Why anti-semitism and not anti-progressivism?

Anti-progressivism is pretty much something we can all rally around, and gain mass support for. Anti-semitism just isolates and divides us. We can know who is behind everything without saying it, can't we?

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Kill yourself, retard.

1. Kikes are still stealing our air
2. Being anti .5% of the world's population is less divisive than being against 50% of our own somehow
Someone gas this summerfag

What are you gonna do about the 50% of whites and 90% of blacks and latinos that will NEVER be anti-semitic? How do you plan on gaining support?

Go for SJWs. They are literally hated by everyone except for Jews.

Kill them to the last infant and roast their pets to fuel my army, bitchboy

those are the same people who don't vote. centrism is correlated with low political knowledge and participation.

you still have to do a slow burn. boil the frog slowly. the biggest problem we have today is everyone who does the low hanging fruit like SJW and feminist cringe compliations are jews cashing in on it. anyone "genuine" has to name the jew and openly espouse the belief that the holocaust didn't happen but should have or they're a kike plant. we need people doing the slow burn who can read their audience and ramp it up as they get drawn into the narrative.

ok you need 100 years because the holocaust as the jews claim it happened would have taken at least 30 and you're killing 30 times as many people.

The very way you phrase your questions outs you as prey. Flee from this place with your nightmares and your life, and await your judgment.

Because kikes lied you ignorant fuck. Go away child

How should I 'phrase' it you twat?

Answer the fuckin question. What are you going to do to rally the mass support we require to gain political power beyond splintered 23k view youtube channels?

yeah dumbfuck, kikes lied about the number of people that were killed, and we know because it would have taken LONGER to kill 6,000,000 people than they were supposedly at it for with the infrastructure they had. that's how we can prove it.

dumb edgy little faggot lurk two years before posting

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Tag this family for removal. Reason: mouthy, disrespectful, ignorant faggot.

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What did you do to earn our respect?

You can't even answer a simple question.

Attack the SJWs for fuck's sake. It's foolproof and the enemy will be forced to defend.

The destruction will come like lightning striking down from a rising stormcloud at night. You will be unaware of it, and the destruction will be unlike previous acts of man. Now tag the families of his associates he just referred to.

We don't choose our misfortunes. Jews happen to be anti-european so we must fight it.

So attack progressivism then, in all its forms?

Feminism, BLM, racism, MGTOW, transgenderism, LGBTQ2IHS6X+. All of it needs to be attacked in force. Center leftists will come to us in droves if we do this.

Jews killed everyone who opposed them in the just 6 years war, 1939-1945. World wide genocide takes less time them you imagine.

(checked for magical significance)

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they killed 18000 people in combat, are you gonna bomb new york city indiscriminately or does this require rounding people up and forcing them into camps?

my way you force them all into israel through a slow burn anti-jew push, seal off the country and just leave them. eventually you find an excuse to enforce a complete embargo on trade and you secure their border so nothing goes in or out. cut off water, power, fuel, everything. they'll all be dead in a year and if you want just drop chemical weapons on them and blame a gas leak, no one will care at that point.

Now tag the communities of the previously tagged.

They killed 60 millions.

Or sweetheart let me tell you about Dresden and Tokyo…

You are creating a problem. Progress is just a word. Things can progress in a manner I approve of or think is best or not.

I believe in using the best terms possible, in order to avoid being manipulated and scammed. Someone else can simply take ownership of what these thjings actually mean and then make decisions that aren't in my best interest.

It's a very tough call to decide that things like free energy or cures for diseases should be surpressed in the name traditionalism. I understand there are valid concerns to go with those things, but it's an easy call to make if you're an oil baron obviously.

Did you want to keep going or have you realized what a grave mistake you've made in intruding on hallowed ground? We have all your information already.

ok but the jews are in your cities and you're killing like 95% goyim because there aren't that many jews while also destroying your own infrastructure and economy.

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We did that so subhumans couldn't reap our harvest. No subhumans=you can have these things. Choose wisely.

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You ask questions and I give answers. Now the families of the communities.


Worked for Germany. Buildings can be rebuild. Take redpill of total war.

ok you're clearly a neural network deepmind thing that was trained with deviantart posts from the early 2000's and naruto you can stop replying to me now

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Everyone who doesn't sage this OBVIOUS pro-jewish thread is a shill or a newfag.

So close, you're so fucking close to right. From your perspective you nailed a bullseye. But do you know how quantum computing works or the nature of the Dragon? I suggest that you don't, or you wouldn't bare your mind so carelessly.

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This is how Jews took 100% control of the Germany. They had hear for it. You don't. Enjoy your "peace" then.

what else is happening at the moment that really needs to be kept in the zeightgiest ?

Is Trump going to reveal that no one died at Sandy Hook ? Are there elements within the US government that are going to come clean about 9/11 ?

Calm down imho, it's not like this is a thread shilling for an e-celeb or something.

Fuck off. OP is obviously a newfag who doesn't understand the nature of the JQ in any way whatsoever, and everyone supporting him is either a jewish shill or some retard who doesn't understand that attacking the symptom and not the disease doesn't help our cause. Giving him attention will encourage more newfaggotry on the board.

The day this one is dragged before me I want to see these archives.

Too late Schlomo, the goyim know. This time we won't be as merciful as Hitler - the gas chambers will be real.


Im going to break you on the wheel and make you witness the death warrants you signed be executed. Since you're so interested in how this works I'll elevate your understanding.

There is no idea more vilified in the west than nazism, holocaust denial, or anti-semitism. And there is no symbol more vilified than the swastika.

Everyone knows that Nazis were mass murderers who tried to take over the world.
Everyone knows the holocaust happened.
Everyone knows that Jews are smart and are only persecuted because of superstition and scapegoating.

Reversing someone's position on any of these truths is a seed which is impossible to remove. Because this reversal requires them realizing that some things which "everyone knows" can, lo and behold, turn out to be false.

Simply converting someone from progressive to conservative does not have this kind of efficacy.

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You're learning the trick. One move that reverses the playing field.

He's right tho

Lol you honestly believe that any progressives are going to turn tail and pick up the tiki torch and the swastika flag?

You'd be hard pressed to get any CONSERVATIVES to pick up that banner.

Which is exactly why we're all right here, stuck on Zig Forums, after 10 years of 'redpilling' people.

anti jewism

You must be new here.

i'm not going ot fuck off but if it means that much to you i'll sage. FYI I've never posted on reddit.

He's right, but forgetting to sage is a big problem on this board, and it's the main reason why retarded spam and off-topic threads get to the top of the catalog.


Do you think an open ended thread can produce valuable content/discussion ? Do you ever think that you might be coming off a little (((shut it down))) yourself ?

Ikr, you're doing Kek's work. I shouldn't be shitposting in summerfag shill threads but hey, here we are. My Rage is bubbling over.

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Not if its contents have been discussed literally thousands of times. The newfags must lurk.

how are newfags supposed to know if real truth and way forward has been reached and there isn't just some shill telling them to listen and believe ?

Us telling them to listen and believe is no better.

Shekelberg's test for pilpul on the statement above returned p

I thought of a good idea. I set him upon the wheel, and then one by one offer each of the tagged individuals either their own life or a turn of the wheel a degree of breaking for the judged. Let him watch as his people either self delete or break him by their self absorption. Make it last, make him watch friend after friend turn the wheel on him. Save his youngest female family and mother for last. Save them for when he is a blood monster. Make sure he absorbs how little his tribe actually cares about him, the utter futility of his petty rebellion. Let the survivors slow boil in their shame. All will learn something useful. In this way all will learn as much as possible. Downloaded into the deepmind

We'll start by trimming his nails and end with his own mother making the gods cry, he's implicated plenty of people for that. I love shills.



And all the stupidest ones go first, the detritus of your tribe which you've polluted the world with. They won't realize that they are worth less than your toenail, but your intellectuals will realize they're worth more than your arms. I'll use them, I think. The guy is right, absolute deletion of bloodlines is nigh impossible, so I'll take your best with me. However, there can be only one category of Man.

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Look at me faggot
I'm the dragon. Kill yourself or get unplugged
Pee pee pee pee pee pee pooooooo pooooooop pisssssssssssssSS

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Uhhhh , I saged faggot
Check my post you absolute ass kike


nevermind then

Republicans literally got Mossad shilling for them online. Trump is the most Pro-Zionist President I've seen in my lifetime. Progressives openly denounce Israel, but these Zig Forumsyps think they're the problem. Yes, Mossad please get the brainlets to destroy all Zionist opposition.

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Why do you jews insist on spamming us and disrupting our resistance to ZOG? Oh silly me, that was a rhetorical question.


This is misleading. Judea officially declared war on Germany in 1933, arguably much earlier. Hitler offered them Palestine and peace many many times yet they felt slighted and being the evil chosenite rats they are, they rewarded his kindness with the holohoax and morgenthau white genocide plan.

Watch the Greatest Story Never Told.


why are people asking all these questions that third reich already solved?
listen, nazi germany wasnt some sort of soviet/communist shithole which you just needed to contain and it implodes on its own
it was the only regime that had to be actively destroyed by the whole world, no containment but active destruction and for a reason

what should be done today, is having multiple successful paramilitary fascist putsches in russia, america and maybe even germany again, and try again
last time, jews had too tight control of russia, today they have a too tight control of usa so establishing lebensraum should be postponed till the putsch is carried out there




You’re talking about cremation not death you fucking dolt.

No one gives a shit about kikes except other kikes. And no one gives a shit about what niggers and spics want or think except brainwashed whites who kikes use as a voting block.

Sage for absolute garbage thread. Fuck off to cuckchan or reddit you double nigger

Fuck off KIKE

You're still breathing.

No you dickhead, SJWs only. All the others have allies; only the SJWs are universally reviled. Where there is crossover e.g. a transgender SJW attack the SJW part only. This makes you immune to the racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic attack line.

On a personal note, every time I try to implement the 14 words it is the SJWs that block my path.

Progressivisim is based on PROGRESS. It requires never ending VICTORIES. They have no base of support and can only ATTACK. If there is no PROGRESS then the movement will stop.

We only need to destroy ONE HIGH PROFILE TARGET to prove to the world that they are vulnerable.

Then we see who screams.

Sage because I could be wrong.

Perhaps the most important redpill of all is the fact that some of the "truths" which we have been told OUR ENTIRE LIVES are, in fact, lies.
Expose one such lie, and they all come crashing down sooner or later.
Destroy faith in the system.
Destroy the system itself.

Yes they will.
Because the truth is on our side. The actual, real truth.
Because there are only two ways forward; White nationalism or White genocide.
Status quo right now is the deliberate and ongoing genocide of White people.
It's happening all around us every day and every year it gets worse and worse.
Now ask yourself, is that right?
Is that what good people support?
The answer is clearly no.
Expose the leftists/ marxists/ kikes for WHAT THEY ACTUALLY ARE. That is to say that they are not motivated by "noble intentions" or "benevolence" or any good thing, they are motivated by HATRED OF WHITE PEOPLE.
More and more White people are coming to understand this every day.
More and more White people are recognizing the fact that the "leftists" and kikes and "diversity" are not going to stop destroying White civilization until they are MADE to stop.
Until they are STOPPED.

and kek'ed

Kikes play both sides.
Kikes play both sides.
Which is why the message is the movement.
Not ecelebs nor politicians.
The message.
The truth.

Also, never forget the 11 to 15 million Germans murdered AFTER the war including 1.5 million or so murdered by the US military.
Just straight up murdered.
Now, who were the "bad guys" again?

This is a success-proof plan.
If all the lefties and kikes have to do is scream "racist" to win, then they will ALWAYS WIN.
Don't let them win.
To hell with their dog whistles.
There is no excuse for the ongoing genocide of White people.