any Allied ships.

Hitler was just as nepotistic and retarded as the fucking Jews.

Sage for reddit copypasta

Coward. Enjoy living in fear as your depressed children seek drugs and literal emasculation due to the world you bequeth upon them. Remember as you lay dying what a useless and pathetic cunt you were. Terrorism is the bombing of government institutions. It is necessary when open war and organization is impossible in a tyrannical surveillance state. Fucking rat race running twofaced genocide enabler. Hope the kikes replace your bloodline and destroy your hometown so you wake up to the dire situation. We are the last possible generation to rebel before they win permanently. You do not understand what the fuck is going on. We will die anyways, stop being an egotistical bastard pussy and take up arms for the 14 words! Reminder that your should never target civilians, only ZOG.



Agreed, which is why Zig Forumsacks often balk at the notion of 'optics'. There's merit to both sides, but ultimately conviction is the greatest attractant among people.
That would have to be an interesting discussion for another thread, because I disagree on the face of it but would need to know more on the subject.

Even filthy leftists can make decent observations from time to time. Those with a lot to lose will not dare flirt too closely with ideas that get you branded as 'bad', either from rejection from their social circle or their job. However those who have lost everything or never had anything don't worry about it, and with enough perceived social approval people can change the minds of even the comfortable. Leftists rely on amassing groups of disgusting, broken people who by their mere numbers convince others. If you amass men of conviction together in a positive direction, you'll see some serious shit. Now you should hop back onto your containment board, leftypol.

When the rest of the world dogpiles on top of you and you lose, does it mean you had the wrong idea? No. And the phrase 'Hitler did nothing wrong' is mainly in reference to the ideology and actual political/ethical actions, aside from it being a joke because it riles people up.
I doubt Hitler was personally busying himself with being a shipwright expert in 1943. Besides, as said previously, serious Zig Forumsacks don't want to copy Hitler so much as use the model provided to inspire something new for their various circumstances. It isn't an argument to say a historical figure wasn't perfect, therefore the overall model should be thrown out.

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I agree. Mein Kampf was written almost a hundred years ago and needs a serious reboot. The psychology is still spot on but the technological and economic aspects are extremely dated.

It means that perhaps you were wrong about many enemies only appearing as one. Is international Jewry really this powerful?

Give up? Never!

This has all been done before, even with those exact names.
The only way to win over the masses is to provide them an alternative viable government that personally benefits them, the white man. Viable meaning you have sufficient force of arms and can exert your authority without retaliation by the occupying power.

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Landlord classes generate very little net social value.

Most Landlords will do minimal maintenance on their properties whereas owners are more likely to do renovations and upgrades which pours money into the economy. Landlords serve the banks first and foremost by paying interest on their loans. Hitler had the right idea by giving low interest loans so that everyone could have a house and forgave certain loans after a couple had a number of children.

There are many books, studies, and figures who have since illuminated various parts of what Mein Kampf was suggesting and observing like Culture of Critique explaining the oddity of Jewry in far greater detail than Hitler's observations, though it shows you can come to more or less the right conclusion even with incomplete data. The problem is that ye olde Zig Forums Book Thread posts hundreds of books that frankly very few Zig Forumsacks will ever read. What is needed is notes on each and people to consolidate the useful information together into useful tools and maps so that the strategic-minded of Zig Forums can put together useful tactics and strategies.
The idea of saying all your enemies are just one enemy is useful to mass psychology to focus your efforts and not feel utterly besieged on all sides. In reality you can cut down the opposition into nearly infinite groups of different enemies, but that view of it is rarely useful except for tacticians who can handle the stress of it. International Jewry is highly networked, but it isn't nearly as powerful as I believe Zig Forums's paranoia believes. It's still powerful and dangerous enough to constitute the 'one enemy' idea for the masses though.

That's sad that NW Front doesn't include Eastern Montana, where all the best Montanans are. The western section has the blue cesspool of Missoula in it. An excellent site for experimentation with group dynamics though - the university is dying and its leftists are weakly organized while pockets of discontents are appearing.
Everyone is asking, "What should I do?" and very few people actually have an answer. The most aggravating thing about e-celebs is that even the ones who talk and talk about the woes of the western world and that people should 'do something', the audience asks constantly what they can do and the e-celebs have no answers. The better among them just aren't creative, but the worst are beholden to the Chicken Little model of income generation where they alternate between riling people up and then assuring them so that the service of relief-giving through anger or joking deprives them of their will to get up and do something as well as their sheckles. An organization worth its salt will have the basic outlines of how a governance would work, which is why previous working models like NatSoc Germany or Italy or other successful governments are of such interest to those who want to find that viable answer. When people are presented the real crisis and ask, "What can I do to help?" you better have a practical answer to give them or you're wasting a massive opportunity.

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Dont use socialist either, because antifa has already ruined that.

You KNOW that Hitler didn't do any mechanical inspection and just said "yes" or "no" to new inventions, right?
ALBERT SPEER was responsible for that piece of shit submarine. Which was a tiny thing in the whole picture of the Kriegsmarine.

Fuck off.

At least he fought against them then, you dunce. What did your grandpa do? Thats right, took bullets for kikes while his neighbors took turn fuck your grandma. He might not even be your biological grandpa.

Well then he's just as useless as the MBAs that currently run this place. Go fuck yourself if you don't know what I mean by that.

Two words. Community outreach. That and generously helping only other whites and saying that you are only helping them as a kinsman and if they wern't you'd spit on them and runaway with a big friendly smile on your face, and people begin to understand what you are. For nonwhites explain you cannot give material aid but only advice and most of that of things that are outside the area the conversation takes place.
If we got together with local whitegangs and started talking openly about how all the other tribals are dividing us and how theres not enough of everything on this earth for absolutely everyone, and that its impossible to share all the valuable things we have with the uncounted billions on the earth without impoverishing and starving ourselves, we could probably be able to trade help and items among ourselves.

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In fact, no. Go fuck yourself, period. If I'm being talked down to it won't be by a fucking moron like yourself.

Any political movement with the word "socialism" in it is poison.

You know I don't know if it's just me but I think I might remember you from another thread which is right here: . With the "le 56% face" posts I've seen possibly coming from you, I hope you're not implying that the founding fathers, John F. Kennedy, George Lincoln Rockwell, William Luther Pierce III, Pat Buchanan, David Duke, and Patrick Little are not White just because they were American. You could be just the wrong user but still.

Bite me, retard.
Sure, don't run around with NSDAP regalia yet, but you stink of a boomer retard that eats kike propaganda for breakfast.

Be paranoid somewhere else. Of course a kraut breaking the conditioning will unleash his autism. We all know that better than anyone else.
And do you blame him?
We still have retards posting bomber harris and things like these

The future of NatSoc, ladies and gentlemen.

No Hitler will be created here, we all know that.
Zig Forums is just a place for me to go to read the news and shit on semi concious retards, like you.

Sure looks like a much better future than what the kikes have in store for the West to become.

They're wasting their breath. Even when a gem of a thread pops up, it's just a circle jerk of anesthetized Jewhate. Nobody wants to put that rage to use.

If you are, then all the best to you

The guy was shitting on my ancestors. I note that the Jews and their supporters did the same just prior to the revolution in 1918.

Agree to disagree.

Blind adherence to bloodline is not an European trait. If the ancestors were shit you say THEY are shit and forge a new path.
You are following the same trainwreck of the prussian nobles who betrayed Hitler. And the cuckservative boomers who can't pull their head out of their asses.

Which was my point at

Yeah, Hitler and friends fucked up many chances. No denying that. But to do it YOUR way means burying the truth. And that doesn't help us correct the mistakes.
Just another umami dream of kike bullshit.

What is the truth?

Hitler and friends fought for what was right.

Having gotten an MBA myself, I can tell you that plenty of my peers were not terribly capable in terms of planning or understanding business. Surprisingly. However, Hitler himself talked about how in his view the organization and delegation was a necessary evil once your influence and power grows so much that a single man simply has no more time or energy to handle it alone. Even small businesses go through a transition stage where they get so many workers that the owner can no longer be on the line, in meetings, and guiding the ship without delegating some responsibilities down the chain. Hitler was busy doing things that only the top of his organization could do, while figuring out what would be the best design for a submarine had to be delegated to a hopefully competent individual. Nepotism creeps into any organization, even good ones, because when it comes to hiring a person asks themselves, "Do I know anyone who I think could do the job?" and usually goes with that just to avoid expending energy on thinking about it too long. That usually becomes insiders and connected individuals rather than those with the most merit, and in a big organization like one running an entire country, plenty of lesser candidates can slip through the cracks. Keep in mind that NatSoc Germany also had like three separate divisions of police forces all tasked with doing the same job with essentially the same jurisdiction, yet that redundancy never even came to Hitler's attention apparently. It's a great evil of organizations that grow really large, and it takes a lot of focus just to keep the bureaucracy controlled. Hard to do in peacetime, let alone in a war.

Your dubs are wise. Zig Forums should have Community Improvement Generals alongside the Self-Improvement. Even little things like picking up trash or painting a worthy person's house or planting flowers or making gardens would not only improve one's neighborhoods but be a way to select for one's volk and, if done under the organization's banner and uniform, be the greatest kind of grassroots politicizing possible. Plus it is just good for the soul, and it is hard to label a group as a bunch of hateful monsters when they spend most of their time painting houses for little old people and cultivating flowers.

That's an easy route too, as when it comes to a city the only money you have to overcome is usually just whatever the local buggers put in, which is only a few thousand dollars. Just keep your powerlevel hidden until you have enough fellows in there to unleash yourselves effectively. But again, an organization devoted to an organized approach to this would be highly beneficial.

In my organization, squabblers like this would be reprimanded and subsequently removed if they persisted in this kind of petty arguing. What matters is keeping the philosophy clear and pursing the plan, and if you can't argue without maintaining those efforts you have no place in a proper organization. Arguments that are focused on the betterment of the plan and organization can be very useful, but so long as it stays on topic and doesn't devolve into useful insults. Both of you should grow a thicker skin, make your arguments, and stop shitting up the thread with personal insults unless they are particularly clever and amusing. Practice some self control for the lurkers.

Exercising hate is a way of letting off steam, but we need that steam to fuel real efforts. Agree with Patrick Little or not for instance, but that fucker got mad and used his anger to wander outside and distribute redpills. Zig Forums is a place to share information, gather ideas, and test notions as a philosophical proving ground. It is not a platform for organizing in itself, just a public square to talk in. Organizations won't be born here, just partially supplied.

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You are describing an appeal to the center into cuckservativism and "kosher" civic nationalism.
You are describing the "alt-right" or even the "alt-light"
Any movement that does not have Volkish White nationalism and an opposition to both degeneracy and the vile jewish NWO as its FIXED CORE VALUES is bullshit that will be pozzed to hell.
It will be endlessly "appealed to the center" until it stands for NOTHING (just like the repubs today).
Furthermore, no White man is going to fight and die for "moderate" black and brown invasion and for "reasonable" White genocide (other than maybe a few worthless cucks). And the blacks and browns are already getting everything that they could possibly want. Why would they oppose the diversity multicult/ gibs gravy train?
Why fight for White genocide to take a little longer? Why not fight to STOP IT ENTIRELY?
Damn civnats. Not even once.
And Bernie Sanders? Really?
Wake up and smell the White genocide, White man.
There is no "middle ground" in a world rocketing towards total White marginalization and the eventual total genocide of White people.

Gas yourself. Thoroughly.

It's not about hate. It's about the truth.

Wow!!! White genocide is TOTALLY OK now!!!!!
gas yourself

White countries for White people and only White people.
Anything else is bullshit.
Anything else is White genocide.

White genocide or White nationalism.
Pick one, White man.

What are the positive goals of the organization?

I won't be part of any movement that uses others as a scapegoat.

My grandpa wasn't on the water of Normandy. So I don't know about that :^)

But you just did. 2 more drop of kike lies and you would have compared Hitler to a marxist.

Or are you still butthurt that your grandpa fought for the wrongside? Grow the fuck up.

Too long; re-read Siege and The Turner Diaries instead.

The mark of a man is to take responsibility. Blaming international Jewry for all of my problems will not make my problems go away.

Where did I blame Hitler for my problems?

You're still blaming the Jews. If there were no more Jews would we still have war?

Were there Jews in China during the warring states period?

The fuck. It is too late in the night for me to type something long but I will say this.
I don't give a fuck.
My sole reason for exterminating every kike on earth is because of their abnormal, inhumane creation called communism.
Literally all other races only tried to ape it.
But only the kikes have created communism and the basis of globalism as we know it.

We kill each other. But we are of the same blood. It is our business.
The kikes don't belong anywhere. And the damage they have caused justifies their extinction.

What the fuck nigger?
I'm at fault that I, like most of my peers, have to grind ourselves trying to study things we are not passionate about, therefore not good at and wasting tax money and all our time?
It is MY fault that retards like your grandpa saved communism and fucked Europe over?

Sure, I won't just lay down and cry over this but don't you fucking DARE to lay the blame on me.

Some truthful memes for your good night sleep.
Yeah I saved them

Who gives a fuck? Are you some kind of commie?
Conflicts blow up into war eventually, but we always survive and get better from it. Whole Asia has been changing dynasties like their imbiss menu since the dawn of time and they were content.
Only with a KIKE ideology that they fucked their culture and turn into the bug people we and they themselves despise.

You are trying to defend and deflect blame from kikes. Must be the remnants of that ZOG education.

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good post lefty dude, and yea, you are mostly on point. The thing with fascism tho is that it helps to get to the old mindset of past ages, and with the arduous standards that it had (think of trying to go near Olympian levels), its a shame that more normies arent trying it, I have found that if you push your limits far enough, eventually you can get farther ahead than those who didnt do it. So many things are taken for granted by those who have something…that they dont realize how much they can cut off…not a very good min max strategy they have…

Excellent question. I'll have to organize it more carefully and make it more concrete, but in a nutshell:
>Secure the existence of an American read White homeland against threat foreign and domestic
>Reclassify citizenship to be a voluntary effort that may only be undertaken by eligible individuals married, landowning Whites
It's shoddy right now because it isn't specific, but I'll be working on it until it shows up in some future thread. A good organization should have a platform of ideas, but boil it down to just one or three simple things in order to be successful in convincing the masses to support.

When it comes to violence, a modern organization has to be extremely careful about it. That violence should be first turned inward in the form of discipline over members, meaning that you should remove a traitor or an insubordinate before an enemy. Doesn't mean hurting them physically so much as just ousting them from participation, but it is an aggressive stance. When it comes to violence outside of itself, that should only be taken when all other avenues, and I mean all, have been fully exploited to their highest possible degree. Violence is energy intensive, dangerous to membership, and very tricky to make look righteous for the masses. Staying defensive but highly punitive towards threats is what the small organization should strive for and do its best to control offensive violence for when they have a greater foothold in the hearts and minds of their people. Anyone here is so far away from that last point though we don't have to discuss what to do then, but it is about specified and intelligent control of that aggressive energy.

No one on Zig Forums has ever said that a world without the influence of Jews would be peaceful. Quite the opposite. Europe's peoples were forged in an almost eternal conflict, as were the Japanese, as were many other great nations on Earth. The Jews are just one of many threats to most people on Earth, but they are not the sole cause of strife among humans. This is a strawman argument, and you should be ashamed for using such shilly logic.

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We don't hate kikes because they are the only cause of war, we hate them because they have caused incalculable strife for our people over the past 300 years in particular and for 2000+ years in general. This is like suggesting that you shouldn't remove a tumor because it's possible that one day you could get malaria instead.

Non-whites can see the injustice being done to White people but are reluctant to help for fear of what will happen after you defeat your arch nemesis–da joooos. Will you turn into Nazis and kill everyone that isn't White?—this fear is used by the Jews to make non-whites unwilling to take your side. For example, the constantly reminder of Hitler this, Holocaust that, Nazis killed xxxx people in the Jewish controlled media.

1. Disgust: @pedophiles @fags @fatties @bugmen @cucks etc
2. Expose fact of planned ethnic replacement

These alone are enough to psychologically activate the emergent collective defense program known as fascism. Fascism is innate and latent. It only requires activation. This is exactly why image boards produce fascists. Spam disgusting images. Expose people to constant threat of invaders and outsiders replacing their culture. The reproducible and predictable result is fascism. Everything the left is doing is fueling our rise. We only need to offer people the language and lens to see it more quickly.

No. Unless you take matters into your own hands nothing will happen on its own.

Top kike. Why don't you join OP at the Ebin Leddit Cocksucking Convention? I mean, seriously–your faggotry is completely allowed there. We actually need boards because we are censored by kikes unlike your shabbos goy ass, retard.

And what the fuck is up with the blind hatred? That's all you fucks are–you have never made sense about anything, and that's why no one likes you or your shitty starvation ideology. And we're not feeeeeeeshists. This is an NS board, retard. Now, YOU fuck off and die.

I would be likely to beat the fuck out of someone using a racial pejorative for me IRL.

No, dubs-waster. You need to be "Communist" when you do all the black hat shit. You'll be indistinguishable anyway, lol.

Wew–shills everywhere.
Fuck you.

NO. McDonald is an altkike cianigger shill who is soft on kikes and corrupt and I know insiders and have it 100% confirmed. Stop giving bad information you dumb faggot.

Too bad that's not real and the accusations by kikes are obviously lies. The biggest problem I tend to have with foreigners is how they believe shit like that, honestly.

I can't be bothered to read your comment, but as a European I've come to similar conclusions:
1. Appeal to the working class.
2. Be nice and friendly, not a tattooed skinhead.
3. Don't try to rehabilitate the Nazis.
4. Promote good Christians values and virtues. Be humble, modest, and chaste.
5. Always market yourself as loving your own, never as hating the other.
6. Be a hard-line ethnic nationalist and racial purist, but always put it in positive terms.
7. Your highest goal must always be "freedom from Jewish globalism". People love freedom movements.
8. Be brave, risk your life and freedom for your movement if need be, but don't allow it to degenerate into a violent/criminal organization.
This is how Hitler made it, and this is how we will make it too. Stay strong brothers, having sincere conversation with worried fellow countrymen is a 1000 times more worth than waving Nazi flags at rallies.

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Also, I want to add, in the USA your first goal must be to get rid of the kikes, since they will spoil your every endeavour. Work with whoever you must in order to accomplish this goal.
If you try to build an ethnostate without getting rid of the kikes first, know that you will fail.

It would be reason enough if every Jew had conspired to create communism but as yet there is not enough evidence. And if we were to destroy communism, what would take its place?

Let's face it guys, we have an image problem, and even though marxism killed 10x as many people as natsoc did, marxists openly organize and meet while anyone even vaguely right wing is disemployed and hounded to suicide.

I'm not ashamed; I've dealt with too many SJWs to feel shame anymore. It is folly to fight the unreasonable with reason; they fear only the boot.

Once we are on the field of reason then I will argue reasonably.

Good suggestions. Jews don't lead with the purple hairs and we shouldn't lead with the tatts.

This is KEY! The people that we want are sick of negativity. Being positive will attract positive people.

This will make me sound like a crazy when talking to normies. Can I just say "freedom from globalism"?

And we're gonna take your word on it, because sharing what you know would be too much to ask.

This is very important. Be the whitepill that inspires others, can't agree more.

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These incompetent faggots posted this on four chins too. I never looked to see if the bait was taken there.

To expand on what this user had to say:

You can lower people's guard by saying some variant of, "You know, I realized a while back that while obviously it's wrong to commit genocide or invade Poland, I never actually learned any of the Nazi party's other policies. We use them so much as the example of what not to do, but other than those two things I never had any clue what they do, exactly, the way we all know about communists. I feel like I should at least know what I'm talking about." You can use some variation of that to lower the "Nazi=bad" defenses and discuss all kinds of taboo subjects with most people. This works because people want to feel smart, and because the Nazis and Fascists actually had a lot of good policy positions by today's standards.

Definitely stop caring about being called a racist. "Birds fly, fish swim, leftists call people racists. Some people, their accusations don't count as evidence one way or the other." This works because it's true, and most normies will accept this.

Biggest thing, though, is what actually worked for the Nazis. Be willing to defend your fellow citizens from violent commies. To borrow a phrase, be the change you want to be in the world. Real Nazis obtained power because when every other group and even the government had given up on stopping the commies burning down buildings and attacking ordinary people, the brownshirts were risking their own safety to protect them.

Can't be done. Trump cucked too hard too fast. It's over. Just hope for a quick death.

Need to show people that their lives will improve greatly under nat soc, so many people on gibs worried they will miss out if things change, they need to be swayed to want to improve their own lives

You've made a grave error if you think that will work here.


How many times do you optics niggers need to be told to fuck off and read siege before you stop posting these dumb ass threads? We don't need to pretend to be something we aren't, and trying to pretend only leads to trouble in the long run.

I 1939 Adolf Hitler authorized Aktion T4. Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. Brandt were entrusted with the responsibility of extending the authority of physicians, to be designated by name, so that patients who, after a most critical diagnosis, and on the basis of humane judgment, were considered incurable, could be granted mercy death. There were 6 locations at which this were carried out under medical auspices. Those locations were not at the labor, concentration or internment camps but at primarily psychiatric hospitals. The edict was protested against heavily, primarily by Catholics but also Jews and others and it was repealed in 1941 but it's apparent that the program continued de facto until a short time after the war.
Several methods of mercy killing were employed with the most common being lethal injection. There were also gas chambers but they didn't employ Zyklon B. Some people were shot. The number of mercy killings was accounted precisely at 70,273 in Germany and 16,153 in Poland. Those euthanized were primarily German but it isn't impossible that Jews were subject to a degree of discrimination and overrepresented. This was the genesis of the mass extermination by homicidal gas chamber mythos, which existed even during the war. Those Catholics, Jews and others who objected to the program and protested against it sometimes took it to the point of hysteria and beyond and some wanted to illustrate their perception of the program as an obscenity as graphically as possible. There was much exaggeration. The stories of mass extermination by homicidal gas chambers in German concentration camps is almost entirely false.
There were captured Bolshevics who were considered war criminals in retaliation for war crimes inflicted against Germans by the Bolshevics. Some were selected for inclusion in a comparative anatomy study/exhibition. Subsequently 87 were gassed to death in a makeshift gas chamber in Belsen. 80 of those gassings were supposedly done by Josef Kramer, notoriously named 'The Beast of Belsen' by post war propagandists and whose primary crime seems to have been that he remained at his post where on March 1, 1945, he filed a report asking for help and resources, stating that of the 42,000 inmates in his camp, 250–300 died each day from typhus. On March 19, the number of inmates rose to 60,000 as the Germans continued to evacuate camps that were soon to be overrun by the Allies. As late as the week of April 13, some 28,000 additional displaced people were brought in. He was accused of taking part in the selection of Jews to be sent to the 'gas chamber'. In fact what he did was triage and attempt to maintain some semblance of order even after the allies cut off the water supply. There are of course other stories, and they're almost all claptrap. 87 Bolshevik Jew war criminals were gassed in German concentration camps. 86,426 people who greatly suffered were granted a quick and painless end. That program very likely was abused a few times because everywhere there are bureacrats someone is an evil asshole. Several hundred thousands of people died of disease and malnutrition within the labor and concentration camp system when Germany was eventually bombed into submission.
I could go on for days, if you really want the truth.

This is what happens when you don't take the Siegepill. Maybe we also need LGBT and genderqueer "people" in the big tent?

The unique conditions of Jewish subversion of immigration laws? The Founding Fathers were white nationalists by modern standards. Ethnopluralism is absurd, traitorous and will inevitably lead to conflict. No capitulation.

Part of the reason for this fake moment is so later they can point to this thread and say

Read Siege
Also you need to understand that organizing on 4chan or Zig Forums is essentially impossible now IF you post a thread about it you will instantly be called a CIA nigger/Glow in the dark/Honeypot even meet up Swiss which were ones possible in the past and led to grear events like Charlottesville are completely impossible now because of the shills on here. Until they ban anyone who posts about Q CIA niggers or honeypots POL is all but dead
Exhibit A
Try to organize anything annnnd In come the JIDF shills screaming

I always love LARPERs who became a nazi in 2016 come in and think they have the solution, and that their grand idea of starting a party with shitty names from scratch is the best and only option.

TL Read my previous posts above^

"I don't want to discuss our ideas in order or protecting my own, whether or not they turn out to be right or wrong. It's not worth the risk."


No. We have to attack the Jews directly, because our success hinges 90% on whether or not we can defeat them. If you are a hard-working, helpful and virtuous person and a good Christian, people are more likely to adopt your viewpoints than not.

Also, never forget, that once someone is red-pilled, you can't un-red-pill them. Our fight is the just fight, if we insist we will prevail.

Fascism is illegal so it can't. Case closed.

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Go suck your BOs dick

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As always, self improve, get stronger, get smarter, get wealthier.

With influence, wealth & force, you can conquer the world.


Let's not blame the jews, let's blame our ancestors instead, goyim.

Who are you trying to fool?

I blame the jews and them. They ate the "saving democracy" bait hook line and sinker.

There is no enemy but the jews, muslims and africans.

You blaming your ancestors wouldn't change shit but turn you into a self-hating piece of crap.

I believe that the words have power, look.
First we have to popularize the term "oppression" in the same fashion that "triggered" now have in all of these autistic right//radical centrist/ant sjw/lolspergtarians and etc, the same meaning that lefturds give to it.
After the word become a meme, we do the same thing with "nazis","fascism" and "hitlerrary litter" again in the same meaning that the lefturds give to it.

1) Critiques of capitalism itself are meaningless as it is a ill defined term created by marxists and socialists specifically to critique. Despite all claims to the contrary it doesn't constitute and ideology or morality of its own and is nebulously applied to elevate or denigrate. Nobody would have called themselves capitalists until commies started screaming it then it became default "fuck commies".

Instead point out that you are extremely pro-industry and pro-business within the context of nationalism. If Ford Motor Company doesn't hold any funds in foreign banks, builds all its components and does all finishing work in the USA while following the rules then guess what, Ford doesn't pay corporate income tax this year though the individuals might if they make enough money. Meanwhile Shekleburgstein pays 500% income tax, because fuck kikes and investment banking in general and if they can pay with their lives if they lack the coin. Similarly Walmart pays huge taxes because fuck service and retail they have no real function. But the small oil company which employs 100 men pays no taxes as it contributes to national prestige and power. These are merely examples but the gist is that if you are good for the nation then we take nearly nothing from you but if we deem you bad for the nation then you have no place here and we plan to impoverish(and though we don't say it aloud, kill) you.

The welfarism of Prussianism isn't even necessary in the US given an all white population anyway. Whites in the US were never amiable toward socialism in the first place and after 150 years of their money being taken from them and given to shitskins and kikes they really despise it. Remember that the majority of extant whites are now the children of "conservatives" and ruralites because nobody else breeds anymore or has been breeding sufficiently for almost 80 years at this point. The population has in fact shifted back to the original colonial stock of German mercenaries and Cavalier expats because the Roundhead New Englanders and the post 1880 immigrants stopped breeding. These people are naturally taciturn and some of them even fled from the Prussianism that National Socialism is derived from, more about that latter. These people often don't want welfare and don't take it even when elligable. So what should be done is an attempt to make it easier for whites to get welfare if they really need it while denying it to niggers and spics, requiring personal indentification at all times and drug tests is one example of things that can be done. Remember that the few rural whites who do vote democrat are basically white niggers looking for gibs me dats and constitute the lowest 1% of the rural population to begin with.

When it comes to economics hammer on the truth that non-whites are a net fiscal loss to the government and economy, so are faggots by the way. Point out that if the non-whites population disappeared and their contribution to the economy wast stripped away from corporate taxable income we'd still have had a 0.8 to 1.8 trillion dollar federal budget surplus every year for the last 40 years. You could have a European welfare state with that dosh though I would fight against it tooth and nail because it isn't necessary and undermines the position of local communal support. But it wouldn't be ruinously expensive. Or you could keep 2 million men under arms, or build 4 new aircraft carriers ever year and 20 destroyers, or 400 f22s, or a nuclear pulse propulsion space battleship or anything you wanted. The shitskins are an albatross around the neck of white men who produce all the surplus in this society.
White Medicare beneficiaries

White Social Security beneficiaries

White Welfare recipients 2015

White Medicaid recipients

Total Medicaid Spending

Total Medicare Spending

Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014

Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014

2014 income distribution of Whites, alone, not hispanic

2014 “Who pays taxes”

2014 US Federal Budget

US Non-Hispanic Whites in 2012

What is this thing you've got against "roundheads"? I see you posting here a lot, and you say this constantly

2) When it comes to social issues don't bother with foreign symbols, our founding documents and stock were far more racist anyway and much stricter than Hilter ever was.

Point out that non-whites were never eligible to become citizens and legally speaking should not be today according to the 1790 Naturalization Act. Point out that the Declaration of Independence was moralist propaganda tripe meant to divide the British parliament of the time and hamper their support for the war. Use colonial symbolism and if any uniforms were to be developed for civil servants base them on colonial garb perhaps including tricorn hats and smallswords as sidearms. Dark blue would be a good color as it was that of the continental army as would gray because of its association with the Confederacy which the majority of rural Americans support despite having no historic ties with it.

One thing you don't want to do with Americans is start appealing to morality and being "nice" or feeling shame for killing people. Especially the sort of Americans who are likely to provide the majority of support for a movement amiable to Zig Forums ideals. They honestly don't care about dead German children, they do care that they spent time and money fighting a war which didn't benefit them. They could be convinced that Germany should have been supported and Russia liberated form communism and turned into a Orthodox Christian monarchy again. But many of them utterly lack empathy(talking about the men here), they are the descendants of mercenaries and the warrior classes of the Anglos don't expect pity or remorse from them. But that is good in its own way, most of them are outright proud that we exterminated the injuns;always say injun never Native American as only whites can be Americans and America is the empire established by and for whites exclusively. If they had no fear of repercussions they would murder kikes and shitskins for free, whereas Germans in Germany would not. They are not ubermensch, have no interest in becoming that and frankly lack the capacity. But that is good because in their own way they are stronger, they are merciless reapers of lives: not warriors or soldiers but killers. In every conversation I have had with a rural American whether they are blue collar or high professional every one of them was amiable toward imperialism, protectionism, mercantilism, and profitable war. And that should be our anti-war push. These wars don't make money, we can't kill every Iraqi and empty their coffers into our treasury so what is the point of going to war? Ultimately the unspoken goal should be a Imperialist genocide of the Americas and a portion of South Africa for the sake of chromium reserves.

We can cut governmental costs by dropping all foreign aid, not only will this force Europe's situation to come to a head it will of course kill perhaps billions of mudmen the world over as we cut imports of essentially free food and medicine to them.

When dealing with Americans remember that they are not Prussians, nearly half are those who left because they were kicked out after the 30 years war or didn't like the way the cantons were heading. The Cavaliers left because they didn't like the kiked up results of the English Civil War which let kikes bodily back into Britain. The rest were huntmen, reactionaries who lost wars, those who had no place in society, ect. The best and the worst of Europe. And until 1965 67% of those who came to America left again, they were not compatible with the brutal and taciturn society which had developed in most areas.

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