Strategy to win

We need to start promoting more candidates like Patrick Little to go out and name the Jew. This is how we win. Our movement is only getting stronger and the government will soon be ours.

We have to rise up, white brothers and take seats of the government and this can only happen if we name the Jew. Remember to support public figures who name the jew.

Hail victory!

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Protip: This 1.4% shillmeme is pretty shitty. It's actually incredible that someone openly naming the Jew got that much of a percentage of Commiefornia of all places


Your image and post send mixed-messages. I have no choice but to conclude that you are an absolute faggot.

Practice makes perfect. The more we do this the better. We need to make politics and culture changing our lifeblood again. We have been absolute niggers too busy watching TV, eating and drinking absolute shit etc.

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Strategy to win: Run as a shitlib loving dem, then pull a 180 once you get in.

It was way more, they just stole the election. There is no way in Hell there was a 96% voter showup in that hippy-ridden drug state.

No one expected him to win, dunce. He was a "push the boundries" sort of candidate.
Sage for slide thread

So publicly label yourself as a lying trickster once you get elected? That'll really help our cause

but he lost … hes a loser … he shows how not to win

california is about to break up anyway … that dude is meaningless

hes a fucking dataentry guy … no one cares, he looked like a chimp … stop wasting your time


Hello (((user)))

I think our candidates should just be honest and name the Jew

Guess how we know you don't belong here.

Attached: stand amongst the ashes.png (499x664, 160.04K)

Don't forget you can always do something like run unopposed for local shit as well if you are too scared to name the jew or have 0 chance of becoming an actual public figure yourself. This is how libs slowly took over every institution.

"Honor" and other virtues are a large part of what separates us from the kikes and their shabbos.
We will never defeat the kikes at their own game.
We will defeat them by changing the game to one that suits OUR strengths and not theirs.
Honor, truth, and heritage.
Not lies.


I will never vote for anyone who supports Israel ever again. Period.

If there is no accountability - and there isnt - thrn voting is largely pointless.
Remember, it matters not who votes nor how, it matters only who counts the votes.

bullshit. Drop christcuck born a guilty sinner, luke 14 26, abuse me and take all my shit doctrine replaced with ethnic identity and magically you aren't stymied at every turn by jews because you then aren't being your own worst enemy.

The first step is to normalize conversation on Jewish power. Nothing else can be accomplished until this happens.


At one place they claimed he only got one vote, which is pretty much statistically impossible.

Step 1: Vote
Step 2: Ignore the people who tell you not to vote
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2

Hail victory!

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Libs didn't slowly take over every institution. That is fake news that only retards in the alt kike believe. Libs were funded and put into power by the elite. They didn't infiltrate shit.

Also, they admit that this is their biggest concern, and what the whole point is about keeping Whites from sticking together, thinking and operating on an ethnic basis, while christcuckery is all about everyone(non Whites) are god's children, let them in, if they attack, steal, rape, murder you, let them and forgive jebuses children, you sinner you.

Pretty sure OP is an alt-right sodomite high on irony.

We need to allow these candidates to take a step back just enough to expand further than an imageboard fanbase. We're not enough to get the job done, especially in state elections. A shitload of us DONT live in Califuckupland.

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you don't have to be an American citizen, let alone be in california, to vote in california elections.


The thread is anchored you absolute retard