The Working Class: Simple. National Socialism is already the perfect system for them. The Working class doesn't like queers, feminine people, trannies, etc, but they sometimes side with the left because of their socialist programs, which would benefit the working class, or they side with the Capitalist Right, because they agree with social conservatism. We need to show that neither established side will help them, because the right sends their sons off on unnecessary wars, gets rid of social programs that help them, and cannot conserve any values effectively. We need to demonstrate that we share their social values, but that we will employ economic programs that help the working class. We also need to emphasize protectionism , and how we'll stop their jobs from being outsourced overseas. We change our promises and the details of our plans depending on whether we are talking to rural farm laborers or urban factory workers.
For the Unemployed, just promise them guaranteed jobs with decent pay.
Black Nationalists: Obviously, the "Kill Whitey" crowd is a lost cause, but more respectable groups, like the Nation of Islam, can be useful allies, as they are against race mixing, and many of them are woke on the Jewish Question. Just appeal to them by showing you agree with many of their goals and ideas. (I take an ethnopluralist approach to racial policy in the U.S., which means that multiple races can live in the same country, but race mixing is not allowed. Ethnonationalism is good for Europe, but the unique conditions of the United States make it more suited for Ethnopluralism.)
Baptists, Evangelists, Christian Fundamentalists, etc: These people are sympathetic to far-right views, but they seem to be stuck voting for normie Republicans, who can't effectively defend their values. We just need to show them that we are FOR Christianity, and AGAINST decadence and degeneracy.
Normie Moderate Conservatives: These folks already lean right. We just need to promise to get rid of abortion, get rid of leftism, etc. Our party must be pro-gun, because that's the only right most conservatives really care about. They wouldn't give a shit about us silencing every leftist ideologue's freedom of speech, as long as conservatives get to keep their guns.
Militant Communists: This seems like a weird choice, but I don't mean the SJW communists. I mean the ones who only care about socialist economics and the class struggle, and who think all the progressive identity politics stuff is just a Bourgeois distraction from the real struggle. We have two ways to get these people in our side: We could either form an alliance based on mutual hatred for the system, bankers, capitalists and elites, or We could persuade them to fully join us by convincing them that degeneracy and globalism are bourgeoisie, and point out that the actual proletariat tends to be conservative and nationalist. Hitler actually did this, by convincing Communists that he would usher in socialist policy that they liked. In fact, a large amount of the Brownshirts were actually communists who joined the NSDAP because they thought the National Socialists had a better chance of winning the election.
The middle class: We can appeal to the Middle Class by exaggerating our reactionary aspects, while downplaying our revolutionary aspects (basically the opposite of what we have to do to appeal to the communists) We just need to promise normality, stability, safety and security from terrorism, and we will have the Middle Class on our side.
Remember, we need to model our tactics, and many of our promises, on Trump's campaign, but with the anti-capitalist elements of Sander's campaign, while being less cucked than either one.